32 Replies to “Marketing Campaigns Of The Apocalypse”

  1. i see the silicone doppelganger has a vaginal orifice for Arfy to insert his member into ….must one lubricate this declivity or is it teflon or sumpin..?
    just asking(on my dog’s behalf bien sur)so does anyone know?
    i dunno….i used to think yeats’ leda and the swan had some class…but this has kind of cheapened the conceit somehow…
    anyone care?

  2. actually i’d be jealous….MY Arfy(as i call him)humps my leg rather regularly…i chastise him of course(after a while)….but i dunno…do i want some silicone bitch stealing what little affection Arfy gives me ?
    i mean really now…Arfy is a presumptuous little chappie…how do i convey to him his little bitch won’t walk him or give him little doggie cookies or groom him…or bag his shit in the park?
    signed…confused but still searching for the almost perfect state.

  3. from the link:
    (1) Yell “NO!” [Submitted by Nancy Reagan.]
    well that explains the other famous ‘just say no’ campaign.

  4. That was just too bizarre. Is it delivered in an unmarked nondescript box when you order it by mail? I suppose it would be an interesting conversation piece although I suspect it would also make women wonder if the male dog owner had a humanoid inflatable version of the same device in their closet.
    Makes me glad I have a cat whose only vice is puking on hard to clean surfaces.

  5. Whatever happened to turning a blind eye & letting Fido claim one of your kids many stuffed animals?

  6. I have maintained for a while, as quietly as possible, that people are entirely too indulgent with their dogs
    Mounting outside of allowed breeding is dominance behaviour.
    No dog owner should condone\encourage it or any other dominance behaviour.
    All of a domesticated dog’s natural behavioural instincts should be restricted to specific channels(time, place, circumstances) that the owner prescribes.
    A balance has to be struck between form an freedom with and emphasis on form to channel the freedom.
    Dogs love ritual and conformity, it gives them security and a sense of well being.
    Giving a dog a sex toy is just perverse and reflects badly on the character of the owner.
    I used to have 2 spaniels.
    My wife and I could take them on vacation and leave them in the hotel room with free run of the suite they were that well trained and cared for.
    We never had any problems.

  7. TMI, Kate!
    But I do have to ask, how and why would this information be posted on line and how did you get access to this? Are you running a doggie brothel?

  8. (Um, “fascists”. When I impersonate a lefty I can’t spell. Anyway rules about spelling are fascist.)

  9. This news brings fresh hope for youngsters who may be growing up, as I did, terrorized by humping housepets.
    I can’t help but be reminded of a story I’ve told here in the past – when I was in high school, my sister had a pet bunny called Hershey. He would ambush me every morning as I stumbled, half-asleep, blurry-visioned and vulnerable, down the hall to the bathroom to have a pee, and, despite my increasingly frantic and determined evasive maneuvers, he far too often succeeded in locking his little paws around my ankle and lightning-humping one or the other of my bare and defenseless feet, leaving me to start the day feeling violated, defiled, and mildly disturbed, with warm bunny sploo between my toes.
    Why didn’t you just wear slippers, you might ask. Well, I tried wearing slippers, but found that the shameful effluent was easier to fully rinse from a naked foot than to remove from a fabric or sheepskin slipper. Further, the bunny gunk had a distinctive and lingering odour which I found strident and unpleasant – might merely have been associative, but the aversive quality of the smell was, for me, very real – and I always felt that a phantom whiff of it hovered around even the most scrupulously cleaned slipper, and so many otherwise perfectly good slippers were discarded for a perceived rabbit-jack miasma during that trying time.
    To this day, whenever I smell rabbit semen, I am transported back to that dimly-lit hallway and the confusing and stressful period during which I was treated as a masturbation aid by that predatory, conscienceless, nasty little lagomorph.
    Perhaps the good people who are making these surrogates for dogs will devise a smaller model for rabbits. If just one child can be spared the distress that I experienced, it will have been worth the discomfort involved in telling this sordid story a second time.

  10. I wish that these had been available back when I was an employee. They would have made wonderful gifts for a substantial minority of the bosses that I had.

  11. Perhaps instead of buying your dog one of these devices,you could take him to a dog psychiatrist who could figure out if the dog’s sexual appetite is indicative of a deeper psychological problem.
    I know a lot of dogs suffer from the harsh memory of being separated from their Mothers at a young age,made to live with strangers,and forced to learn a strange language.
    Kind of like Residential school victims.
    Animal psychiatrists are available in any sophisticated community in B.C.,don’t know about the less enlightened ares of the Country.
    I once lived in a town where in the local newspaper,there was an advertisement by an animal Psychic. How he communicated with the client, I have no idea.I never availed myself (and my dog) of his services as my doberman/lab cross,Buster, gave no indication he cared about his future or past.
    We treat dogs and cats like humans,while in much of the rest of the world they’re dinner.
    Dog lovers hate me when I say that. 😉

  12. “To this day, whenever I smell rabbit semen…” – exetaz, the English language has never to my knowledge produced a more gripping paragraph introduction.

  13. Whenever our dog starts humping my leg, I say “thanks for reminding me”, lean over and start fondling my wife.
    Then wifey gets REALLY pissed off! WTF?
