57 Replies to “How Many Deaths Is Walt Disney Responsible For Worldwide?”

  1. Mike Birbigla: Fear of Bears
    “I just spent the last forty-five minutes scouring the internet and bothering coworkers, all in hopes of finding the official medical term for fear of bears, bear phobia, or whatever you call it. Know what I found? NOTHING. To quote Lindsay, “This is just ridiculous. Everyone should be afraid of bears. Maybe it’s just assumed.”

  2. Years ago I was in Banff, and stopped the car by the side of the road to admire a couple of black bears that were ambling by.
    I was astonished when an American tourist pulled up and stopped, and encouraged his son, aged about 10, to hand feed the bear a sandwich while Dad took a photo.
    I yelled something less than complimentary at him and forcibly reminded him that we were dealing with wild animals, not Yogi and Boo-boo. Heh. The idiot gave me the finger.
    Bur with polar bears, my father-in-law was in charge of a drill site in the high arctic. The trailer housing the sleeping facilities was perhaps 100′ away from the mess hall.
    They were single file going for dinner, but a polar bear took out the very last person in the line. No-one heard a thing. All they found was his head.

  3. “They were single file going for dinner, but a polar bear took out the very last person in the line. No-one heard a thing. All they found was his head.”
    Did he have a red shirt on? or The moral is never be late for lunch.

  4. We don’t need help from Disney when grown adults run up and place their children on the backs of wild buffalo grazing at Hayden Valley in Yellowstone. If it’s a national park, the folks mistake their surroundings for a large, open-air petting zoo.
    It is indeed a great country.
