What did you learn at school today, Billy?

As Wisconsin’s Governor attempts to get a grip on public sector union costs in his massively debt-ridden state, some Wisconsin preschoolers are taught to “(repeat) the popular slogan ‘kill this bill,'” while some older students are being used as unwitting pawns in the union’s cause:

101 Replies to “What did you learn at school today, Billy?”

  1. They learned to run away from their problems.
    The farce over the Wisconsin anti-union vote has just passed into the surreal. According to the AP, democrat lawmakers, who are firmly opposed to voting on the bill which is said to already have majority support, and who have been boycotting the vote by being absent from the state capitol, have now escalated and patriotically left the state. The reason is that while the vote can not take place without at least one Democrat being present, the police had been sent out earlier, with orders to sequester the democrats. The democrat response: run away. As the AP reports: “Senate Republicans can’t vote on the bill unless at least one Democrat is present. Police could be dispatched to retrieve them, but it was unclear if they would have the authority to cross state lines.” So to all who were expecting the latest iteration of members of the executive class to run away (with or without gold) to come from Africa or the Middle East, will be disappointed: it was in America’s very own back yard.

  2. is there any doubt in anyone’s mind as to what ideology is being propagated in many of our North American schools?

  3. Islamists use children to hide their bombs. Unions in the West use children to Hide their Oath breaking greed. The spectacle of Democrat’s fleeing the State should be shown again, & again.
    Where at war on two fronts. The left & Islam.
    Both out to destroy Civilization.

  4. I’d like to know if the kids that showed up to protest, even though they weren’t sure of what they were protesting, will be marked absent for the day from school… well it’s a small thing I suppose.
    Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit is following the still developing story, it seems some TEA Party folks found the bus that the Democrats had used to get out of Wisconsin parked at a Best Western Hotel and are in pursuit … click on Gateway Pundit for Jim’s newer postings regarding this. There is some video coverage of the Democrats leaving for more welcoming environs. And a report of arrests made at the state Capitol Building. As long as there’s entitlements to protect, I think this is going to last more than a day or two.

  5. Them that can’t do, teach; and that’s obvious in these students who can barely articulate what they’ve been taught.

  6. Eskimo…that’s so true!
    This scene is familiar. We saw similar tactics in Ontario after the Mike Harris Common Sense Revolution. My kids were coming home from school full of anti-Harris rhetoric.

  7. @ marc in calgary 12:26, do you know did the Democrats stay at the Best Western long enough to get loyalty points/

  8. While our Canadian media piss their collective pants over Bev Oda – and how she and Harper have destroyed democracy in Canada, we actually have it being subverted by their ideological brethren just a bit west of them.

  9. Ken (Kulak) … lol, I have no real idea, I think they only checked in, and were discovered / tracked by the TEA Party folks in the area, and left before dinner time as the video is in full daylight.
    How does anyone hide from a group of TEA Party folks, each of them “armed” with a cel phone / video recorder?
    As I said above, I think this is going to go on for a few days. Mark Levin was out of the gate at full gallop tonight regarding this, it was a thing of beauty.
    At the biggovernment.com main page, there are 7 (seven!) different postings on this continuing story. The Best Western is a resort type hotel, it looks like a nice place to get away for the weekend…
    But just like most Democrats, we have no idea where they’ll spend the night, and as for respect in the morning, that’s asking way too much.

  10. One of the GOP senators in Wisconsin should take one for the team; rise and announce he is crossing the floor to the Democrat side. Then the Speaker could call the vote, and he could be the lone vote against. Mission accomplished.
    Of course, later, he could announce a change of heart, and be “reluctantly” allowed to rejoin the GOP caucus.
    BTW, while rats are away, put through a motion to dock the pay of Senators away from the chamber for a vote without a valid reason.

  11. They would patrol the whole of the two borders.
    The irony in this is that, looming demographics dictate that it would take so many people to patrol the border to keep out these desperate intruders, many bent on terrible objectives like feeding their families, an increase immigration would be required.
    Oh well, there is always hunt and kill aircraft…

  12. Gord, it’s not a matter of there being a Democrat present, it’s a matter of having enough bodies of any politcal stripe to have a quorum.

