Reader Tips

If you’re sitting in front of your computer on a Saturday night you might as well put your time to good use by sharpening up your dance skills with Finnish instructor Åke Blomqvist. Yes, that’s it. Just like that.
The comments are open for your Reader Tips.

35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Nir Rosen — the guy who practically gloated about the mob sexual assault on CBS reporter Lara Rosen, while resenting the attention she received afterwards — has his “apology” flensed by Terry Glavin.

  2. On a very non-SDA topic . . . I wanted to share with you all 200 of my fondest memories from the 2010 Olympics. I was a volunteer there a year ago and had the time of my life!
    (I’ve also uploaded the same photos to my blog in case anyone prefers to see the larger sized versions. Facebook does such a poor job displaying photos.)

  3. Whoopsi has had 6 abortions?
    No wonder she said, “But it wasn’t rape, rape.” about Roman Polanski sodomizing a 13 year old girl, because she herself must have raped at least 6 drunken men herself.
    Geeze, if in my youth I would have woken up next to Whoopsi after being in my cups the night before and found her laying on my arm, I would have chewed it off to escape un-noticed too.

  4. I was over at CBC.Ca. It appears they have modified their website, or are in the process of doing so. Would it not be inmportant to explain that to the viewer? Most of the stories are “closed for commenting.” I would assume that is because the modifications that are going on.
    Get a load of this guys! They now have a feature where if you get voted “thumbs down” too many times, the viewer can block your comments.
    Democracy at it’s best.

  5. Wisconsin Madness as Seen by the ‘Little People’
    by Phil Boehmke
    No longer basking in the glow of the Green Bay Packers Super Bowl victory, my friends on the other side of the Illinois/Wisconsin border are positively beside themselves at the insane behavior of their public servants.

  6. AlMoh’s Mohammedans can see Mecca from Medina.
    Mohammedanism is a cannibal.
    “NY Times: Unrest encircles Saudis, stoking sense of unease”
    “Which country could fall next?”
    “Mercenaries from Mali reportedly doing the killing in Libya; 200 said killed on Saturday”
    “updated: Snipers fire on mourners as Libyan city buries dozens more dead after fierce security crackdown”

  7. More cuts to Liberal Iggy’s left-liberal arts.
    “Minister Oda and ^NOT: Why I Agree With The Minister”
    “I worked as a Ministerial aide for a few years, and even as a card-carrying Liberal, I cannot condemn the Minister for disagreeing with her public service advisors. Here’s why:”
    “Ministers axe foreign aid to half the current countries”
    “Andrew Mitchell, the International Development Secretary, will announce next week he is axing multi-million pound schemes in almost 20 countries, including some of the poorest nations in Africa.
    The move follows a lengthy review of spending by the Department for International Development, that was in turn prompted by reports that huge sums of money had been wasted or simply been stolen on the ground. ”

  8. From Rex Murphy in this weekend’s National Post:
    “It’s the sullen, haughty, can’t-be-bothered-tone, when something does come up, with which [the CPC] attempt to defend themselves and defy their accusers.”
    I don’t remember any reporter in the MSM taking the Liberal$ to task about their “tone,” which was damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead, outta our way, we’ll spend and steal your money any way we like and you’d better like it, or FU.
    What’s worse? The fact that the media don’t like Prime Minister Harper’s “affected low-key manner and dismissive schoolmaster tones” or the LPC’s ripping off the Canadian taxpayers to the tune of multi-million$ and their constant and petty attacks on the CPC?
    IMO, the PM shows enormous restraint in his responses to a rogue Opposition that never misses an opportunity to administer a petty, mean pile-on.
    Maybe Rex’s next column could be how the Opposition parties have stalled the genuine business of Parliament for the past five years and how Canadians of good will are heartily sick and tired of the infantile tactics used to disrupt Parliament by the disloyal Opposition.

  9. Oh, and the other issue Rex Murphy might tackle is the “Cry Wolf” syndrome in the Opposition parties. ‘Might be that if they held their fire on petty issues, we’d be more willing to listen to them when a genuine issue comes up.
    As it is, their constant caterwauling drowns out legitimate criticism. Their din is so loud, it’s hard to sift through what’s legit and what’s utter crap, the latter being something the Opposition is well-practised in.

  10. batb I’ve noticed that. I try to make an effort to make that known. After taking the CBC to task for using the picture of Ms Oda wearing sunglasses and having a cigarette. I pointed out the picture showed a Canadian enjoying a legal product but the insinuation was she was eeeevil. I asked why the Liberal Party and the MSM get no respect. Answer, they don’t deserve it.
    I don’t know if it was one of the comments that got the picture pulled but I’ll bet it helped. Thread closed too.

  11. Speedy, the picture was also changed in the National Post, possibly because they were slammed about it.
    batb, exactly. The Liberals and NDP had no concerns about the hacking of two government ministries, but only wanted to score cheap political points in an attempt to bring down Oda. After all, how can a visible minority person be a conservative? It is the same in the US, as any black that supports the Republicans is viciously attacked.

