23 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. saw the Drudge headline this morning so I checked out CTVtass and found that they had the job numbers but had a caveat included saying homelessness was up. sure you say unrelated but why praise without a whine in tow. as for CBCpravda , it was a back headline three menus back. has it been Cretian it would have been the top banner for three days.

  2. PET Cemetery open for your convenience. Free lots.
    Mohammedans hate women; Mohammedans destroy other cultures:
    >>> “”Reports of damage to one of the few ancient Egyptian tombs devoted solely to a woman”.
    “State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron
    Cameron: It’s time to stop tolerating the Islamic extremists and get immigrants to respect British ‘core values’
    Cameron: My war on multiculturalism
    The days of doing deals with Muslim extremists are over
    David Cameron takes on the ideology of Islamist extremism”
    “Muslims must embrace our British values, David Cameron says (5)
    British Muslims must subscribe to mainstream values of freedom and equality, David Cameron will say as he declares that the doctrine of multiculturalism has “failed” and will be abandoned.
    Entering the debate on national identity and religious tolerance, the Prime Minister will declare an end to “passive tolerance” of divided communities, and say that members of all faiths must integrate into wider society and accept core values.
    To be British is to believe in freedom of speech and religion, democracy and equal rights regardless of race, sex or sexuality, he will say. Proclaiming a doctrine of “muscular liberalism”, he will say that everyone, from ministers to ordinary voters, should actively confront those who hold extremist views.
    He will also warn that groups that fail to promote British values will no longer receive public money or be able to engage with the state.
    His speech, to an international security conference in Munich, comes after The Daily Telegraph disclosed the extent to which the British intelligence community fears the “unique threat” of terrorist attacks by radicalised British Muslims.
    Mr Cameron will promise a new willingness to argue against and “defeat” extremist ideologies that lead some to engage in terrorism.
    That means abandoning the notion that different communities should be able to live according to their own values and traditions as long as they stay within the law. “Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream,” Mr Cameron will say. “We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong.”
    “Egypt Update: Rare Tomb May Have Been Destroyed”
    “Reports of damage to one of the few ancient Egyptian tombs devoted solely to a woman have tempered the news that most of Egypt’s priceless antiquities have escaped damage and that teams of foreign archaeologists are safe amid widespread protests against the regime led by Hosni Mubarak.
    One archaeologist present at the famous cemetery of Saqqara, south of Cairo, said that as many as 200 looters were digging for treasure in the area this past weekend before police resecured the area. The excavator, who requested anonymity, added that the tomb of Maya, the wet nurse of King Tutankhamun, was “completely destroyed.” Another Western archaeologist said, “We still don’t know the extent of the damage, but things have been bad and out of control.”
    None of the Molotov cocktails hurled yesterday around Tahrir Square, home of the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities , damaged the building or its contents, according to Zahi Hawass, the minister of antiquities. His blog explains that he has been in contact with the museum control room and that there was no damage beyond last weekend’s break-in, which damaged 70 artifacts. Hawass also vehemently denied that there has been heavy looting in Saqqara.
    Hawass did say that six boxes were stolen from a storeroom at a site on the Sinai Peninsula but that many objects had since been returned. Concerns remain that the small museum at Memphis, the ancient Egyptian capital, has been thoroughly looted. There was good news at Giza, however. Mark Lehner, the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based archaeologist who digs at the pyramid-builders town, said the site was not damaged, as was reported earlier in the week.”

  3. “Muslims must embrace our British values, David Cameron says
    “British Muslims must subscribe to mainstream values of freedom and equality, David Cameron will say as he declares that the doctrine of multiculturalism has “failed” and will be abandoned.”
    “Entering the debate on national identity and religious tolerance, the Prime Minister will declare an end to “passive tolerance” of divided communities, and say that members of all faiths must integrate into wider society and accept core values.
    To be British is to believe in freedom of speech and religion, democracy and equal rights regardless of race, sex or sexuality, he will say. Proclaiming a doctrine of “muscular liberalism”, he will say that everyone, from ministers to ordinary voters, should actively confront those who hold extremist views.
    He will also warn that groups that fail to promote British values will no longer receive public money or be able to engage with the state.
    His speech, to an international security conference in Munich, comes after The Daily Telegraph disclosed the extent to which the British intelligence community fears the “unique threat” of terrorist attacks by radicalised British Muslims.
    Mr Cameron will promise a new willingness to argue against and “defeat” extremist ideologies that lead some to engage in terrorism.”

  4. This is a cross post from the thread about Ian Thomson, the Ontario man who used a gun—no one was injured—to protect his property from thugs trying to burn down his house. Now, Mr. Thompson has been arrested. (Oh, oh Canada.)
    I wrote last night: “There is a Defence Fund for Ian Thomson, via the Canadian Association for Self Defence.”
    loki makes this excellent suggestion: “Everyone who contributes to Ian Thompson’s defense should send a note to PMSH letting them know that this is money that’s not going to CINO’s.”
    I really encourage SDA folks to contribute to this fund. This case is extremely important and, if Mr. Thomson loses, Canadians are one step closer to being serfs rather than free citizens.
    I’m contributing today and writing to the PM to let him know.

