Reader Tips

New York-born Eddie Cantor was one of those hardworking, all-around performers, once common but now mostly parodied, who sang, danced, and told jokes all in the space of five minutes. Here’s an interesting 1923 DeForest Phonofilms clip showing a lively and voluble Cantor — who would have been 30 or 31 years old at the time — performing a bit of his vaudeville routine.
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

51 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Gwynnie at Maggie’s farm quotes the Washington Post —

    “The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared…Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.”

    — and then points out that the report is from November 2, 1922.

  2. Good catch Ebd.
    Dennis miller noted a smart comment by the uber-smart george will who asked, in light of the claims that all the recent cold, snowy weather was proof of AGW, what weather phenomenon would qualify as evidence that it wasnt happening?

  3. Well well, so the PM shows up to visit David Chen, and the NDP and Liberals shamelessly try to get a piece of the action:
    “Ms. Chow and Joe Volpe … also showed up at the store. When Mr. Harper arrived at the store Ms. Chow asked permission to translate between Mandarin and English for the grocer, who is her constituent, to Mr. Harper, but the prime minister’s handlers apparently refused.”
    HA! Take that Chow.
    I’m not sure who I dislike more, Chow or her idiotic husband. Volpe, Chow, Layton, they all make my skin crawl.

  4. Mario, the unauthorized entry into Gov’t of Canada computers was covered tonight on local Global Tv (6 pm news) here in Calgary, it was approximately 5 minutes of coverage, including some opposition members in Ottawa asking what the Gov’t of Canada will do about this to ensure it doesn’t happen again, and questions regarding privacy here. I kept waiting for someone from the Conservatives to say they were going to limit contacts with the chinese communists until they come clean, to no avail. 😉
    The Tv “just happened” to be on while I was cooking dinner… I can’t click here and there while cooking, or I would.

  5. marc in calgary, the government has announced it spent a lot of money hardening IT security, but as the CSE has been involved in some administrative in-fight for the last while, I don’t think they were minding the farm. The attack was done through spear-phishing, a technique that depend on attacking individual employee computers. Who can resist to open an enticing e-mail offering cheap stuff from China?
    I went to the CBC website to see the video, but the comments there are nauseating.

    Nutter try’s to ban pet stores in Fort Collins Colorado and fails.
    No pet-store ban on Fort Collins ballot
    By Monte Whaley
    The Denver Post
    Posted: 02/17/2011 05:03:51 PM MST
    Updated: 02/17/2011 06:54:20 PM MST
    A 21-year-old biology major at Colorado State University failed in her effort to get a proposal that would have banned the sale of animals at pet stores in Fort Collins on the April ballot.
    But Laure Molitor says she succeeded in starting a debate about “puppy mills” and “kitten factories” supplying local pet stores with animals.
    “It says a lot that a 21-year-old girl can rile up a city this much,” said Molitor. “I think we definitely opened up a lot of people’s minds, we started a dialogue.”
    Molitor needed to gather at least 2,517 signatures of registered voters to qualify the measure for the April ballot, but fell short by about 1,135 signatures, according to a review by the Fort Collins City Clerk’s office.
    Molitor and her crew of volunteers worked hard over the past month to make up the difference but could only get 900 or so legitimate signatures, she said.
    “It was a learning experience and now I know I would have done things differently.
    “We found some neighborhoods that people behind every single door signed up,” she said. “But there were other neighborhoods where people wanted to nothing to do with it.”
    The proposed ordinance would have banned the sale of cats, dogs and other small animals, including birds, reptiles and rodents, by pet stores.
    The idea, said Molitor, was to stop pet stores from buying animals from mass breeding facilities she said are often plagued by disease and overcrowding.
    However, the owners of Fort Collins’ lone pet store — Pet City — objected to the ban, saying it unfairly targeted stores that bought from legitimate breeders.
    “We feel like the community was able to look past the cliches and the catch phrases and see what the ban was really about,” Pet City co-owner Gregg Kinnes told the Fort Collins Coloradoan.
    Molitor said she is not giving up her fight. She may try again in a year or two with another ballot effort.
    “I wanted to people to hear about puppy mills and I’m hoping to do the same thing in the future,” she said.

