Wisconsin Teachers’ Walkout: A Preview of Things to Come Elsewhere?

Stuart Varney, of Fox News, interviews a representative of the Wisconsin Teachers’ Union. With many U.S. States flat broke, might this be a preview of what we’re going to see more regularly in the years ahead?

Update: This video, which illustrates the rampant hypocrisy of Leftists, is well worth a watch!  h/t Marc

39 Replies to “Wisconsin Teachers’ Walkout: A Preview of Things to Come Elsewhere?”

  1. “…might this be a preview of what we’re going to see more regularly in the years ahead?”
    I sincerely hope so. Its what I would have done twenty years ago.

  2. Needs to take place in Ontario. The whole system is controlled by the unions and their sympathizers. Retired teachers game the system by coming back to “fill in” or substitute teach making sure the pension benefits increase and that no new folks are hired. Sickening and the tax payers dont say anything.

  3. Earl, are you sure you want currently unemployed to fill in for the teachers? Even with my general animosity towards the ‘teaching class’ I am not so sure.
    But I do agree with ‘fire them all’.
    Banning the unions should be the first step.
    Union and outsourcing are cause and consequence.

  4. Hey, get with it Wisconsin!
    Here in Ontario where student enrollment has been declining year after year, and the teacher/student ratio is an embarrassment, McGuinty partially solved the looming problem by creating all-day kindergarten.
    And you can rest assured that if/when he ever gets around to universal day-care, most of those positions will have to be staffed by someone with a teachers’ union card in their pocket.

  5. This is just the beginning. It’s going to be one hell of a fight. I’m sure the unions will find creative ways to alienate the public at every turn, and then drown in self-pity

  6. Theo Spark has this video link today from the Republican Party of Wisconsin, “Rhetoric vs. Reality: Liberal Protest of Gov. Walker’s Budget Repair Plan”
    Some wild looking protests going on with plenty of gun scopes drawn on Walker’s image, 0.46 and other examples: “Walker is the Mabarck of the Midwest” 0.32
    and, “Rape is never a good choice, raping public employees is not the way to balance a budget” 0.49
    Is this the new civility?
    Is this what happens when the teachers don’t get their way?

  7. Just let the stat go bankrupt . . . that will really dry up their public teat in very short order and they can whine on about getting nothing.
    Saves a lot more money.

  8. About time.
    Good news about welfare reforms in Britain too.
    But I remain skeptical that governments and politicians will have the guts to follow through on this. Hopefully I will be proven wrong.

  9. Marc asks (rhetorically): “Is this what happens when the teachers don’t get their way?”
    Of course. Because this is how they got their way in the first place. Its a protection racket. “Nice school ya got here. Be a shame if something would… happen… to it.”
    Unions are first, last and always thug operations. When things go wrong for them, they down tools and picket the place. Appropriate when worker’s families are starving, completely wrong when the people paying the workers are starving.
    It remains to be seen if Wisconsin’s Republicans have the stones to fight through the DemocRat dirty tricks and -violent- unionist demonstrations, but this is a very good start. This summer’s Tea Party events will be very, very interesting when the union commies come out to beat them up. Euphemistically known as “counter protest” but really it’ll just be plain vanilla gangster attack.

  10. This is going to go right through the unions, top to bottom. Put 40,000 in and take 1,200,000 out in pension benefits. Good work if you can find it but short of crack dealing, there are no investments that will produce that kind of return. The pensions that have been negotiated by the public service unions just plain won’t fly. They’ll bankrupt the country, including Old Age Pension and Canada pension. Not a neat scenario.

  11. Most people in the private sector would be (relatively) happy with the concessions being demanded of them. I like the bankruptcy route, if for no-other reason than as a bargaining chip. Explain to the “educators” (slowly), that after bankruptcy, all contracts are null and void and the restructuring starts from zero.
    The Labour leaders, all being Democratic Party apparatchiks, have their marching orders from Party Central. Get used to it. It will get ugly.

