14 Replies to “Who Are You?”

  1. History is already beginning to judge G W Bush and the prognosis is looking very good.
    Especially when we have the the disaster that followed his presidency now in the process of making a very big mess. Obama will be a laughable footnote in the history books in spite of the damage and pain he is causing.

  2. Don’t get too excited, Liberals are clearly laying the ground work for yet another blame Bush mantra.

  3. Don’t worry, as soon as things start to sour in Egypt, the LSM will most certainly bring this up and point fingers at GWB (and Palin somehow) that it was HIS ‘imperial interference’ that lead to this political unrest.

  4. They are perpetually enraged Ward, must be no commedians or funny muzzies, the whole area is nothing but sand and scowls, what a shithole. Bush was so far ahead of the libsuks all they can do is scream and lie.

  5. The G & M had a similar article, but with a little more tepid feel to it! As if they are unsure if Bush actually did something they might approve of, but giving themselves an out in case it Obama messes it up.

  6. The only logical explanation is that there is a second string Obamugabe double
    who takes centre stage in Washington during moments of world crisis while the
    real great leader and leftist superhero takes himself off secretly to where the action is
    to sort out “the lesser breeds without the law”.
    While Rush didn’t go that far today, he did provide intriguing soundbites of cnn flacks
    constantly badgering Egyptian demonstrators in unsuccessful attempts to make them
    confess their awe at the fabulous work done by “O” which saved them and the world
    from disaster once again.

  7. As much as I liked GWB’s aims I recognize that his goals remain unattainable without far more drastic action than going in and overthrowing a tyrant. As much as we all want to we can not establish a democracy until we have crushed the ideology that was causing the tyranny to exist in the first place. Any thing less than destroying the ideology is akin to putting lipstick on a pig.

  8. “the whole area is nothing but sand and scowls,”
    Have you forgot the sphinx and the pyramids? Have you forgot the Nobel prize winner – Naguib Mahfouz? It is the Egyptians who build the pyramids – although the sphinx do scowls- and it is the Egyptian who won the Nobel prize for literature. They may be arabized and too many of them are fundamentalists but there are many other things there apart from “sand and scowls”

  9. Who Are You?
    And what have you done with the Boston Globe?

    And when whoever it is starts making demands and releasing hostage photos, what paper will the Boston Globe be holding up to prove the date?

  10. I didn’t think it was Bushie’s business about who governs Egypt. I don’t think it’s Obama’s. President Ron Paul would ensure it wasn’t.

  11. This is NOT a legitimate use of US taxpayer funds and further I highly doubt it laid any kind of groundwork in Egypt. Facebook and the rest of internet did that. Another waste of money by a terrible president for ineffective meddling.
