Reader Tips

If French is the language most suited to the delivery of wistful love songs, German is perhaps the best language for the Sturm und Drang themes of heavy metal music. As if to prove it, here are Völklingen’s own Cindy & Bert – who were husband and wife at the time – delivering a scorching performance of Black Sabbath’s Paranoia, or, as they called it, Der Hund von Baskerville. Jawohl.
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

31 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. sorry…it doesn’t work…it hasn’t worked in the past…it won’t work in the future…
    squareheads are incapable…genetically incapable of performing…nay even FEELING rock and roll…as for der ‘blues’?….PFUI!!…eine himmelfahrt!!!!
    i once asked (while dining in a charming bayerischen gasthaus)what the dessert was tonight…i was told that tonight’s dessert was kicking the waiters to death…
    true story….which i think proves my thesis incontrovertibly..

  2. Seahawks Fall to Climate of Hate in Chicago:
    “You should have known something like this was going to happen. The vitriol and anger in our nation’s sports talk has never been harsher – and we may as well face it: most of it is coming from Chicago Bears Fans.
    “So today a squad of violent men, emboldened by the climate of hate in Chicago towards any of ‘Da Bears’ opponents, committed murder. Murder most foul. They killed the Seattle Seahawks’ chances of playing in the Super Bowl.
    “The Bears, urged to their lethal deeds by radio commentators and fans, were merciless…This is what sports has come to, fellow Americans: open combat instead of friendly competition.
    “Seattle tight end John Carlson was so badly mauled by a Chicago defender that he had to leave the game after being beaten nearly senseless. He was diagnosed with a concussion. So was teammate Marcus Trufant.”
    “I heard some Chicago fans yelling, ‘Hurt him!’ a player told reporters afterward. “They were shouting, ‘Kill ’em’ and ‘get him, get him!’ It was clear to me that the Bears were simply doing what their fans told them to do. They even had uniformed women on the sidelines actually helping people cheer the Bears on to more violence.”
    “Once the game ended, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas tweeted, ‘Mission accomplished, Sarah Palin.'”
    (Via WatcherOfWeasels)

  3. A poll that cries for attention at Bourque News. Hate to send Pierre hits but this is just too good to miss.

  4. I wonder if it will be possible to find anyone at SDA to defend the spending of public moneys on an arena in Quebec (or anywhere else).
    How much can Harper bend over before his spine snaps? This better not happen!

  5. C’mon, John Begley, ihre musik ist lecker. Just look at them…
    RT: Not Waiting for the Asteroid, selective coverage edition:
    “In September 2010 Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon was scheduled to speak at Penn Valley Community College in Kansas City.
    “At some point, wearing black clothes and a bullet-proof vest, 22 year-old Casey Brezik bolted out of a classroom, knife in hand, and slashed the throat of a dean. As he would later admit, he confused the dean with Nixon….”
    “The story never left Kansas City. It is not hard to understand why. Knives lack the political sex appeal of guns, and even Keith Olbermann would have had a hard time turning Brezik into a Tea Partier. Indeed, Brezik seems to have inhaled just about every noxious vapor in the left-wing miasma: environmental extremism, radical Islam, anti-capitalism, anti-Zionism and Christophobia, among others.
    “In his ‘About Me’ box on Facebook, Brezik listed as his favorite quotation one from progressive poster boy, Che Guevara. The quote begins ‘Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism’ and gets more belligerent from there.
    “On his wall postings, Brezik ranted, ‘How are we the radical(s) (left) to confront the NEW RIGHT, if we avoid confrontation all together?'”
    Question: did anyone hear or read about this incident in the MSM? If Brezik had expressed sympathy for the viewpoints of the Tea Party instead of Che Guevara, don’t you think it would have been all over the news, as in, 24/7?