  7. Toronto Star, Wednesday, Feb. 16. Heather Mallick misses the obvious.–mallick-canadian-democracy-soviet-style
    Someone filed $5 freedom of information requests on Errol Mendes and Amir Attaran, two law professors. It might have been someone within the government, in this case. Apparently any Canadian can do this.
    Mallick calls this “Soviet-style”.
    What she conveniently ignores is that the phoney “human rights” commissions operate in a similar manner: the full power of the state is brought in to aid dubious complaints against people doing normal things that they would not dream could get them in legal trouble.
    And how many universities have speech or conduct codes under which anonymous complaints can be made against any student for alleged breaches? Quite a few.
    When Mallick starts dealing with the real Soviet-style threats to Canadians’ freedom, maybe then we’ll be able to take her seriously.

  8. I wanted to put the thing about Chinese hacking (or trying to hack) financial data but you already put it there.
    As for CBC – it is not only comments which are nauseating, it is what they write, too.
    ex: :They (“Highly placed sources”) caution, however, that there is no way of knowing whether the hackers are Chinese, or some other nationality routing their cybercrimes through China to cover their tracks.
    Are they taking us for idiots it seems they are?
    They even did not mention in the article of Chinese hacking data from oil and gas companies which was taking place for the last 2 years in some western countries and in Kazakhstan (which has a lot of gas!!), and was recently uncovered by McAfee.
    And they forgot already Google hack.
    All of it is (of course) somebody else, not Chinese.

  9. Toronto Star, Wednesday, Feb. 16. Sandra Cortina, student nurse, defends the immoral Insite drug-shooting-up site paid with tax dollars.–intravenous-drug-use-and-conservative-values
    Her arguments sum up as follows:
    1. Insite has saved $18-million over ten years and will save $6-million every year in averting HIV-related medical costs.
    Since every addict is different, that doesn’t mean the next ten years will bring the same amount of savings (assuming the numbers are genuine). How many addicts walk into Insite, get their fix, then immediately turn themselves in for treatment?
    The bottom line is that taxpayers of Canada have the right not to have their hard-earned money squandered on garbage like this. If they knew the full extent of the travesty, they would be demonstrating in the streets as in Tunisia and Egypt. No doubt they might be more amenable to treating AIDS. But the left always tries to spend tax dollars in as cynical a way as possible, and this is a prime example.
    2. Although PM Harper claims that “we as a government will not fund drug use”, it provides the welfare payments that many Downtown Eastside drug users fund their habits with. On “Welfare Wednesday”, “the waiting list to get into Insite can reach an hour”.
    Solution: cut them off welfare. Taxpayers don’t want welfare recipients using their money for drugs either.
    By the way, don’t leftists swear up and down most of the time that most welfare recipients DON’T use drugs?
    3. Without Insite there would be inequality of care among addicted Canadians, because we “as a society” have implemented a number of harm reduction programs to deal with alcoholism, such as designated drivers and increased public transit hours.
    If this isn’t one of the craziest interpretations of “equal rights”, I don’t know what is. No service that is provided by other people — including health care, education, housing, and so on — is a “right” unless you believe in slavery.
    Designated drivers and public transit deal with drinking and driving, not alcoholism.
    4. The war on drugs has proven to be both futile and fiscally wasteful.
    I agree. But as long as drugs are illegal, a government body should not be accommodating drug use in defiance of the law.
    If the government loses at the Supreme Court of Canada level, what it should do is to cut the health care allocation that B. C. receives by at least the amount that the province uses to fund Insite. This would be similar to the way the feds are supposed to dock provinces that allow private health care (although they usually don’t, particularly not when Quebec is involved).
    5. The Supreme Court of British Columbia has concluded that access to Insite services is a Charter right to the “security of the person”.
    The Supreme Court of B. C. is full of crap. “Security of the person”, if it means anything, is the right not to be subject to violence at another person’s hands.
    Is there a judicial council in British Columbia? Can judges be brought before it for idiotic rulings? If so, it looks like the province’s Supreme Court should be at the front of the line.

