Notice a Pattern?

Is it just my imagination, or is there a pattern here:
John Ibbitson: “Debating multiculturalism gives a voice to the angry, the frustrated and yes, the bigoted. It makes newer Canadians feel less welcome.”
Barbara Kay: “Last Thursday, environmentalist guru David Suzuki stormed out of a Toronto AM640 radio interview with host John Oakley because Oakley dared to suggest that global warming might not be the “totally settled issue” Suzuki insisted it was . . . Suzuki’s very public censure of Oakley for his perceived blasphemy is disquieting because it smacks of the totalitarian impulse to silence and humiliate the dissenter –or even, as in this case, the dissenter’s messenger.”
Michael McBane, Canadian Health Coalition: “[Canadians] have told us they flat-out reject Dr. Ouellet’s proposal to provide us with American-style, two-tier medicine.”
Might there be a connection between the fact that so many Canadians have tuned out of political debate in our country and that one side continuously says there’s nothing left to discuss?
Update: And now is trying to stifle Sun TV News, or as they call their campaign, “48 hours to save Canadian journalism“.

52 Replies to “Notice a Pattern?”

  1. Hope Suzuki stormed out with his coat on, I hear it was pretty cold in Toronto. Course, with all that wool on his head, he probably suffers very little heat loss. Maybe that’s why he came up with the idea in the first place, he just can’t get rid of excess heat.

  2. If there isn’t anything left to discuss then can we close down the parliament and legislatures now now?/
    Seriously, all the Left want is to have the changes they’ve made to our society and culture set in stone but they still want to continue “progressing” toward their idea of Utopia.
    The fact that they don’t want discussion should be enough to convince anyone that when they do have a “dialogue”, as they like to put it, they are never acting in good faith.

  3. We had over a decade of Liberals screaming ‘racist’ in the HOC and the MSM had the Libs back (and still do) in everything leftwing. The culture of having a one sided debate has made it extremely difficult for the likes of Suzuki et al to actually defend their position when merely pronouncing it as fact was ample in the past.
    The pendulum is swinging back and smacking a few leftist high priests up side of the head. But as long as we have the MSM we will have leftie journalists doing their circlejerk for the ill informed. But to steal a line from Zimmy, the times they ARE a changin’……….

  4. Fascisti, of any strain, be they Eco’s or Single Government in Control freaks, are all the same.
    They don’t want discussion, they just want to have their way.
    Screw any dissenters.

  5. Initially I was cynical about the claim that the health-care debate was ‘settled’.
    But… after watching the Glee-ber special yesterday, and reading the Rolling Stone article I think I may have to change my stance on things.
    The Bieber has spoken: – The Canadian-born Bieber never plans on becoming an American citizen. “You guys are evil,” he says with a laugh. “Canada’s the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don’t need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you’re broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard’s baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby’s premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home.”

  6. It is very bizarre that they have almost 60k signing. You can almost hear the bleating coming off the page.

  7. Don’t forget… we are the ones that are narrow-minded, divisive and angry. Luckily the left is there to yell STFU whenever we dare try to discuss the important issues.

  8. This is what happens when countries enjoy decades of prosperity and good health. Before you know it, everyone takes their country for granted and leaves the decision making to others. Soon the only thing we ever notice is the rabid radical groups and figure if they are griping, there must be something wrong. So we allow the squeaky wheels to take all the grease and then one day we wake up to a country that is being run by zealots and minority groups. DEMOCRACY MEANS THAT EVERYONE STANDS UP FOR THEIR COUNTRY ALL THE TIME.

  9. As the blogger Borepatch puts it:
    The Dinosaurs smell a change in the air, and roar their defiance.

  10. That’s one of the biggest problems with both Canada and the U.S., we have people with the emotional and intellectual of a sixteen year old making decisions that affect us all. Last election we saw Avril Lavigne shill for the Liberals, now Bieber for Soviet -style health care.
    I wonder if he or anyone in the MSM recognizes that people die on the waiting lists every year, waiting for our very good, but ruthlessly rationed,health care.

  11. We need Sun TV.
    All we have to do is discuss these issues ourselves and it will make people think when they hear us discussing.
    If the Left wants to refuse to give their side of the issues that’s OK with me, they haven’t cottoned on to the fact that they don’t have overiding control of the dialogue anymore.
    If they want to walk out like Dr. Fruitfly did then they are surrendering.
    That’s a good thing.

  12. Is it possible that the 16+ year olds will soon be running our country?
    Please stop this craziness and get a real job – not protesting – so maybe you 16-20 year olds can learn something about life.

