Reader Tips

A lot of First World tourists who holiday in tropical paradises think they have a license to drink excessively and behave like out of control toddlers. In tonight’s video, a legless tourist behaves highly inappropriately in a bar in Las Palmas. It’s funnier than it sounds…
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

45 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Maz, the First World is “the industrialized capitalist countries of western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.” (New Oxford American Dictionary)

  2. The legacy of a teetering peace
    One of the first casualties of the Egyptian revolution may very well be Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel. The Egyptian public’s overwhelming animus towards Jews renders it politically impossible for any Egyptian leader to come out in support of the treaty.

  3. Just watched an HBO special via eztv called “Reagan 2011” which, sadly, decimates the man very skillfully and actually states that Carter was right in that he said that Americas problems are deeper than gas lines and unemployment whereas Reagan said we don’t need to worry about energy and that there is enough to last forever; however, they did not show him actually saying that as they did when they quoted him saying other things, so one is left to wonder if those were his actual words or a paraphrase.
    Obama referred to himself, according to Drudge, as the gipper – seems that he was doing so mockingly. I’n not surprised the liberal camp came out with a “documentary” to tear down Reagan given Palin wishing him a happy birthday recently and his name being honored as of late.

  4. Bird Brained Councilor in Calgary.
    You probably expected an avian bloodbath, given the time expended on Calgary’s new Bird-friendly Urban Design Guidelines, but 137 is it. At least, that’s the official annual death toll, based on a count made more than a decade ago by the Calgary Bird Banding Society.
    “It seemed to take on a life of its own and if I told you I was supportive of the initiative, or the effort, I’d be lying to you.

  5. Tying together the Berkeley and Lara Logan stories . . .
    I do not want to make light of what happened to Lara Logan. The vile perpetrators who brutally beat up and rape a woman should all have their private parts cut off and left to die.
    But we’ve often talked on here about the “marriage” between Radical Leftists and Radical Islamists. Only a fool doesn’t realize that in any place where the Islamists seize power, the first to be beaten, tortured, raped, & murdered are the Leftists. Well, the Leftists don’t realize this but let’s not get hung up on circular logic!

  6. British Columbia politics always murky, incestuous and stinky. Not an MSM’er around to do any ‘journalism’. Well there is one guy. BC Rail anyone?
    “Exactly one day after the deal was revealed guaranteeing, at least, the payments of legal fees for both Dave Basi and Bob Virk…a funny thing happened in the BC Liberal caucus.” Hold your nose!

  7. SDH
    That’s terrible! Good thing the protesters are non violent, swept the streets and we can expect great things from them in the future right?

  8. EBD – I’m a libertarian, more or less, but good Lord, while it’s perfectly okay for me to be staggering around like that every day of the week, a little baby… I dunno. I’m torn.
    Possibly related.
    p.s. – am I allowed to be a libertarian who favours legislation that would would force men to wear hats, like Humphrey Bogart? It’s an actual question, I’d appreciate input.

    Was bounding around the Ricochet yesterday and found this still on my horrendously long list of open internet tabs today. Time to offer another goat to the San Andreas.
    Black Mamba:
    Sure! Libertarians do all sorts of contradictory things ^^. Also when you realize that many men don’t look like Humphrey Bogart and look even worse in Humphrey Bogart hats it will be too late to repeal the law! :O

  10. Liberal shell game.
    “Burned to the tune of $175,000″.
    Ontario’s Liberal Pharaoh* McGuinty.
    E-gypt us.
    “Solar power fracas heats up”
    “LONDON, Ont. – Burned to the tune of $175,000 to build solar panels Hydro One now says it can’t hook to the grid, a family of three professional engineers near Chatham say they can’t get answers and are considering legal action.
    Olav Natvik said dealing with the provincially-owned Hydro One has been problematic from the start, but no more so than the last few days, when he and two relatives phoned the power producer to find out why their projects couldn’t be connected or when Hydro One would fix that.
    Natvik said he phoned a hotline for Ontario’s microFIT solar program, but was told nothing about what to expect.
    “It’s like they’re asking us to lawyer up,” Olav Natvik said Tuesday.
    He’s not alone in his complaints: More than a half dozen people have voiced similar stories since QMI Agency reported last week that a solar initiative by the Ontario government had outpaced resources to hook up solar panels to the electrical grid.
    “We mortgaged our home with an expectation that the power income (would) cover the costs,” wrote Ambrose Raftis of Charlton in northern Ontario.
    “Now our financial future is threatened. Now Hydro One will not return any messages and I have no idea what to do.”
    A call to Hydro One Tuesday afternoon, seeking comment, wasn’t returned.”
    “The forehead is low and narrow; the brow-ridge prominent; the eye-brows are thick and white; the eyes are small and close together; the nose is long, thin, arched like the noses of the Bourbons; the temples are sunk; the cheek-bones very prominent; the ears round, standing far out from the head, and pierced, like those of a woman, for the wearing of earrings; the jaw-bone is massive and strong; the chin very prominent; the mouth small, but thick-lipped; the teeth worn and very brittle, but white and well preserved.”

