Great moments in pointless outrage

Stephen Harper, speaking to reporters in St. John’s on Friday about events in Egypt:

We want to see free and fair elections. We want to see the rule of law and stability. We want to see respect for human rights, including the rights of minorities, including the rights of religious minorities, and we want to see a government that will continue to respect peace treaties and seek peace in the Middle East. As I say, we are all seeing what’s happening. A transition is taking place in Egypt. In my judgement, there is no going back. I think the old expression is ‘they’re not going to put the toothpaste back in the tube on this one.'”

NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar wasted little time in expressing his displeasure with the statement:

I think it’s indicative of how this government treats foreign affairs,” Dewar told CTV’s Question Period. “Most importantly, on this file, we just had the parliamentary secretary talk about the importance of democracy. We had democracy happening on the streets and overthrowing repressive government, and this government talks about toothpaste


59 Replies to “Great moments in pointless outrage”

  1. Possibly the Consrvatives,tongue in cheek, could refer all questions to Dewar…two birds/one stone?
    But first, Dewar could use a little toothpaste, the next time the little sphincter steps up to a microphone.

  2. So has anyone from the NDP, or Boob Rae who I saw for a fraction of an interview in Toronto’s Dundas Square, made any comments about democracy in Cuba recently?

  3. The military controlled Egypt before the protests.
    The military control Egypt after the protests.
    The military will control Egypt after any “elections.”
    A military officer will be leading the country after those elections.
    The liberal reformers never had a chance.
    The Muslim Brotherhood never had a chance.
    The last time socialists and the Muslim Brotherhood stirred up trouble, the military slaughtered them.
    20 minutes of reading Wikipedia’s entry on Modern Egypt and the Egyptian Military should convince anyone that what I’m saying is true.
    The media and politicians are whipping this up into panglossian optimism or hysterical pessimism in order to keep the spotlight on themselves.
    The outcome of these protests was always a fait accompli to be decided by the Egyptian military. They weren’t going to let Mubarak’s little brat take over the country.
    Vice President (now President) Omar Suleiman, by the way, is a Lieutenant General in the Egyptian military.

  4. They will shut up only when the ayatollahs come down from their caves to create a theocracy. What will the CBC or CTV say then?
    The cone of silence will descend.
    Perhaps they fantasize a war of annihilation towards Israel. Hence the jubilation in progressive land, as in the huts & tents of Islamists.

  5. Paul Dewar and Justin Trudeau: connected at the hip. And, now, there’s Mike Layton elected for Toronto City Council. There seems to be a sucking-at-the-public-teat gene running in these families.
    The Left are always accusing the Conservatives of nepotism and being under the thumb of Big Business, whereas it seems to be something they need to be accused of. (Power Corporation, anyone?)

  6. Lets see if I interpret the commentary from the silver-spoon social club..
    Harper comments show he’s out of touch with the elitist, social climbing, UN loving, tea and bun set, that insulates itself in and around the urban confines of places like Rosedale and Westmount.