  13. This is just the beginning across America…
    The US would need a Ronald Reagan now, more than ever…Instead there’s a yet to be proven American citizen POTUS who is pro union/Big Government & a Marxist doctrine adherent.
    Barry has already spoken again’st the legislators/in favor of the unions and even an organisation backed by Soetoro is guiding the rebellion: The OFA, the community organising group that helped the DNC elect Obama!:
    May God be with you Constitution abiding American Patriots.

  14. May God be with you Constitution abiding American Patriots.
    Including those teachers who are real professionals and who would gladly see the union go to hell. Perhaps it will turn out that they are actually the majority.

  15. American Governors have a lot of power.
    Can the Governor of Wisconsin declare these Democrat State Senate seats vacant and cut the Gordian Knot that way?

  16. As they have abandoned their office and personal effects maybe a listing on EBay will re-focus their attention. Seeing a picture of your kids for 0.75 may make the point.

  17. Are there no laws against a mob occupying the state legislative buildings?
    glasnost, good point. The teachers union is no different than any other union in that the radicals always seem to take over as they are dedicated to their Marxist cause. The others by and large just want to do a good job and go home in the evening to their families.

  18. This upheaval in Wisconsin is but the leading edge of of a tide of unrest that is going to sweep North America. On one side you have public sector unions and their cushy contracts and on the other you have legislators pressured by taxpayers to hold the line on budgets and taxes or else lose their jobs.
    Something has to give and in the end it will be union wages and benefits, union jobs, or both. The bottom line is that taxpayers do not have the capacity to support the continued enrichment of public sector employees. Our government is unaffordable. The proof is rising deficits and accumulating public debt.

  19. I have never figured out how the so called conservative movement ever thought youth would turn out any different than what they are. Education has been subverted by the left all the way back to at least the ’60s. Conservative governments have existed in Canada since that time and nothing changed. The current CPC government does little public education of ‘conservative’ thought ot rationale for their positions.
    The same kids featured in this clip are no different than those in Canada or dare I say many of those who live in traditional conservative households.

  20. The Governor should just let them stay out. This is a do or die moment. Sooner or later the teachers or the Democrats will have to cave.
    If the Republicans cave they will never recover.

  21. Ladies and gentlemen, this is an exceptionally positive sign.
    This much uproar means Gov. Walker and the Republicans FINALLY scored a hit on these vampiric sons of b1tche$. Now they are all stirred up and out in the sunlight, making a ruckus for everybody to see who they really are. Pretty soon they will start in beating people up and burning stuff, at which point WE WIN.

  22. The current CPC government does little public education of ‘conservative’
    Education is and always has been a provincial jurisdiction/responsibility.
    Values and culture are a family responsibility, that is the conservative position.

  23. The teachers’ unions are run by socialist idiots—and, if they’re women, they’re usually fat and unmarried: who else has time to go to all of those out of school hours meetings and all expenses paid dinners and conferences?
    Ken’s got it right: “The other [teachers] by and large just want to do a good job and go home in the evening to their families.”

  24. I don’t approve of what the teachers are doing, but where are the parents?
    Actually I know where the parents are – teachers hold such power in the classroom, that few parents are willing to counteract the teachers, because they know that the teachers will return to the classroom and their son/daughter can be easily penalized for the parents actions – from not being called about in class, to being ignored by the teacher, to giving lower grades. I’ve seen it happen to friend’s children – so parents just avoid it at all costs rather than put their child in the crossfires.
    Teachers – not professional.

  25. Maureen @ 10:41
    Got that one right: where are the parents?
    Same place most adults are on any issue that matters. Under their beds.

  26. How dare these people exercise their Right of Assembly in defence of the Right of Association? And teaching students to be politically active and stand up to a state that wishes to strip them of their rights, the nerve of these teachers! They should be taught to sit down, shut up, do as they’re told, and sacrifice themselves to the state like good little patriots.

