The Liberal MSM Echo Chamber

Just like we saw the CBC did earlier, it looks like the Red Star has received their talking points from the Liberal Party of Canada and recycled an old editorial advocating that unionized child-care indoctrination centres are far better places for young children to learn & thrive than with their parents.
Oh, and the inference from the Star editorialists is that Stephen Harper was responsible, at least indirectly, for the death of a 14-month old child. What a terrible man we’ve elected as PM, eh?!
Lest we forget, the Liberal Party Child-Care Plan is modeled after one already in place in Quebec. The one for les Quebecois enfants is completely unaffordable for the province if it weren’t for the generosity of taxpayers elsewhere in the country. Secondly, as we learned very clearly when Monsieur Stéphane Dion presented this plan to voters in the last election campaign, it will not cover all children but only a relatively privileged few. As there will be no means test, the taxes from minimum wage workers who don’t have children or couldn’t get their kids enrolled will subsidize the children of the rich elites who could.
What “brilliance”, worthy of The Onion, but apparently suitable for intelligent discussion in Canuckistan in 2011.

44 Replies to “The Liberal MSM Echo Chamber”

  1. What about the recent report that children in daycare gain more weight than those fed transfats at fast food stores and pop. Surely the CBC and the Libtards are not promoting Obese Children now. Looks like daycare is bad for the kids, we need a National Campaign to outlaw daycare it causes Obesity in Children, sarcasm off.

  2. “The one for les Quebecois enfants is completely unaffordable for the province if it weren’t for the generosity of taxpayers elsewhere in the country.”
    This isn’t about enfants. It’s about more Adscam skimming. Trudeau noticed the Two Solitudes wasn’t working so he saith unto the people, go forth and create Two Hundred Solitudes and I shall fund your Multi-Culti silos (with your own money), so that Librano$ can bank votes with patronage for all those silos.
    Why do we keep propping up bad ideas? Stop equalization to Quebec, stop funding the CBC, close the HRCs, don’t let Iggy create a nationwide program for enfants run by CUPE.

  3. In the National Post today the lead editorial deals with the day care issue.
    “As election fever mounts, an issue affecting millions of Canadian families is back on the radar: child care. This week, the Liberal party promised to revive its plan for national statefunded daycare. The Conservatives, meanwhile, support cash transfers to parents that give them choice in child care. In the words of Federal Human Resources Minister Diane Finley: ‘It’s the Liberals who wanted to ensure that parents are forced to have other people raise their children. [The Conservatives] do not believe in that.’ . . .
    “90% of parents in two-parent families think the best thing for their kids is for one parent to stay home.”
    Here’s a link (which may or may not work.)

  4. The reason that both parents have to work today is so they can pay Taxes. The Fraser Reports that the average Canadian Family now pays more in Taxes than they take home for Food, Clothing and Housing combined. Taxes have risen 1700% since 1961, this was an NP story. Why Canadians vote Liberal is a mystery. I guess because they are just Uneducated Liberal Nitwits I suppose, who can’t figure out their own paycheques.

  5. CBC has run consecutive polls on child-care. Could it be that polling is expensive,and the libs are short of cash?

    No,no way,they wouldn’t do that.

  6. People vote Liberal because it’s drummed into them that Conservatives are bad. It’s a refrain heard constantly in movies, TV, universities. That’s why SunTV is so frightening to them. They can’t stand the idea of an alternative idea. It must be wrong. It must be dangerous.
    It’s only dangerous to them.

  7. There’s a tree that needs watering.
    This entitlement mentality of the elitists is aggravating

  8. Daycares not only contribute to children’s obesity, it’s well-known that children in daycares are at far higher risk of contracting all manner of illnesses and ailments, simply because of their exposure day in, day out, to germs/bacteria/viruses.
    Daycare workers are not health care providers who, themselves, can be careless in the wearing of rubber gloves and the adequate washing of hands after they’ve come in contact with patients with contagious diseases. Daycare workers, routinely and frequently, come in contact with bodily fluids of the children in their care which quite often, inadvertently, are passed on to other children.
    Lest anyone think that I’m against daycare workers — is there a potential HRC complaint here? — I’m not. I’m simply pointing out the realities of working in a daycare and the potential for children’s health to be compromised. Any one person caring for many children in a public facility runs the risk of being unable to stay on top of the standards of hygiene required to minimize the spread of germs.
    What is most disturbing about the daycare/homecare controversy is how the talk seems to centre around the needs of parents, the needs of the adults, leaving out what most benefits children. The Liberal$ are an adult-centric party, an entitled, me-first adult-centric party. I’m unaware of even one of their policies that genuinely puts children first. Their main preoccupation seems to be “fulfillment” for mom and/or dad (usually mom) with children accommodating adult needs (no-fault divorce fits in here), rather than the other way around.
    The Librano$ are the topsy-turvy party: everything inside out and upside down. They need a long time in the wilderness to try to get things figured out. And Canadians need a long time-out from their misguided “governance” in order to fix all of the things they’ve broken, like the family and the proper ordering of our civil lives together.
    The only party I see even attempting to do this, is the CPC, imperfect as it is.

