Pop Quiz: Identify the Soundbite

Listen to this video but try not to actually watch it. After listening to it, answer this question:
Was this a video of:

  1. An anti-bullying campaign for children.
  2. Any group of CBC News staffers, talking about Conservatives.

26 Replies to “Pop Quiz: Identify the Soundbite”

  1. yeah i thought number two for sure, or all of the nicknames the greens,ndper’s and liberano’s give to harper and co.

  2. Just what you would expect from pinkos.
    Yeah, the CBC is Number 2, with nuts and corn sticking out.

  3. Wouldn’t wearing a bright pink t-shirt actually be a faily effective way for a boy in middle school to get himself bullied?

  4. @Black Mamba: that’s actually the point. The campaign started when two senior boys saw a freshman being bullied for wearing a pink t-shirt to school. The next day they wore pink shirts too to show solidarity. Supposedly this made him feel better because he wasn’t alone and knew other people were “aware of the problem”.
    Every time pink f*cking shirt day rolls around I keep remembering Bobcat Goldthwait’s riff on the Rodney King beating: “If you see me getting the sh*t kicked out of me by a bunch of *ssh*les – put the camera down and _help_ _me_.”
    As someone who was bullied extensively as a child the anti-bullying campaigns infuriate me. They’re a way for self-righteous prigs to feel morally superior without all that messing actually-stopping-some-bullying.

  5. The soundtrack sounds to me like a leftist committee, close to achieving concensus…….

  6. Posted by: The Phantom at February 6, 2011 1:25 PM
    The childish voices make it being the CBC all the more likely.

  7. Not the CBC again?
    They’re just too tiresome. (And to think they think they’re relevant and progressive. Yawn.)

  8. I am guessing it is #1 and that the producers of the ad watched CBC for six months describe Conservatives.

  9. This pink T-shirt idea is so gonna work.
    As a matter of fact, it’s gonna work so well that even our combat troops should wear all pink on the battle field and then, “WHOA!” the violent bully Taliban are gonna have their comeuppances, eh?/sarc
    Does the wearing of pink T-shirts by some wimps mean that the rest of us get to finally have some free speech in this country the like of which those folks in the video were expressing?

  10. This bullying topic brings back memories of moving to a new school in St. Catharines, Ontario and of being bullied during grades 7 and 8. One day I had had enough and fought back and lo and behold I managed to win the fight with the ring leader of the group. This fellow a few years later joined the US military and was killed in Vietnam.
    I am afraid that as a nation we are trying to create a bunch of wimps of the males who will not be able know how to defend the country when it is needed.

  11. Notice one of the t-shirts had Bertrand Russell’s inverted cross (so-called peace symbol). Russell meant it to be a statement against Christianity, though few at the time were aware of it. But then, Russell liked shocking people by going naked in front of them. If you ever saw Bertrand Russell you would understand why he succeeded.

  12. AtlanticJim at 5:48 PM: “The childish voices make it being the CBC all the more likely.”
    Yup. Stroll through the comments at any CBC website story and that’s pretty much the tone you will hear. About the only thing that’s missing here is the conspiracy theories.

  13. Your faces are being rubbed in it now Canada, wake up and give Harper a majority so he can clean house.

  14. Daniel Ream
    Personally I think they make it worse. The pink shirt I’m sure, never had a group of bullies waiting for him outside every day in Junior high.
    It only stopped for me when I hunted the people down , one on one, where I “took the Boots to them” individually.
    It stopped after that. In fact they latter became friends.

  15. Two things:
    First, I’m offside on this topic but I’ve yet to change my mind. It’s my view that more often than not kids that get bullied(repeatedly) bring it on themselves through social inadequacies, and behavior. Now… I’m very sympathetic to those that are bullied; but, I feel the ‘remedy’ and the focus has been wrong. Now I know I’m leaving myself open to criticism, but I’m going to suggest that perhaps we should start looking at what these kids do *repeatedly* to bring bullying on themselves. I’ve yet to hear anyone suggest that ‘don’t wear a pink shirt’ for example; or, quit being so eccentric.
    Now I understand that there are different types of bullying, like the bullying some girls experience when they’ve crossed the wrong girls. I’ve got no suggestions for that except what Osu said. The kids I’m talking about are the awkward and nerdy types that simply drive everyone up the wall with their inability to cope. If you’ve got one of these kids, and the cycle is always repeating, then perhaps a parent should look at these root causes in an attempt to help their child cope with society.JMO
    Years ago I would ride my bike to work, but I didn’t have a sports bag for my stuff. So, I would use one of my daughters “Barbie” backpacks for the ride to work.
    I always fondly remember the day when a car of youts flew-by me and yelled “FAG” as they sped away. I love that story, and I can’t help but think that I deserved what I got.

  16. Daniel Ream @4:47 – so from what you’re saying I gather that this is not so much an “anti-bullying” thing per se as it is an “anti-picking-on gays” thing. Which of course is fine – I mean, although I have zero faith in these campaigns, the sentiment is certainly worthy – but are all school-bullying victims now gay? What about the nerdy kids, the girls who get tagged as “slutty”, the girls who get tagged as “stuck up”, the new kids, the ones who are the wrong colour (which of course is only a problem for Black kids at predominantly White schools and never for White and Asian kids at predominantly Black schools), the ones who are just kinda weird…
    But I guess its safe to say that Say No to Bullies = Promote Homosexuality in High-School. Brilliant, thanks guys.

  17. I’m not sure which way to go on this. Sure, there is something to be said for making the nerd or whatever stand up for himself (herself), that certainly helps the kid in personal development etc. but some kids just simply don’t have that option. I don’t mean just the handicapped ones, I mean the 68 pound weakling, standing up to the 190 pound gorilla. He’ll get an “E” for effort, good on ya kid, but we all know that unless he’s got an uzi in his back pocket he’s going to be wearing his gotch around his ears for a while. And the only thing that will stop his pain would be if the bully got tired of inflicting his brand of pain. I think I could see myself wearing pink in support of this kind of kid, and maybe even stepping in occasionally to help him out, and I’m a pretty big guy. Oh, and about the video, definatly a room full of Taliban Jack lovin’ CBC staffers, only there would be a lot more references to Harper and Palin.
