22 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Yes Mad Mike, that was an amazing video. Some of us have known for decades that this was happening.

  2. *Pharaoh Liberal McGuinty.
    *E-gypt them.
    Red-Green Revolution? In Ontario? When? Why?
    Of Liberal Iggy’s O’Harvard buddy & Pharaoh McGuinty.
    “I Heard it on the Grapevine”
    “111. simple
    Wael Ghonim, built a Facebook page last summer 2010 based upon the facts of the police murder of a young Egyptian, Khaled Said, was originally hired by El Baridei to start a Facebook page.
    We are going to have to pull the curtains back to see who have been the driving forces in the internet revolution. We are in an era where none of us no what the truth is. Obama may have lucked out in Eygpt where the military just reshuffled the deck and took dowm Mubarack as its face. The question really being is when we pull back the curtain on Obama who is the one doing the manipulating . Or by voting present and having no priciples Obama has torqued of all that thought they had a piece of him.”
    *Pharaoh Liberal McGuinty: E-gypt them.
    >>> “Henry Aukema” = “Aukema was stunned.”
    >>> “Steve Baert” = “I was numb for the rest of the day.”
    “Then came the kick to the gut:”
    “Solar plans blacked out”
    “STRATHROY, Ont. — Henry Aukema saw his retirement plans crumble in the words of an e-mail from Hydro One.
    The 57-year-old Strathroy, Ont., farmer had been one of 25,000 Ontarians to apply to erect solar panels whose electricity could be sold to the grid at a guaranteed premium for 20 years.
    The return was attractive: Aukema calculated by the time he paid off a loan to build the solar array he’d be 65 — and then could produce income of as much as $15,000 a year.
    The risk seemed non-existent: He had been given a conditional offer by the Ontario Power Authority under a plan proposed and backed by the Ontario government.
    So Aukema borrowed $85,000 rather than cashing in part of his modest RRSP and paid for the project and the electrical work needed to hook it to the grid.
    Then he waited.
    In November and January he phoned Hydro One and was told his project should prove easy to connect.
    Still, nothing happened.”

  3. Happy Valentines day Kate! And Happy Valentines Day to all the other hot, conservative thinking women out there. You know who you are.

  4. AGW Progress Report:
    Habby Varicose Veins’ Day from AGaiaW.
    “Alerts: Ontario”
    ” * Flash Freeze Warning for Kitchener – Cambridge – Region of Waterloo
    * Flash Freeze Warning for York – Durham
    * Flash Freeze Warning for Uxbridge – Beaverton – Northern Durham Region
    * Flash Freeze Warning for Newmarket – Georgina – Northern York Region
    * Flash Freeze Warning for Pickering – Oshawa – Southern Durham Region
    * Flash Freeze Warning for Vaughan – Richmond Hill – Markham
    Public Alerts” (more)
    “NH may dump carbon-dioxide law”
    “CONCORD, N.H. — New Hampshire’s House is considering repealing the state’s regional greenhouse gas initiative that is aimed at reducing carbon emissions.
    A House committee holds a hearing Thursday on legislation to repeal the program started three years ago. New Hampshire is one of 10 Northeastern states, including Maine, participating in a cap-and-trade program for carbon dioxide. Under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – -or RGGI– generators must reduce pollution or bid at auction for allowances giving them the right to produce certain amounts of carbon dioxide.
    Generators whose emissions drop can sell surplus allowances at auction and trade them on commodities markets. Since 2008, the program has raised $729 million.
    Proceeds from the auction are used for energy efficiency programs. Critics complain electric users are funding efficiency programs that don’t directly benefit them.
    Last year, New Hampshire raided its fund to help pay for other state spending.”

  5. AGW PR Foody Freezy Report.
    AGW PR’s last edition/now closed. We give up and succumb.
    “Produce prices skyrocket with freeze in Mexico, Southwest
    PORTLAND — Get ready to pay double or even triple the price for fresh produce in the coming weeks after the worst freeze in 60 years damaged and wiped out entire crops in northern Mexico and the southwestern U.S.
    The problem started less than a week ago, when our nation was focusing on the Superbowl and sheets of ice falling from Texas Stadium.
    Farmers throughout northern Mexico and the Southwest experienced unprecedented crop losses. Now devastation that seemed so far away, is hitting us in the pocketbooks.
    (Excerpt) Read more at kgw.com …”

  6. Flash Freeze Warning for Mexico didn’t do any good.
    Mexico lost about 4 mil mt of their corn crop due to recent frost, further tightening an already dicey world corn supply.
    Plus lost some of their vegetable crops in same area.
    Some traders expect new record corn prices this yr to pass old record of $7.65/bu.
    Of course all this was predicted by the proponents of AGW, wasn’t it?