  9. This trick is old. The Star accused Brian Mulroney of starving a Winnipeg child to death in the late ’80’s. Next there will be reports of conservative death squads bayoneting Belgian babies….

  10. Robert, I am not sure which article you are referring to, but it may the one I have linked below.–five-years-on-children-still-wait-for-quality-care
    iggy slanter, that is exactly the strategy.
    The CPC should run ads showing the handing over of brown bags under tables. At least that those would be accurate.
    The Red Star and Grope and Flail trot out this material whenever they smell the possibility of an election. Just like the New York Slimes talks about the homeless during the entire time of a Republican administration, but somehow becomes silent when the Democrats take power.

  11. Ken…usually you and I come up with the same ideas. But this time I disagree. Much as I hate the way the Libs got away with adscam, it’s dated. We need more people to be aware of the subtle dangers of these socialistic programs presented as “for the kids.”

  12. We already have provincial daycare in BC as full time kindergarten is now in effect. My daughter heads back to work in Calgary paying $1100 per month for our granddaughter’s daycare. Tough choices for young people. It certainly impacts their decision to have another child.
    The bottom line is that the middle class is slowly disappearing in this country. High paying jobs that can be sourced abroad are going. Industries like our education system will try and maintain themselves by becoming defacto daycares. Babysitters at $70,000 per year plus benefits. The time is coming when people might wake up and realize that a serious national debate has to occur.

  13. If promising universal childcare (for the umpteenth time) is the new strategy for the Liberals then I guess they really have hit rock bottom.
    UCC will remind parents of the infamous “Beer and Popcorn” snobbery that infects both Ignatieff and the Liberal Party. UCC also promotes a union solution at a time when unions are not gaining popularity with taxpayers, particularly in places like Toronto that recently experienced strike action ugliness. Ignatieff will also have trouble claiming to be financially prudent while promising to enact a bunch of new entitlement programs – UCC, enhanced EI, long-term care for the elderly, cheaper post-secondary education etc.
    Who knows, people (despite the MSMs best efforts) may come to the logical conclusion that a Liberal government would need to raise existing taxes or introduce new taxes to pay for these election promises?

  14. bluetech, you are probably right in that regurgitating the brown bag philosophy of the Liberals would be old news.
    However, warning of the dangers of socialist programs could be a tough sell, as the educational system and the media has brainwashed the people to think that the government can cure everything. They do not believe the disaster that was eastern Europe.
    ct, I guess I can not understand the problems of today. We raised four children with aid of hiring trusted neighbours and acquaintances to take care of our children. There was no thought of having the government, any government, raise our children.
    In my humble opinion the dangers of government propaganda of any sort being instilled into our children is too great to entrust it with the care of our children.
    One of the first policies scrapped after the fall of the Soviet state was government run daycare.

  15. Ontario spit out about 15,000 teachers last year. There are jobs for about half. The only way they can employ that number of teachers is to create more employment, fire bad teachers or not hire retired teachers collecting pay and pension.
    So the solution is to hire teachers as daycare workers.
    As I pointed out on a CBC thread. You save daycare expenses for one year. You sign a sixty year lease with benefits. They taught math when I went to school.

  16. So the lib-left wants to hitch their election hopes to the “free” daycare wagon when they’ve already lost one election over that issue?
    I think they haven’t been paying attention to their own efforts of the past 40 years trying to destroy the nuclear family that have been pretty successful–I’ve got all sorts of young to early-middle-aged couple-friends and they hate the idea of having kids. Something tells me that those voters aren’t going to like the idea of “paying for someone else’s kids”.

  17. Maybe Iggy can get Obama to subsidize a national child care program just like Quebec got Canada to subsidize theirs.

  18. I’m tired of having my older college and near-college age kids go without, to pay for some other mom to put her Child Tax Credit/Family Allowance cheques (not sure what they call them anymore, as we never qualified) straight into the bank for her own child’s RESP or perhaps fund a nice vacation that I can only dream about….I was against the Conservatives doing this, and I sure as hell am against the idea of funded daycare, as I stayed home with the kids and made sacrifices to do so. And don’t forget, Liberals are promising HOME CARE as well. Two more hefty entitlements that this country cannot afford. And likely some Green Shi* as well. Yipppeeee.
    We Canadians have become a rather pathetic lot; if only Americans could see the amount of wealth redistribution around here, they would be completely and utterly shocked.
    I am sick and angry of political parties paying for votes with our hard-earned money.

