A Quote for the Ages

The integration of muslims is surely a question of particular public interest – you are allowed to be critical – but not incitement of hatred
(- judge states the allowed utterances)
The language used in the seminars were not inciting hatred, but the utterances regarding muhammad and paedophilia were punishable.
“Paedophilia” is factually incorrect, since paedophilia is a sexual preference which solely or mainly is directed towards children. Nevertheless, it does not apply to mohammad. He was still married to Aisha when she was 18.

Meanwhile in Sweden

46 Replies to “A Quote for the Ages”

  1. Mo had sex with a nine year old female child, his actions fall under the definition of pedophile. That court ruling makes my skin crawl.

  2. By that standard the Austrian monster who abused his daughter from age 11 and imprisoned her from age 18-42, fathering 7 children along the way, isn’t a pedophile either.
    Or is that too nuanced?

  3. This judge – I won’t type it.
    Frankly I wouldn’t care if Sabitch-Wolff were telling lies. Who the hell do the Austrians of all people think they are holding ideology/blasphemy trials?
    syncro – the left prides itself on nuance. It’s how liberals know they’re smarter than conservatives. Well, that, and the fact that they understand that Sarah Palin is brain-dead and evil. Dig the nuance.

  4. I’ll re-post my polemic with VoiceOfCanada, Feb 2011 including pieces not yet approved by them:
    The main issue with islam is that it is not simply a religion, but a total way of life, which has religious, political, legal, military, dietary, hygienic, medical, financial and other components. The major difference between islam and the religions (I am purposely not using word ‘other’) is that islam requires establishment of specific global government – caliphate – which is supposed to last until the judgment day when all muslims are expected to fight non-muslims and exterminate them.
    That quranic requirement makes islam incompatible with all Western democracies that I know of. Surprising indeed is support given to islam by the members of Western economic and scientific elites whose very existence is directly threatened by islam.
    How can Western society preserve its democracy? It is currently unacceptable to expel the muslims living here on the premise of religious tolerance and freedom of faith. The only solution is to recognize islam for what it is – militant political doctrine – and strip it of protected status provided by its recognition as a religion. Continued ‘free pass’ which part of our society gives to islam is suicidal. We are sitting ducks.
    The muslim radicals are very sly and sneaky when it comes to non-muslims trying to understand the quran. They are doing their best to hide true meaning of the verses by ‘sanitizing’ the translations and omitting the concept of ‘abrogation’ where later suras cancel out the earlier ones. To understanding the quran it is important to know exact chronological order in which the suras were ‘revealed’, not the order in which they were compiled for publication by caliph Utman or someone else.
    Only when general public will actually read and understand the quran’s true meaning they can establish informed opinion about the ‘religion of peace’.
    I was horrified to learn it, just like I was horrified to read Vladimir Lenin’s writing. Both are horrible in their cold-blooded practicing of mass murder to advance their goals. We live in difficult times when schools are dumping education for socialist indoctrination and frankly I am not holding my breath about Western public ever learning what they are facing until it is too late and there are burning cars and smashed windows in our streets.
    For the muslims it is absolutely impossible to ‘rip the violent pages from the quran’ because according to quran itself, it’s the final, immutable word of god. Alteration of quran is punishable by death. Also Mohammed cemented the quran and islam by pronouncing self the last prophet and ordering the muslims to kill anyone who would claim prophethood. That explains why 1+B ‘peaceful’ muslims are ‘peaceful’ only as long as they read and follow the sanitized versions of quran, translated into their languages.
    But as soon as they meet a Wahhabi preacher, they become a ticking time bomb on the way to radicalization. Reason being that Wahhabi are not some sinister devils in human clothes, but simply native Arabic speakers who read quran in its original version and take it literally.
    It is quran itself and islam itself which make it impossible for their followers to coexist peacefully with other religions and the atheists. The christians and jews are better off – for the time being (until the ‘last day’ when they are ordered by Allah to be exterminated), while the polytheists and atheists are destined for slaughter at any time.
    Also, contributing to violence of islam is the fact that Mohammed is prescribed as a role model for all muslims and history of his life, a-hadith, celebrates the murder, pillage and child molestation that he has committed.
    That all means that islam must be contained as a doctrine, not treated equally with the religions as I said above. Unless this containment is treated by entire ‘dar al harb’ – house of war, or non-muslim territories, treated as seriously as Nazi Germany, we are doomed as right now we are sitting ducks, hostages of Trudoe’s multiculturalism enshrined in Charter.