  27. I love it:)
    This is very entertaining and should do nicely between the Super Bowl and March Madness.

  28. “Degenerated” lyrics
    What’s Johnny doing now on a Tuesday night?
    Johnny can’t read, Johnny can’t write..
    He just don’t understand…..
    Johnny don’t care about the world
    As long as he can f*ck his girl..
    And prove that he’s a man…..
    He got wasted eating ‘ludes
    He’s a teenage vegetable
    Getting high through the night is cool
    Johnny hates to think he’s ignorant
    He’s a mindless brainwashed pig
    Ring a bell he starts to drool
    Degenerated, degenerated
    And our minds are vegetated
    Degenerated, degerated
    And our act is imitated
    He’s got PCP in his veins
    Got a boy in his brain..
    He’s addicted to the TV
    When he’s old he’s gonna have a son…..
    Said a kid grown up baby deaf and dumb
    To become a young Johnny
    Degenerated, degenerated
    And our minds are vegetated
    Degenerated, degenerated
    And our act is imitated
    Degenerated video:

  29. Commenter February 18, 2011 10:47 AM would like to damn others here.
    Just to let him/her know, you will not find one here that is oposed to free assembly and such.
    Of course that does not mean that people can’t be critical, unless as it is common with socialists, fascists, comunists and such, it is common knowledge that they can’t handle the truth.
    And another thing, the schools are not indoctrination clinics for the said socialists, fascists and so on, and so on.

  30. and stand up to a state that wishes to strip them of their rights
    Do they have a right to a collective contract agreement?
    Fire them all and arrange individual contracts based on the subjects they are teaching and their individual effectiveness in teaching those subjects.

  31. EBD:
    I am not sure whether or not my comment qualifies as being on topic, but there does seem to be a side discussion in this thread regarding traditional conservative values and the responsibility of parents.
    We have not permitted any of our 7 children to be under the influence of Government Schools – we have always home-schooled our children. It was not that long ago that people like us could stay out of the political process if we wanted to, but now things are moving in such a direction that we think we need to be more involved.
    As a practical application of that branch of education which formerly was termed “Civics”, we have become involved in local politics (in a minor way) in Pennsylvania. We think it is a good idea to teach our children about their responsibilities as citizens/residents wherever we may live.
    Two of our daughters recently were invited by Pennsylvania Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (who is the Republican Senator for our District in Pennsylvania) to be his guests as Honorary Pages for the day. He also invited them and my wife and me to sit in on some of the Committee meetings that the Pennsylvania Senate is conducting – the Finance one was particulary interesting to me as most states are dealing with budgeting issues. These Committee meetings are open to the public; however, most of the people present who were not State Senators were media representatives and lobbyists.
    I also had the privilege of having a side discussion with a Senator from a rural district in western Pennsylvania. He had taken the initiative to introduce himself to our two daughters on the Senate floor and had a few minutes of discussion with each of them. Later, he mentioned to me that it was a good thing that we are doing what we are doing and that if we have to leave the running of things to the next generation, it might as well be to young people like our 2 children. He was also pleased to know that we have other children like these.
    As Canadian citizens, we cannot vote here, but we assured Senator Pileggi of what support we can give him. I would advise other conservatives to let your politicians know of your support. Sometimes, they do not know just how much support there is for the conservative side of a controversial issue.
    My wife and I were not allowed on the Senate floor while the Senate was in Session, but we were allowed to be observe from the gallery. Before the session started, we were permitted on the floor. The backdrop of the accompany photo is where the Senate President stands and has a partial verse from 1 Corinthians 3:10
    According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

  32. Lev,
    I should hope that I might find supporters of people’s rights on here, but I can’t say I’ve seen much, if any, evidence to suggest that (excluding the right to bear arms, and the right-wing press). I don’t see anyone else here standing up for the teachers, firefighter, and police officers that are protesting.
    And just like right-wing immediately descending into insults, is that what qualifies as criticism to you?
    And just so we’re clear. I agree, our schools are indoctrination clinics, just for Capitalism, Western Imperialism, and Authoritarianism; hence why I don’t plan to send my children to public school, even though I support having a public school system and gladly pay my taxes to support them. They’re far from perfect, but it’s better than nothing.
    Just remember, the Governor is using this legislation to a) Pay for the tax cuts he just passed for the rich and b) to destroy any organized political opposition. If you’re cool with that, what term should I use to describe you?

  33. And just so we’re clear. I agree, our schools are indoctrination clinics, just for Capitalism, Western Imperialism, and Authoritarianism
    Where is Toronto??????

  34. Oz, Kaga:
    Collective Bargaining Rights are covered under Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    Sorry, I forgot they don’t teach geography any more; try Google, they have a mapping program now.
    Glad to see no one here jumps to conclusions without any supporting facts; as usual, your assumptions are wrong, I don’t live in Toronto, never have.