  13. I am guessing here but little Davy thrownin’ a hissy, jamming his fingers in his ears while yellin’ LALALALALA.
    This is what passes for mature debate in greenie world……pathetic little man
    Cheers Bubba

  14. I apologize but could someone please explain to me the whole fair and balanced controversy without the mention of Sun TV. It seems to me when I read something about this over a year ago it was a ruling that journalists were looking for because the original ruling was unenforcable. I haven’t heard any journalist backing the change in the ruling therefore I am confused. I cannot believe that rule is being changed for a TV station that has yet to air a program even though I see that the left is making great headlines by saying that this is the case. Sure wish I could read a reasonable article that would enlighten me but none of the fair and balanced lefties seem to want to give a reasonable explanation when they can slam the conservatives instead. Thanks in advance.

  15. Anybody else see those stupid ads in the newspaper for Al Jazeera? They had “references” from such “balanced” news sources such as the Toronto Star, Huffington, New York Times and the Globe and Mail.
    What a joke.

  16. dmorris
    U got that right.
    On the way home from basketball practice yesterday, my 11 yr old daughter asked me if I “hated taxes?”. I told her that I dislike taxes, but they are necessary. I told her that I’m likely to vote for whichever party promises lower taxes. She then questioned that by saying “but if we lower taxes won’t that ruin health-care?”. I explained to her that everybody has a different opinion, and that her teacher was only expressing his opinion; but, unlike math, there is no correct answer with certainty.
    Anyways, I’m constantly confronted with questions spawned from her teachers POV. I do my best to explain to her that there are different POVs without trying to tell her what to think, and without trying to be disrespectful towards her teacher. I’m very proud that she got a 95% last year in Social Studies and 100% on the government unit exam; and I trust that she will not fall in line with the sheeple if she is presented with some balance opposite of what’s being preached at the school.

  17. mrs beazley..
    it’s xly ring lardner..
    “daddy are we lost i arsked?’
    ‘shut up he explained’…

  18. oops!
    “i TENDERLY arsked”.
    i forget who wrote…”pipe down kid..yer old man’s hung.’

  19. She then questioned that by saying “but if we lower taxes won’t that ruin health-care?”.
    Healthcare is the single largest budgetary item in the budgets of every province and the federal government too.
    There needs to be a discussion about something that uses that much tax money and, like it or not, access to our healthcare system by non-Canadian citizens and bringing old immigrants with pre-existing health problems from 3rd world countries for the purpose of family reunification is part of that discussion.

  20. Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar do the storming out thing too. It’s the semi-grownup leftie’s version of covering your ears, kicking your chair’s rungs and shouting “Lalala I can’t hear you!” Also a sure sign that the stormer-outer is dead wrong.

  21. You know, we’ll make a killing in the stock market if we invest in wheelbarrows, the existing number won’t be enough to manage all those lefty’s an their bottom lips, when Sun TV goes live.

  22. This seems like a particularly suitable thread to respond to cgh’s comment at 4:38 pm on another recent thread (
    cgh, I do agree with your generalization of the character of Yeats’ “rough beast” in the west as “post-modernism” and other attendant phenomena. Still, I think that figures like Pierre Trudeau and Barack Obama are more than just symptoms, if only because of their power to institutionalize and codify post modernism into our society, used successfully by Trudeau and now being attempted by Obama. At the very least, they are also symbols or metaphors, which the “rough beast” was as well.
    As important agents of the implementation of post modernism they, of course, have their large cheering sections of which the lemmings at Avaaz are just a more recent manifestation. I shouldn’t find it stunning (but I do, nevertheless) that these folks can’t understand that,as currently expressed, the CRTC “fair and balanced” provisions are only relevant in a society that does not value freedom of expression. Perhaps they believe that the only reason they have never been enforced is because the CBC always tells the truth?

  23. Poor Imperial David, how dare the rubes question a fruit fly sex therapists views on Globull Warming. Jail him, throw him in a cell in Vancouver with that other theif Svend, maybe they can share their jewels of knowledge and whatever else.

  24. People have already woken up to the fact that multiculturalism and “global warming” are farces. A Fox News North station can hardly be blamed for that. The CBC hacks will have to think of another way to save their jobs.
    Let the consumer decide if such a channel is worth watching. It’s okay to give people individual choice.

  25. “There needs to be a discussion about something that uses that much tax money and, like it or not, access to our healthcare system by non-Canadian citizens and bringing old immigrants with pre-existing health problems from 3rd world countries for the purpose of family reunification is part of that discussion.”
    That’s pretty much what I told her Oz:)

  26. 48 hrs to save canuckistan jour-NO-lism
    Next they will agitate for the Quebec style licensing option to stifle dissenting views
    Sell off the cbc, disband the crtc!

  27. Oh, wow, I just read the bottom of Robert’s post and realized that what I had just posted was about the same issue. Avaaz’s petition. No freedom of speech for those who disagree with Avaaz’s warped take on the world.