  19. Hey, the Liberals get by selling people goodies purchased with their own money. Sell the goodies, then jack the taxes. If you’ve got nothin’ and you’re worth nothin’, that looks like a great deal.
    Every seller needs salesmen, and that’s the Red Star. And the CBC, CTV, Globe, CITY-TV…
    Expecting useful coverage out of the Canadian MSM is like expecting the scorpion not to sting you because you saved it from drowning. Of course they’re going to lie about day care! Its not even as big a lie as socialized medicine, they’ve been dining out on that one since the 1960’s. They work for the Liberals, that’s the whole story.
    I’ve come to the conclusion over the years that the only thing we can do to save this country from ruination by socialists is put those sorry lying MSM bastiges out of business. Which is why TONY CLEMENT had better get his thumb out of his butt, and kick the living, breathing snot out of the CRTC for their Internet throttling policy.
    We need Netflix etc. to crush the TV stations. We need the web and blogs to crush the newspapers. If it doesn’t get done we are following California down the Great White Bowl to the sh1t-pile of history.
    That name again my friends, Tony Clement. Phone him up, clue him in. Use a really big cluebat.

  20. Yeah,expect to see a lot of the Liberal expert on child care,former goal plugger Drone Dryden, it’s their next issue to harp on endlessly. It’s a good thing, people will see clearly how hopeless their plan is.

  21. The other big problem with universal childcare is its divisiveness:
    -working moms against stay-at-home moms -child-free couples against parents
    -those who will have government childcare access (urban, 9-5 workdays, contacts to circumvent the waiting lists) against those without access (rural, shift workers, unconnected)
    The CPC’s $100 per month is more symbolic than useful but it is truly universal. Personally, I would like to see changes to the tax system that would better reflect the expense of having kids (eg. income splitting). Allowing parents to keep more of their own income is superior to universal day care, subsidies or monthly government checks.

  22. State sponsored “child Care” is the communist concept
    of indoctrination and dependency creation.
    The progressive Iggy Liberals and Taliban Jack New Democrats are joined at the hip and in Canada are essentially closet communists with the same goal.
    And the current Canadian MSM are the pimps.
    Power over the masses is the goal..

  23. The average wage slave in Canada will not clue in that we can’t afford Socialism until the Sovreign Debt Crisis hits Canada and interest rates on the Total Public Debt, mean cancelling all gimme programs. Total Public Debt of Ontario 310B, Quebec 420B, Alberta is the best at 60B. Ottawa’s Total Public Debt is 3.5 Trillion. Our Pensions are all Unfunded Liabilities. The A*s kicking is coming.

  24. This day care plan was first proposed in the Liberal Red book of 1993. If they were really serious about the plan, they have has ample opportunity to implement it. As there are even less funds available now for lavish social programs, one has to doubt their sincerity. However,it will garnish votes in urban Canada every time it is promised.

  25. The CPCs rebuttal to govt run daycare is income-splitting for couples with dependent kids. (and the ability for single parents to income split with their oldest dependent child). The tax savings would give parents a lot more freedom to choose either daycare or having one of the parents stay at home part or full-time. (this is on the agenda for the June conference).
    The realpolitic is that it would likely be a very popular policy in suburban and urban toronto van and mtl.

  26. Oh yes, the Red book. I’m still waiting for my Red book to arrive. The Liberals promised they would send one to every Canadian.
    When we had our family there was no assistance at all, save family allowance which was a pittance and Mulroney had just “temporarily” doubled Canadians income tax rates, and changed the unemployment insurance system.
    What Canadians want is for one parent to be able to stay at home with their children. Instead of paying a daycare provider, the Liberals would be better off paying a parent to stay home, but that would mean less years available to indoctrinate the innocent minds of babes.

  27. It is time for the CPC to start presenting people with some simple but basic facts instead of allowing the Liberals to keep the debate as a philosophical discussion. The first fact is that there is no such thing as “free” daycare, and next is what the actual cost will be for all Canadians. I do mean actual cost as opposed to the big lie we were given by the Liberals about their gun registry. Not everyone is able to understand the social cost of a state run daycare, but they can grasp what it will cost them financially.

