Battle Lines

Date Night is clearly forgotten:

“This is not the way to begin an ‘adult conversation’ about solutions to the big challenges facing our country. Rather than inciting protests against those who speak honestly about the challenges we face, the President and his advisers should lead.

30 Replies to “Battle Lines”

  1. Yes it does, this Man needs to be seriously impeached. If this is not blatantly illegal then WTH is ?

  2. Just what’s needed when the ship of state is floundering, the captain hiring goons the drill more holes in the hull.

  3. Heh. And Glenn Beck is castigated as a ‘crazy conspiracy theorist’. Yet he’s been consistent and consistently correct in predicting what would take place. The only thing he’s missed is that it’s happening even sooner than he predicted.
    He’s connected all the dots between the left, labour (part of the same whole, of course) and civil disruptions throughout the world. From AFL/CIO chief Richard Trumpka doing a ‘shout out’ of solidarity with Egyptian protesters to the rantings of Francis Fox Piven, Wisconsin is being used as a testing ground for America’s readiness for bringing trouble to the streets.
    The left never anticipated a ‘tea party’ movement with the potential to thwart their long term plans and they’ve decided they’ll never have a better opportunity than they have today, with a sympathetic – no, let me rephrase that – a complicit President in the White House, with two years to push the U.S. past the tipping point.

  4. And people thought that I was a bit on the alarmist or even militant side when I said the the Empty Suit is an enemy of the US and will work to destroy it. I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet!!

  5. When a President fights his own States. Its going to spark something he will not be able to control.
    mean while he leaves the Southern border open to drug cartel wars, while penalizing Canadians.
    I wrote this at Charles Adlers Blog.
    The tax is too keep Canadians out. Look at the American Blogs. Most are domestic red herrings.
    America is in full Isolation mode.
    Most Americans don’t even know most of their allies have no trust, or belief in American policy anymore. In fact view it as hostile towards the West.
    Under the Canadian Liberal Kleptomaniacs including Mulroney’s Pseudo-Conservatives. They did the same. Made our dollar junk to keep Canadians home.
    With a 40% Canadian content & a Media so corrupt its members line up for Government appointments.
    We where kept in the dark about just how much we where being stolen from.
    It took an American Blog to open up Pandora’s (Liberals) chest of vices with bags of tax payer money.
    There are ore ways to cover up truth than censorship.
    In America they have been even more colorful. Making air travelers criminals by default.
    I wonder how long before our American cousins need passports to travel from State to State?
    Lastly we know the entire Media except Fox & Conservative radio hosts are completely under the Obama Umbrella. Sold out Totally to his Marxist ideology. We have seen it in Canada. Hence Sun News we Conservatives want so badly. Lets hope unlike Fox where not bought out by Saudis.
    This is about Hiding economic & social engineering that Obama is doing through his Czars.
    How freedom is being crushed daily.
    Put your people in a closet than charge anyone who may know the facts like people who visited Moscow in the 70s so they don’t lip away “inconvenient facts” your own press is hiding.
    You may think $5.50 is cheap, but how long is it going to stay that price?
    This is just the precedent for even more draconian measures. As these demonstrations show the one thing he does know is community rabble rousing. When a President fights his own Nations States, you have trouble with a capital T.
    Obama will not allow himself to be impeached, unlike Nixon. He really really doesn’t care about America. Most Americans can’t conceive this but its true. He will go down fighting with his “Army”.
    Time will tell.

  6. This is very reminiscent of the Glen Clark reign in BC in the 1990’s. Clark did many things to hurt BC’s economy and cater to his union backers, but the press gave him a complete free pass on the most thuggish thing he did. He openly backed an illegal blockade of the Alaska ferry in 1997 in the Prince Rupert harbour. Obama is doing the same now.
    Before Glen Clark’s reign I had often imagined BC would be better off as its own country. But Clark was like a bucket of ice water on my head. I dreaded the thought that we could let a thug like that run a whole country.
    Unfortunately Obama has control over a populace 100 times that of BC. I feel sorry for America today.

  7. He has done nothing to offer solutions. Now, worse, his political organization is colluding with special-interest allies across the country to demagogue reform-minded governors who are making the tough choices that the President is avoiding.

    Obama will never waste a good crisis.

    1967-68 Vietnam we used to say:
    “We are killing the wrong frigging people.”
    Now it is shaping up like we may still get our chance.

    Can you say ‘pro-state government protester’-
    with a gun?