  12. PET Cemetery Report.
    Welcome to:
    “Angelo Persichilli is the political editor of Corriere Canadese. His column appears Sunday.”
    Do we have files on Liberal Iggy’s Liberal Party?
    Start here*. This is a favourite file, survey says.
    *”Blind Trust
    How much do we really know about Canada’s next prime minister?”
    “Persichilli: Lost generation haunts Liberals”
    “In 2003 I wrote that the federal Liberal party was like The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde’s novel that depicts the moral decadence of Victorian England. The protagonist, the handsome Gray, made an evil pact to preserve his magnificent body despite his depraved lifestyle, while his aging figure was decaying in a portrait hidden in his attic.
    Between that fiction and reality, there is what I call “the lost generation of Liberal leadership,” and the next election will be when the Liberals have to deal with the fake reality and the decaying “picture” in their attic.
    In the last few years, the Liberals have had four leaders: the shrewd Jean Chrétien, the flashy Paul Martin, the intellectual environmentalist Stéphane Dion and (repatriated from the U.S.) Michael Ignatieff, who was supposed to be the next Pierre Trudeau.
    But while the faces changed, the structure, mentality and apparatus with its backroom boys remained the same.”–persichilli-lost-generation-haunts-liberals

  13. Hope* and Fear*.
    “Fear in Libya, hope in Bahrain”
    BBC News – ‎29 minutes ago‎
    A wave of protests has been rocking states from the Gulf to North Africa. But whereas Bahrain’s royal family has backed off from violently confronting the protesters, Libya’s security forces are reported to have killed dozens of people.”
    *Hope and Fear*:
    Charles Lamb:
    “Hope* is charming, lively, blue-eyed wench, & I am always glad of her company, but could dispense with the visitor she brings with her, her younger sister, fear*, a white liver’d-lilly-cheeked, bashful palpitating, awkward hussey that hangs like a green girl at her sister’s apron strings & will go with her whithersoever she goes.”
    (Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb)

  14. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    Frozen solidarity.
    “Protesters Ready For Another Rally At Capitol –
    Snow, Freezing Rain Could Complicate Protests
    MADISON, Wis. — Dozens of protesters are gathering
    Both sides in the protests over union rights in Madison are expected to face a new foe on Sunday: the weather.
    As much as 3 inches of snow is projected by noon Sunday.
    The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for a large swath of the upper Midwest, including most of Wisconsin, Minnesota and South Dakota.”
    “Breaking Weather: Siouxland Icestorm”
    Video – Feb 20, 2011; 10:28 AM ET
    “Powerlines are sagging under the weight of ice accumulating near Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Thunderstorms with freezing rain are moving across Southeast Minnesota.”
    “Two Rounds of Snow in Store for the Northeast
    News – Feb 20, 2011; 1:37 AM ET
    Two rounds of snow are in store for the Northeast through the first part of this week.”

  15. Un-confirmed
    Last month a world-wide survey was conducted by the UN.The only question asked was: “Could you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?” The survey was a massive failure because of the following: 1. In Eastern Europe they didn’t know what “honest” meant. 2. In Western Europe they didn’t know what “shortage” meant. 3. In Africa they didn’t know what “food” meant. 4. In China they didn’t know what “opinion” meant. 5. In the Middle East they didn’t know what “solution” meant. 6. In South America they didn’t know what “please” meant. 7. In the USA they didn’t know what “the rest of the world” meant. 8. In Canada they hung up as soon as they heard the Indian accent.

  16. Geoff:
    I saw the Tommy Doulgas article! I tried to explain to the readers that Dennis McDermott should have been taking care of his unionized auto workers instead of conspiring with Tommy Douglas and Jane Fonda against the US gov. and against the war in Nam. No wonder every second car on my block is a Jap!
    Needless to say, at the time of writing, my comment was not published.

  17. The Wall Street Journal is reporting a new breaking news blip on the developing story in Libya:
    “The son of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi says protesters have seized control of some military bases and tanks. Appearing on Libyan state television, Seif al-Islam warned of civil war in the country that would burn its oil wealth.”
    The coverage from Libya has been so sparse it’s difficult to get a handle on the actual numbers of deaths variously reported as 200 – 500, or who even has the upper hand. I’m sure that John Batchelor will be speaking with some of those with knowledge regarding this tonight.
    Fox news online is leading with a photo of citizens appearing to be standing on a tank… probably doesn’t happen that often in Tripoli…

  18. Update.
    Mohammedans killing Mohammedans.
    “what we are looking at right now is something that could turn into a massacre very soon.””.
    Mohammedanism is a cannibal.
    “Rights Advocate Warns Massacre Looming in Libya”
    “An official of the U.S.-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said her organization is increasingly concerned and seriously alarmed about what she described as the ongoing murder of unarmed protesters who are demanding reforms in Libya.
    Heba Fatma Morayef, researcher for the Rights Organization for Egypt and Libya, told VOA it appears is behind the shootings deaths of the unarmed protesters since the Tunisian and Egyptian-inspired protests in the North African country.
    “The overall death toll now is at 223 and that is just in the previous days. Regardless of who is doing the shooting, in this case, whether its mercenaries, whether its plainclothes individuals with weapons, the responsibility remains (for) the state to protect the demonstrators,” said Morayef.
    “And, in this case, the violence seems to be overwhelmingly at the hands of state agents. And so, what we are looking at right now is something that could turn into a massacre very soon.””

  19. Thanks maz2, I haven’t seen Voice of America in ages… John Batchelor has reported that the lunatic in Libya HAS spoken to Hugo Chavez, an airplane is ready just in case at the airport, and the lunatic’s sons are fighting over who will be making the decisions. It has been an interesting week.