  10. Globe and Mail, Wednesday, Feb. 16.
    (also three letters to the editor on Thursday, Feb. 17, about the issue)
    “An activist group is threatening to seek an injunction to allow a talk by a controversial American academic to proceed, after the community college hosting the event demanded $1,500 to pay for security.”
    “Last month, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East booked a classroom at Hamilton’s Mohawk College for this Saturday evening for a lecture by Norman Finkelstein.”
    “After fielding complaints from members of the public and demands from local Jewish organizations that the event be cancelled, Mohawk got the jitters and decided the event would have to be policed as a safety precaution.”
    “On Friday, it presented CJPME with the bill for four pay-duty police officers and an equal number of college security guards. The largest chunk of the bill, over $1,200, will be used to pay for the police.”
    I wonder where all these supposed defenders of freedom of speech were when the Ann Coulter appearance at the University of Ottawa was cancelled allegedly for “security reasons”?

  11. Michelle Malkin, suggests there may be sparks tomorrow at high noon… this ought to bring comfort to those trying to pay their bills without a gov’t check.
    “AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka announced he’ll be storming Madison, Wisconsin tomorrow to join all the Hitler/Mubarak-sign toters and teachers ditching their jobs.”

  12. Globe and Mail, Thursday, Feb. 17. Businessman deported to China to face fraud charge.
    “… his lawyers say, 65-year-old Han Lin Zeng probably faces torture and a firing squad.”
    “While the charge Mr. Zeng is facing does not carry the death penalty, his lawyers maintain that Chinese authorities are likely to add more serious charges that leave open the possibility of a death sentence.”
    “In his ruling Wednesday, however, Judge [Richard] Boivin said there was no evidence China plans to add new charges against Mr. Zeng. ‘The applicant’s arguments are speculative as there is no evidence that the death penalty or torture can reasonably be anticipated in this case,’ he said.”
    “The federal government has also declined to ask China for assurances that it will not execute Mr. Zeng, a measure it typically takes for deportations to countries that execute criminals.”
    The mind boggles. Canada refused to deport people facing first degree murder charges to the United States. But it deports someone facing fraud charges to China? What’s wrong with this picture?
    The United States is a democracy with elected representatives and president. China is a dictatorship run by a criminal gang.
    The United States respects justice, due process, rules of evidence, and so on. China does not.
    First degree murder deserves the death penalty (although there are good reasons not to impose it). Fraud does not.
    So where are all the usual bleeding hearts? Too busy trying to suck up to the Chinese government?
    In particular, where are/were the injunctions designed to stop the deportation unless the federal government asks China not to carry out the death penalty?

  13. “Ms. Chow and Joe Volpe … also showed up at the store. When Mr. Harper arrived at the store Ms. Chow asked permission to translate between Mandarin and English for the grocer, who is her constituent, to Mr. Harper, but the prime minister’s handlers apparently refused.”
    HA! Take that Chow.
    Posted by: TJ at February 17, 2011 11:06 PM
    Chow and Layton are types who have long favoured criminals over victims, and it was only when this David Chen thing popped up that Chow went into full media whore mode, posing behind the guy whenever she could.

