16 Replies to “Dr. Evil Needs a Hug”

  1. How can a man like Soros be so good at making 100 billion dollars on the stock market and still be so clueless as to how a country’s economy functions?
    It’s a bit like Paul Krugman; the man has a Nobel Prize in Economics, apparently because he did important work on a small but significant trade phenomenon once upon a time, and yet the fact is that his understanding of how macro-economics funtions is worse than wrong, it’s through the looking glass.
    p.s. Soros is off Obama; should Obama be scared?

  2. Take a look at how Soros made his money. It was by manipulating the currency and futures markets in times of political turmoil. He stands to profit very hansomely from what he is doing.
    If he can pull strings in Washington to make things turbulent in many places, he can earn himself “just a few more” billions. Perhaps he wants to be the first Trillionaire

  3. When did cutting taxes and services ever have a negative effect on the economy before?
    Never, not one example.
    (when will reporters start to ask for examples from these people to support their premises?)
    In fact the reverse is true, cutting taxes and services has many times been good for the economy in many nations.
    If taxes are so good for economic activity, then why is it that every time socialists want to suppress a certain activity they tax it
    (eg. cigarettes, booze, CO2) and when they want to increase an activity they subsidize it(eg. alternative energy, abortion)?
    What I would like to see is regulations and red tape cut along with taxes and services.
    I think the Republicans are already making steps in that direction by defunding Obastard’s Commissars(Czars) and some departments of the EPA.

  4. Mr. Soros only knows how to manipulate economies for his own personal gain. He is a James Bond movie villain. Not a nice or moral man. He gave up his neighbours as a youth for personal gain and I think nothing he does or says is to be trusted.

  5. Soros is a left winger.
    This is what you get from lefties, “I know what’s best” opportunists that take advantage of the good will of the ignorant. Look at what leftie’s have done to the education system – dumb it down – “we know what’s best” Ripe for the picking.
    And a press that’s complicit.
    Free thought and thinking will be outlawed if it hasn’t been already.

  6. Yes, jay forbes, you’re exactly right. It’s because those guys know that taxes help the economy and stimulate growth.
    Come on man, this is the major leagues. You’ll have to do better than that.
    Their support has to do with the analogy of waves capsizing small boats while ocean liners like the SS Berkshire Hathaway sail through unscathed.
    Those guys you mentioned? They are successful because they learned how the game works and play it to win. Prior to amassing their fortunes, the lefty billionaires would have a much different stance, I promise you.
    (Why do 95% of the lefties on here type in all lowercase? Is it because it’s a few people, constantly shamed, keep coming back for revenge and another kick at the cat?)

  7. Beck calls him “spooky dude”. He does sound a bit like Bela Lugosi.
    Extremely wealthy people are the least likely to ever practice what they preach. They survive all types of governments, unscathed. They don’t give a hoot about moral decay, crime rates, unemployment. They live wherever they please, and have nothing to fear from the local populations. They are above governments, and in some cases, they thrive on political unrest.

  8. Soros always makes me feel ill whenever I see him.
    Mamba, he is not clueless as to how a country’s economy functions. He is a classic “do as I say but not as I do liberal.” In other words, the USA’s economy could go to hell, and it would have little negative impact on his quality of life. This man would happily short the US in a second.
    Liberals like Soros are truly the scum of the earth. They are leeches, that suck the blood out of the very system they criticize. He represents the antithesis of freedom, and he will rot in hell I am sure of it.

  9. Whatever you think of Soros, the guy is a realist that doesn’t let ideology get in the way. He’s a slimeball, but a smart one and ready to jettison anything/anyone if it gets in the way of his making money. What he’s in effect said is that the big zero is toast and he’s no longer interested in backing what he now sees as a losing proposition.

  10. Does anyone else see the irony of Soros accusing ANYBODY of pursuing ideological goals without regard for economic consequences?

  11. The same socialist bunkum they are being told in the UK: “Services are being cut; down with the cuts” yet government expenditure continues to rise. To paraphrase the watermelons “It’s unsustainable”

  12. Soros has been pushing a one world government for at least the past 30 years. He’s a fascist and definitely no friend of freedom.
