Harper One-Ups Obama, Iggy Silent

The lead headline on Drudge this afternoon was most interesting:
US vs Canada Job Increases
Though in related news, Michael Ignatieff is all over the lingerie file. No word, as of yet, whether the Liberal Party of Canada has an official position on lingerie.

16 Replies to “Harper One-Ups Obama, Iggy Silent”

  1. Over at PTBC Joel looks at this statistic..
    “Private companies boosted their payrolls by 22,700 during the month of January, but government employment increased by 26,400, according to Statistics Canada.”
    From ProudToBeCanadian.ca: http://www.proudtobecanadian.ca/blog/
    I would suggest that’s not the proportional distribution any here at SDA would be happy about.

  2. Don’t worry ’bout it.
    We have a new government in Canada.
    While the PM was outta the country, the “Court” executed a coup d’etat.
    “Court scraps cabinet ruling on Globalive”

  3. Flashback JAN 2009 –
    “Obamba’s gonna buy me a new house, Obamba, Obamba, I won’t need to pay no more rent, Obamba, Obamba, I’m gonna get everythings thats deserved too me, Obamba, Obamba……..”

  4. Editing error at that bloomberg site?
    “Unemployment increases”…?
    The article goes on to explain the increase in employment, increase in job creation.
    bverwey…you are correct, and good for Joel to be on top of it.

  5. Unemployment increased so there isn’t anything to cheer about. How many of these jobs are part-time? How many are government jobs? It would be nice to know those numbers too.

  6. I find it curious that there is hardly a mention of this in the Canadian media. The US is ten times the size, and they created half as many jobs.
    Imagine if there was a liberal government in power and a republican one in the US. It would have been the story of the month. I guess the ideas of tax cuts vs government handouts are producing results they don’t want the public to know about.

  7. mark, your second paragraph explains it perfectly. Kind of like when articles in the New York Times about the homeless during the eight years of Bush’s presidency magically disappeared within a month when Obama became president.

  8. Sounds like IGGY is the one in 5 guys who wear their wifes panties in any group of men.
    At night does he don lacy, frilly slips?
    Perhaps this is just a pitch to the self mutilators known, as trans-gendered. In order to wrap this psychosis as a choice, not a mental problem.

  9. Don’t seem to matter which side of the medicine line it is…the self styled progressives accuse the right of clinging to guns and religion, depict regular church going candidates as dangerous extremists, then expose/create sex scandals to denigrate same meanwhile they are licentious to the point of perversion…little blue dress anyone?
    Most days I get the impression I am somewhat unique—being a childless, retired, single conservative….being taxed to support unproductive, childless drones in make-work government roles or raising the kids of activists who spawn more socio-pathic criminals.
    I have now crossed the line into that category called a senior citizen….noting how zealously the relevant civil servants defend/provide for their clients…mixed feelings….

  10. Now imagine if the roles were reversed and a Conservative Mp asked a Liberal governemnt minister about lingerie being sold on the Canada Post site.
    Taber’s story would have been about the influence of the Christian Right in Conservative party….one step away from Burqua’s.
    Of course the lack of coverage of something like this is typical Taber….style over substance.
    A good reason why my Globe and Mail subscription lapsed a couple of years ago. I rarely even go to their website anymore.

  11. No word, as of yet, whether the Liberal Party of Canada has an official position on lingerie.
    Is there word as to whether any of its officials have official positions in lingerie?

  12. No word, as of yet, whether the Liberal Party of Canada has an official position on lingerie.
    Is there word as to whether any of its officials has an official position in lingerie?

  13. It’s actually bad for Canada, we just hired a bunch of gov employees, at least the states has figured out they can’t afford that. By my tally you can just multiply our number by -3 to get the net effect on the economy.

  14. It’s actually bad for Canada, we just hired a bunch of gov employees, at least the states has figured out they can’t afford that. By my tally you can just multiply our number by -3 to get the net effect on the economy.

  15. Am I the only one to notice the constant theme when dealing with beauocracy….that the reason for poor service is because of “cut-backs”. Yet when you inquire whether they have had layoffs in their office they get evasive.
    If we succeeded in defunding the CBC or the Firearms registry….those folk would only be transferred to another agency and given paper to shuffle.
    Back when the Ontario Harris government downloaded highway maintainence to county’s and private contractors….the displaced employees were guaranteed jobs with the county’s and the contractors…..at the same pay-scale.
    Not the fault of the government…but the bureaucracy.
    It seems getting a governmant job is cash for life.