  14. Liberal Iggy’s Liberal Party.
    PET Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Ad$Cam Chretien’s Prime Time Crime File* open here* at Prime Time Crime*.
    Liberal Ad$Cam Chretien still vacuuming up Canadian taxpayers’ money.
    MSM does not use the words, Liberal/Liberal Party:
    “Former [Liberal] PM Chretien to receive $25,000 to cover legal expenses”
    *Liberal Ad$Cam Chretien’s Prime Time Crime File* open here* at Prime Time Crime*.
    “Adscam: The Sponsorship Scandal”
    “Prime Time Crime Page on Foundations”
    “Canada: Life in a banana republic’
    “Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities”
    “Gomery phase 1 report”
    “Gomery Transcripts”
    “Gomery phase 2 Report: Recommendations”

  15. One thing I’m enjoying about the whole Bev Oda thing is the MSM’s persistent use of the phrase “faith-based group” to describe the often unnamed Kairos.
    The MSM usually has no time for Christian faith-based groups, often excoriating them gratuitously, but when there’s an opportunity to bash the Cons, with the bonus of Kairos being anti-Israel, then come on down! Lordy lordy, we’ve seen the light!

  16. Under the heading The World’s Being Run by Crazy People:
    On January 24, at a campus safety and security forum that featured two members from York security and two police officers from 31 Division who were available to offer tips, one of the officers commented that “a woman could avoid sexual assault by not dressing like a ‘slut.'”
    ‘Makes sense, right? Any good parent would give their daughters the same advice if they were genuinely concerned for their safety and security, wouldn’t they?
    Uh uh, according to a bunch of loonies at Osgoode Hall Law School at York U.
    The police officer now has to send a written apology to students and faculty of Toronto’s Osgoode Hall because, according to Darshika Selvasivam, vice-president of campaigns and advocacy, “The officer’s comment is a clear display of misogyny and sexism that is inherent [in what?], as the officer felt comfortable saying that.”
    Misogyny and sexism? ‘Seems to me the misogyny and sexism lie solely with those who would not give this advice to young women if they wanted to maximize their safety and security. God protect us from this batch of “lawyers,” who are both inarticulate and dangerously stupid.

  17. Over at National Review, in the article, “Meeting the press, &c” (February 15, 2011), Jay Nordlinger wrote a few lines that made my day:
    “I have just confirmed something via Google: Gregory* wasn’t the guy who bowed to Obama. That was his NBC colleague Brian Williams. I guess it’s only right that Obama be bowed to now and then, seeing as he bows to others — mainly to foreign potentates. One was the king of Saudi Arabia; another was one of the big party bosses in Beijing.
    “If he’s going to bow, couldn’t he at least bow to someone admirable, like the Canadian prime minister, Stephen Harper?” Yeah!
    * Journalist David Gregory of Meet the Press

  18. Misogyny and sexism? ‘Seems to me the misogyny and sexism lie solely with those who would not give this advice to young women if they wanted to maximize their safety and security. God protect us from this batch of “lawyers,” who are both inarticulate and dangerously stupid.
    I do not agree with you. Don’t forget that dressing “like a slut” means different things in different cultures and it is in these exact words islamists describe women in short skirts, in jeans or without hijab. It is “dressed like a slut” which is excuse for assault on women in the Middle East.
    Reading that “advice” I wonder about who was that policeman.

  19. Re; Fed computer hack – The Auditor Gen in 2002 report informed the Gov’t that the their computer system was not secure. Since then I suppose we the people have spent untold $ to remedy same. Having just spent frustrating hours trying to register with Rev.Can. and their newest iteration of security, my suggestion – “FIRE THEM ALL”!!

  20. Re; Fed computer hack – The Auditor Gen in 2002 report informed the Gov’t that the their computer system was not secure. Since then I suppose we the people have spent untold $ to remedy same. Having just spent frustrating hours trying to register with Rev.Can. and their newest iteration of security, my suggestion – “FIRE THEM ALL”!!

  21. Well, batb and Indy, I can see both sides, but I’m basically with ella on this one. Sure, there’s such a thing as sense, but there’s such a thing as blaming the victim too, believe me. And ella’s right, “whore” is in the eye of the beholder.
    I know intimitely of a case where a girl in her very early teens was raped – and it was a planned, pre-meditated rape, orchestrated by a (female) classmate and carried out by boys her own age – and the Police, while they did their jobs and helped bring the case to court, essentially seemed to view the crime as a situation of “horseplay ending in tears”, which was not at all the case.