  11. “CBS reporter Lara Logan ‘sexually assaulted’ in Egypt”
    “Code Pink coordinator offers Gitmo terrorists her house’s spare bedroom
    Code Pink coordinator offers Gitmo terrorists her house’s spare bedroom. In light of the vote late last night by the Berkeley City Council to consider taking in freed Gitmo terrorists, a Code Pink coordinator went on national television to demonstrate how radical and un-American she was by offering room and board to Islamic terrorists who didn’t have any place to go. Code Pink’s coordinator for the Golden State’s chapter of Code Pink, those militant women who are anti-war to the max, Holly Harwood, said that freed Gitmo terrorists were welcome in her home and that she already had a spare room waiting for whatever terrorist wanted it. Late last night, Berkeley’s City Council rejected the initiative to invite a few freed Gitmo terrorists to come live among the citizens of Berkeley.”

  12. Posted by: Black Mamba at February 16, 2011 1:45 AM
    I’m all for a return of the fedora!
    And maz2? I may not know what the 1st world countries are, but I have visited what may be the only 4th world country on earth.
    If anyone ever says “Hey, let’s go to Mauritania!” Run. Screaming.

  13. A must-read at ZH:
    “This may be a highly distasteful proposition, but just for a moment, I want you to sit back, and imagine that you are a member of the corporate banking elite. You are a walking talking disease ridden power mad pustule who naively believes himself intellectually superior to the vast majority of humanity and above the inherent laws of conscience, honor, and general good taste.”
    Just a teaser, read the rest for a hint where we are going:

  14. It would have to be some kinda law to get me to trade in my stetson for a fedora. Fedoras are for sissies, real men wear stetsons.

  15. The price of food may have had more to do the recent massive “freedom” demonstrations in North Africa and Middle East than actual desires for a democracy that they know nothing about.
    Lack of food supplies is what started the March 1917 Russian Revolution.
    We should continue to divert more food grains to ethanol?

  16. About the Lara Logan rape in Cairo:
    A network source told The Post that her attackers were screaming, “Jew! Jew!” during the assault. And the day before, Logan had told that Egyptian soldiers hassling her and her crew had accused them of “being Israeli spies.” Logan is not Jewish.
    Once again, most networks and MSM sources are boycotting this news altogether.

  17. Ken Kulak – I was wondering if you have any observations to add to the comments about many Russian and Ukrainian farmers having the love of the land being beaten out of them by decades of abuse by the state land ownership, in the following article.
    BTW, I didn’t realize the Poles retained their private farms under the USSR.$1bn-playing-chicken–90.html
    Really interesting is the fact the guy took over the largest state farm in the USSR, which was unused and totally run down, and was making a profit with it in only 3 yrs.
    It’s amazing what freedom will do for people and countries.

  18. Robert W
    I’ve said many times here that “assimilation will be easy for me”.

  19. Of Dan Gardner’s liberalism: incompetence & hate.
    >>> “a liberal journalist is taking heat for offensive Tweets he sent immediately following news of the brutal sexual assault suffered by CBS reporter Lara Logan in Egypt.”
    “Nir Rosen Resigns as NYU Fellow After Trashing Lara Logan on Twitter
    Be careful what you say, especially in the heat of the moment, on Twitter.
    As you may recall, immediately following the shootings in Tucson last month, some liberals were quick to blame Sarah Palin for the tragedy. Now, a liberal journalist is taking heat for offensive Tweets he sent immediately following news of the brutal sexual assault suffered by CBS reporter Lara Logan in Egypt.
    As the news was breaking, Nir Rosen, a journalist and NYU fellow, Tweeted several disturbing remarks, including:
    “Jesus Christ, at a moment when she is going to become a martyr and glorified we should at least remember her role as a major war monger” and “Look, she was probably groped like thousands of other women.”
    Conservatives on Twitter captured screen shots of the offensive remarks, which came in handy after Rosen issued a partial apology and removed some of the comments.
    Now, National Review’s Jim Geraghty reports that NYU has accepted Rosen’s resignation:”. (more)