  12. From what I’ve been able to find out,the Ontario Elementary school TF has 76,000 members, Ontario Secondary school TF has 60,000 members.Factor in children,friends,spouses,sympathisers, and you have a voting block of probably half a million voters.
    THAT is one very powerful lobby group.Add to the fact that they are well educated,well organized, well versed in Alinsky tactics,and I don’t see any Canadian politicians standing up to them.
    The BCTF contract is up this year,anyone want to bet that either of our Parties,NDP or Liberal,will face them as boldly as Wisconsin?
    Take a look at the BCTF position at their website,and the writing’s,as they say,on the wall.

  13. I found this:
    If I had to change how teachers function in Ontario, I would eliminate the unions. Unions are greedy, shiftless and ensure that their pockets are padded and to hell with everyone else. Give every teacher an iron-clad contract detailing what is expected of them and what they will get in terms of salary and benefits. No teacher leaving teachers’ college gets a position as a full-time teacher right away (it does happen). Those just graduating can work as teacher’s aides and be evaluated every three months. If by the end of the school year their performance has been satisfactory, then can they be employed as full-time teachers. Then they get a standard contract agreeing to a certain salary. Benefits are given only with excellent performance and may increase over the years.
    I have seen bad teachers ascend to higher positions and be assured of excellent benefits and salaries while hard-working and more honest teachers get the shaft. The unions allow that. No merit, only favouritism. It’s time it stopped.
    Just my thoughts.

  14. Anybody else notice the placard that said “Socialist Workers Party”. We all know who that is, don’t we. Many teachers are now in sympathy with this party.

  15. Republicans control the public purse strings now.
    Democrat teachers unions can just kiss our a$$.

  16. “Tenn. panel votes to bust state teachers’ unions
    We’re seeing more and more of this:
    NASHVILLE — The Senate Education Committee voted along party lines Wednesday to abolish collective bargaining between teachers unions and school boards across the state.The vote was 6-3, with all Republicans on the panel voting for the bill and all Democrats against.Sponsor Sen. Jack Johnson said passage of the bill — SB113 — will remove “an albatross from around the neck of our school boards across the state” and remove a roadblock to education reform.
    Labor unions are part of the free market. But their historical rationale is to protect workers from exploitation by unscrupulous employers that don’t follow the law or eschew basic workplace safety standards.” (more)

  17. Leftist ‘rats have jumped.
    “Wisconsin Union Vote on Hold after Democrats Leave State (!!!)
    MADISON, Wis.— Police officers were dispatched Thursday to find Wisconsin state lawmakers who had apparently boycotted a vote on a sweeping bill that would strip most government workers of their collective bargaining rights.
    The lawmakers, all Democrats in the state Senate, did not show up when they were ordered to attend a midday vote on the legislation.
    Sen. Jon Erpenbach said he and his 13 colleagues had left the state but would not say where they are.
    (Excerpt) Read more at msnbc.msn.com …”

  18. Phone in sick, and show up at a ralley. Dishonest.
    As for Bill Maher, in the second video, thats not hairspray, it’s resin: “ere…it’s good $hit, pass it on bro”.

  19. Thanks Robert for that Ohio link.
    An article by Jason Kirby entitled “The empire of debt”, in the February 14 issue of Maclean’s discusses the out-of-control spending and how debt collapsed empires in the past. He references Niall Ferguson, who we saw in a Youtube video yesterday. At a speech in Australia last month he explained how the falls of the Spanish, French, Ottoman and British empires was directly related to sharp increases in debt.
    I would add Russia circa 1914-1917 to that list. The war time borrowings in Russia led to inflation, which led to sharp increases in food costs, the supply of which became difficult due to inadequate rail infrastructure and extremely cold winter 1916-17.
    Sorry, I could not find Kirby’s article on the online Maclean’s, consequently I have no link.
    We can expect more this disquiet.
    Atlas is shrugging.

