17 Replies to “Is Sharia Law Coming to America?”

  1. That’ll depend on if the leftards are still in Madison Wisconsin.
    Obama needs to hold a BLT Summit.

  2. Sharia law is coming to the US and Canada, the only thing that comforts me is I am old enough I will have left the planet before it happens.
    I have one qualifier, if the West grabs a brain and puts a stop to their push to Islamify the West we may have a chance

  3. One only has to hear and see the two hissy fit kids, Michael and Jack, to see which way we could be headed. In view of the questionable and murky financial affairs of KAIROS, any right thinking official would query any such substantial payment.
    We in the more northern part of Ontario read of the applications for government funds. Some of these are most praiseworthy and seem to have very altruistic persons of known integrity involved.
    De Nada- nothing!
    As for the hissy fit kids, how one could imagine the great kow tow to those demanding Sharia!
    Yes, they are both Canadians. Canadians who think that to appease those who demand, will then go away for ten years. No soap, Michael and Jack the history of certain minorities shows that once a foot is in the door, it does not stop.
    Yet it may be a universal trait of human nature. Such as the trait of those who cry out the the “poor” the “helpless” the “abused.” They themselves very often wallow in luxurious standards at a vastly higher level, than the so-called “mean spirited” authorities.

  4. Shaira law is HERE. Not all of it, but it’s here.
    Anti-blasphemy laws — in the 21st century!
    For people who may not know this: Anjem Choudary is a lawyer by trade, but doesn’t practice law. He’s on welfare in the UK — unashamedly. As he says, it’s all Allah’s money (currency debasement be upon him). Welfare is jizya.
    I gotta tell you. I’ve seen this guy interviewed by a lot of westerner MSMers and he wraps them all around his little muslim finger. Did you see the one with Eliot Spitzer: drop dead funny. Spitzer must have said “with all due respect sir” 10 times and spoke nothing but hackneyed American exceptionalist cliche. Ah, but he got Martha Stewart, what!?
    Finally, are we aware that Hassan al Banna’s (founder of the Muslim Brotherhood) grandson silky-smooth-forked-tongue-taqiyya-artist Tariq Ramadan has now been granted a US visa and will be “teaching” at Notre Dame.

  5. Those Islamofacists are in for a wakeup call, in the US free speech reigns and they’ll get to hear what people think of their scum sucking ilk. In Eurabia the people are forbidden from responding in kind to Islamic Supremacists filth lest they offend the filth, in the US they’ll get their arses handed to them on a platter.

  6. Has Harper stopped the in influx of Muslims? Dont these people know that these people will never be real Canadians…..they are not like us, as a matter of fact, they arn’t like anyone.

  7. I guess Islamofascists are not pleased with Obama’s sharia progress.
    If liberals think they can control this tide, I’d like to see the looks on their faces when they realise they cannot.

  8. Normally I’m at least as indignant about this sort of Islamic lunacy as the next neo-con type, but Choudary is a joke, just a buffoon, and Sean Hannity is surely a great guy, but I have no idea why he has his own TV show.
    It just seems to me that this sort of thing is fuel for the people who say “oh, sure, well there are some extremist Muslims, but then what about Fred Phelps? It’s all the same deal. Just carnival sideshow stuff.”
    There are a lot of guys out there way scarier than this pathetic limey d*u(heb@g.
    andycanuck @2:15 – yeah, really. My only comfort is the vanishingly tiny (as it were) possibility that he’ll get nudie-scanned (I know, what is he, a crippled octogearian nun? But I can dream) and somehow the scans will be leaked and then the vesigial nature of what he laughably refers to as his “p@n*s” will become an object of universal ridicule.

  9. Those Islamofacists are in for a wake-up call …
    Do you believe the regular old Steam-Powered-Media will report it? Katie ‘Dhimmi’ Couric wants to have a Muslim sitcom in America to quell the, ahem, Islamophobia’, her PC compliant colleagues are not going to take any different tack.
    Those that do not read Brietbart or follow blogs like SDA, new media news aggregaters are left less informed, actually misinformed.

  10. Remember what I said? 5 words: sitting ducks, islam not religion.
    Strip recognition as a religion

  11. The arrogance of these folks is beyond discretization.
    Inevitable this whole Islamist push will end up in sectarian blood shed against each other. After the usual disastrous war against Israel.
    Which will hopefully gives us time to thwart their designs of Sharia Worldwide.

  12. There was a close call with regards to Sharia law in Canada, just a few years ago. The province of Ontario, in a case of ill-conceived cultural tolerance, was very close to allowing a ‘parallel’ court of Sharia law to exist in that province (Canada’s largest). A last minute, high-profile, international appeal, led by such left of the lefties as Margaret Atwood, stopped the initiative in its tracks, thank goodness.
    The pursuit of human rights does not have to be blindly led according to any particular political stripe, it can be the result of caring and reasoned thought for the fair treatment of fellow human beings.

  13. Choudary is a jerk with about a hundred followers, organised into lots of organisations. He’s the British version of Fred Phelps. It really is a mistake to take him in any way seriously.