  5. “Nevertheless, it does not apply to mohammad. He was still married to Aisha when she was 18.”
    True but Mo couldn’t get it up any more, being 50ish when he married Aisha, so the point is moot.
    Mo did “consumate” the marriage when Aisha was 9 but he had sex with her when she was 6.
    (unless you buy the narrow BJ Clinton definition of “sex”)
    Mo also had 13 other wives/concubines and some of them were probably children too.
    Nevertheless, if someone has sex with just one child they are a paedophile just as most people meet thousands of other people in their lives but illegally killing a single person still makes them a murderer.
    The judge’s reasoning is deeply flawed.

  6. Now, now- let’s not point out the disgusting flaws in Islam lest the rising population of its followers take offense and start setting fire to things (as they are wont to do because it is perfectly acceptable to burn things when you are angry). Let’s just bury our heads in the sand and forget everything.
    (sarcasm off- vomiting commences)

  7. Don’t know what poses the greater immigration threat to Canada: muslim fanatics or euro-socialists.

  8. Black Mamba
    That’s the whole thing about nuance(liberal/elite definition)….
    ..It’s like a license to smug with the added bonus that nuance (dictionary definition) is subtle.
    Nuance could probably also be defined as …the perfect progressive state.

  9. So is it not pedophilia in Europe if a current day adult continues to have sex with a former child after he/she turns 18? That’d be a pretty hilarious pedophile defense if that Austrian rape basement guy tried it.

  10. Well, it seems to me that since the judge made such an egregious error in fact, that the judgment should be readily overturned on appeal.

  11. It’s not whether or not he was still married, it’s whether or not he has a preference for children. The two aren’t connected.

  12. I wonder – hands up who thinks the Austrians would put a Jew on trial for suggesting that Islam is anti-Semitic?
    Because that would be interesting.

  13. So when will a fatwa be issued for this female judge? She is implying the hadith is factually incorrect, after all.
    Posted by: Mark at February 18, 2011 1:28 PM
    When Tarek Fatah goes on the air and says she was 19 or some such nonsense, the immediate response from Toronto-area imams is that she was 6 when he started thighing her (OK, I added that last bit) and 9 when he took her off the swing and did the dirty deed (again, my description, not theirs).
    They do so because they believe the koran, ahadith, etc to be literal.
    Somewhat related, a local radio station a while back had on a woman who had co-written a new bowdlerized version of the koran, the kind we want if there’s ever going to be a “reformation” of islam. The discussion centered around the tenet that a man should beat his wife if she’s disobedient – the new passage removed the violence, and the co-author claimed old Mo would never approve of the original version.
    Some young woman called in and was adamant that the words were correct, Mo-approved, and had to be followed to a T.

  14. Europe is going to get everything it so richly deserves. They are losing it and the Muslims are winning it. I see no end to that trend.
    It must not happen here.
    Islam is a mental disorder as is liberalism. So you see why they work together so well.

  15. 5 things I know about Muslims:
    1. Muslims do not integrate
    2. Sharia
    3. see #1 above
    4. see #2 above
    5. Muslims do not want to integrate and they want to impose Sharia

  16. Terry @3:37 tarek fatah is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
    Terry please tell me more.
    I go back and forth on Fatah. I used to believe he was pro-west, secular. Then went back to not so secular. The more I read his stuff the more uneasy I feel he is sincere.
    Currently reading his Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic lllusion of an Islamic State. I am getting mixed messages from it, contradictory statements etc.
    It would be good to get him sorted out and placed on the spectrum of western conservative and Magna Carta values.

  17. Abe Froman: “Europe is going to get everything it so richly deserves”
    Muslim population of France – 6 – 8%
    Muslim population of Canada by 2030 – 7%

  18. Rob…I made that statement based on my gut feelings watching him speak a few times and his apearances on the Coren show; and the fact that the book of lies they all follow talks about deception. Deception is a serious enemy. I trust no muslim. None. If they follow that phony book of theirs, then they will do what they are told. Just my opinion and my gut feelings about the man. I don’t like him. I don’t trust him. But I repeat myself.

  19. Terry, Yeah that whole Taqiyya and Kitman stuff is top of mind whenever I here a Muslim speak. They say that book is immutable: the law, politics and a social structure. I say any group that has only a single book is trouble. You got to go with your instinct, your gut feeling.
    (I understand he is recovering from surgery for cancer and I do wish him a speedy return to health.)
    Anyone else want to weigh in on Fatah?

