43 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. Yeah … well …get a load of his proposed budget.
    In view of the wide-spread outcry against increased spending, it beggars belief.
    It’s as if the sounds outside cannot penetrate the White House walls.
    Very cocky, this guy … and headed for a spectacular fall.
    The sooner the better.

  2. Can’t we just get Mubarak to balance the budget?
    He should be okay on five million now, especially at his age.

  3. Blah blah blah, been voting for 40 years and I have heard the same rhetoric, over and over and over. It seems nothing can stop the political spending machine.
    It will be very interesting to see where the Tea Party folks land on this issue, fore they now know we can change the face of the party every two years and the House controls the purse strings.

  4. He’ll do WHATEVER he wants as long as the US “Law Enforcement” continue to dishonor their oath of office to “…preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution…”
    There are currently THREE Federal Court orders and a Contempt of Court citation that he is flaunting in the Obamatorium. There is a Federal Court injunction against Obamacare that he also flaunts. Yet the foul swill passing themselves off as “Law Enforcement” continue to bow and scrape before their Masters and then do WHATEVER he tells them!
    And that doesn’t even TOUCH the BATFE Gun Walker scandal:
    The stench is overwhelming. And it smells like pig.

  5. Obama the master of leadership and making difficult decisions! NOT!
    It looks like we’d have a ten year deficit under Obama of 15 Trillion Dollars. Were he reelected, God forbid, just for his eight years in office, the Deficit would be 12 Trillion Dollars. Yet, he can only find 1.1 trillion in savings, with more than a third from tax increases (or just 60 billion per year maximum) after raising spending by more than a quarter in two years?
    What chutzpah. What a leftist.

  6. BTW your cartoon will probably be erroneously viewed by lefties as wishing death on the President. Just saying…

  7. eagle’s nailed it.
    We’re talking about a 1.6 Trillion $$ DEFICIT! HELLO? Is anybody listening?
    The world is shaking in it’s boots because of the 16 trillion $$ American debt which has increased 5 trillion $$ in the last 4 years. O-Dumbo is proposing to double that debt with deficit spending over the next 10 years. I’m finding it hard to believe that this economically suicidal path America is being taken down by the Democrats is not intentional. One would think that after the Democrats spent into deficit under GWB that they’d right the ship after they took the White House and declare themselves the ‘Party of Austerity’; but, their failure to make this logical political and economic maneuver betrays their true intent which is the destruction of the United States economy. I’ve concluded, because of what I’ve outlined here, that the Democratic Party has been usurped by radical anti-American powers and are no longer a viable option for patriotic Americans going forward. For the sake of their democracy, the Americans are in desperate need of an alternative political party to the Right of the GOP to act as an official opposition to the Left of the REAL center GOP. Unfortunately, I do not see how this can come to flourish without empowering the Democrats for the foreseeable future.

  8. Bugs Bunny 2012!!
    Nah, what a maroon…what’s up Doc?
    Obama couldn’t balance his children’s teeter totter, still less the national budget.
    BTW what ACME missiles are on sale this year?
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  9. None of them in Washington have the balls so far to propose anything major. This means huge sacrifices across the board but the MSM; again during Sunday morning Political talkshows, keep asking if they will cut social security and medicare especially when addressing the question to Republicans as attempts at gotcha politics. MSM knows full well that there are other items that could be looked at like:
    – Foreign aid
    – Fed workers salary cuts, freezes + Downsizing/Elimination of certain Federal depts
    – Foreign military bases downsizing/shutdown
    – Special interest groups funding
    – NASA
    – Pork barreling
    I’m sure I’m missing a lot.
    I’m afraid not much will be done until the US dollars devalues enough for the common folk to start rolling out the guillotines.

  10. Obama has printed more money than any other president. If he says there will be a freeze, I don’t believe him. It’s as simple as that. He is a socialist “community organiser” shaken that the electorate cares about money going down the tubes.

  11. Exactly Osu, that’s why real and painful cuts are necessary NOW, else the Americans, the GOP and the Democrats are nothing but Smokers that claim they’ll start to quit tomorrow, right after this last smoke.

  12. Terry Tory, the only big one you missed was Welfare Reparations, by that I mean the Democrat vote-buying programs that are not under SS and Medicare/Medicaid.
    (ie. housing assistance, daycare assistance, food stamps, paying single mom’s to have kids, free college for all minorities, pigford, transportation assistance, 99 weeks of un-employment extensions, and I could go on and on and on…)

  13. Indiana, if Obama was clever and scrupled enough to do that, he would lose the undeserved esteem he has from the few who think the world revolves around him.
    Neither the stones nor the heart nor the synapses to lead, is my point.