  20. Re the post by dmorris with this link….
    I sent it to my son who is a teacher and asked if the numbers it contained for Calgary are correct. Here’s his reply:
    “Yes – with one exception. Typical prep time for elementary is 30min a week in Calgary. There would be a parade if it was 330min a week. I also think prep time for secondary teachers is a little optimistic at 20% but I won’t dispute the number provided.
    This study/presentation is flawed however. It is impossible to compare professions based on yearly salary as the amount of hours worked and benefits received are varied between professions and
    provinces. If a study was to be done based on a per hour basis it would be better, but would need to reflect the actual median time worked by teachers not the bare minimum. We all know that I work more hours than the typical LA teacher and KW (one of his peers) never stops working….
    It would also be interesting to compare teachers and engineers over a very long term study but with a closed sample group. This would be
    able to accommodate bonuses, down turns in the economy, salary reductions and people who left either profession. The job security of
    an engineer is far less, perhaps that would be reflected in the closed group.
    The guy who deals with our contract and its
    negotiation has during many contract negotiations suggested teachers should punch in and punch out. The board/government wouldn’t entertain it, too expensive.”
    ….or perhaps ignorance simply avoids having to face reality.

  21. When we started out as territories we had local people teach for dirt cheap. Mostly young Women in Churches, since in those days most of the men where either fighting, or working with their wives in the fields.
    Maybe its time we went back to a simpler model without the mandatory stupidities, & secular psychological nonsense.
    As Detroit showed theres not enough money you can throw & it still turns up half your population is illiterate.
    In both the US & Canada at the turn of the century the literacy rate was 97%. Not being able to read was a shameful thing. Today its celebrated. Its the commitment of the teacher backed up by the community that matters. School boards are just bus stops to bigger politics. There also tied up by education families.
    Time communities appointed their own teachers, not a government agency.
    The third graph on the page. Show literacy rates in past times & other Nations as well at the same time.
    Sources: http://www.gongol.com/research/economics/growthstages/

  22. Actually, lying, cheating, talking from both sides of their mouht is to socialists, fascists and other assorted ‘ists, is as normal, as breathing fresh air is to your everyday human being.

  23. Vern
    You are so right. The teachers reacted bitterly at the Harris Government….
    1) for removing bargaining rights from school boards to the provincial government….IOW big government versus Big Union instead of Big Union versus small school board.
    2) for instituting standardized testing of Ontario students…..IOW standardized testing of teachers.
    Result the Teachers Union used the political clout you refer to and their pension plan war chests to elect the McSquinty LIBRANOs and the rest is history.
    For all practical purposes Ontario is ruled by the teachers unions and McSquinty is the puppet.

  24. Fire them all
    kid with no education may be better off than the ones that leftist pap drilled into them

  25. An old Army buddy of mine is a Wisconsin teacher.
    Let’s just say he’s had a lot of time on his hands to debate me about the financial crisis and whether the Preamble is sufficient to justify anything Congress and the President wants to do.
    The scary thing is that if he’s sending me regurgitated talking points I know that’s what he’s teaching in school.
    He’s talking about “hard fought” rights of collective bargaining. I showed him who the top campaign donors were and said, “hard bought.”

  26. If you follow Gov Christie from Jersey that is exactly swhat he did. He confronted the union and eventually they caved.When they complained that they weren’t being properly compensated for their training etc. he said then “find another job”. Same with the cops. He said they could either take a cut or lose their job. And then they laid off 30% of the Cops in one New Jersey City.
    I do like the bankrupt idea though. Hit reset and start over.

  27. Obama tells Americans they have to live smaller, have less, does that not apply to his union buddies? Hypocrites.
    Schools need to be privatized, they have not been able to provide the services paid for by the money taken from our paycheques and property taxes.

  28. Aaron: Absolutely. The educational system is broken. It’s worse than Healthcare.
    Incompetent, uninterested and under-worked.
    Teachers in Quebec must pass through the ‘Education program’ that is a total waste of time.
    They are more interested in their retirement and pensions than doing a good job. And the government is complicit. It’s the only area that can totally remake itself every few years and continue to deliver the same, mediocre results.
    Privatize the whole mess. Fire them all and start over.

  29. The unions will do for Wisconsin as they did for Detroit.
    To urban hunter, next meal is scampering by
    Detroit retiree, 69, supplements his income by living off the land
    Charlie LeDuff / The Detroit News
    Detroit – When selecting the best raccoon carcass for the special holiday roast, both the connoisseur and the curious should remember this simple guideline: Look for the paw.