  20. @ rockyt. Yes I do, but have to be brief as I have a meeting to go to.
    My grandfather fortunately was able to get out of Russia in 1926, but his two brothers were not and when they objected to collectivization were arrested and sent to labour camps, their farms confiscated and their families thrown out onto the street to live in caves cut into the hillsides of the Ural Mountains. One was worked to death in the camps near Perm and the other survived the labour camps building the White Sea canal only to be rearrested in 1937 and shot. Many of their sons and son-in-laws suffered similar fates. This happened to millions of middle farmers.
    Those farmers that were not arrested and dispossessed had their livestock and equipment seized and taken over by the state and formed into state farms or collective farms. They were allowed a couple of acres to use for personal needs.
    For seventy years any independence was physically discouraged.
    Today many small farmers are working together in groups of two or three or in somewhat larger co-ops. There are some large farms starting to appear. They all, small or big, at least in the Ukraine rent the land from the government.
    Their crops are much better now as they make efficient use of fertilizers and equipment and have a vested interest in producing good crops. North American farmers have noticed the increased productivity in the Ukraine and Russia. During the Soviet years much of the fertilizer was stolen and used on their small plots and much of the rest was blown out quickly in irregular patterns so that they could back to the state farm yard before 5 pm or whatever quitting time was.
    These guys are doing their best with mostly 40 year old equipment and the productivity there will become a greater factor in the grain markets of the world.
    There are a few really big farms. Redekop choppers, manufactured near Saskatoon, a few years ago sent a team and 10 choppers to the Ukraine to one farm to be mounted on 10 of the large Caterpiller combines. This type of farm is still the exception over there, whereas here it is becoming the norm.
    In 2008 we saw only one what we would a farm equipment dealership, that being a Case-IH or CNH.
    There are thousands of former collective fruit farm acres that are neglected and not being farmed and only a few acres here and there being taken care of. The Crimea has tens of thousands of acres of grapes going to the dogs.
    We must have seen a hundred former collective farmyard with huge barns not being used and rotting. One former collective of reduced acreage was being farmed by a co-op of 80 some farmers and they were using some of the former collective buildings. The rest were also rotting and collapsing.
    Have to quit now. Hopefully this answered some of the questions you had.

  21. rockyt, P.S. this is some of the reason why I have a hatred for socialism in all the various shades it tries to present itself. There is more to the hatred than methods of farming, but that is another topic.

  22. The Avaaz global organization is cranking up. Its leaders REALLY don’t want a conservative broadcaster operating in Canada. The concept of freedom of speech seems to have eluded them.

