7 Replies to “Iggy’s Groundhog Day”

  1. If it weren’t for the Liberal MSM Iffy would be polling lower than the greens, however he has his 24/7 propaganda machine oiled and greased by MSM thus he’s safe.

  2. Iggy, the Herman Munster of Canadian politics. With Ruby Dhalla stepping in as Lily and Mark Holland as little Eddy.

  3. Must be the water in Toronto, what else explains this infatuation with liberal failure and trying their hardest to continue shoving failure theft etc down our throats. Do they hate their children that much they don’t want a better country for them?

  4. To much of the CPC thoughtline that ‘trust us we know what we’re doing’. Reality is;
    – they’re adding hugh amounts of public debt.
    – non-discussion of the shrinking tax base as more jobs go overseas.
    – true that corporate tax rates are being cut to keep industry competitive but the question is will that work. Have a public debate on industry investment in Canada and how much is resource extraction and how much is manufacturing.
    – even if other parties refuse to the CPC should be discussing their conservative philosophy in an educational effort to increase public understanding.
    – PMSH ignores the MSM as much as possible which I don’t disagree with. Their efforts border on treasonous. That said it becomes incumbant on the PM to lead the nation in a discussion of issues facing the country.