  28. Phantom, are you advocating more government and control of Telecom companies, or do you want the free market to reign?
    What is fascinating about this issue, is how the major parties have played ‘wife sawp’ here, taking side that oppose their dogma.
    The Conservatives are acting like socialists, advocating more and more bureacracy and government control, in order to appear to create competition. In reality, they are picking winners and losers, something of which we have all criticized BamBam and his DemocRats for doing to the suto industry, for one.
    Then we have the Fibs and Dippers, trying to advocate for a free market, where they are defending the individual, to have unfettered access, currently supplied by startup companies. They are defending (supposed) free market competition.
    In reality, neither is really true. If Clement were to ‘teach the CRTC a lesson’, (and to be fair, I would like to see the CRTC vapourized, but it won’t happen), we would just see decision by decree, based upon the worst aspect of politics, nepotism and bribes. Without a CRTC, the Telecoms would not have to give up their network space for competition to undercut them.
    If we had a true free market, any startup would have to build ALL their own infrastructure, and not piggyback (LEECH) off of the established companies. while getting subsidized access to their competitors high speed highway.
    Ok, getting OT here, but as we have seen, the Federal Court has just slapped the cabinet for overruling the CRTC……and no doubt, with this precedent set, the CRTC will be emboldened to stick their decision.
    User pay by your volume, we pay for everything else that way. Bandwidth is not an infinite resource. Why would you advocate punishing companies for smart investment, made with the support of shareholders, only to be undermined by government decree? Tony Clement is acting like a socialist.

  29. My apologies, folks, and a big thanks to Ken for pointing out that I failed to link to the actual Toronto Star article. No good excuses other than it was very late but I wanted to get the item published before the weekend reading began. Now corrected.

  30. As usual the Liberal left want everyone else to pay for their lifestyles and mistakes.
    They want a two income “family” to eventually pay for the 3500 sq/ft home, two Hybrid SUV’s and plenty of beach time. “Just help out with our kid’s daycare costs”. They even think we need to be paying for the third world to have the same luxuries on our conservative savings, because as you know everyone deserves a reasonably healthy lifestyle.

  31. Nationalize Universal Daycare is like the zombie in a really bad b-movie. You can plug a dozen bullets into it, but the damned thing just won’t die.
    I came of age in the early 90s, with the 1993 federal election being the first election in which I was eligible to vote. Daycare wasn’t much of an election issue, but it always seemed to hover around the edges of political discourse at the time. But for the debt crisis of the time, I’m quite certain the Liberals would have implemented some kind of universal daycare program.
    I’m quite concerned to see the idea resurrected today, particularly as we are, like the early 90s, having a bit of a debt/deficit issue (although not as severe in GDP terms). I might be wrong, but my suspicion is that the idea could gain traction among the general populace. The poll yesterday wasn’t encouraging, but that site is a left wing echo chamber. I’d be interested in seeing polling of the general public on this issue.

  32. “The CPCs rebuttal to govt run daycare is income-splitting for couples with dependent kids. (and the ability for single parents to income split with their oldest dependent child).” – Gord Tulk at 1:27pm.
    Absolutely. If income splitting for seniors is a correct policy, it is an absolutely correct policy for young families. It means fewer kids in day care as parents choose to stay home, and it means more private day care is available for those who need it. An real win-win. Do it, Mr. Harper, as soon as possible. We need to see more letters to our MPs and more letters into the Red Star (and other MSM outlets) to debunk its atrocious editorial and to place the better alternative in front of more readers.

  33. DaninBC, the recent CRTC decision already was “decision by decree, based upon the worst aspect of politics, nepotism and bribes.”
    It is fair to say that none of this would have occurred without the decision to force Bell to open its “last mile” copper, but if I recall correctly that decision was taken because Bell refused to bargain in good faith with the smaller outfits in the first place. And let us not forget that Bell has its very own Special Deal regarding the placement of its telephone poles on public land, special right-of-ways and etc.
    No conceivable start-up could overcome the regulations and laws in place to protect and support Bell, and everybody knows it.
    In the same vein, the biggest cost to -private- child care is complying with regulations that fill a set of volumes the size of Encyclopedia Britannica. Public child care can do that because money is no object, private has to turn a profit. So they either negotiate a Special Deal with the Liberals like Bell has for the last 100 years, or they go under.
    That’s how things work in fascist regimes, y’know.

  34. Oh, and I’d like to add, I speak as one with three boys under the age of five, with a fourth (gender unknown) on the way next month. Notionally at least, universal daycare is something I could take advantage of. Despite this, I want nothing to do with such a white elephant.
    Harper did it right. Leave the cash with the parents, and let them (GASP!) make their own decisions (although I still think it’s pretty stupid the benefit is considered taxable income).

