22 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Have you ever wondered why Oblameya hasn’t lifted the drilling moratorium?
    Courtesy of Drudge report:
    Deal gives GE a crown jewel of the oil industry
    It has to do with submersible pumps that GE wants.
    From The Guardian UK:
    General Electric, scarred by its disasters in financial services, is wisely concentrating on its industrial businesses these days. The US group wants to be big in oil services and is prepared to pay handsomely. There is little point in trying to stand in the way of this juggernaut, as lucky old John Wood Group can testify. The Aberdeen-based group is selling its well support business to GE for about $800m (£500m) more than expected.
    “If you look at world oil production today, about two-thirds comes from 300 giant wells that are depleting about six percent a year,” said Krenicki. “Of those giant wells, only about one third of the oil has been extracted — for lots of reasons – cost, technology, difficulty. And world oil demand is to grow about 20 million barrels per day over the next decade.”
    “We know that these (electric submersible pumps) are the key to unlock this puzzle,” Krenicki said.
    So what you say?
    Well, Google “Obama and GE” and guess what comes up,,,
    GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt and President Obama’s Suspicious Relationship
    Just two weeks ago, President Obama announced that General Electric CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, would head up the president’s newly formed White House Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Also in the last few weeks, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) passed several new regulations in regard to greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. The government has decided that certain projects already underway prior to the new regulations’ implementation will not be subject to the regulations and will be “grandfathered in” to the new regulatory landscape. Guess who will receive the first exemption? That’s right… GE.
    Obama has been very close with GE throughout his presidency, and this exemption decision has many speculating on unfair ties between Big Business and Big Government. This is especially disconcerting considering that Jeffrey Immelt now has the responsibility to council President Obama on economic competitiveness. This seems like an oxymoron, or perhaps the most competitive business move ever—cozying up with the government so that regulation gives your company competitive advantage.
    BP(greenie)bad,,, GE(greenie) good!
    I just can’t wait for that movie to come out
    (some background on Jeffrey Immelt.
    Obama’s Watergate?: GE Using CNBC, MSNBC to Promote Cap-and-Trade – OReilly
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxmH9bdpMgQ )

  2. This is the latest delusions coming out of the MSM. Like anyone is forced to write or comment. These folks are nuts. I go to Blogs to find out real news commented on by people who know what they talk about, to sweeten the information.
    If some of these owners go after the cash cow, so what? Its their Blogs. Commentary is NOT mandatory.
    At Media Companies, a Nation of Serfs
    Some of the fizz, if not a great big bubble, seems to have returned to media, depending on how you define “media.”

  3. Thanks Vit for the very interesting writings of George Freidman from Stragetic Forecasting Inc. with regards to Egypt’s “revolution.” Much appreciated sir.

  4. watched the end of the rick mercer report.
    he’s now an honourary colonel with the 423rd (Sea King unit) for giving them positive feedback.
    the sea king pilots set records for landing the biggest choppers on the smallest decks in the worst weather. oh, where was I? oh ya,
    is it true that harper took the deficit from zero to 60 Billion ‘with a B’ in ONE year?

  5. “Harsh Cold Wave Gripping Russian Heartland”
    “As of late last week, arctic cold has invaded Russia and neighboring eastern Europe, where it is set to hang on for at least another one to two weeks.
    The cold, the harshest and longest-lasting for the winter thus far, will substantially increase the demand for heating energy.
    As of Monday, severe cold had spread across northern Russia, Finland and northern Scandinavia for four or five days. Temperatures have already dipped as low as 8 degrees below zero F in St. Petersburg and Helsinki, Finland.
    Cold this severe also reached into Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia as of Monday.
    In the Russian Arctic, Pechora dipped to 43 degrees below zero F on Monday.”
    “Russian Winter: severe cold to invade Moscow and Eastern Europe”
    “Post by Dr. Ryan N. Maue
    Throughout history, the term Russian Winter has come to explain the multitude of military failures of various invading forces into European Russia. The effects of weather and short-term climate on warfare has been recognized and studied for generations. One such campaign involved Napoleon’s march across western Russia toward Moscow in 1812. Yet, with what records survive, the winter of 1812-1813 was apparently relatively mild. Move ahead to the winter of 2010-2011, which has been relatively mild over most of Eastern Europe and Western Russia, including Moscow where the cold blasts have been short-lived. However, during this week and the next ten-days, a brutal Arctic blast is poised to engulf Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, and become even colder as it pushes eastward — crossing the Urals through Russia — beneath a powerful dome of high pressure. Daily temperature anomalies will range from 15° to 35°C below normal, which is already very cold in February. In familiar Fahrenheit: Moscow will likely see near -30°F with surrounding areas -40° to -50°F. Eastward in Central Russia and Siberia during the next several days, temperatures will likely test the -60°F range. Elsewhere, the ECMWF deterministic model is predicting a total of 5-tropical cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere during the next 10-days with a powerful one impacting parched Western Australia and another monster in the South Pacific passing just west of Fiji.
    Maps Follow…”

