26 Replies to “Arianna 18,000,000 – Bloggers 0”

  1. revenue of 50 million, earnings of 15 million. using the proper price to earnings ratio of 15, Id say AOL as always has paid too much.

  2. Waaay too much, but this purchase does fit a AOL pattern of hooking up with losers.
    On the other loser front…I guess the lefty bloggers that fattened Ariania’s bank account could be considered losers squared?

  3. A Huffer huffs in the comments.
    “It’s good the Huffington Post, and if AOL has any business sense, it will allow it to maintain it’s current editorial stance. If it just becomes like every other mainstream media organization, then I’ll simply stop reading it, and doubtless some bright spark will bring out a new publication that provides news and comment from a liberal perspective.”

  4. Maybe Adrianna could share her good fortune with Michael Moore. Poor lad is suffering from some sort of socialist disease (envy-greed-arrogance).

  5. At it’s worst Arianna came out of a marriage a millionaire, stole the idea for Huff, got a moneybags to finance it, put in no money of her own and wrangles a multi-million dollar deal with a company that displays no financial accumen at all.
    That and Olberman going to the Al Gore channel demonstrate America has lost her way. The people will work for nothing…’till the class action

  6. Funny how the left’s quasi monopoly of all MSM are loosing viewership, readership, and listeners steadily but still seems to keep expanding…It is contrary to demand and supply…Oh wait…Propaganda is a different beast.

  7. One of my most cherished memories of parenthood was at the Calgary zoo. My oldest daughter was about 3 or 4 at the time, and we we at one of the indoor displays, and it was very dark except for the lighting in the Plexiglas fronted cages.
    Anyways, my daughter walked-up to what I think she perceived as an empty cage and stood in front of what appeared to be a giant lump of brown fur. Her proximity to the static fur ball was similar to the pics of the kids with the bears.
    Anyways, this was not an inanimate lump of fur, but was in fact, to my daughters chagrin an extremely large gorilla(perhaps ape). The gorilla sprung to life, and I can only say I wish I had the camera ready for the look on my daughters face. Priceless!
    BTW, I think the polar bear public pool is neat.

  8. i had a camel or a llama or something spit on me and a lion or lioness projectile vomit in my direstion …splattering me with digestive juices…
    both occurences at the London Zoo…in the 60’s…
    which reminds me of an old joke….from spinal tap

  9. They can now change the corporate name to A-holes Online without changing the graphics.

  10. arrg, sorry guys, wrong thread
    I’ve got no qualms with this sale. The fact that the loons on the Left have no idea that their masters are as capitalist and piggish as the next is the irony in this. It makes me wonder how many of the commenters at HuffPo feel they are the show and they deserve a cut, or accolades at least. It sort of reminds me of Rider Nation.

  11. People who were working for free, voluntarily, knew what they were getting into.
    Most of ’em seem to be either ideologues, or people doing it to get recognition. Plainly money was not a motive, since they already weren’t getting any and had no prospects of ever getting any.

  12. Never been to HUff PO , never will.
    I was on AOL when I started online . It was version 2,0. Black & white only.
    AOL was the first to use its software as spyware, malware. in version 5.0. After that it was a slide to hell. WE called it AOL Hell. Soon they cut off chat rooms to all but Americans. They through their World customers under the bus for isolationism after Turner took over. After that I quit, took 2 hours of yelling to get off the insidious system it had become.
    Sad ending to what was once a beacon of INTERNET freedom.
    For this will be the swan song as the lefties completely absorb it into the collective.

  13. It’s okay, Zsa Zsa will be donating all the profits to Barry’s re-election campaign.
    ‘Cause even Zsa Zsa ain’t that dumb. And she’s pretty dumb.

  14. Kind of a nice way for two entities to self-destruct.
    AOL, with its horrible track record of bad investments (remember the merger with Time-Warner?)
    HuffnPuff, with its drivel and nonsensical vitriol.
    United they fall!
    And yeah, now ZsaZsa looks like a hypocrite to her self-absorbed clientele…..

  15. It doesn’t matter whether AOL takes over HuffPo or not. It’s only a matter of time before AOL goes to zero. That company has been dead money for investors for years. The only thing that the purchase of HuffPo will do is reduce the payout to creditors when AOL goes belly up.