  7. *This one may not go over too good
    AP Source: GM to spend millions on bonuses
    A person briefed on the matter says General Motors will pay more than $189 million in profit-sharing to 48,000 hourly workers and millions more in performance bonuses for salaried employees.
    GM made $4.2 billion in the first nine months of 2010 and is expected to post a fourth-quarter profit. The company needed a $49.5 billion government bailout to survive a 2009 bankruptcy.
    The person, who asked not to be identified because employees have not been notified, says numbers will be announced Monday.

  8. Liberal Iggy & his O’Harvard buddy:
    O & I : Hollow* men.
    “What appears to be happening is that everything in the Middle east is the same as it always was, only more so,”.
    “But the [Obama] administration’s attempts to bestride events seem hollow.”
    “But the administration’s attempts to bestride events seem hollow. What appears to be happening is that everything in the Middle east is the same as it always was, only more so, and in a way that has shredded the diplomatic green baize routine. None of the hatreds, fault lines, corruption, ethnic divisions, schisms and vendettas of the region have been resolved; only now they are in the open and clamoring in the street, fueled by Google, Facebook and Twitter. The policy of kicking the can down the road has suddenly stopped working. All the problems which diplomats thought they had decades to solve are now simultaneously coming to the table, urgent, immediate and uncompromising.
    In decades past the West could impose a kind of queue on the incoming threads and marshal resources for their orderly resolution. The current crisis threatens to blow past the elaborately constructed edifices of the EU, UN, IMF and group of industrialized countries the way German Panzers blasted past the Maginot Line. What may be failing, in addition to the authoritarian regimes of the Middle East and Southwest Asia, is the entire International System.
    After the shock and euphoria of change fade next few months, the resolution of the problems which have been so abundantly thrown up will come down to the primitive things: supplies of energy, food, logistics, information and military force. It would be ironic indeed if the 21st century ushered in, not the suave, international order that Eurocrats predicted, but a Hobbesian world in which the new rules have yet to be determined.”
    “Mistah Kurtz — he dead.
    A penny for the Old Guy
    *We are the hollow men
    We are the stuffed men
    Leaning together
    Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
    Our dried voices, when
    We whisper together
    Are quiet and meaningless
    As wind in dry grass
    Or rats’ feet over broken glass
    In our dry cellar
    Shape without form, shade without colour,
    Paralysed force, gesture without motion;”.
    H/T T. S. Eliot.

  9. AGW PR: Due to many calls, we have reneged.
    “South Korea chaos after ‘heaviest’ snowfall”
    “The heaviest snowfall in more than a century on South Korea’s east coast is causing widespread chaos.
    Hundreds of houses have collapsed under the weight of the snow. One newspaper described it as a snow bomb.
    The South Korean government has deployed 12,000 soldiers to rescue stranded residents.
    The worst weather has been in Gangwon province. Weather experts say there will be more snowfall in the area in the coming hours.
    “I am 83 years old. It’s the heaviest snow in my life. I am really grateful for the soldiers’ help,” said Park Chae-ran.”
    “Green Smoke Screen
    Supporters of “green energy” like to say it will create more jobs. They’re wrong.
    By Bjørn Lomborg
    Political rhetoric has shifted away from the need to respond to the “generational challenge” of climate change. Investment in alternative energy technologies like solar and wind is no longer peddled on environmental grounds. Instead, we are being told of the purported economic payoffs—above all, the promise of so-called “green jobs.” Unfortunately, that does not measure up to economic reality.”

  10. Just a little update on the infamous U of Ottawa prof Amir Attaran (https://www.smalldeadanimals.com/archives/016065.html). He’s back in the news trying to drum up some sympathy for the plight of elderly parents and grandparents trying to get to Canada with family reunification visas. The heartless conservatives have lowered the numbers this year from 16,000 to 11,000.
    “The policy is “highly illegal,” said Amir Attaran, a University of Ottawa law professor who is also trying to bring his parents to Canada.
    “It’s discriminatory and illegal when an uncle’s application is processed daily on a priority basis by [Citizenship and Immigration Canada], but a father’s application takes more than 200 days,” Attaran said Monday at an Ottawa press conference…
    He launched a lawsuit against the government last summer; the lawsuit is now with the human rights commission.
    Do the human rights commission hacks actually have the power to overrule the government’s Visa policy? Does this have anything to do with Amir’s FOI request paranoia?
    Surprisingly, the first page of comments on the CBC are all against allowing more elderly immigrants to come to Canada.