  20. Don’t know what poses the greater immigration threat to Canada: muslim fanatics or euro-socialists
    End quote:———
    I fear the Euro-socialists much more, it tiss they who have given the Islamofacists’ supremacist status over all faiths and political ideology.

  21. Sweden is a dead Nation. Its not having children except those who revile the very Country that gave them an opportunity to thrive.
    Its Just a matter of a short time before there an Islamic Polity with the Blonds most likely taken as slave concubines. Muslims like Blonds, as we have seen in Egypt.
    You don;t breed, you die off. Not racist just simple Biology.

  22. Frankly I think this judgment says nothing at all about Islam or Muslims. This is purely a matter of Austrian law, and indicates that Austrians better get a frickin’ grip on their judiciary right smartly.
    Islam is NOT the problem in Europe, the USA and Canada. The problem is STATISM, and the sooner we all embrace that the sooner we will start winning these fights.
    What do you think is going to happen to European Muslims the instant their demands become inconvenient for the EuroLeft? They will be rounded up and marched into the ocean, is what.
    And if history is any indicator, Americans and Canadians and Aussies and Brits will be over there bombing the hell out of Austria to stop it.
    I’d prefer to forgo the whole thing myself, and attack the true problem. Big Government.

  23. According to this Judges interpretation, everything that he did with this “wife” up to age 18 is to be ignored. Her coming of age cures his peoedophilic actions. And anyone who marries young children and consumates the marriage (and a number of Muslims still do it) is not a paedophile!
    Too much nuance for me.
    And would this tenet of Sharia law override our criminal law and a Muslims freedom of religion? Would we have to call upon the notwithstanding clause to preserve our minimum social standards about child abuse as reflected in our criminal laws?

  24. The Phantom
    You may find this as of some interest.
    I’m Praying for America every day. I figure most at SDA feels the same way.
    Without a watchtower of Liberty with a Blazing beacon for freedom in the World, the twilight is coming.
    Your correct Statism is our social problem, but Islam is our external & internal time bomb.

  25. That Judge obviously missed the airing of this documentary.
    Shocking and eye opening brand new documentary investigating Islamic faith schools in the UK. Undercover cameras catch teaching in these schools over a two year period. Vindicates everything others have said about problems with integration.
    Below is link to part 1 of 5 “Dispatches: Lessons in Violence and Hate”

  26. Rob @ Dailywasp
    I’ve heard Fatah many times and read some of his articles though not his book. On the one hand he comes out against islamists and on the other he is himself a strong defender of islam and publicly denounced Wufi Sultan and accused her of homophobia when he said mohammad was a child rapist. That really changed my opinion of him. Not that I think he should or would roll over while someone directly attacks his faith. Mohammad will always be a problem for islam though.
    Listening to him later he made it very clear that he is against “violent jihad”. I guess with muslims you can never parse their words too closely. I suspect that means he’s still pro-jihad and all the spread the umma stuff yet he objects to sending out teenagers with pipebombs strapped to their chests. That position makes him an islamic moderate yet still no friend to the west.
    Only he knows where he stands but I would believe he’s a wolf wrapped in wool.

  27. What’s new?
    Islam gets a free pass on everything from – pedophilia, polygamy, spousal abuse, racism, segregation, hate speech/ death threats, to name but a few.
    They can even collect welfare for multiple wives and children in many western countries. They get a free pass with the CHRC who acts as the temporary “psudo-Sharia” court system for Islam in Canada to persecute white Christians on their behalf for simply annoying them.
    When will Canadians wake up to the fact that we are only looking at the tip of the iceberg when dealing with Islam in our county? It’s going to get much, much worse in years and decades to come.

  28. Statism didn’t creat religious ghettos so Islamofied that they make Islamic Nations look civil and free. Statism didn’t give Muslims supremacist status over other faiths, statism isn’t looking away whilst Sharia law in Eurabia is allowing men to treat women like they are chattel to be desposed of at will. Progressive Liberalism created this mess and they aren’t the least bit concerned that they created religious enclaves that are mirror images of seventh century caves with cable and electricity.

