Hey Yankees! You’ve no right to run your own border

Lordy but Canadians can be two-faced. The end of nice piece by Matt Gurney at the National Post’s “Full Comment”:

The Americans can’t possibly win, not when they’re dealing with a neighbour that wants to be 100% on board and completely distinct at the same time. If they want to charge us a few bucks when we fly into Vegas or catch a few rays in Florida, a fee they charge virtually every other nation in the world, we shouldn’t get too upset. If we want to be a sovereign nation, we should happily put our $5.50 where our mouths are.

As for not winning, here’s a truly scarifying headline in the Crvena Zvezda:

U.S. deserves ‘total control’ of northern border: lawmaker

At first glance I took that to mean that damn Yankee was demanding control of the Canadian side too; I suspect that was the intent of the Star headline writer. Whereas in fact it’s just about the US side. Where Americans have every right to do whatever they want. They have their sovereignty too; Canadians have no right to get exquisitely exercised when they actually choose to use it.
We are too often such cheesy have-cake-and-eaters.

32 Replies to “Hey Yankees! You’ve no right to run your own border”

  1. i linked to the toronto star’s version of this story in yesterdays ‘reader tips’.
    I’ll re-share my snarky comment as it continues to give me giggles:
    we should be calling this the North-American Small-Fee Trade Agreement.

  2. I’m good with this as it will not affect me when I cross the border in a vehicle and can see that airport security is becoming a huge cost.

  3. You know this would make more sense if the rest of the World even believed we have real sovereignty.
    When Europe or even Britain discusses US policy. Its just assumed Canadians are with the Americans. 90% of the time until Obama we where.
    They include Canada in economic projections with the US as well. The same goes for most Countries . Just talk to immigrants here. Canada is the second choice, but considered semi-state of America.
    In history they will hardly make a distinction.
    If I where American I would be more worried about the Southern drug cartels infiltrating its Southern border with a drug war.
    Than Of course you have the American hating Empire Loyalists who where booted out of the US in revolutionary times . Still whining about it. EX draft Dogging Marxists.
    In Alberta half the populations families came to settle here from the States.
    This is just Obama trying his hardest to leave America with no allies left. Stirling the pot. If it as just a tax for roads , nothing would have been said.

  4. So it will soon cost the amount of a coffee and two donuts to enter the states? I’m horrified.

  5. This clown that is in the White House will have to practically pick bottles soon with the way the fool runs things, charging a fee can easily be reciprocated to the Americans coming this way, lets have a contest, bet in winter with all this globull warming, the Americans will be ahead. But come summer when we have the Stampede and finally lose our snow, we will pull ahead monetarily. Could be a fun contest, as usual Iggula is enraged.

  6. I travel by air to and through the states a lot, I have no problem with this.
    The US has set up pre-clearance at a bunch of Canadian airports that makes our access to the US smoother and easier, recovering that cost seems fair.
    The idea that this is even close to a solution to the trillion dollar problem is laughable. Big problems require big solutions, having 1000 0.0001% solutions only makes you look like a fool in the attempt. Much akin to Canadian governments tackling deficits and debt without talking about the 40-60% (and rising) health-care elephant in the room.

  7. Of Liberal Iggy’s O’Harvard buddy’s shakedown.
    TORedStar’s lOvebOat has piled up on the rock of reality.
    Leftists confess: It’s O’s fault.
    RedStar says: “America’s grim fiscal reality”.
    Translation? O’s a bankrupt U$5.50 watermelon.
    “Canadians face new US border fee
    Toronto Star – Mitch Potter – ‎1 hour ago‎
    WASHINGTON—Canadians have dodged similar bullets in the past. But this time around, America’s grim fiscal reality could mean there will be no escaping a proposed new $5.50 border fee aimed at Canadian travellers …”

  8. Oh my gawd nearly six bucks to enter the US oh my gawd. Good grief we use the US’s military resources like they are our own for free but gawd forbid the US charge us a border fee so we can shop at at JC Pennys or Fredricks of Hollywood.

  9. Interesting-
    Obama might not be able to operate a lemonade stand in America,
    let alone a border.
    First the governor of Hawaii tells us he can’t find Obamas birth certificate now this-

    In a stunning move, the U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled another “conference” on a legal challenge to Barack Obama’s eligibility to occupy the Oval Office.
    The court has confirmed that it has distributed a petition for rehearing in the case brought by attorney John Hemenway on behalf of retired Col. Gregory Hollister and it will be the subject of a conference on March 4.
    It was in January that the court denied, without comment, a request for a hearing on the arguments. But the attorney at the time had submitted a motion for Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, who were given their jobs by Obama, to recuse.
    Should Obama ultimately be shown to have been ineligible for the office, his actions, including his appointments, at least would be open to challenge and question.
    At the time, the Supreme Court acknowledged the “motion for recusal” but it changed it on official docketing pages to a “request.” And it reportedly failed to respond to the motion.

    Put up or Shut up!

  10. Geez, in the Chretien days you used to have to spend nearly 20 bucks in the US to get screwed out of 5.50 (or more).
    I think this is the lesser evil.

  11. The poor people protesting the president’s proposed poll obviously are babes in the woods when it comes to international travel. Consider Australia – our southern equivalent – nice leftist people, largely English speaking, even have the same Queen, are charter members of the Commonwealth, etc, etc, and yet- they charge us ninety bucks a year for the privilege of dropping by for a couple of tinnies. $5 to fly in for a sixpack of Bud is pretty accommodating, really.

