Make Up Your Mind, Nanny!

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Tri-State Defender, Feb.10thDeclaring that, “We have a voice,” First Lady Michelle Obama on Wednesday marked the first anniversary of the Let’s Move campaign that she is spearheading to solve the problem of childhood obesity in a generation.
NPR, Feb.13thThe can is a “taller, sassier” version of the traditional can that the company says was made in “celebration of beautiful, confident women.” Some say Pepsi’s approach only reinforces dangerous stereotypes about women and body image.

38 Replies to “Make Up Your Mind, Nanny!”

  1. Given some of the individuals I’ve seen and had to deal with, I’d say the shape of the cans they’re purchasing is the least of the factors contributing to their condition.

  2. How long, oh Lord, shall we have the witless maundering of First Ladies to contend with? We didn’t elect them to anything, they just happened to be married to somebody who got elected. This does NOT make them instant experts on ANYTHING!
    So please, Mrs. Obama – shut up.

  3. Not sure how it could be considered a “celebration of beautiful, confident women.” Looks more phallic actually.

  4. First of all, skinny women don’t need to drink diet Pepsi.
    Secondly, if you carefully read the two articles, the cause of the obesity “crisis” is revealed:
    “it’s actually become harder, not easier, to raise healthy kids in this country,” she said…And let’s be honest sometimes, as parents today, we are just plain tired. We’re working longer hours to make ends meet. We’re under more stress. We get home after a long day at work and the last thing on earth we want to do is fight with our kids about turning off the TV, or have endless negotiations about what’s for dinner.”
    “The can is a “taller, sassier” version of the traditional can that the company says was made in “celebration of beautiful, confident women.” Some say Pepsi’s approach only reinforces dangerous stereotypes about women and body image.”
    Feminism makes families fat. They want women to have it all but trying to have it all, all at once means that somethings gotta give. That something turns out to be nutritious home-cooked meals and the time/energy to be playful parents.
    Women and body image is also a concept that is partly due to modern feminism. In my grandmothers era, women didn’t feel the need to dress and act sexy from the pre-teen years right up to the golden years. This obsession with body image goes hand in hand with eating disorders (too much and too little).

  5. Was it not the Pointer Sisters who sang, “Yes, we can can”? and weren’t they from Canmore? Er, maybe not…

  6. For all feminism’s achievements, and there are many of them, their greatest failure is turning too many women into neurotic basket-cases with a huge victim’s complex. The best part of the women’s movement happened in the first wave. Beyond that, it merely transformed into another progressive, statist orgaization that fails to do a damn thing for actual women.

  7. Proposition #36: There is nothing within the realm of human endeavor — nothing — that someone won’t take offense at.
    Corollary #36A: The only way to avoid giving offense is to do nothing, which many will then find offensive.
    Sub-Corollary #36B: Somebody somewhere is offended by you. Live with it.

  8. You nailed it LC.
    I’ll always remember when my mom tripped-out on me because of the run in her nylons. Apparently it was ‘men’s fault’ for the cost of nylons, or the shoty workmanship, or the demands that women need to wear nylons or something like that. I’m not 100% certain why, but I know that it was ‘men’s fault’.

  9. Heard that Dr. D! I understand that many larger US cities are purchasing special hoisting and moving equipment to manage the quarter-ton plus patients they are getting ever increasing numbers of. Special ambulances too, because your basic one-ton dualie chassis can’t hack it anymore. After adding the bigger ambulance box, reinforced floor, hydraulic lift, doubleplus-sized mega-gurney (sometimes motorized and with an on-board winch, apartments for these kinds of people never EVER on the ground floor) industrial locking restraints for the gurney… They discovered they needed a dump truck chassis to handle all the extra kit plus the freakin’ sea-going mammal sized patient.
    Don’t think of the patient as a human being, think of it as five hundred pound water balloon that can sue you if you drop it.
    But as to the juxtaposition, they aren’t even trying to be logical or consistent anymore. I think they’ve all gone a little wacky because they can tell its the end for their whole creed. This administration is the last time in American history anybody is going to pay any attention whatsoever to a poofy brained buttalump who says things like “Pepsi’s approach only reinforces dangerous stereotypes about women and body image.”
    I’m sorry, that is SO over.

  10. Michelle could only hope for such a body shape. I wonder if anyone makes Butternut Squash Cola? She’d better represent that than what she’s currently shooting for.
    That being said – it’s a can, man. Sheesh.

  11. “Proposition #36: There is nothing within the realm of human endeavor — nothing — that someone won’t take offense at.”
    rabbit wins the thread – hands down

  12. REvans
    No kidding, apparently Bill Mahr was “offended” by the Oreilly/Obama interview. It’s rich beyond comprehension that Bill can be offended by anything, considering the fact he makes his living offending people.

  13. The problem of childhood obesity will be solved by the use of food to produce ethanol for fuel. This so drive up the price of food so much that parents won’t be able to afford to feed their kids very much. Also, the proliferation of bird blenders for power production will make the electrical grid so unstable that kids won’t be able to watch TV or play computer games when the power is out (which will be most of the time).
    The notion that eating disorders are socially caused is laughable; every patient I’ve ever seen with an eating disorder has an underlying mood disorder. Treat the underlying mood disorder and the eating disorder usually goes away. Malnutrition partly causes the mood disorder but it isn’t primary.

