26 Replies to “Build It …”

  1. Fortunately, here in Canada, we have an option that allows people to avoid the stigma (and low pay)of welfare benefits.
    It’s called: government employment. You just get one of those make-believe-jobs on some useless government agency dealing with the environment, multiculturalism, or green energy.

  2. I work in a government agency (NOT one of the above). A co-worker, a single mom, makes sure she works no more than 60 hours a month, otherwise she would lose child/welfare benefits of some sort, even though she would earn far more working full-time, which she is capable of, and is senior enough to get a position whenever she wants one.
    It is the benefits system that needs reform of some sort. Replace welfare with ‘work for benefits’, unless you can prove you are incapable of working.

  3. I say impose a voucher system, as opposed to a cheque, that would assist in buying groceries and paying rent. That way welfare recipients would not be able to use their tax funded government assistance to buy beer, smokes and lottery tickets and use it instead to keep their children fed, clothed and housed.In addition to this, increased investigation of welfare fraud that is most likely rampant in this country.

  4. I say to provide assistance to those that are trying to help themselves. Those that are obviously using the system (because they couldn’t care less to help themselves) should be allowed to sink to the bottom of the pool…..where they belong.
    I am sick and tired of the left constantly bleating about ‘the unfortunates’ who are being ‘left behind’ and how they are ‘entitled’ to enjoy the same benefits as those that participate in the system creating a better lifestyle for themselves and their family. We spend more money and effort ‘caregiving’ for a demographic that doesn’t contribute back and likely never will than we do on those who truly can elevate and inspire others.
    One word…..revolution.

  5. Noticed in the interview that “Mike” claims that if the government stops paying his ‘entitlement’ it wouldn’t add anything to the average taxpayers paycheque. Here’s a flash, if we cut back on unemployment payments, welfare payments, refugee payments, drug addiction payments, UN and overseas aid payments, and a hundred myriad other “payments” I’m pretty sure that my paycheque take-home payments would rise considerably, but then that’s OMO.

  6. I can only hope that reality eventually mugs those lazy bastards who like to live on other peoples work and money. To hell with them.
    Underground economy now … why give more money to the enabling politicians who are willing to steal from you to give to them for what … a vote?

  7. When you incentivize unemployment, sloth, welfare-Queens, gaming, etc, you will observe an increase in that kind of behavior. For people without physical or mental impediments to working, seeking assistance, I would like to see a private public partnered work-farm arrangement where the intergenerational cycle of dependency could be broken. What’s needed is an exploiting type of environment, where the dependents of welfare Queens (and Kings) would observe their parent(s) physically exhausted at the end of a long day in exchange for food, basic shelter, schooling and building a meagre savings which would only be accessible upon departure. This could improve the attractiveness of the only alternative being freedom and a paying job in society. Too Nineteenth Century?

  8. If the man wishes not to work, fine. He can live in the forest without government assistance. He is clearly not a child nor a vulnerable person in need of help.
    Also, what mot said but I would use some sort of “credit card” to ensure no junk food or beer is bought. Now the “poor and downtrodden” can eat healthy meals on the public dime. If they want junk food, they can work for it.
    Men who knock up welfare mums can be located, made to pay up or work in Grise Fjord pounding rocks. Their choice.
    Also, create jobs in Canada, not China. A factory job might not be glamourous but it pays the bills.

  9. The problem is, of course, that any scheme that attempts to oblige welfare bums to buy healthy food will be circumvented by them doing just that, buying healthy food, and then selling a hundred-dollar bag of groceries in the nearest bar for fifty bucks to some enabler so they can get beer money.
    Happens already with food stamps in the USA.

  10. At one time, in our first life during the mid 1960s, while living in Ontariostan, my wife worked in a hospital lab as a blood sucker. There were 3rd generation welfare recipients who came in for blood work. By now these families are most likely 5th generation.
    Atlas just shrugs.

  11. Notice how he put the amount he gets as HIS sixty five pounds.
    No its not. Its people who actually worked who’s money your claiming. The new rich, living like the Aristo’s of of another age on the sweat of better men.
    Others work so this maggot can live his life of ease. To think this would have been shameful at another time in History. A Guy like this would have been gang pressed into the army just 100 years ago.

  12. “I say impose a voucher system, as opposed to a cheque… That way welfare recipients would not be able to use their tax funded government assistance to buy beer, smokes and lottery tickets”
    Wrong. Check out the corruption and scheming involved in food stamp issuance in the US
    It’s nauseating thinking somebody would take food from their children’s mouths to buy liquor or cigarettes, but there it is.
    at gmail d0t calm

  13. I recall the Yes, Minister where Sir Humphrey stated that there was genuine unemployment up north [I take it Scotland and/or North England] but it was laziness down south; and that if you wanted to fix unemployment, then all you had to do was to cut off unemployment benefits for anyone who refused more than three job offers. So it’s only taken 35 years to take the first small step towards that.

  14. I would like to clarify my last statement and say, this is what happens when you don’t put the Labour or Liberal Democrats in charge.

  15. Anyone capable of using the word “ethos” correctly in a sentence is capable of working. So what we have here is a failure of willingness, not ability, to work.
    The next step is self-evident, isn’t it?