  35. Income splitting!!! People are far better at solving issues than any government could ever be.

  36. DanBC
    What the CRTC is proposing will limit access, in my view, it is a way of limiting the internet without having to actually block internet content-just make it too expensive for most to view it.
    Why should I pay at least triple for a third of the bandwidth I presently have?
    The CRTC works on behalf of telecomm companies not Canadian citizens. This all could have been avoided if they would have given the green light for the ability to chose and pay for what television channels one wanted instead of forcing us all to buy packages of channels, most of which I did not want nor watch. I ended up blocking Showcase due to programs airing at 4 in the afternoon that depicted sado-masochist gay men in costumes whipping each other while bound-I was at work but my young teen kids were home.
    Had they allowed choice back then, the cable companies would not be in the shape they are now as many consumers have turned to the internet for new and fresh content that was non existent in package deals with the endless re-runs and duplicate programming. How many people would actually pay for the CBC channel given that we already pay for it through our taxes? These package deals are responsible for the lack luster programming and the false propping of channels that did not deserve to remain on TV. No, this ruling has everything to do with the MSM protecting the pay-per-view and VOD services. TV is dying and the CRTC knows it. It’s much easier to control content with TV than it is on the internet and that is what this is all about – control and limiting peoples choices.
    I do not agree with any restrictions, in any form, on internet access period.
    We don’t have toll booths every ten minutes to pay for our highways; the internet is the information highway. The bandwidth cap is a toll and a very very substantial one at that – $2.00 a gigabyte – ridiculous.
    BTW – do you realize that much of the telecommunication infrastructure was subsidized through Canadian tax dollars in the first place? As I see it, the telecommunication infrastructure is the cost of doing business for telecommunication companies.
    The ruling will also negatively effect business who rely heavily on internet content to sell their products and services.

  37. Great comments on this thread!
    Ken (Kulak): ” … back to the vacuuming.”
    Wait a minute! You’re wrecking the Leftard’s stereotype of a right-wing male. Horrors! Pass them their smelling salts!
    bluetech: ” … I am sick and angry of political parties paying for votes with our hard-earned money.”
    Me, too, bluetech. Like you, my family sacrificed a lot financially in order for me to stay home with our kids. My husband and I are looking at “Freedom 85” instead of “Greedom 55.” The Librano$ punished us and gave all of the “daycare” funds/tax dollars to moms who worked outside the home, as if our choice was worth nada. I know that that was their attitude toward us: We stay-at-home moms were the enemy, in the eyes of the feminists, the Liberal$, the Dippers, and the media. We were our husbands’ chattel and must be pretty stupid, from their POV, to want to stay home and care for our own kids.
    In some ways they were right. A lot of us stay-at-home moms were totally aware that the State wanted to indoctrinate our kids and we put our foot down, our hands on our hips, and shouted at them, “NO WAY!”
    LC Bennett: “The other big problem with universal childcare is its divisiveness: working moms against stay-at-home moms, child-free couples against parents”
    And that’s exactly what the Leftards meant to do: Divide and conquer. Sadly, they’ve done a pretty good job, with their propaganda mouthpieces in the media honking out the lies and misrepresentations.

  38. Whoops! Sorry, Soccermom. I attributed your comment to bluetech — who, I think, would agree with us both!

  39. No-One>
    Well said.
    If they start charging me for bandwidth usage over my existing plan – I’ll just cancel all television subscriptions and put the balance to bandwidth. There’s no need for CBC propaganda and all the other expensive garbage anyway. My existing TV cable bill is somewhere around $65.00/ month, that will buy more internet if needed. Others have much higher potential savings than that I’m sure.
    There would be a CRTC outrage if everyone did the same and cable became obsolete overnight to pay for more bandwidth by angry consumers.

  40. For those who would suggest that the Conservatives run against Liberal policies please don’t. By running against them you are only giving them legitimacy. Instead of running against them come up with a superior policy. My suggested theme would be more along the line of “Reinvigorating the Family”.
    In talking to my children about raising their children not one mother wants to put her children in daycare. Given a viable alternative they would take it in an instant. Even the daughter who works in a daycare wishes there were no daycares.

  41. Robert, your post on this one is bang on. The issue of the poor subsidizing the rich has always been a big issue around this business of universal child care.

  42. lol…You had me there for a minute ‘been around the block’! (We’ve been agreeing on blogs for quite a few years now,eh?)
    I finally had a chance to read the Star link and I’m shocked to see the comments dissing the National day care plan! Ha!! If the Libs threw that out as a feeler, you can bet they will change their tune. The majority of comments are against it! There is hope for Star readers….