  12. The George Soros owned office temp in the White House will need to impose additional one-million-five-hundred-thousand times one-million dollars in taxes before he balances his ridiculous spendgasm of a ‘budget’.
    He is a leftard plant that will near bankrupt the USA to take away its ability to act independently.
    USA neutered, leftard objective achieved.
    Bonus Barry Soetoeroe prize is unopposed establsment of the global caliphate.

  13. Sorry,but I am in the other camp.
    What the heck is the 5.50 for? Aggressive Patdown training?
    Honestly this is a dumb tax thought up by dumb bureaucrats. These are the kinds of people who will think 5.50 is ok then 400 is better.

  14. “one-million-five-hundred-thousand times one-million dollars in taxes”
    @trapped – interesting visual in that analogy. Freakin’ disgusting situation actually. The US (with it’s obligations to Medicaid/care, SS and other unfunded liabilities is totally, entirely done like dinner. We here aren’t far behind I’m afraid. Time for a world RESET. Although, even if it were possible it wouldn’t take long to get back to where we are. No, a very bad period has to occur before lessons are learned….

  15. I do not dispute that they have the right to manage their border however they wish, but we also have the same right. This will be deadly to towns and cities in western Washington, since they depend on Canadians to keep their businesses going.
    While they are entitled to do as they see fit, I must admit that this is not a wise decision, but then considering who now heads up the country, no surprise.

  16. This is interesting in a way that it is difficult to comprehend.
    For 23 years I grew up and lived in a socialist country run by communist. I was a specialist while in the army on the border with West Germany at the time.
    When I was drafted and sent to the western border, they gave a few at a time, tour of the border beyond the barbed wire. Maybe they (the communists) tested us to see who would like to take a run for it.
    They told us that the barbed wire the 600 V charge in it and another wire fence before the barbed wire that had only 24 V in the wire were there to keep the enemy out, of course we knew that they knew that we knew that it was to keep the locals in. So far as the first fence, it was a very primitive signal fence, if somebody cut it or connected two horizontal wires the relay at the barracks would drop and a whole hell would break loose.
    Anyway, the point is, the US is going directly toward this communist, totalitarian set up, of course the only difference would be initially, that the ‘mericans want to keep people out while the communists wanted to keep people in. So far as the airport and other “security” measures, the communists were lower than amateurs by comparison.
    And another thing, it appears that the current occupant of The White House is at his limit of taxing the ‘mericans, now he is after good polite Canadians, there is money to be made, you know.
    Do you ever wander about those Canadians that were altogether beside themselves, positively orgasmic when the current WH occupant was elected, what do they think of paying the toll or maybe they would like to pay more.

  17. Those wily Yanks have heard we are about to phase out the lowly penny, and used their spy satellites to probe our homes and estimate the average value of that penny pot in the rec room (in my house, in the wrecked room).
    I think I might be able to roll about $5.50 if I get after it.

  18. I would refuse to pay them anything.
    Obama is trying to siphon money where he can. I guess overspending DOES have consequences.
    If he wishes to tank his economy, he doesn’t need my $5.50 to do it.

  19. Phil:
    I’ve said in other contexts that the most “nationalist” (read, anti-American) Canadians are the ones whose minds are most completely colonized by Yanqui concepts of soceity and government. The ones that say other (pro-American) Canadians want to be Americans are, in a fairly deep way, Americans already.
    Your post promised cheesecake. Where is my cheesecake?!!

  20. The Americans have a right to impose the tax and Canadians have a right to complain about and refuse to cross the border. Personally if I ever feel the urge to pay someone to grope me there are far better options.

  21. Just bought diesel at a Chevron west of Blythe, Ca. – $4.40 per US gallon. I think they have already imposed this fee at secret points spread throughout the US. Diesel in Quartzsite – $3.73

  22. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Canada put a $20 a ticket charge on air fares to recover enhanced securty costs after 9/11? I guess what you don’t see doesn’t hurt.
    Oh, I forgot that we all fly out of USA airports now!

  23. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Canada put a $20 a ticket charge on air fares to recover enhanced securty costs after 9/11? I guess what you don’t see doesn’t hurt.
    Oh, I forgot that we all fly out of USA airports now!

    Just think of it as reduction in net savings.

  24. To ATTRACT US tourists,and their holiday cash, we should offer one free 5% domestic beer, per head!!
    Not too costly, and if traffic goes up 20% win win!
    Enough bitching about pennyante stuff…

  25. I wonder if Obamba jacked Harper for $5.50 when he went down there? Hand out, money slipped into the trousers when no one was looking.
    Iggy is really pissed off that he needs to pay now whenever he goes home.
    Again the libs are as confusing as ever on their stance. They always express thier hate for Americans but whine when Americans exersice their right to say your not us.
    Personaly I won’t pay the US a dime to be sexually groped at an airport. Especially since I’m spending my money into thier economy when visiting. No big issue for me, there are alot of other countries to spend money without the TSA sexual harrasment.

  26. Geez, people are all up in arms about $5.50 but really didn’t say too much when UAE levied a hefty increase in their visa fees for canucks. Try $250 for 30 days of sand. And don’t forget No Hand Holding in public.

  27. was it CONSERVATIST harper who objected or perhaps CONSERVATIST Industry Minister Tony Clementi?
    ack! the hypocrisy would choke an elephant. the one right next door.