  5. Thanks for the link, revnant dream, to Sean Hannity’s interview with David Horowitz and Stanley Cohen, lawyer for Hamas.
    Did I hear what I think I heard Cohen say, in answer to these comments and questions from Sean Hannity?
    Hannity said, “I want you to answer what Mr. Horowitz just said [that Hamas vows that there’s no future for Jews among the nations of the world and that they’re headed for annihilation]. Hamas’s Charter called for the destruction of the State of Israel. You [Cohen] also said that you would represent Osama bin Laden, didn’t you?”
    The beginning of Cohen’s answer: “I know, I know, and, Sean, if someone gave you $2,000,000/year, you’d put a headband on for …”
    Everyone was talking over everyone at this point, but it sounded to me a lot like Cohen was admitting that he, a Jew, was representing Hamas because he was getting a lot of money to do it …
    Did anyone else catch the whole import of what Cohen said?

  6. AGW Progress Report: Death Watch and the “*wind” “breaking”.
    “Cold snap chills northern Mexico”
    “Freezing weather and snow have paralysed much of northern Mexico, which is experiencing its lowest temperatures in more than 50 years.
    Thousands of homes have been left without electricity and water, and schools and factories have been closed.
    At least six people are reported to have died from the cold.”
    “*wind”: “breaking” ….

  7. 1392 word anti-conservative nearly factless screed about camp Mirage in UAE. But there is one fact hidden deep in the middle that completely exonerates the conservative for their handling of the camp Mirage fiasco:
    “But there is acknowledgement here (UAE) that raising the base issue at all was a mistake.”
    What else woul you expect for the Torstar.

  8. More exsellents in jernalizm on parade, this from NB’s Telegraph-Urinal, in which a photo caption of a local Chinese New Year celebration points out a young girl serenading the audience on her “Chinese harm” to mark the arrival of the “Year of the Rabbi.”
    So that’s what triggered all the trouble in Egypt! Who knew?
    (second photo)

  9. re: S.O.B. WARNING.
    Well, I have a kind of narcissistic fondness for ole Patton having once been approached by a geezer at a gas station in Edmonton, who insisted that I was his spitting image. I also get told I look like Cheney, once during an intermission at the opera in Vancouver (my wife made me!).
    BUT, I’m sorry to say that I’m going through a bit of a intellectual crisis at the moment and while I think Pax Americana did objectively reduce the amount of conflict since WW2, I’m find myself increasingly inclined to Jefferson’s mandate: “Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.”
    That’s the ticket, my friends. Non-alliance! No one likes a busybody!

    Longish interview with libertarian investment guy Doug Casey.

    L: The amazing thing is that all these Bright Boys in Washington never seem to get a clue. They supported murderous dictators in Latin America until they got thrown out. They supported the Shah of Iran until he got thrown out. They supported Saddam Hussein, and then ended up turning on him themselves. And they still support some of the most brutal regimes in the world today, sowing the seeds of even more suspicion and hatred – how can they be so blind?
    Doug: They never learn at all. And the worst part of it is that there’s no need to – nor benefit in – having any involvement whatsoever in any of these places. It’s both unnecessary and counterproductive to American interests; it only benefits the people who live within the D.C. beltway, and those who slop at the same trough. You can’t impose a new social order on a people from the outside. And even if you could – whoever you put in office, there’s going to be some group or another that’s going to object, dig in, and hate you for it to boot. You create more future conflict and enemies for yourself. All these idiots blathering on about what “we” should do should just mind their own business.
    L: If only the would-be “nation builders” would remember Jefferson’s mandate: “Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.”

  10. A while back Rush took some flak — even from some earnest conservatives — for his less than serviceable imitation of the Chinese accent on the event of Lang Lang’s insulting choice of music during Hu’s recent visit.
    SO, it was a bit of a shock seeing this clip from long, long, long ago featuring David Allen imagining God in various ethnic formats (starting at about 0:38) — skilfully, and therein, perhaps, lies redemption.

  11. I rarely eat red meat, but when I do I like my stake as rare as a balanced BBC report on the situation in Gaza (that’s why I eat it rarely, geddit?); so out shopping today I picked up the most expensive little stake they had at the Superstore; no gourmande, I thought I’d double check with the guy behing the meat counter. “Is this what I want for blue rare?” I asked him.
    He got really squirrily. “We’re not allowed to advise anyone to cook blue rare.”
    I am so sick of being treated like an effing retarded child by these endless bureaucrats and politicians. Now I don’t know precisely whose regulation this “advice” POC is – the manager promised to phone me back, hasn’t yet – but I’m guessing legislation, or the threat of legislation, was involved.
    Is that an acceptable rant?

  12. Speedy — thanks for posting. A most interesting article. Funny that the situation with magnetic poles does not get much press.

  13. Black Mamba: “A stake is what you use to kill vampires.”
    Good job! ‘No trolls on this thread.
    Enjoy your steak! Bon appetit!