  14. Caught a bit of The Phantom Menace, last night.
    Does JarJar remind anyone of Obambam?
    Maybe it’s just me.

  15. ePaul
    i’ve concluded that the entire fiasco Far Far Away can be dropped squarely at the feet of Jar Jar Binks.

  16. So will we see a little puff of dust when Obambam hits the ground? Or should I say hits the debt ceiling.

  17. Hell of a job you’re doing there BO, hell of a job.
    BTW, I would have used a picture of the coyote holding up a tiny umbrella while a “debt” anvil is dropping from the sky.
    But that’s just me…

  18. Even the GOP 100 billion is too little too late. They need to get the economy firing on all cylinders again and still cut a permanent trillion or so from the budget. Its going to get tough out and Detroit is probably just the start.

  19. The quickest way to separate the pretenders and pontificators from people serious about solving the fiscal crisis is the issue of entitlements like Social Security. There’s no way to even begin solving the problem without making changes to entitlements. Discretionary spending is nothing compared to mandatory entitlement spending. In the US, Social Security has been called “the third rail of politics”, but it’s high time for that to end. This sacred cow needs to be sent to the slaughterhouse.
    If I may paraphrase Heinlein, reality is a harsh mistress.

  20. The riots in Eygpt and the middle east have nothing to do with Freedom etc. and everything to do with the devaluation of the US dollar and the corresponding jump in commodities. Commonly known as INFLATION. Fasten your seatbelts Obama the Dumbest SOB ever elected to office is h*ll bent on the Zimbabwe solution.

  21. Obama’s favourite saying. “Send New Money Old Money All Gone Now”. What a sack of sh*t he has turned into.

  22. To be fair, Bush Jr. blew the piggy bank, before O.B. started.
    On the Wall Street bailout, prescription fiasco, and foreign entaglements.
    There is an excuse for a liberal being a liberal.
    It’s harder to defend a conservative being a liberaL.

  23. At this point the USA is probably best served by Kate’s proverbial asteroid. Smack in the middle of Washington DC. The Democrats have driven America right to the edge of economic ruin, and most of the beltway Republicans are too spineless to do what needs to be done to fix the problem.
    (A second asteroid smacking into Wall Street wouldn’t be unwelcome, to rid the world of the parasite bankers.)
    I really don’t know what comes after an outright collapse of the American economy due to its debt binge, but it won’t be pretty. We’ll probably witness it within the decade.

  24. BTW your cartoon will probably be erroneously viewed by lefties as wishing death on the President. Just saying…
    Posted by: eaglewingz08 at February 14, 2011 12:37 PM
    BTW did you not notice that black ops chute that will slow his fall..somewhat. Waiting for the poof cloud of dust albeit somewhat diminished. Just saying….

  25. One things for sure. The American Welfare State is doomed. No matter what, unless it goes completely socialist, & than its a slow decent into 3rd World poverty.
    The West will have to take the bull it for the ideological nonsense of the left.
    Its gonna be messy. Only this time it will be the Elites heads on the chopping block. Why? For the simple reason we know who has put us in this position to enrich themselves at everyone else’s expense.
    The party’s over boy’s. The Creditor is at the door. He’s hungry!!
    For the want of luxury from a debased Elite to the maniacal ravings about reforming baby killers, free money for bums. A Light of Nations was pissed on by the same vultures, till only hopelessness is left in the warrens of a debauched Empire that gorged on the talents of others while killing their futures.
    Detroit is the future, & worse.

  26. What did GWB spend on wars? 60-100 billion a year? Now Obama is gonna spend 10 times that every year for 10 years. The lefties are gonna blame Bush for these record defisits, even though the math doesn’t ad up.
    Are my numbers correct, btw?

  27. Pretty much all that debt and collapse is the work of the Dems. Clinton really got it rolling by forcing Fannie and |Freddie to give mortagages to anyone. And you really can’t lay it all on Bush either. The Dems controlled both the Senate and the House from 2006 on until Nov. 2010. The Dems and Obama have added 10 Trillion of that 15 Trillion debt in just 4 years, kinda blows Bushes debt records right out of the water.

  28. near-sighted observer
    Most people will give The Zero a mulligan on year one due to residual spending carryover, although, you should remember, the Dumbocrats had the house in term 2.
    Zero is completely responsible after year one, now he just looks like an incompetent Marxist Kenyan, with no accounting or responsibility to shrink the deficit. All he cares about is getting re-elected, not doing whats right for America….

  29. Miss Anthropy –
    You shouldn’t cut SS for retired, or near-retired – they have planned their retirement around it. The only changes should be for the very, very young – those in their 20’s and 30’s. Once adjustments for the very young were enacted, you could easily finance the shortfalls that would exist until they reach retirement age,at which point, of course no further shortfalls would exist. In general, governments can easily obtain financing, so long as they are not structurally insolvent.

