The Dark Side of the Bandwagon

While I very much support the right of ALL people to be free of the shackles of their oppressors, the pro-Egyptian Freedom campaign *appears* to be taking a pretty ugly left turn towards the all too familiar “Hate Israel” narrative.
Blazing Cat Fur reports on what is happening in Toronto and Pamela Geller illustrates what’s happening in New York.
Here’s a photo of Taliban Jack:

39 Replies to “The Dark Side of the Bandwagon”

  1. Related. I did a Google search of “female genital mutilation”. Google thought I had my terminology wrong, so they chose to show a #1 result for “Female Genital Cutting”. To quote slapshot” I feel shame”. It is clear that the only problem here is “words”.
    The 3rd result if the WHO. Those hate-mongerers tell it like it is. It is called “mutilation” because that is what it is. Screw Google, screw Wikipedia, and screw their efforts to sanitize such a wicked practice. Words matter, and mutilation is the right word.
    From the WHO.
    Key facts
    Female genital mutilation (FGM) includes procedures that intentionally alter or injure female genital organs for non-medical reasons.
    The procedure has no health benefits for girls and women.
    Procedures can cause severe bleeding and problems urinating, and later, potential childbirth complications and newborn deaths.
    An estimated 100 to 140 million girls and women worldwide are currently living with the consequences of FGM.
    It is mostly carried out on young girls sometime between infancy and age 15 years.
    In Africa an estimated 92 million girls from 10 years of age and above have undergone FGM.
    FGM is internationally recognized as a violation of the human rights of girls and women.

  2. These “peaceful” protesters want to scrap the Camp David Peace Accord?
    They really don’t care what the body count on the Egyptian side would be, forget about how much they are slavering for an Israeli body count.
    Scrapping the Camp David Peace Accord would look like a declaration of war to me if I was the Israeli Prime Minister.

  3. The same old rent-a-crowds make their appearances wherever they can.
    It’s bad enough that Egypt can turn into an even bigger hornet’s nest of Islamofascism overnight. That kind of trouble is certainly not needed here.

  4. “…the pro-Egyptian Freedom campaign *appears* to be taking a pretty ugly left turn towards the all too familiar “Hate Israel” narrative.”
    That’s because these are the same attention seeking retards who show up to demonstrate for everything else. NDPee Jack a perfect case in point.
    On the bright side, Canadian rent-a-mob jerks have zero affect on what’s going on in Egypt. Their utter irrelevance could not be greater if they were demonstrating on the moon in space suits.

  5. The self same crowd that can’t bring themselves to condone the genocide in Darfur and the death of nearly 2 million people in the South of Sudan. Oh wait Arabs killing Africans isn’t rally worthy to that crowd or am I wrong?

  6. Obama showed himself to be a rank amateur in his rush to demand that Mubarek step down immediately rather than remain while an orderly transition takes place. The former Egyptian trade minister called Obama “stupid” for his lack of concern regarding the stability of the Egyptian economy. As usual, Obama’s gut instincts are all mouth and no brains.

  7. left turn towards the all too familiar “Hate Israel” narrative.”
    Surprised? Nope, it’s the narrative the Ceeb, CTV, Glowball and ‘progressive’ er, i mean socialist journalists have been pushing for years.
    So when the Jew baiters show up in TO (center of media universe)the cameras are ready to roll and the sound bites can begin.
    Look for media celebrations of Egyptian ‘freedom’ by these same leftards as the Brotherhood takes more control

  8. The self same crowd that can’t bring themselves to condone the genocide in Darfur Posted by: Rose at February 6, 2011 3:10 PM
    Condone or condemn? Not certain what side you’re on.

  9. My God; we need SUN Media. The usual suspects are always presented as a spontaneous cry for “change”. Hopey Changey; yes we can.

  10. Israeli arabs have more democratic rights, civil rights, human rights, sexual orientation freedom and personal safety than any non-aristocratic arab in any arab governed nation. Israeli arabs also have more access to higher education, a higher standard of living and free speech. The left, ostensible supporters of all these wonderful benefits, seeks to destroy the only country in the middle east that actually has individual rights and freedoms. I wish that this only spoke to the naïveté of the left but unless they are all FAS children they are knowingly setting the stage for the diminishment of every principle they purport to hold when they jump into bed with the pro-female mutilation crowd in the muzzle-them brotherhood’s to help them get their hands on a “democracy of convenience” that will lead to another left wing utopia like Iran.

  11. From all the talk shows and news that I have heard, the best Egypt can hope for is a benevolent dictator and that hope will be a short lived glimmer.

  12. Good catch on that link Curious…since I live in the riding…I can tell you the author of that letter was running to represent the Fed Liberals until Iggy scrapped a free vote on the registry for his MP’s.

  13. What’s going on in EGYPT this fine day?
    Christians are marching shoulder to shoulder with Muslims.
    My lyin’ eyes even saw Christian crosses among the crowd protesting Mubarak and his thugs.
    Why would Egyptians want to swap one oppression for an Islamic oppression?
    Once again, Jack Layton will be on the wrong side of history.

  14. As for Taliban Jack Laydown, I hope there’s a microphone nearby when his prostate finally explodes.
    “Hey Jacko, how’s that pain in your ar$e? No I don’t mean Iggy!”