  28. From the Avaaz Web-site:
    “We focus on tipping-point moments of crisis and opportunity. In the life of an issue or a cause, a moment sometimes arises when a decision must be made, and a massive, public outcry can suddenly make all the difference. Getting to that point can take years of painstaking work, usually behind the scenes, by dedicated people focusing on nothing else. But when the moment does come, and the sunlight of public attention floods in, the most crucial decisions go one way or another depending on leaders’ perceptions of the political consequences of each option. It is in these brief windows of tremendous crisis and opportunity that the Avaaz community often makes its mark.”
    The protests in Egypt and other Arab countries are just what the global doctor ordered.

  29. “48 hours to save Canadian journalism”: what a crock! The CBC, first of all, along with all the other lefty, sob sister media outlets in this country have blatantly told lies and omitted truths for decades. These Avaaz idiots are barking up the wrong tree—as usual.
    Yeah SUN Media: I can’t wait!!

  30. “…Fox News — the poisonous US propaganda network.” Yep, that about covers it from the leftoid aaaz belly button gazing point of view.

  31. Too late to save Canadian Journalism. I am looking forward to Sun News, should shake things up a bit.
    but first thing every morning I still plan on visiting SDA, I learn more from a few minutes on SDA, then anything in the tired old MSM.

  32. The caring left tyrant types are just getting cranky because it’s becoming clear that they are losing customers in a very big and hurried way.
    Three world leaders (France Germany and Britain) trashing multiculturalism, huge numbers of climate skeptics beating the drum all day long, the bankruptcy of the Obama socialist machine.
    Saul Goode.

  33. Boy, they really are a bunch of totalitarian little sh*ts over at, aren’t they? Atwood must be so proud.

  34. Chutz, I learned about the Avaaz thing after I had added the original post. But it so clearly fit in with the other items, namely the stifling of any real debate in Canada. Though all FOUR items are on completely different subjects, the pattern of Leftists is identical in each. Beyond pathetic and beyond sad.

  35. Typical of the Soro’s crowd to want a piece of legislation to remain stet even though the CRTC basically ignores that law. I mean where was the beloved CRTC when the MSM reported fake Wafer Gate?? Where was the CRTC when Liberal MSM reported stories based on anonymous sources or insider sources with absolutely no collaboration said stories were even based on anything but one’s imagination? As for Multiculture, we the people will shut it down, let the left scream but we need to free the victims of multiculture from their liberal constructed racial/religious ghettos.

  36. Its truly a wonder that a TV station that has not even aired one second has already been judged by the left with its sponge brained devotees to be a threat.
    Personally I hope it is. What it seems like is the left is really upset about, that “Truth” is no longer the lefts monopoly to twist into the paths only they want us to see. The same goes for all debate. They are destitute of ideas or solutions. All of theirs being tried with failure every one.
    Thats why they cannot debate anyone above Moron status. They refuse to even acknowledge any others. Its because they know deep down the self promoting lies they represent. There swords are ice, shields nothing but fog. The Armour of liberalism is rusted clean away from scandals aplenty. Deals with monster Nations, along with the money making Global warming scam. Public health care abuses, along with the Media used for Propaganda.
    The asteroid of the INTERNET with the Sun TV station is on its way & the left is scared pee less.
    Rushing to be censors, while in decline to save their warped lies from reality.

  37. I’m not an expert on on line polls or techy stuff but that Avaaz poll looks corny to me. I ‘signed’ it, and my name appeared on one page but not the main page. Also…I could click repeatedly, and it took my ‘name’ again and said thanks. I’m calling it a crock.
    Not that I’m at all concerned.
    Sun TV has the left behaving desperately.

  38. Speaking of avoiding the truth, there is STILL.. the matter of $40 million stolen under the “old regime”, that hasn’t been repaid.
    Paul Martin said he’d git er done.
    WTF happened?

  39. So DoobieDave stormed out of a studio.
    Call me when he storms out of the country, will you?

  40. Browsed through the G&M comments to Ibbitson’s editorial. 100% (over 2,200 comments) in favour of seriously re-examinating our multi-culti policies.
    Time for an election, and this needs be on the agenda. There is no ignoring this any longer.
    I’ll be happy to be called a racist if it prevents the European experience from taking hold here.

  41. Does anybody have any examples of these fox lies? Not a link to, but an actual lie? I was not surprised by the way the Iraq war turned out, because it turned out just the way it looked like it was going to turn out watching Fox News, for example.
    Just one lie? Anybody?

  42. 48 hours to save Canadian journalism. Real journalism is about open discussion, Canadian Journalism is about closed discussion. If we do get laws about truth in journalism I want the job of deciding what truth is. It’s either me or Ahmadinejad.

  43. Hey, everybody! Come sign the petition with me!
    I don’t see the name “Yay Suntv” on the list yet, but you can find “Go Suntv” and “Defund Cbc” there.

  44. Just got a reply e-mail from Avaaz, since I signed their petition as “Sun TV Rocks”.
    Found this little tid bit in the e-mail:
    “last year, we stopped Harper cronies from pressing the CRTC to fund “Fox News North” with public money…”
    An outright lie.