  29. Rev said: “Your correct Statism is our social problem, but Islam is our external & internal time bomb.”
    That’s true. Radical Islam really would like to rule the world, they say so every chance they get.
    Its my opinion though that they are f- all of a problem to us, so long as our current socialist/statist ruling class isn’t making the rules. In a stand-up fight these regimes would last two weeks maximum, as Iraq proved twice in a row.
    Muslims are not the problem. They are a bunch of frickin’ toothless hillbillies with bad attitudes.
    Barry Obama, now this guy is a problem.

  30. syncrodox
    I liked Tarek Fatah before.
    I am still his fan, but I see more things I disagree with.
    I think it may be the threats he got, or …he really may be tired of fighting, ideologically, with other Muslims.
    Also, he is not getting younger.
    I think that Muslims are getting more fundamentalist, particularly Muslims living in the West, and it must be difficult to (nearly)always be in the opposition to majority view.

  31. According to how things appear to be administered….Winston Churchill’s many speeches denouncing Hitler and the Nazi’s would be prosecuted as hate speech. His Joplin Missouri “Iron Curtain” speech as well.
    It would seem that hating Nazis and Nazi-ism; Reds and Bolshevism is now a crime.

  32. Sasquatch
    Nazi-ism is bad because it involves white people. Stalinism is bad, Trotskyism is ok but Maoism is best because it involves Chinese/South American people.
    You should apply a hierarchy of victimhood. I think it kind of goes Jews

  33. Oops my hierarchy of victimhood didn’t post because i used the less than sign 🙁
    Jews – Christians – Whites – LGBT – Women – North East Asians – Asians – Muslims/Middle Easterners – Hispanics – American Blacks – Non-American Blacks
    Where Jews are the least oppressed and Non American Blacks are the most oppressed. Now Naziism is an aberration because you would think that because Whites are more oppressed than Jews that it would be ok but that can only be true if there was a holocaust or something but there wasn’t so it’s basically like a national tea party movement that took over a country. 😛

  34. I get the same feeling about Tarek. I would like to, but that bit in the Koran about taking over the world whether we like it or not has me concerned.

  35. I tend to agree with Phantom @ 5:59 p.m.: Statism is the far bigger problem than radical Islam.
    “Political correctness” arose in the 1920s when Marxist intellectuals (using the term loosely) of the day couldn’t understand why the working classes didn’t rise up and overthrow capitalism. So they hit upon the idea of using alleged “victims” and “oppressed” groups as a working class substitute for that purpose.
    Since radical Islam is a sizable threat to the west, the left promotes and encourages it every chance it gets, for the express purpose of disrupting and destabilizing civilized western society.
    Remember that two items on the P. C. agenda are “huge immigration to destroy identity” and “continual change to create confusion”. There are plenty of holes in both of these items, not least of which is that immigrants don’t necessarily like to be used as cannon fodder by Marxist extremists, “identity” is collectivist and therefore overrated, and that change through technological progress is pretty much a constant in a capitalist society anyway.
    However, because Islamic society is so different from the semi-capitalist west, the revolutionaries try to give them carte blanche for anything that is disruptive to us.
    Phantom: “What do you think is going to happen to European Muslims the instant their demands become inconvenient for the EuroLeft? They will be rounded up and marched into the ocean, is what.”
    This is probably spot on.
    The problems in the western world stem from bad philosophy, namely Kant and Hegel. I sometimes wonder how much the Muslim Brotherhood was influenced by these two jokers. Kemal Ataturk tried to play down Islam and mimic the west to bring Turkey into the modern world. But the west was in the throes of a massive contradiction between what it successfully practiced (capitalism) and what its intellectuals preached (socialism). It is quite possible that the Muslim thinkers of the early 20th century weren’t able to keep the two concepts straight. The radical Islamists’ goal of taking over the world mimics that of the Marxists.
    As always, the solution to the world’s problems begins with the words of Ayn Rand: No person has the right to initiate the use of force or fraud on any other person.

  36. Why are muslims commanded to take women and children as slaves as the first choice?
    Sex slavery. Age has no bearing on a muslim’s ability to do as he pleases with his battle acquired slaves.
    Male children are sexually available ‘pearls’ in islam as well. Muslim boys are allowed to be raped as a substitute for a wife.
    Combine the two avenues of muslim sexual release in lieu of a wife and you get unimaginable rage incubated for release onto an unsuspecting non-muslim populace.
    It’s not just the ‘thighing’ that makes mohammad a pedophile… Slavery and pederasty must be mentioned along with jerking off on a 6 year old bride.

  37. Pow!! My head just exploded reading that 🙁
    Mother of god, how dense does one have to be to become a judge in Austria?!
