34 Replies to “Bye-bye”

  1. in the name of cultural sensitivity, can we not drop him off in some desert with a vest? We’ll hang-on to the button though.

  2. Oh my; disappointing if not unexpected.
    The first mosque in Canada –
    probably in North America – was built in Edmonton
    in the mid-30s. It is the al-Rashid (rightly guided, upright) mosque,
    and its website boasts that its congregation includes dozens of ethnicities.
    al-Rashid was the first of about 6 mosques currently operating in Edmonton.

  3. aka & aka & aka
    How many alias does this guy have & why?
    And how the MSM plays it Iraqi/Canadian
    End these dual citizens,

  4. RCMP must have a new guy writing their press releases.
    No more: “the arrested individuals represent the broad spectrum of Canadian Society” a la Toronto 18 arrests.

  5. Would “multi-national terrorist group” be Al Qaeda? An Islamist terrorist organization?
    The RCMP rep. stated “…This is a demonstration around Canadians helping or wanting to do bad stuff abroad, so it’s a different twist to our normal narrative.” No, it’s not. It’s a demonstration of disloyal Islamist immigrants, waiting the statutory 3 years to become “Canadians of Convenience”. Neither Canada, nor America, nor the West in general can begin to win this Islamist Global War on Western Civilization until we can NAME OUR ENEMY.
    Kate’s current masthead “Pleasing your enemies does not turn them into friends” ought to tell us that these Islamists won’t be good Canadian citizens and have as much contempt for Canadian Western Civilization as they do American Western Civilization.

  6. It’s a goodwill gesture, the RCMP know that there’s zero chance of extradition, probably so do the FBI.

  7. @ richfisher
    I am not as pessimistic as you, I believe he will be deported but I figure it will take a couple of years what with the whore lawyers fighting for his rights to the bitter end.

  8. I’m with Canuckguy on this one re: deportation. And once he’s gone he won’t be back for a few decades if at all.

  9. “There was never any direct threat to Canadians, Assistant Comm. Michaud said. “It’s a threat abroad.”
    Of course,what criminal in his right mind would piss in the nest that Canada provides for them?
    Trying to finance a terrorist group? What better place on Earth to immigrate to than Canada,legally or illegally?
    Get welfare until you can start a business,and the government will undoubtedly loan or grant you money to do that,and finance your buddies all over the world,while you enjoy the good life among the most naive infidels on the planet.
    Serious threats of terrorist activities in Canada,and I don’t mean a bunch of amateur bunglers like the Toronto 118,or 1118,are smoke screens to keep the authorities busy while the real terrorists go about the quiet business of financing their world wide activities with Canadian money.
    If Canadians honestly believe that there have been no successful attacks here due to the diligence of our mighty police and security forces,they’re kidding themselves.

  10. Canuckguy..
    This could take up to five years to deport this guy…if i remember correctly, years ago a multi murderer by the name of Ng from Calif. was caught in Calgary and it took five years to get rid of him. His lawyer, Don McLeod, fought like hell as he had a nice meal ticket paid for by the taxpayers.Having known Mcleod from school days,i phoned him to call him a blood sucker but he wouldnt take my call. This Muzzies lawyer will be rubbing his hands together!

  11. Deport and/or make him extinct. Either works for me.
    Btw, I was surprised the CBC news piece did not have an interview with a neighbor who said he was a quiet person, that did not bother anyone, and was shocked that he was arrested.

  12. Was that a Freudian slip, perhaps Mr. Mansbridge is a supporter of capital punishment, in some cases.

  13. Our immigration system is like the scene in “What About Bob” where Richard Dryfus’s character tells Bob (Bill Murray) to leave and ushers him out the door only to be rebuked by his own family for making him leave.
    “He hasn’t left, he’ll never leave” Dryfus explains while he swings the door open again to show Bill Murray standing immediately on the other side staring back in from the porch.
    I used to deliver this POS’s newspaper 25 years ago.

  14. What’s it going to take for the Feds to stop allowing funding from Islamic Nations, jesus wept we should be on suicide watch these days. I wonder how he supported his family whilst fightening the Jihad. Welfare perhaps?

  15. Sigh…… some just don’t assimilate very well…
    A young Arab asked his father:
    “What is this weird hat that we are wearing??”
    “It’s a “chechia”,…. because in the desert it protects our heads from the sun !!”
    “And what is this type of clothing that we are wearing ??”
    “It’s a “djbellah” because in the desert it is very hot and it protects your body !!”
    “And what are these ugly shoes that we have on our feet ??”
    “These are “babouches”, which keep us from burning
    our feet when we walk in the desert !!”
    “Tell me, papa”…
    “Yes, my son?”
    “Why are we living in Toronto and still wearing all this shit?”

  16. FTA: (Mr. Muhammad Isa) “He informed his mother in November 2009, that his greatest wish was to die a martyr and be greeted by 70 virgins in paradise,”
    Oh My God, they really believe their own crap.
    The FBI should have gotten Canada to deliver Mr. Muhammam to GitMo. Frigin NYC Trial, what a joke, that’ll be a 3-ring mulatto rodeo, hopefully we can take back the Senate and the WH in 2012 and we can send this S.O.B. where he belongs.
    Read more: http://www.nationalpost.com/news/Iraqi+Canadian+arrested+alleged+terror+role/4134671/story.html#ixzz1BbiogH15

  17. Osumashi, Just a question: what is wrong with these people?
    I believe someone on this blog once said something along the lines of having an IQ the size of their sandals. Nuf said…

  18. It’s always a Mo…..
    I love his definition of good:
    “Our motive should always be doing good for others. But if we see harm coming from someone, we warn them, and if they don’t listen, we kill them. Islam came for the good of humanity. So if someone doesn’t like good, we fight them, like those dog Americans.”

  19. “Our motive should always be doing good for others. But if we see harm coming from someone, we warn them, and if they don’t listen, we kill them. Islam came for the good of humanity. So if someone doesn’t like good, we fight them, like those dog Americans.”

    It sounds like the editorial page of the Toronto Red Star.

  20. I say we give him half his wish to die a martyr.

    I have no idea how that got there.

    When you copy something from the Post, it automatically adds the page link to your clipboard.

  21. Indiana Homez has already mentioned this, but I think we shouldn’t interfere with this guys plans for self-actualization and give him an explosives vest which he can detonate in the privacy of his prison cell surrounded by mannequins dressed like US soldiers. Saves the expense of a trial and housing the guy for life. When he gets to paradise hopefully he’ll find out that they’re out of virgins due to unprecedented demand but he can share a camel with 50 other guys.
    A guy whose only possible way of getting laid is to blow himself up with the hope of having access to 70 virgins has some major sexual issues. It tells me that he’s totally struck out in the real world where women usually don’t have much tolerance for losers. Maybe suicide bombers are repressed pedophiles because most girls seem to lose their virginity around age 12 now. I can’t see how being surrounded by 70 11 year old girls can be anyone’s idea of paradise.

  22. @ Gobi desert
    Regarding your coment “I was surprised the CBC news piece did not have an interview with a neighbor who said he was a quiet person, that did not bother anyone, and was shocked that he was arrested”
    I believed that finally happened today, saw a ticker tape across the TV screen that some neighbour was saying he was a friendly quiet guy.

  23. The answer from Ottawa over this will be obvious. Even more Islamic immigration.
    More denials of the connection between Koran, & anti-social behavior.
    More hiding the fact we are harboring an Asp to our chests.
    That this Nation is a cross roads of terrorists.