  22. I should add that the victim in question did live with both her parents but was nevertheless severely emotionally neglected. If that had not been the case I’m convinced the assault would never have taken place. Parents need to be setting out guidelines for this sort of thing; but what some cop considers “slutty” is another matter.

  23. I would never suggest that the victim of such an assault is somehow to blame. But if it can be demonstrated that such attire increases the likelihood of being a victim of such a crime; then this information should be disseminated. The fact that the officer’s language offended some people; I say “fcuk-em!”. Pardon the pun.

  24. If this lecture had happened in a heavily Islamic neighborhood, I wonder whether the officer would have told the female students to wear a hijab. Frankly, I’d prefer them to get some self-defense and weapons training.
    Oh, yeah, and, uh, beware those Coptic Christians, ladies. Nasty bunch.

  25. I highly doubt that a predator commits sexual crimes against women because of their attire; though, that attire may contribute to the selection process. The ‘whore’ issue is a mis-direction intended to belittle men to the point of animals with no ability to control our impulses. No where in the officers comment were the words “you’d deserve it if…” so IMO your point(mamba) is illogical, and invalid. The word ‘slutty’ is just a word to describe a woman who dresses a certain way and or sleeps around. The fact that ella objects to the use of this word betrays a deeper discussion that needs to be had. Ella should be ashamed of herself for suggesting that the police officer might have some of his own problems. Ella is the person with the problem; that problem being the perceived notion that she and other women are somehow victimized by the word ‘slutty’ which means pretty much the same thing to everybody everywhere.JMO

  26. Want proof?
    Consider the disproportionate number of women that work in bars who are paid to wear ‘slutty’ work uniforms and how many of those women get uninvited attention after work hours from customers. If you work in a bar, and wear a boob shirt, you are more likely to draw unwanted attention compared to a someone of a similar description who works in a library.
    I know plenty of women who worked in the hospitality industry and have complained about the unwanted attention outside of work.
    I maintain my position, that ella’s objection to the police officer’s comments are rooted in the use of the word ‘slutty’.
    Also, in my experience the word ‘slut’ and other similar words are primarily used by women to abuse other women. Men don’t discriminate against ‘sluts’, we try and get to know them.

  27. “If this lecture had happened in a heavily Islamic neighborhood, I wonder whether the officer would have told the female students to wear a hijab. Frankly, I’d prefer them to get some self-defense and weapons training.”
    If it meant life and death for my daughter, I just might; along with the weapons training. I haven’t done so yet, but I will strongly dissuade my daughters from dating with boys from certain communities.

  28. Indy @1:47 – “I highly doubt that a predator commits sexual crimes against women because of their attire” – and yet what the officer said was: “a woman could avoid sexual assault by not dressing like a ‘slut.'” So you don’t seem to be agreeing with the policeman.
    As to whether ella objected to the word or the sentiment, you’d have to ask her.
    And I wasn’t taking about anyone “dating” Muslims; it is a fact that in many neighborhoods in Europe white, non-Muslim women dress in Islamic grab to avoid being raped, since otherwise they’d be “sluts” according to local mores.
    Certainly there are situations where women ought to be very careful, that’s just sense.
    Anyway, extended debate and all that.

  29. Like I said Mamba “that attire may contribute to the selection process.”
    If it does, then this information should be disseminated.
    And I’m just saying that if it saves her life, I just might suggest that preventative measure. That said, I don’t think wearing the hijab protects women from anything. It’s quite the opposite I suspect.JMO

  30. Mohammedanism is a cannibal.
    “Bahrain royal family orders army to turn on the people”
    “Egypt military says will not allow strikes to go on
    “Protests grow violent across Middle East
    USA Today”
    “Libya protests: massacres reported as Gaddafi imposes news blackout
    The Guardian”