  30. I’ve concluded, because of what I’ve outlined here, that the Democratic Party has been usurped by radical anti-American powers and are no longer a viable option for patriotic Americans going forward. i- Indiana Homez
    Indiana Homez nails it, and MoveOn, the Soros front group acknowledged this as far back as 2004, when they injected $300 million into the elect Kerry effort:
    ” Now it’s our Party: we bought it, we own it, and we’re going to take it back.”
    Obama certainly acts like the nervous front man, and dislikes speaking without the TelePrompter. Is this because he fears making an ad lib mistake his radical base might disapprove of?

  31. Both the Repubs and Dems are in the pockets of the Banksta’s, it doesn’t matter which party appears to be in control. They are both singing from the same song book, in total harmony.
    A true hard core Libertarian is what the States needs as a leader right now (not to be mistaken for a Libertine)to put the brakes on the machine and cut all their lifelines. Cut all special interest handouts and social spending and give it back to the Churches as they have proven they are the best at helping the poor and the needy, bar none! Following after some of the spending cuts that Governor Christie in NJ is doing would be a great start.

  32. TerryTory, Ratt:
    Sorry, boys, your numbers are rooted in fantasy, not fact. For the last fiscal year, here are the biggies:
    Medicare, Medicaid: 23% of federal spending
    Social Security: 20%
    Defense: 20%
    Interest: 6%
    That’s 69% right there. And that doesn’t include the $360 billion in unemployment/welfare, or the $145 billion for the “Global War on Terror”. In fact, these six items make up over 90% of federal spending. So if you eliminated ALL remaining US federal spending – courts, FBI, prisons, border patrol, the State department (including all embassies worldwide), every department from Energy to Veterans Affairs – you could nearly balance the budget.
    The only answers that can lead to a real reduction in deficit are slamming the brakes on SS/Medi* and defense. Not going to happen, regardless of whether jackasses or pachyderms are in power.

  33. We’ll see if the dog still thinks its funny when gas is ten bucks a quart and you can’t get strawberries at all, for any price.
    That’ll be fun, won’t it beagle?

  34. I wonder just what the hell they expected. They shut down thousands of factories and outsourced millions of jobs to China , India and other cheap labor countries and then wonder why they are in trouble. Far worse is yet to come.

  35. “The bipartisan Fiscal Commission I created last year made this crystal clear. I don’t agree with all their proposals, but they made important progress. And their conclusion is that the only way to tackle our deficit is to cut excessive spending wherever we find it — in domestic spending, defense spending, health care spending, and spending through tax breaks and loopholes.”
    Never mind the gross understatement of what the commission said, and the escape clause “I don’t agree with all their proposals” … technically speaking, the above statement could be interpreted as saying “I don’t agree with all of this, but here’s what they said: ….” so any one or more of those, perhaps he doesn’t agree with, but he gets credit for saying them anyway. At least that’s his hope.
    But the thing that irks me above all eles is that last bit … “spending through tax breaks and loopholes”.
    Tax breaks are NOT spending. Tax breaks are refraining from taking. The money doesn’t BELONG to the government for it to generously give back. But such is Progressive logic.
    “We will spend less by taxing more!”

  36. KevinB,
    Agreed that most of the cash goes to entitlement programs BUT:
    In order to sell and have a sort of approval from the citizens that major sacrifices are needed across the board; real leaders need to convince Americans by first cutting ALL fat, unnecessary and even not-so-necessary programs and departments, even if they are not the big numbers.
    You have to do that FIRST otherwise you are just enraging an already furious population even more…Unless you are pushing for a revolution within your own borders.
    For me, Washington DC is a goner. Democrats or Republicans; it does not matter. Corruption is master and commander.
    Watch this with a grain of salt; some tinfoil moments are in there but you cannot dismiss the meat and potatoes of it:

  37. Heard on the News this morning.  Obama, on “tackling” the budget deficit:

    “The bipartisan Fiscal Commission I created last year made this crystal clear. I don’t agree with all their proposals, but they made important progress. And their conclusion is that the only way to tackle our deficit is to cut excessive spending wherever we find it — in domestic spending, defense spending, health care spending, and spending through tax breaks and loopholes.”

    Never mind the gross understatement of what the commission said, and the escape clause “I don’t agree with all their proposals” … technically speaking, the above statement could be interpreted as saying “I don’t agree with all of this, but here’s what they said: ….” so any one or more of those, perhaps he doesn’t agree with, but he gets credit for saying them anyway. At least that’s his hope.
    But the thing that irks me above all eles is that last bit … “spending through tax breaks and loopholes”.
    Tax breaks are not spending. Tax breaks are refraining from taking. The money doesn’t belong to the government for it to generously give back. But such is Progressive logic.  It is the logic of rationalization to obscene lengths.
    “We will spend less by taxing more!”