  14. And this from a 1st Lady that eats Lobster by the pound ? I got $5 bucks says that after her one-term husband gets the boot she joins Maria Osmond and Oprah on the Nutrisystem diet commercials.

  15. LOKI
    I’ve recently heard the term ‘incidental eating’ which is tied to long hours indoors. I concur somewhat that I’m likely to eat more when I’m cooped-up at home over the long winter months. What say you?

  16. Based on the various photographs of White House events that Mrs. Obama has been involved it, I get the distinct sense that she only cares about childhood obesity problems in African Americans and other minorities.
    Mrs. Obama said “…last thing on earth we want to do is fight with our kids about turning off the TV”. But wait, isn’t it Hollywood, land of the rabid Democrat voter and supporter, that wants kids to waste hours in front of the TV?
    LC said: “Feminism makes families fat.” There’s probably some truth to that!

  17. Osumashi Kiyobe – “Isn’t there something bigger to worry about other than pop cans?”
    Michelle’s big butt? (Michelle, boob belts don’t make you look skiny.) Yes, it’s a cheap shot, but I can live with myself.
    It will come as a surprise to noone that Michelle Antoinette’s understanding of basic economics is non-existant.
    “You asked for more fresh, nutritious food in your communities. So we’re working to bring more grocery stores into underserved areas. You wanted healthier, more affordable options on those grocery store shelves. So food manufacturers made a ‘Healthy Weight Commitment,’ pledging to cut 1.5 trillion calories a year from their products. And Walmart promised to sell products with less sugar, salt and trans-fat – and to reduce prices on healthy items like fresh fruits and vegetables.”
    If grocery stores don’t operate in certain areas, it’s becaue it’s not profitable to do so, due to crime and lack of demand. And if Wallmart cuts its prices on fruits and vegetables in some neighborhoods, that will do nothing but create an environment where it will be in nobody’s interest to start selling such food in those neighborhoods.
    You know how smug git Yann Martel wrote some book about how he’d started mailing books to Stephen Harper (I guess in the forlorn hope that the illiterate redneck would have an epiphany, realize Conservatism was evil and give Yann and his buddies lots of free money)? Well, in that spirit, could someone please mail Michelle a copy of Thomas Sowell’s “Basic Eonomics”? I mean I know reading ‘n writing isn’t this Princeton grad’s strong point, but if she just gave it a go, who knows…

  18. The obesity of individuals is a personal matter. The obesity of the federal budget and debt is a public matter.

  19. Black Mamba, there is a joke site out called MOTUS:
    Go there but remember- what is seen cannot be unseen.
    Michelle Obama just has to dip her oar in. This eating program will be her legacy. Or, at least, that’s what she hopes.
    There is probably a “Sarah Palin-has-had-five-kids-and-looks-fabulous-and-liberal-broads-don’t” joke somewhere but I won’t tell it now.
    If the will to properly eat and exercise is not there, availability of healthy food is not the primary problem.
    When we were kids, our parents never bought us Oreos or sugary cereals and made us play outside. How difficult is that, really?

  20. What? Since when is it sexist to tell a woman she’s got a nice can?
    Also, why was it okay when Michelob Ultra did the same thing? Shouldn’t we be CELEBRATING beverage equality between the sexes here?

  21. I am not sure I want to know what a boob belt is but I agree with the rest of your post.
    Not only does Mrs.O not understand economics, she does not understand human nature. Encouraging (meaning forcing) businesses to do things that do not make economic sense will do little or nothing to change peoples choices or lifestyles. Those that prefer high calorie, low nutrition food will ignore all the well intended, but very expensive, programs and continue to eat as they please. And why shouldn’t they? Although progressives cite healthcare as the reason to micromanage grown adults, it is really none of the governments business how fat people get. If lugging around pounds and pounds of extra weight doesn’t encourage a diet, nothing will.

  22. Mrs. O.B. is not bad looking, figure wise.
    Probably the best since Jackie O.
    Though Nancy Reagan had a fine appearance.
    She just doesn’t do it for me, facially or fashion sense.

  23. Its all about sex with sales. Hence the shape of the can. Its the same with cars draped in in Women in sexual poses for men.
    Sex sells along with the Imagination of it.

  24. What rabbit said @ 2:18.
    Memo to Government bureaucrats and busy body politicians…on which side should I part may hair?

  25. this red herring is applicable and warranted only if Michelle Obama owns pepsi stock.
    all your concomitant gloating sounds like hogs at feeding time.

  26. Black Mamba, that is not a boob belt. That is a traditional Klingon combat harness used to sheath the Hegh’bat, the traditional Klingon blade used to deal with wandering husbands and uppity servants.
    Her palm calluses are said to be very shapely.

  27. That woman has enough junk in the trunk that she should just shut up. She was not elected to do anything. Someone should explain to her that it’s just a flippin can and she should get a life.

  28. There’s nothing wrong with MO’s appearance. “I like big butts and I can not lie”, and she looks like she’d breed nice athletic kids.
    As far as Klingon’s go, I admit I did want a piece of that one sister with the big knockers who was trying to win the Klingon civil war. The other sister didn’t quite do it for me.
    Personally, I blame Captain Kirk for my broad taste in broads.
    dadadaaaadaaaaaadaaaaaadaaaaaadaaaaaadadadaaaaadaaaaaa bopbombopbombopbombom