  6. Old Lori (11:06), my impression is that the usual suspects in the media – who tend as a group to support the parties who *would* fund a Quebec arena – are trying to agitate Mr. Harper’s conservative base. This report opens with: “Interesting news out of Quebec that a businessman there is stepping up with ‘tens of millions’ for the proposed $400-million arena in Quebec City.” This modest investment by a private businessman is ‘interesting’ to the reporter because of a somewhat vague suggestion from the Minister of Public Works that “there would eventually be participation from the federal government if the private sector made major investments.” (emphasis mine.)
    People are eager to spin- just barely between the lines – the hypothetical prospect of not-atypical infrastructure investments as “The Tories are going to buy Quebec City a new arena.”
    The Edmonton Journal article above is titled “Will the Harper Government match its Quebec City arena promise in Edmonton?” In other words (and it’s clear when you read the article) the reporter is *not* expressing opposition to the idea of partial government funding of an arena in Quebec, but is instead resentfully clamouring “hey, what about
    us? Don’t we get money too?”
    FWIW, this report says”Quebec city’s mayor has given up on receiving a significant investment from the federal government in an NHL-calibre hockey arena and is going ahead with a backup plan.”
    IMO, the hoo-ha – the political hay – over this issue is a bit premature at this point.

  7. Old Lori and EDB get over to Bourque’s site and vote and look at the numbers. You can bet your donkey that the PMO is watching this poll on a Liberal site.

  8. Free hit
    By David Warren
    We really must occasionally praise public officials, when they do the right thing. So let me begin today’s sermon by praising two ministers of the Crown, James Moore (at Heritage) and Jason Kenney (at Citizenship) for not only doing the right thing, but tweeting it clearly and promptly. They told the functionaries at Library and Archives Canada what’s what when the latter cancelled a scheduled showing of the film Iranium — after receiving complaints from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and some related mild threats.

  9. Potential Presidential Hopeful DESTROYS CLINTON in ’96 Townhall Encounter
    If this guy runs for President, he will DESTROY Obama, who’s far less intelligent and a less effective liar than Clinton.
    Towards the end, you will notice Clinton’s body language. He’s clearly vanquished. See his confidence evaporate. See his eyes shift. See him roll his eyes. They ought to show this clip of Clinton on “Lie to Me”.
    Herman Cain… I believe that this guy would vanquish the Democratic contender in ’12.

  10. re: Antenor at January 25, 2011 12:20 AM
    Well, have a look at the Globe – people are hating on the arena idea. Of course the Globe hates on much of anything the CPC does, but this is particularly rabid. I sure hope this is all hype. I can’t imagine a more offensive and naked betrayal of conservatives than this if it happens.

  11. AGW* Progress Report.
    Joanne at Blue Like You asks: “But what happened to global warming?”
    “Wind on trial”
    “A burgeoning billion-dollar industry and the political fortunes of Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals may turn on a legal challenge by a single man whose day in court arrives Monday.
    Ian Hanna lives far away from the corridors of power in Queens Park and Bay Street in a century-old farmhouse on Big Island in Prince Edward County. But Monday he finds himself in the epicentre of a debate that could shape the economic future of the province and the political fate of the ruling Liberals.
    It’s a fight over wind turbines that have been rising across Ontario with ever greater frequency, an industry the Liberal government has subsidized with plans to double its energy capacity in this year alone.”
    “Obama Climate Adviser Browner to Step Down”
    “WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s top adviser on energy and climate matters is stepping down, two White House officials confirmed Monday. The departure of Carol Browner underscores any prospects for a major White House push on climate change, given that such efforts have little chance of succeeding on Capitol Hill.
    Browner, a former Environmental Protection Agency administrator under President Bill Clinton, will be leaving the White House just as Republicans in Congress prepare to take on the Obama administration over global warming and the administration’s response to the massive Gulf oil spill.
    Browner successfully helped negotiate a deal with automakers boosting federal fuel economy standards and requiring the first-ever greenhouse gas emissions standards for vehicles. She also pushed for billions of dollars for renewable energy in the economic stimulus bill.
    But the administration fell short on it key domestic priority of passing a comprehensive energy and climate bill to place a firm limit on the pollution blamed for global warming. Just after the November elections, which gave Republicans a majority of seats in the House, Obama admitted the legislation was dead.”
    *H/T Liberal Citoyen Kyoto Dionky.