  8. last time I recollect something of this nature and aim at their/his own people was chairman mao.
    whatever can it all mean?

  9. You can take the thug out of Chicago, but you can’t take the Chicago out of the thug.
    In essence, Obama is following the tactics of every failed socialist thug in history. First, implement a series of economically dysfunctional programs, then blame your predecessors for the mess, then blame “wreckers, saboteurs, counter-revolutionaries” etc., etc., then mobilize your goons to intimidate opposition and use the self-created chaos and violence as an excuse for greater repression and intimidation followed by even more dysfunctional economic measures. Plus ca change . . .

  10. Obama -is- leading. He’s leading the unions in their astroturf effort to stifle change at the state level. All these multiple state demonstrations are being arranged, coordinated and PAID FOR by the DemocRat National Committee.
    Now that’s leadership, baby.

  11. And how do these union zealots expect the working class to pay for their over the top perks and salaries? For crisps sake nearly every state is bankrupted and what do the union elites demand more money and perks. Unionized workers are the ruling elite class, the working class are used as their slaves and servants to pay for all those lovely union perks.

  12. You are talking about people that refuse to accept reality. They have created their own reality of the left vs the world. Usually it ends with a leader hung, shot or driven into exile.
    Wonder how this one will end? It will fail but at what cost?

  13. This is part Socialist doctrine and part Empty Suit needing these various states in the coming election. He (Empty Suit) figures that this is how to keep them. They voted Republican and they figure that a major shake-up of the elected representatives will benefit the Democrats.

  14. Should be an interesting day in Wisconsin tomorrow. Tea Party is supposedly counter-demonstrating the union protest.
    Hopefully nobody gets hurt.

  15. “The Amalgamated Transit Union”.
    In the streets of Ottawa, Hull’s neighbour, er Hull is gone, no?
    How will Jim Watson, the recently elected socialist Mayor of Ottawa and Liberal McGuinty flack, get along with the “union terror…s, er militants, er activists, er … brothers and sisters, er …”?
    Here is the union’s advisory & talking-points to/for NDP-socialist Nancy Pelosi-Deans:
    “The memo to Councillor Deans says there has been “no positive change” since the new Council was elected in October, adding “senior management continues to proceed with anti-union animus on many fronts.”
    “ATU Warns of ‘Protracted, Difficult’ Contract Talks
    Josh Pringle
    Friday, February 18, 2011
    There could be a pothole in the road for contract talks between OC Transpo and the union representing OC Transpo drivers, dispatchers and mechanics.
    The Amalgamated Transit Union says it will not negotiate for a renewed Collective Agreement until all scheduling provisions are mutually agreed upon and resolved with OC Transpo management.
    In a letter to Transit Commission Chair Diane Deans obtained by CFRA News, ATU Acting President Mike Aldrich expresses frustration with the new April 2011 Run Cut schedule imposed by OC Transpo earlier this month.
    Aldrich writes “it is a joke” to suggest the latest Run Cut put forward by OC Transpo is compliant with an Arbitrators ruling that stated OC Transpo must draft a Day Booking Schedule consistent with other transit operations across North America.
    Aldrich adds the latest Run Cut “continues to exacerbate the reasons why there is not likely any hopeful sign whatsoever for positive labour relations in 2011 or the foreseeable future.”
    OC Transpo and the ATU were scheduled to begin contract talks in January or February ahead of the end of the current contract at the end of March.
    Aldrich accuses OC Transpo management of refusing to engage in discussions with the ATU to resolve disputes over scheduling, and instead acting unilaterally.
    The memo to Councillor Deans says there has been “no positive change” since the new Council was elected in October, adding “senior management continues to proceed with anti-union animus on many fronts.”
    Aldrich says the latest proposal for the April 2011 Booking sends a signal that the next round of negotiations is going to be “protracted, difficult and even more contentious than the last round.”
    The ATU does insist it is open to discussing and negotiating these matters in the interest of its members, OC Transpo and the citizens of Ottawa.”

  16. “Hopefully nobody gets hurt.” Norman
    The Union goons are not very bright.. They & the protesters have/and do intimidate law enforcement, all the while knowing that the Law enforcement response will be restrained. Peaceful demonstration is legal
    The Joe Six packs in the tea party will defend themselves if the goons get stupid
    This may be Obama’s End of the Track Moment.. All the Marxists identified.. Nice & neat for 2012, or be impeached if violence results.
    With Unemployment @ 9-17%, this is the ideal moment to fire those refusing to Work.. The State will save 100% of the entitlements and be able to build on a reasonable civil service..