  15. Who cares what these stupid expats and hippies think? Doesn’t matter. The Egyptian army is not going to let war with Israel or an uber-Islamist regime to happen.

  16. Slightly OT but I find it mildly interesting that Harper was the only Western politician advocating a slow transition of power last week and the MSM were all over him for it. Then he had a meeting with the “One” on Friday, and on Saturday the “One” is now backstepping and calling for Mubarak to stay in power and allow a slow transition, so you have to ask is this another Whiskey…Tango…Foxtrot moment. I’d liked to have been a fly on the wall in the WH last Friday! Strangely the MSM haven’t picked up on this!

  17. I wonder why Jacko, don’t do us all a favor and strap a half a case of TNT to his ass and set it off, preferably on a boat in the middle of Lake Ontario with Olivia and Dalton as the only two other passengers.

  18. I don’t think anyone here is surprised that Jack Layton is in league with the Islamists and anti-Semites. No doubt he will soon come out in support of the recent Muslim families that want to turn that Winnipeg school board policy inside out to accommodate them.
    Antenor, somehow I doubt that you actually expected MSM to report something favorable to PM Harper.

  19. This is how the CBC seems to be covering the Eygptian Murder Cultists. They spend 5 minutes on the Egyptians throwing stones and fire bombs, and 15 minutes of pictures of the Po, Po Palestian Murder Cultists and how it is all Israel’s fault. What a crock of Sh*t.

  20. Regarding the Winnipeg families who are demanding their children be allowed to be absent from gym etc – I wonder if a this would be allowed in reverse in their homeland – ie women have the same rights as they have here (duh) or freedom of speech. If they want the same as their home land, maybe they shouldn’t have come here. Canada is the very best country and many immigrants think so as well.

  21. 76 million people live in Egypt at last count. We are being lead to believe that about 200,000 persons, maybe 300,000 at best, represent “what the people of Egypt want”.

    True, this could be the cold fact of this matter, but how does the MSM know? I would suppose that the word plebiscite is something that is out of the question here. There is however the rule (temporary) of the mob. Mobocracy.

    Michael and Jack could get 30,000 protesters in Ottawa and another 30,000 protesters in Toronto. They could chant “Harper must go”. Of course certain of the media might back them. (Joke).

    On second thoughts absolutely impossible. Ok to take the same tack supporting the same thing in some one else’s country.

  22. And yet the reports today are that some of te original protest groups are now getting p.o’d that the MB and some other of the old line political parties have crawled out from under some rocks and are taking centre stage.
    A longer transition, and there should be a transisition, is better than a quick one. New parties need time to organize, especially one that doesnt fit into the old boxes of MB or socialist.
    A liberal party, secular and modern, will take more than a couple of weeks to put together. Harper and others are correct….hectoring Obama is not correct and the foreign policy people are beginning to inform him of his errors.
    Transistion will happen. But isnt the real test that there be a peacful transition according to some rule of law… arthritic as Egyptian law is…..and as far as I can tell that rule says September. Real democrats should be agreeing that September is the date and working hard to ensure that the elections truley are free and fair and properly fought. Trust me the MB will show up in numbers and with organization, the “democrats” of Egypt better start organizing for Septemeber.

  23. ‘Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong.’
    – Stephen Decatur

  24. Okay, who is going to tell the whole lot of them that no one born in this country, even most of those who have immigrated here, consider them to be Canadians in any way, shape, or form? It’s time to start letting them now, don’t you think?

  25. I always hate it when there are protests about international affairs and other causes that are none of our Canadian business. Go home and write effective letters, Egyptian people, to the right authorities! Get off our streets! The Tamils were the worst offenders, and I do not support any of these rallies. Jack Layton (and Libby Davies) are a so annoying and stupid, in my opinion. I do not understand the people who vote for them, as they are always at rallies, the least productive way to resolve issues. A vote for the NDP is a vote for having no MPs EVER representing them in Parliament.

  26. Just another political Prostitute, that will never get out of the “Game”.
    Man these guys are sickening.

  27. Jack did jack for all his years as a political bozo in Toronto, no legacy of accomplishment whatsoever, nothing, nada. He rode around on his bicycle pontificating into a CBC microphone. He really is just an ignorant moron in a cheap suit, or a nasty SOB. Whatever.

  28. Let’s ease up on Layton. At least this time he didn’t push people aside in order to be front and centre.
    Seriously though … Layton is an obnoxious little turd and how he manages to get any votes is a testament to the utter stupidity of many Canadian voters.

  29. “Why can’t Canada punt the whole Khadr family out of here?”
    Just wait ’till omar shows up at Kings College. Such a welcome you’ve never seen.

  30. “Among party leader’s, NDP Leader Jack Layton racked up the highest expense account despite being the leader of the smallest party. Layton billed taxpayers for $628,913.68, including $14,676 for his phone bill and $49,013 for “Ten percenters” — the campaign-style mailings that MPs are allowed to send out on the taxpayer dime to ridings held by political opponents.” From the Toronto Sun.
    Jack Layton, the man of the little people,always ready to take up the cause,at a price!
    And,WHAT a PRICE!