  31. Black Mamba, I agree that “there’s such a thing as blaming the victim” and there’s also such a thing as common sense.
    It may be my age, but to suggest, as the police officer did, at a safety and security forum, for crying out loud, looking into ways to keep women safe from sexual assaults, that “a woman could avoid sexual assault by not dressing like a slut” makes absolute sense to me and I see no reason for any woman to take offense.
    I’m the mother of two daughters and good advice to them, especially when it comes to the bar and club scene which a huge number of young women participate in these days, is that if you don’t want to attract unwanted attention, don’t dress provocatively: That would mean don’t wear a top from which an ample portion of your boobs can be seen, leaving nothing to the imagination, and don’t wear a skirt that barely covers your butt.
    I see tons of girls on the street, in the subway, in schools, wearing just such provocative outfits and I’m wondering what they’re thinking. They’re not on stage like Madonna or Lady Gaga, who’ve got bodyguards and security everywhere. They’re vulnerable when they lay themselves, literally, bare like that.
    So, I guess the poor cop could have said “a woman could avoid sexual assault by not dressing provocatively,” though he’d probably still be in trouble to even suggest that women need to take responsibility for themselves.
    Frankly, the idea that women are always victims of sexual assault is a myth. I’m obviously against sexual assault, no matter what a woman’s wearing, but in the real world, what women wear, how women talk, where women place themselves, how much women drink or do drugs, etc. all contribute to unforeseen and unpleasant things happening. That’s just common sense, whether we like it or not. I’ll bet this police officer has been at the aftermath of many sexual assaults and it could quite possibly be — change that to quite probably be — that he’s noticed a fact about the appearance of a significant number of woman, which is why he mentioned the need to not dress in a certain way in order to maximize one’s safety.
    To suggest that women should be able to dress any way they like and expect not to draw attention to themselves — sometimes very much unwanted — is unrealistic. To suggest that women bear no responsibility concerning how men see or react to them is to infantilize them, it’s to suggest that others need to constantly look out for them, rather than their looking out for their own best interests.
    If women genuinely want to maximize their safety and security on campus they would do well to heed the police officer’s advice, whether or not they like the language he used. I feel like him, that too many young girls do look a lot like sluts (just look at their role models in the music industry), something that absolutely does not work to their benefit or advantage.
    Sorry, ella and Black Mamba, if this is something you don’t like to hear, but it’s my considered opinion. Young women, or old women, who walk around in public in various stages of undress don’t deserve in any way to be sexually assaulted, but if a guy is unbalanced or a sociopath or psychopath, try telling him that the way a woman is dressed shouldn’t have any effect on him.

  32. Liberal Iggy’s O’Harvard buddy “has lost control” by George.
    “*This is [Obama’s] sole legacy: a massive post-traumatic stress disorder.”
    “George Soros On The Economy: “President Obama Has Lost Control””
    “In an interview set to air this weekend, George Soros accuses President Obama of “losing control” and letting Republicans set the agenda on the economy. Talking to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, the billionaire investor says “President Obama has lost control of the agenda. The agenda is now in the hands of the Republican Party.”
    Soros says the president’s failure to control the economic agenda will have a negative impact on the recovery, accusing Republicans of mixing economic and ideological priorities at the expense of the economy:
    They are going to pursue a very strong effort to cut services by refusing to have any tax increases. I think this agenda will be successful. But it will be pursued, I think, to — to an extent where it’s more directed at cutting services and achieving the ideological purposes of the Republicans rather than to get the economy going. So I — I think this will have a negative effect on the economy.”
    “This is his sole legacy: a massive post-traumatic stress disorder.”