  17. “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  18. Semper Fi, The Americans who value what has been created over 235 years of sweat and lost lives are suddenly awakening. In the words of the Japanese General,” I’m afraid we have woken a sleeping giant” Another line from Forrest Gump with some alteration. “Run Barack Run” the other way dufus! These people are way toooo proud to let some Hollywood/Oprah plant take down this amount of benevolent history. Wake up America!

  19. He hasn’t just hurt America, but his style of so-called leadership has resulted in massive thuggery in Belarus (See National Review) which has degenerated into the Great Terror of the 30’s since George W. Bush has left the scene. Cuba too, is returning to tyranny since the demise of the Republican presidency. And, he has brought the Middle East to the brink of anarchy or its mullah run alternative. If I were a Jew in the homeland, I would be preparing for war.

  20. sasquatch @ 9:53. By the time the people mass in Russia realized they had been sold a bill of false goods it was too late to fight back. All the guns were in the hands of the state. Those people capable of fighting back had been systematically rounded up early and shot and the mass actually thought that they deserved to be shot for various reasons.
    Then the people just waited, like my relatives, hoping that they would not come for them. But then the 4:00 am Cheka visits started happening. So the wives packed a suitcase for their husbands and for many the black maria came at 4:00 am. A quick hug and goodbye and then they were gone.
    Some came back many years later and some never came back.

  21. “the posts are near pitch-perfect imitations of the hysterical, unintelligent tone that characterizes right-wing ‘discourse'”
    I love it when leftards try to act all smug, yet cannot refrain from hurling insults while trying to pretend they find us little people amusing. It’s nice to know we are driving you batshit crazy Frankie!

  22. Lefties inhabit a bizarre universe…..
    This Wisconsin affair is already showing signs that their attempted coup is failing. Spectacle wise the TEA PARTY will deploy vastly more numbers.
    The governor has a political mandate. He has already sent the State Police to pick up the absentee Dem legistlators. Because it is established they fled across the state line deliberately….they have publicly stated as much…he holds the executive power to vacate them and call special elections. Special elections the Dems have no chance of winning….if they return to campaign they get arrested…the absentee Democrat legistlators have de facto placed themselves in voluntary exile….off the playing field.