  6. PET Cemetery Chorus: Bums*. Throw them out.
    “**Michael Ignatieff is a dud.”
    Hallelujah I’s a dud.
    Hallelujah O’s a dud.
    The I & O Duds.
    Of Liberal Iggy and his O’Harvard buddy: Duds Summa Cum Laude.
    “The result has been a foreign-policy debacle.”
    “Ferguson: Wanted – A Grand Strategy for America”
    ““The statesman can only wait and listen until he hears the footsteps of God resounding through events; then he must jump up and grasp the hem of His coat, that is all.” Thus Otto von Bismarck, the great Prussian statesman who united Germany and thereby reshaped Europe’s balance of power nearly a century and a half ago.
    Last week, for the second time in his presidency, Barack Obama heard those footsteps, jumped up to grasp a historic opportunity … and missed it completely.
    In Bismarck’s case it was not so much God’s coattails he caught as the revolutionary wave of mid-19th-century German nationalism. And he did more than catch it; he managed to surf it in a direction of his own choosing. The wave Obama just missed—again—is the revolutionary wave of Middle Eastern democracy. It has surged through the region twice since he was elected: once in Iran in the summer of 2009, the second time right across North Africa, from Tunisia all the way down the Red Sea to Yemen. But the swell has been biggest in Egypt, the Middle East’s most populous country.
    In each case, the president faced stark alternatives. He could try to catch the wave, Bismarck style, by lending his support to the youthful revolutionaries and trying to ride it in a direction advantageous to American interests. Or he could do nothing and let the forces of reaction prevail. In the case of Iran, he did nothing, and the thugs of the Islamic Republic ruthlessly crushed the demonstrations. This time around, in Egypt, it was worse. He did both—some days exhorting Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to leave, other days drawing back and recommending an “orderly transition.”
    The result has been a foreign-policy debacle.
    “*Hallelujah I’m a Bum
    Oh, why don’t I work like other men do? How the hell can I work when the skies are so blue? cho: Hallelujah! … I’m a bum, Hallelujah bum again, Hallelujah! give us a handout”
    **H/T Blue Like You

  7. today (15th) in republicant history:
    Feb 15 1898
    The battleship U.S.S. Maine blows up in Havana Harbor, commencing a splendid little war against Spain that ends with the United States owning a colonial empire and Cuba under martial law.
    also today in republicant history:
    Feb 15 1954
    Ronald Reagan opens his stand-up act at the Las Vegas Ramona Room with the “Honey Brothers”, a wacky slapstick troupe. His show was a smashing success.
    resume your hero worship.

  8. hmmm.
    seems another budding revolution has popped up in the m.e.:
    3w.cbc.ca/world slash story slash 2011/02/15/yemen-protests-saleh.html
    are we in for a spate of them?
    this reminds me of the batch that happened after the american revolution when the shucked the incestuous parasitic royalty george III. followed by fwance and a bunch of s. american nations including the likes of mehhico.
    how ironic the name eh? ‘george’ dubya et al (lot of room there) at the helm setting the stage by supporting the repressive ‘allies’.

  9. Check out Avaaz’s latest hysteria (h/t BCF):
    To the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission:
    As concerned Canadians who value journalistic integrity, we urge the CRTC to protect, not weaken, Canada’s standards for journalism by refusing to change the “fair and balanced” rule for news networks and distributors. Open and honest media is vital to our democracy. We urge you to keep Canada’s news honest.

  10. The avaaz.org website refers to “Fox News — the poisonous US propaganda network”.
    So much for alleged truth in journalism.