  12. EBD, my (Very) old handle at SDA used to be “Metalguru”. So my keen eye picked up a typo:
    Black Sabbath’s tune was “Paranoid” not “Paranoia”.
    “Paranoid” is off their second album called err, “Paranoid”.
    The tune itself was ordered by the record producers so the album would have enough material on it…So “Paranoid” was really a filler that was composed and recorded very quickly with just a few studio takes.
    Unforseen by the band and the record company was the fact the song had a steady beat and tempo that was faster speed and the tune shorter in length than any other Black Sabbath song. This situation fitted perfectly with the FM radio stations who had no problem fitting it in time slots. It was also a catchy tune too of course.
    To this day, Paranoid is Black Sabbath’s most frequently played tune on rock stations worldwide, to the dismay of most heavy metal listener who knows Sabbath huge catalog of great music.
    Paranoid is so recognized and common to metal heads that a few years ago, Martin Popoff, THE supreme metal guru (A native and resident Torontonian) wrote a book (Of many on the subject) with the participation of a worldwide poll for the “500 best metal tunes of all times” (He asked each to write at least 25 of their favorite). Paranoid was the most voted for and ended up in the number one spot in the book.
    Popoff himself states that there is far superior stuff that should of been ahead of it but again, recognition and the fact the song was played on heavy rock leaning radio had a longevity impact.
    It is to note that Black Sabbath are also recognized as THE godfathers of metal; the first band to truly push and maintain the heaviness of the power chords and a menacing freight train like rhythm section their whole career. Deep Purple almost beat them to it, with their 1970 release of “In Rock” a pure metal album that actually came out 2 months before Paranoid, but Black Sabbath had already released their self titled debut, although was not pure metal (It had blues in it too).
    Sabbath maintained the course throughout their careers when Deep Purple mixed with other genres, so Ozzy Osbourne’s old band is consistently voted as THE creators of Heavy Metal; anything before it even if they influenced the genre (Hendrix, Cream, Blue Cheer) where all essentially loud and distorted guitar blues bands.

  13. I didn’t read the previous comments, just saying
    It sounds like a bad ABBA cover band singing a song that they don’t understand and never will.
    The keyboard player must of ate the “brown acid” in the 60’s, the guitarist is uninspired and boring.
    They are good singers, but Ozzy is the only one who can do that song properly
    I’m a guitarist myself, so maybe a bit biased

  14. Austerity in America 22 Signs That It Is Already Here and That It Is Going To Be Very Painful.
    #19: All over the nation, asphalt roads are actually being ground up and are being replaced with gravel because it is cheaper to maintain. The state of South Dakota has transformed over 100 miles of asphalt road into gravel over the past year, and 38 out of the 83 counties in the state of Michigan have transformed at least some of their asphalt roads into gravel roads.

  15. Stelmach resigning?
    Ed tossing himself under the bus to try and avoid a Wild Rose over throw in the next election?

  16. neo, DOUBLE-wow to Black Mamba’s.
    Doncha just love this “land use decisions” thing. A central committee deciding on land sue. Dreary. Mass death.
    As an aside, my oldest daughter still chuckles over a book she spied in the library of a businessman acquantance of mine a couple decades back: a business methodology book the title of which contained the phrase Attila the Hun. (Black Mamba, it was in Halifax where I lived for a year in the early 90s — premature semi-retirement).

  17. AGW Progress Report:
    O’zap*! you’re frozen.
    Beware: Global cooling cometh?
    “Obama’s speech to propose spending freeze
    Toronto Sun”
    “Heated Climate Change Politics in the UK
    Posted on January 25, 2011 by Anthony Watts
    Here’s a collection of excerpts and links from the UK. The ones at the very end are quite telling. h/t to Benny Peiser of the GWPF for their newsletter. – Anthony”
    “La Nina weather patterns to persist”
    “La Nina, which cools the Pacific Ocean, could possibly even continue into April or early May, further affecting weather and climate around the globe, the United Nations agency said in its latest update.
    “Almost all forecast models predict a continuation of the current La Nina for at least the next 2-4 months, through the first quarter of 2011 and possibly into the second quarter (April or early May),” the WMO said.”