  33. Liberal Iggy dumps/”slams” puffin poo on his O’Harvard buddy.
    Now, Iggy will never be allowed to return to Harvard. But, Iggy is welcome in Provence, France, no?
    The I-Iggy narcIssIst speaks: ” If I were in government, I would be absolutely furious.”
    >>> More Iggy: “The Canadians have been had on this.”
    “The Canadians” Iggy says. Who are these Canadians?
    Iggy is “Just Visiting” “The Canadians”.
    Quelle I- idiot, non?
    “Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff said Mr. Harper “lost his shirt in Washington.”
    He said the prime minister came back touting a big security perimeter deal and now the U.S. is trying “to stick us for their security costs.”
    “I think what the Americans have sprung is a very nasty surprise on this government,” he added.
    “We’ve got to know what’s in the package here . . . If I were in government, I would be absolutely furious. Mr.Harper has been had. The Canadians have been had on this.”
    “Harper slams U.S. travel fee”
    “A U.S. proposal aimed at bailing the country out of a massive debt on the backs of Canadians and other visitors is bad policy, Prime Minister Stephen Harper charged Thursday.
    “I think it’s clear that the U.S. government is casting around for ways to raise revenue,” he said of the proposal to charge a $5.50 tax on air and sea travellers from Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. “This is not a useful way to do that.”
    While he called America’s trillion-dollar-a-year deficit a “horrendous” budgetary situation, Mr. Harper noted travel levies run counter to economic recovery efforts.
    “We want to ensure trade and travel between our two countries is easier, not more difficult, and we don’t need additional taxes on that kind of economic activity,” he said. “And that’s one of the reasons why this government has been very clear that it’s not raising taxes in the upcoming federal budget.”
    The comments come a day after the new fee came to light in a draft copy of the 2012 U.S. budget.
    If adopted, the “passenger inspection” levy would apply to all commercial air and marine travellers from Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean — countries that have long been exempt from the fee, which is expected to generate $110 million annually.”

  34. Indy, batb – well, I’m hardly offended. In fact I largely agree with you; I just think that people’s ideas about what constitutes “dressing like a slut” vary a lot; and there is something about a cop saying what that cop said in a lecture to a group of young women that makes me a little – what’s that weaselly word lefties like to use? – uncomfortable. Cops have a lot of power to impose their personal judgements about things like that.
    I am slightly horrified by the way a lot of young girls dress (get offa my lawn you rotten kids etc.), but I’ve become paranoid and I’m seeing encroaching Islamism everywhere. As ella points out, Muslims have some interesting ideas about who looks like a hooker, and nobody ever seems willing to ask those guys to concede any ground, so…
    Well, I’m rambling, and I’m afraid someone’s about to tell us to take it elsewhere, so enough from me.

  35. Sheesh. It’s* outta the bag now. Oui.
    “Quebec bolsters corruption efforts
    Montreal Gazette – James Mennie -”
    *The Liberal bagmen:
    “As Charest grilled, Maclean’s declares Quebec corrupt – Politics – **
    MONTREAL – Quebec Premier Jean Charest may have saved his political reputation this week, but the province’s reputation has taken a very public beating. Charest”

  36. I hear you, Black Mamba, but I’d just as soon keep the Muslims out of this.
    As for the police officer: I assume he was asked to give his opinions about what might keep young women on campus more safe and secure.
    Power or no power, he gave a pretty straightforward answer — because he, presumably, knows what he’s talking about. I truly don’t think he used the word “slut” to insult the women but, rather, to inform them about what’s what.
    Poor guy. You call a spade a spade, a daisy a daisy, a pervert a pervert, and a slut a slut and you get slammed.
    Oy vey. If I were the police, the next time they’re asked to participate in a safety and security forum, I’d say “no way. My safety and security are at risk.”
    As I headed the original post on this, the world’s being run by crazy people.

  37. maz2 @ 6:10 p.m.: “In an interview set to air this weekend, George Soros accuses President Obama of ‘losing control’ and letting Republicans set the agenda on the economy …”
    The economy is supposed to be run by consumer demand, and not “controlled” by anyone. Not the government. Not Democrats. Not Republicans. And definitely not George Soros.

  38. nv53 (when do you turn 54?): “The economy is supposed to be run by consumer demand, and not ‘controlled’ by anyone.”
    Try telling that to Soros.
    He’s running, and spending, as fast as he can to control everything, including Canada’s airwaves via Avaaz.
    Nasty guy.