  23. Tone It Down
    Sanford F. Schram
    A year ago I tried to organize social scientists around the country to petition their professional associations to complain about how Glenn Beck was intentionally demonizing Frances Fox Piven as someone who with her late-husband, Richard Cloward, allegedly was the inspiration behind President Barack Obama’s secret plan to destroy our economic system so that we would be forced to move to a communist government. Easy I thought: the guy’s a nutjob, lying about a prominent scholar/activist and a popular president. Silly me! I got a lot of push back.
    The most common reaction was: “I don’t watch Glenn Beck,” as if I were asking people about their TV viewing habits. I talked about how Beck was dangerously inflaming his gun-toting Tea Party audience and people wanted to tell me that they were above tuning in to his form of political mud wrestling. This kind of response reminded me of the dialogue from the popular film Pulp Fiction when two hit men, played by Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta, driving to an assignment, were discussing how one of them had been recently to Paris and ate a “Le Big Mac” at a McDonald’s there. The other hit man, later trying to indicate he is similarly cultured, talks about an actress who was in a pilot made for television. The snob hit man responded: “I don’t watch TV.” The dismissive comeback: “Yes, but you’re aware that there’s an invention called television, and on that invention they show shows?” End of discussion; commence killing.
    My thoughtful academic colleagues are educated people, concerned about public affairs, but when presented with an opportunity to take some action, they balked by first emphasizing they were above it all. Pardon me, but now we are all down and dirty with the mudslinger. When Beck finally crossed the line and pushed enough buttons so that Piven began getting death threats via email and phone calls, well that was different and now all the major academic professional associations issued statements condemning Beck for inciting violence, something he does nightly ever since his show started airing on Fox News two years ago.
    Yet, the lesson we seem to be learning is not what I was hoping for. I had hoped that with people speaking up, Beck would step it down, if just a bit. No luck there. This is in good part because Beck is as relentless as he is clueless. He just keeps talking, never stopping to listen for a second. He sputters a lot, but never stops. Night after night, I watch him reiterate his paranoid delusions. With this controversy, he now just uses all the added attention to spew more vicious lies. Never for one second has he stopped to re-think the absolute absurdity that the President is channeling Piven and Cloward’s plan to ruin America.
    And what about that plan? Well it turns out that that was a short article in the Nation magazine published in 1966, if you can believe it, which called for poor people who were eligible for welfare, but not receiving it, to sign up and throw the broken welfare system into crisis to the point that the government would finally agree we needed something better like the guaranteed income, which Richard Nixon, of all people, eventually proposed and Congress voted on twice, but narrowly failed to adopt. Saying this was a plan to ruin our society and force communism is as absurd as saying Obama is intentionally enacting a plan to ruin America by trying to get the economy going again. It is all crazy. And it needs to be called exactly that.
    Yet, did we get much examination of this delusional thinking? No, instead, when the battle went public, it was already too late for the primary focus of those efforts to call Beck out as a dangerous demagogue polluting public discourse. Instead, by waiting until the death threats emerged, people were left having to deal with the urgency induced by such irresponsible behavior. Lost in the intensity of the moment was any serious attempt to highlight the absurdity of Beck’s rantings. He got a free pass on his outrageous claims while everyone focused (rightly, given the situation, as it had developed) on the dangerousness of his vilifications.
    So the debate now turns to whether Beck is a dangerous instigator of violence, which of course he clearly is. Yet, what is left in the dust is that he is also a dangerous polluter of public discourse who persistently, if serenely, goes about twisting people’s statements and facts beyond recognition to serve his purposes. Getting people the welfare they are eligible for is not trying to create communism. Or take Piven and Cloward’s later effort, more successful, to require state government offices, welfare, motor vehicles, etc., to offer to register people to vote. How is encouraging people to exercise their rights to entitlement or their right to vote an intentional plan to diabolically destroy America? Isn’t guaranteeing people their rights what America’s all about? Yes, of course, but not Beck’s America. Beck’s America is the America of the privileged who worry that if the poor get welfare or get to vote that things will change (and not just here, but also around the world: witness Beck’s opposition to the popular uprisings in Egypt that have brought down Hosni Mubarak). At their “beck and call” (Bill O’Reilly’s term for when Beck appears on his show regularly) is the demagogue lying about Piven and Cloward and Barack Obama.
    This is where the current situation gets sticky. The professional associations have chosen to emphasize the right to criticize but the need to do it civilly. Regardless of how I sound, I am all for that, both the debate and the civility, but my frustration is that what this emphasis misses is the substance. And the substance is so outrageous, it needs to be talked about in terms that make it plainly clear just how outrageous that substance is. To emphasize the need to debate civilly makes it sound that Beck’s only problem is his tone, which is what is dangerous and incites violence. Yet, let’s face facts, tone is the least of Beck’s problems. Even if he were to tone it down, he would still be broadcasting to over a million people a day malicious lies about Piven and Cloward’s efforts to get poor people their rights and the President’s attempts to turn the economy around. Not focusing on his lies leaves them the credibility they do not deserve. It makes it seem as if Fox News actually delivers news rather than fabrications and distortions of the truth. Let’s focus on that for a while, even as we address the urgency of the moment that death threats bring.
    Sanford Schram teaches social theory and social policy at Bryn Mawr College’s Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. He wrote Praxis for the Poor: Piven and Cloward and the Future of Social Science in Social Welfare (NYU, 2002).

  24. The US,European and Canadian economies are running out of time. We have granted monopolies to the big unions (public sector, utilities, CAW, CUPW, Ports, etc.) These unions have abused the priveledge they were granted. If we don’t get a government who will stand up and break the power of these monopolies, we likely have less than 10 years until collapse. The goose that laid the golden egg (independent business) is on life support.

  25. Dear Sanford, I look forward to your defeat in the public realm of ideas and your immanent unemployment in the Ivory Tower.
    That both will be due to the utter stupidity and failure of -your- ideas just makes it all the more fun. Hee hee!

  26. One hundred million murdered people in the twentieth century because of the lie of the social theory and social policy preached by Marxists.

  27. Geeze, Frank, as trolls go, you are one of the lamest yet. Maybe you should go hang out on a gardening blog, and practice your chops.

  28. ‘ever- angry stupid right wing’? Naw, we aren’t angry Franky – certainly not at you. I don’t remember reading anything here about ‘stringing you up’ (along with your wife if you have one). I did see that on a clip here and there recently though, spouted by a left wing individual – among other left wingers at a rally. I’m pretty sure the ‘right’ side of the equation doesn’t have a monopoly on anger and hate.