  35. Norman wrote “And send bounty hunters to get the absent Democrats.”
    Coming up next on Dog the Bounty Hunter…

  36. Moment of Zinn….a Marxist loon. Here is the scoop…..those who pay the taxes are getting tired of being handmaidens for unionized Bolsheviks.
    When the wealth producing portion of the economy goes on strike, you better watch out because the fall out directed to the looney radical left will be something to behold.
    The corrupt public sector unions must be broken. The sooner the better.
    The equation is rather simple and it is this:
    If the “service” provided by the public sector department is essential, then there is no right to strike or remove services in any way. NONE.
    If the “service” provided by the public sector department is NOT essential, then it should be privatized. It really is as simple as that.

  37. Comrade Moment of Zinn says “Oz, Kaga:
    Collective Bargaining Rights are covered under Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”
    I see. But just in case you missed it, Article 23 of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” also says “Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment”. In other words, the freedom NOT to join a union.
    Article 23 says “Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.” See the phrase “right to form and join”? It doesn’t say the “obligation to join”….does it, Comrade?

  38. MoZ:
    Hmmm. Perhaps I was just a little too subtle in my 11:52 sarcasm. Though understandable, it is incorrect to take the reference geographically.
    Humour is never funny when you have to explain it to those who did not quite get it, so I will let you figure it out. However, there is another reason for remaining a little subtle. In fact, if I were to explain the reference to you, I think I might just be putting myself near Jeopardy.

  39. Joey,
    And the ad hominems continue… way to keep to the facts guys!
    I would love to see general strikes!
    Unfortunately, due to a lack of unionization, most workers aren’t organized enough to create such a movement. When mass uprising in US history have occurred, the anger is generally directed at the Owning Class and their lapdogs in government (but I suppose that’s who you regard as “The Left”).
    But I’m sure you’re right; it’s the Unionist calling for the “workers of the World to Unite” that the masses will go after, not the corporatists calling for “profits before people”.
    I guess we’ll just have to wait and see; personally I’m not worried, unlike the Maybach crowd.

  40. Weston:
    Your right, it wasn’t funny. And it’s you who apparently doesn’t get sarcasm. I got the reference, hence the sarcastic response.
    Conservatives really should stick to what you know best: fear-mongering.

  41. Joey, Truer words have never been spoken:
    “If the “service” provided by the public sector department is essential, then there is no right to strike or remove services in any way. NONE.
    If the “service” provided by the public sector department is NOT essential, then it should be privatized. It really is as simple as that.”
    Well said.

  42. Collective Bargaining Rights are covered under Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    Do I need to point out again that they have no right to a collective contract agreement?
    If I have to explain the difference then you clearly are not equiped to take part in this discussion.
    Q: Who are the signatories of the Declaration?
    A: Since the Declaration is not legally binding technically, there are no signatories to the Declaration. Instead, the Declaration was ratified through a proclamation by the General Assembly on December 10, 1948 with a count of 48 votes to none with only 8 abstentions. This was considered a triumph as the vote unified very diverse, even conflicting political regimes.
    Got that Zinn?
    It is not legally binding and the State of Wisconsin is not a signatory.
    By my *”Declaration”* your point is null and void.

  43. Moment of Zinn
    Defending collective bargaining “rights” can take two forms. One, justified on a legal basis that the right is designated from the state (I’ll use the Marxist logic for your benefit) and implemented via contract law; and the other, justified on the basis of brute force and intimidation (mob rule). Since this protest is premised on the proposed actions of a duly elected state legislature (the source of rights in your world), and the union response is an illegal job action (breach of contract law), that leaves only the later justification in this case.

  44. Joey,
    So then you agree people have a right to work?
    Be careful, you’re treading on Commie territory, Comrade.
    And I’m sorry you’ll have to point out how we’re are being forced to unionize; or, for that matter, why “join(ing) trade unions for the protection of his interests” is a bad thing. If the rich have the right to pool their money to form corporation to advance their interests, then workers need to be unionized to provide a counter-balance to protect theirs.
    If you want to be a lapdog for the rich, hoping to get your crumbs and a pat on the head, good for you. I’d rather be on the side of working people.