  23. Of Liberal Iggy’s O’Harvard buddy & “THE DAMAGE OBAMA HAS DONE”.
    Say what?
    “Why the outbreak of reason?”
    “Why the outbreak of reason? A succession of recent events, from the financial crisis to the wave of unrest sweeping the Middle East, has created a new sense of mortality in everyone. Dick Morris in an article titled “The Damage Obama Has Done” presents a table, which while not entirely the best source for identifying the various factors which went into causing the change, nevertheless gets the point across: reality hurts. For all its shortcomings, Morris’ table best explains our new psychological world.
    Things look different to frightened, 60 something year old people facing an uncertain future than to 18 year olds at Yasgur’s farm on his way to Paradise. The idea of actual terrorists living down the block from the drugstore and the idea that a newspaperwoman can be raped like an animal being eaten alive by wolves terrify them.”
    “The Berkeley City Council, after passing a resolution calling for the resettlement of detainees released from Guantanamo in the United States, voted against inviting such persons to live in their fair city, according to the San Jose Mercury News. Earlier, an organization called “Move America Forward, proposed in a statement that Berkeley City Council members ‘go live in GITMO where they can hang out with hundreds of terrorists.’ The group said it would pay for their air fare.”
    Meanwhile, Nir Rosen, who scoffed at Lara Logan’s assault in Tahrir Square, was fired from his position as Fellow at the NYU’s Center on Law and Security. Jim Geraghty at the National Review says he never thought to see the day, but is glad the Center on Law and Security did it anyway.
    From Karen J. Greenberg, Executive Director, Center on Law and Security
    Nir Rosen is always provocative, but he crossed the line yesterday with his comments about Lara Logan. I am deeply distressed by what he wrote about Ms. Logan and strongly denounce his comments. They were cruel and insensitive and completely unacceptable. Mr. Rosen tells me that he misunderstood the severity of the attack on her in Cairo. He has apologized, withdrawn his remarks, and submitted his resignation as a fellow, which I have accepted. However, this in no way compensates for the harm his comments have inflicted. We are all horrified by what happened to Ms. Logan, and our thoughts are with her during this difficult time.
    Why the outbreak of reason?”
    “Context Change”
    “The mainstream media does not cover the full extent of the damage the Obama Administration has inflicted on this country. Even FoxNews often doesn’t have the time to go into sufficient depth to explain what is happening.
    From our friend Ruth S. King comes a chart which all of us should read and absorb, sobering though it may be:”
    “Just take this last item: In the last two years we have accumulated national debt at a rate more than 27 times as fast as during the rest of our entire nation’s history. Over 27 times as fast! Metaphorically, speaking, if you are driving in the right lane doing 65 MPH and a car rockets past you in the left lane 27 times faster . . . it would be doing 1,755 MPH!”

  24. chutzpahticular
    Its really only two people who want Canada to remain in ignorance. These personages consider Canada as sewn up for socialism.
    George Soros & Maurice Strong. The rest are followers. Its no coincidence both multi billionaires live in China.
    Look up the bio’s on these two evil spiteful men. It becomes quickly apparent they have been behind the Marxist push for a long time. In Strong’s case he knows the families of most liberal politicians if not helped them out with jobs or money.

  25. Speaking of “fons”, has the Mossad shark jumped Liberal Iggy’s O’Harvard buddy?
    Of O’hopeless O’narcissist.
    >>> “When the protests first erupted, ordinary Egyptians appeared to hope”.
    How, Kemo Sabay?
    Got your ears up, Tonto?
    “Those beautiful words fell on deaf ears in Cairo.”
    “How Obama lost the Egyptian people”
    “The extraordinary scenes in Cairo this past weekend brought back memories of similar scenes on the streets of Warsaw, Prague and Berlin two decades ago. Yet there is one crucial difference between then and now. Unlike the crowds that brought down Marxist regimes in Central Europe, the crowds that brought down the Mubarak regime in Egypt do not believe America stood with them in their struggle for freedom – and many believe we stood against them.
    When the protests first erupted, ordinary Egyptians appeared to hope – almost to expect – that once they rose up to demand their freedom, America could not help but stand with them. Instead, they heard President Obama’s handpicked envoy, Frank Wisner, declare that Hosni Mubarak “must stay in office” to oversee the changes he had ordered. They heard Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declare the United States backed “the transition process announced by the Egyptian government” (which then consisted of Mubarak staying in power until September). And they waited in vain for Obama himself to speak out clearly and align America with the democratic revolution they had set in motion. Soon their hopes gave way to disappointment and eventually anger. Demonstrators began carrying signs that declared “Shame on you Obama!” and showed Mubarak depicted as Obama in his iconic “hope” image – with a caption that read “No You Can’t.”
    Not only did Obama not speak up for the protesters, in 2009 – at the very same time he was delivering his Cairo address calling for greater democracy in the Middle East – his administration cut pro-democracy funding for Egypt in half. Worse, in an effort to appease Mubarak, Obama agreed that the remaining money would be channeled only to groups approved by the government – effectively giving Mubarak a veto over which organizations received American support. This means that Obama cut off U.S. support for the very independent pro-democracy groups that sparked the Egyptian protests, toppled the Mubarak regime and may end up leading a new Egyptian government.
    On Friday, following Mubarak’s resignation, Obama finally gave an eloquent speech celebrating the “moral force” of the demonstrators who had “bent the arc of history toward justice.” Those beautiful words fell on deaf ears in Cairo.”