  18. Liberal Iggy’s socialism: imploding/collapsing.
    Liberal Iggy’s ally: Mohammedanism collapsing/imploding.
    Iggy’s two isms imploding/collapsing.
    Iggy’s socialism:
    “The eurozone crisis and the voters”
    “The Irish government is the first casualty of the eurozone crisis. Talks continue, but it is almost certain that parliament will be dissolved and next month the Irish will be heading for the polls.
    The bail-out by the European Union and International Monetary Fund will dominate the campaign. It has been – and continues to be – the gravest crisis for the Republic of Ireland since it became an independent nation.
    For the first time since Dublin was muscled by the European Central Bank into accepting an 85bn-euro (£72bn; $116bn) bail-out the voters will have their say.
    Voters never get a perfect choice. They may like none of the parties, nor any of the leaders. They may want to punish the government, but the largest opposition party also supported giving blanket guarantees to the creditors of Ireland’s banks. They may hate austerity but may fear the alternative.”
    Iggy’s Mohammedanism:
    “‘Jasmine’ revolt wave reaches Albania”
    “A wave of protests apparently inspired by Tunisia’s ‘Jasmine’ revolution, which has already spread to Algeria and Yemen, has now hit EU hopeful and NATO member Albania. The country’s prime minister, Sali Berisha, on 22 January slammed the opposition for what he called a “Tunisia-style” revolt.
    Berisha accused the socialist opposition of wanting to trigger “a Tunisian-style scenario for Albania” by staging “a coup to seize power by force,” AFP reported.
    Tens of thousands of people took to the streets for an anti-government protest called by the socialist opposition on 21 January.”
    Iggy’s Mohammedanism:
    “Egypt Rocked by Anti-Government Protests
    Voice of America – ‎1 hour ago‎
    Egyptian police have clashed with anti-government demonstrators as thousands took to the streets demanding an end to President Hosni Mubarak’s decades-old rule.”
    “Liberals ready to fight, Ignatieff says”
    “Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff insists his party is ready to “fight for the Canada we love” amid increased talk of a possible spring election.”

  19. Mohammedanism collapsing/imploding.
    Liberal-socialist Iggy’s socialism is an ally of Mohammedanism.
    H/T Belmont Club*.
    “Egypt Boiling Over – At Night
    “Here is another set of videos showing the protests going on well into the night as it is now past midnight in Cairo!”
    “Unconfirmed reports are circulating on Twitter that Egyptian workers at Heathrow have spotted the wife of President Mubarak, Suzan, arriving in London!”
    “Video of a crowd in downtown Cairo chanting “The fall of the regime is what the people want””.
    “Here is a video from the BBC Arabic service showing that the protesters are not affiliated with any political parties and are just regular citizens expressing their frustration and demanding their rights!
    The reporter says that most of the protesters have been peaceful despite the tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons.”
    “Video of the Secretary of the National Democratic Party (Mubarak’s party) youth chapter burning his membership card!”
    *Belmont Club:
    “Inaudible Thunder”
    “George Friedman at Stratfor believes the President will gloss over foreign policy issues and focus on domestic affairs. While this makes good electoral sense, he argues it conceals the fact that the US is facing a number of crises abroad. The first is Afghanistan, in which the Taliban “has only to not lose in order to win”. The second is Iran. He believes that the Saudis are on the verge of admitting defeat in their bit to oppose Teheran and will seek an accommodation with that regime before continuing a confrontation they believe they cannot win.
    That means that not only is there a danger of the loss of Lebanon, but the gradual conversion of Iraq into an Iranian satellite. “If the United States is prepared to complete the withdrawal of troops from Iraq in 2011, it must deal with Iran prior to the withdrawal.”
    Friendman’s analysis is remarkable because it is obvious. And yet nothing about the crisis seems to register in an administration that is, like the Taliban, concerned with not losing in order to keep its “historic” domestic agenda in place. That said, it is perhaps inevitable that both sides of the aisle will ignore foreign policy unless a full-blown crisis is forced on them. What the Obama victory of 2008 suggests — in response to what the Bush victory of 2004 “proved” — is that no bipartisan consensus on foreign policy exists any more.
    Under those circumstances, foreign policy now depends on who has control of Washington. In that view, Iran is destined to triumph unless the current policy is changed. Democrats probably hold a similar view, but going the other way.
    This kind of oscillation may be a structural feature of US foreign policy from now on, until a stable consensus can re-emerge. Foreign policy may now be on hold until the futue of America itself can be politically decided.”
