14 Replies to “Tony Blair’s Britain”

  1. sorry black snake…it’s afstan…
    altho the greeks are certainly of that bent…
    so anyway whadda i win ?

  2. Hmm, 2.5 minutes worth of Googling informs me that it might be Iranian.
    Anyway, you win a vacation in Afghanistan until you manage to escape.

  3. Pure evil, that filter.
    Well, Google informs me that the expession, along with something to do with the general superiority of melons, is Iranian/Arab/Afghan, so you win a vacation to the enlightened Islamic Mecca as it were of your choice for as long as it takes until you manage to escape.

  4. black mamba …i shouldn’t really burden you with my agony but i’m dieing..dying of the old ennui…the croakers give me at tops mebbe 30 years…TOPS!
    so lighten up already…okay..okay…so what i want is 2 weeks in Mecca …as Captain of the ark royal…with HMRN nuclear subs standing by in case Medina kicks up a fuss at payback..
    remember i’m suffering from the old ennui here eh..
    is this too much to ask for a feller has always paid his bills taxes and stood up for queen and country and the truth honour of the western way..?

  5. Same dumb twits we have here: “If you make guns less accessible, then there will be fewer suicides involving guns, it is as simple as that,” said Elsa Kurz, spokeswoman for Switzerland’s Stop Suicide campaign.” Well the suicide rate is unaffected by gun control; just fewer by gunfire: so what the H** does that prove?
    And military ammo is not allowed to be kept at home, effectively turning the SIG into a wall hanger.
    Just as in Canader; bumb s**t laws to make the mentally incompetent feeel goood.

  6. Don’t those teachings constitute hate speech and child abuse? Oops, forgot, downtrodden non-white minorities can say and do anything they want as they’re “victims of colonialism”. Wonder how much the Brits will enjoy living under their new colonial masters in 20 years time.

  7. British PM Cameron has twigged to the fact they have a problem but that’s not going to fix it. They need to take action NOW.

  8. If non-Muslims’ taught children the self same kind of hatred towards Muslims they’d be in jail for a lifetime. Funny how the left tolerate hatred if it’s coming from their chosen faith, Islam that is.

  9. There seem’ to be a bit of ‘principle envy’ directed at Muslims.
    They stand up for their beliefs. The West wilts and ‘accomodates’, and abandons their beliefs.
    Guess who’s going to come out on top?
