But everyone says we should suck up to China

Loads of people here go spare at the mere mention of any possible Canadian link to torture in Afstan. So where are the howls of outrage when our government itself says the things below?

Man who could face execution in China loses deportation fight
…federal Crown counsel Kristina Dragaitis assured Judge Boivin on Tuesday that China can be trusted to try Mr. Zeng only on the charge of contract fraud he is currently facing. She said that a stiff prison sentence is the worst punishment he would face.
“To suggest they might be cute about it and use a low offence to avoid all the kafuffle about penalties is purely speculative,” Ms. Dragaitis added.
Ms. Dragaitis conceded that Chinese authorities sometimes use torture to extract confessions, but she said that their targets are usually members of religious groups, such as the Falun Gong. As a person accused of an economic crime, she said, Mr. Zeng need not fear similar treatment.
“The applicant doesn’t fit the profile of people who are tortured by security forces,” Ms. Dragaitis added. “I don’t think anyone can say there is no chance of torture, but the issue is whether it’s more likely or not.”..

More here on another country that also brings out the best in Canadian hypocrisy:

Corruption? What stinking corruption? And what stinking torture?

18 Replies to “But everyone says we should suck up to China”

  1. We either engage these countries or disengage entirely.
    Canada has little prospect in affecting the culture of these countries while engaged and zero prospect if Canada disengages.
    Corruption is an accepted part of the culture of these countries and we need to take that into consideration when accepting immigrants.
    Since the chance that our culture is more likely to assimilate their vices than they are to adopt our virtues the question of disengagement is an important one.

  2. they shoot white collar perps as often as any other crims….in fact i’d say they shoot white collar perps more often than your run of the mill asshole…
    poor feller….thought he’d use Canada as a bolthole did he ?….he knew the capital offense deal way back in lotus land so suck ’em up charlie…..win some lose some…

  3. What’s more ironic that if he were a murder/rapist who is being extradited to Texas we would be fighting tooth an nail to keep him here.

  4. Disengagement will become a fact over the next decade as fewer and fewer tourists will leave North American shores.
    Enhanced visualization through economical communications will make an expensive, dangerous and less comfortable experience a chore only the “dolts” will experience.
    Arguements for providing aid etc. will become less compeling as the demand grows. Cheer;

  5. …our culture is more likely to assimilate their vices than they are to adopt our virtues…
    I was wondering about all the horking and spitting in the office lately. This explains it!

  6. Surprised the shyster didn’t come out with something like:
    “Your Honour, their governments been illegaly working and torturing people to death in China
    for thousands of years and it’s so refined by now it doesn’t hardly hurt at all”.

  7. Yes, Mark. We certainly should be encouraging Chinese fraudsters to seek asylum in Canada.
    We don’t have nearly enough home-grown white collar criminals.

  8. Yes, Mark. We certainly should be encouraging Chinese fraudsters to seek asylum in Canada.
    We don’t have nearly enough home-grown white collar criminals.

  9. You find out if conservatives are sincere about their opposition to China when it comes to issues of trade and consumer goods. Are you willing to boycott Walmart? Are you willing to advocate for higher tariffs on Chinese imports? Are you willing to discuss cutting off trade with China?
    For the Kevin O’Leary type conservative (all that matters is profit) the answer is obviously no to all of the above. Who cares if they rip out human organs or beat people to death or invade independent countries (Tibet), if we can make a buck, let’s forget about it.

  10. I should add to the above, of course progressives are generally hopeless re China, they want Canada to be more like China. I guess it’s my organs they are sizing up. And yours. And Kevin O’Leary’s.

  11. Mark I think many of the folks who go spare here at the mere mention of any Canadian link to torture in Afghanistan go spare because of the political points that the opposition was trying to score on the backs of our military by making untruthful politically motivated hearsay based slurs.
    I don’t see the linkage to your story in either instance.

  12. “Ms. Dragaitis conceded that Chinese authorities sometimes use torture to extract confessions”
    Wasn’t that generous of her. Why is is that the MSM will tie themselves in moral knots to bring a murdering jihadist back to Canada,but will say and do nothing to protect a white collar criminal who is very likely to expire under suspicious circumstances?
    Mr.Zeng should seek sanctuary in the nearest mosque or Sikh temple after a sincere conversion to whichever religion will have him.

  13. two wrongs don’t make a right…
    if we fell for every sad story came down the pike that would ultimately bankrupt us…morally and financially…
    how did that 18th century english hanging judge put it?
    “you are not being hung for stealing a horse you are being hung to stop other people from stealing horses.’

  14. What M and Peter O’Donnell said.
    Anyone wanted by the Americans (i.e. – Omar Khadr) would be jealously guarded and defended.
    Perhaps our government should give China a figurative, if not literal, finger to the Chinese by limiting and then eliminating trade and jailing industrial spies.
    Where are our scruples and our courage?

  15. rroe: The people going spare I meant are all those who want to embarrass the gov’t about Afstan by constantly harping on the torture allegations. Those same people don’t give a fig about our essentially ignoring torture in China even when there is a possible Canadian gov’t link, as in this story.

  16. Osumbashi Kinyobe
    Osumbashi Kinyobe
    China wants energy, therefore everything connected with oil and gas industry is of their primary interest.
    If one wants to put pressure on China one only needs to restrict ownership and/or trade in any companies connected to/dealing with that industry.
    It would be good if Chinese industrial spies spent the rest of their life in jail but how can Canada deal properly with Chinese spies when many Canadians are unaware of the scale of that problem.
    And some politicians think only of their immediate gratification.
    Further problem is the present prevailing socio-political culture which says that people of other cultures (usually non-white ) have been for years discriminated against by the West.
    However because the majority of Western people have been guilty of that discrimination there is this tendency to explain many things in the terms of that guilt and to turn blind eye on some behaviors we condemn in our own culture.
    Like cheating. Like nepotism and cronyism .Like corruption.
    And that is also the reason why many Canadian turn blind eye on doings of Chinese spies.
    Many refuse to believe that such things are possible, but if they are, it is surely impossible that they do it on such a large scale.
    So, if we do not deal with that guilt culture and with some of our own hypocrisy we will not be able to properly deal – and trade – with Asian (and other) countries.
    ps. IMHO small amount of hypocrisy is OK. One need to be -somewhat – realistic. 😉

  17. Mark
    But the people who are harping on torture allegations are quite consequent in their views.
    The torture in Afghanistan is done – usually – by the government who is supported by the US or, allegedly, by the NATO/US troops
    Torture in India or China is done by Hindu or Chinese
    Torture/violence in Kashmir is done by both Pakistan and by India, both are complicit. So that is a tie. At least there is a tie if and only if there is no Harper government in the mixture.
    There is, of course, corruption in Afghanistan but Americans “meddle” with Afghan government. So really, Afghani corruption is partially our own (West/American/Canadian)fault.
    The situation in China and India is different.
    Chinese government is anti-western , India has been for quite a time a British colony so – really – one need to have some excuses for the people of India and China who were so trampled upon historically and politically.
    And one should not forget the renminbi contracts in China. Communist renminbi is, after all, as good as dollars and Liberals live in lcapitalist society, too.
    There was some hypocrisy when government apologized to India, but there is conflict in Kashmir and region is “notoriously violent.” Both sides employ violence but at least India tries to curb violence of its military.
