Best Headline for this Clip?

While watching this I kept thinking of the real message these folks were sending out: “C’mon you selfish private sector workers, support us so we can retire at 55 52* with full benefits. Don’t worry though, we’ll show you moral support while you keep workin’ til 75 to pay for us!”
Update: In a related video, Steven Crowder shares his thoughts!

46 Replies to “Best Headline for this Clip?”

  1. Actually, teachers can retire with full pension at age 52 along with health care until death. These benefits are fully paid by the employer with no contribution from the teachers.

  2. I will again repeat.
    Teachers’ unions would not exist without the support of individual teachers. Until the paying public rids itself of the notion that teachers’ unions are somehow disconnected from the dear little ladies (for the most part), manning our classrooms who innocently proclaim, “All I want to do is teach and I don’t really care about union politics”, we will continue to make the mistake of allowing individual teachers to absolve themselves of any personal responsibility for what their union demands at the negotiating table.
    They choose ’em, they pay for ’em and when push comes to shove, they support ’em on the sick-note enhanced picket line.
    These are not innocents. They know very well which side of the bread is better buttered. If better helpings of butter really didn’t matter to them they would get themselves out of the overly bureaucratized and regimented government supported school system, pronto, and start their own schools where they could spend the bulk of their day actually teaching students.
    They won’t do that because they would not be guaranteed a set wage, a job for life, exorbitant benefits, early retirement and an indexed pension.

  3. The teachers union leadership and their most ardent lemmings in Wisconsin don’t seem to realize they are in over reach mode just like Obamugabe. The obvious way to deal with this oversight is to fire the lying hippie type teachers, privitize the educational system, and get all the commie BS out of the curriculum.

  4. My husband and I own our own business. We started it with our own money. No government grants, no loans (except for a personal line of credit that we had to live off of in the first couple of years). We are responsible for the livelihoods of 12 people. When business is down and cash is tight, those 12 people get paid first. We are always the LAST to get paid. For a couple of years, we were six months behind in paying ourselves – thus the personal line of credit.
    The ultimate risk and responsibility of running this company lies solely on our shoulders. We have no pension, no health benefits. We hope that eventually we’ll be able to sell the company down the road and that will pay for our retirement. But being in the ever changing software world with a niche product – who knows if our little company will have much value when that time comes around? And if/when we do sell, the government will tax us on 50% of our ‘nest egg’. Although what they contributed over the past 12 years to deserve ANY of the capital gains on our years and years of hard work I will never know.
    I really have nothing but contempt for these union people. Where do they think the money is coming from – the tooth fairy? They are set for life on the taxpayer’s dime with little to no accountability.

  5. Union members: a relentless pursuit of mediocrity. And non-union workers to pay for it!
    *I borrowed half of this headline from John Gormley’s book.

  6. Everyone who’s been paying attention over the last few years knows that the money comes from “Obama’s” stash. I mean the main stream media broadcast it, so it must be true.

  7. All those “grassroots” protesters with their professionally printed signs send a message of who is underwriting this ‘lack of a real job’ action. Oh yes, and I hope the band isn’t composed of music teachers…

  8. Love the sign that says “Madison teachers would rather be teaching”. Therefore my title is
    Conjob II the sequel.
    Love Jan’s comment and Doug’s title.

    Over at the WEAC website,All-pro cornerback Charles Woodson of the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay packers,speaks out on behalf of Wisconsin’s “working families”!
    “Last week I was proud when many of my current and former teammates announced their support for the working families fighting for their rights in Wisconsin. Today I am honored to join with them.”
    When a celebrity endorses something, you KNOW it’s right!

  10. soozbc; you are not alone, we have been doing the same thing for 35 years, same thing, we have no idea if our companies will be worth anything, but we have never had a pension or DENTAL plan, and this is the “big” perk that these blood-sucking parisitic union bastards overlook as they winge. Union creeps make me sick, they are generally useless outside of their little circle humping world, and to be supported by this idiot of a potus makes me believe there are more than one reasons it is called the White house.

  11. I don’t want to mislead anyone here regarding he age 52 retirment age so I am providing additional information.
    The defined benefit pension accrues maximum benefit after 30 years of service but payments cannot start until the individual has attained the age of 55 unless there is a “life event” that results in a waiver of the age 55 requirement. Teachers in the defined contribution plan can retire at any time. There is a provision for employee contributions but this has been waived resulting in a completely employer paid plan regardless if the plan is a defined benefit or a defined contribution. It is conceivable that an individual hired at age 22 could accrue maximum benefits and retire at age 52 with an indexed benefit payable to either the employee or spouse for life. Based on the average of the best 3 years (non consecutive)the average salary (2010 data) for this individual would be $63,268. The present value of the pension is almost $600,000.

  12. I live in Unionland B.C… Been there heard that. To me the worst thing is that God Awful, solidarity song, I have heard that so many times, I think my ears will bleed.

  13. I think the unions have ‘jumped the shark’. They have opened up a debate that they probably did not want to have and events will unfold.
    Never interrupt an enemy while he is making a mistake.
    It is interesting that the canadian media’s coverage has been somewhat timid and in my part of the world almost non-existent. A sharp contrast to their Tea Party coverage a few months ago.

  14. “it’s about freedom”
    No it isn’t – it’s about the money.

    Yes, it is.
    But there’s a lesson in all this. Leftist politics can be summed up thusly: Heads we win, tails you lose.
    Two years ago, when Obama ascended to the White House, he smugly proclaimed “I won” and that he didn’t have to compromise on one bit of legislation.
    He didn’t.
    Now the tables are turned and — surprise, surprise! — everything the Republicans want to do violates someone’s “rights.”
    I literally have a FB friend who thinks getting rid of collective bargaining means women will not have the right to vote anymore. We’d also lose the “right” to clean air, and our uteruses. Oh, and freedom of speech and religion.
    Don’t ask me how she came to that conclusion.
    So it doesn’t matter what happens. If liberals don’t like the outcome of elections, they’ll do this to make sure the rights and will of the people aren’t heard.
    I’m glad this mask is slipping…

  15. To the tune of “The internazionale”
    The working class can kiss my ass.
    I’ve got a teachers job at last.
    Nice drum circle band, you got there.

  16. Average Annual Salary per Teacher
    (Elementary, High School): $100,005.00
    Net Salary Paid teacher 43,500.00
    Net Benefits (pension, health, etc.) Paid
    on Behalf of Teacher 56,505.00
    Teacher Contribution from Net Salary toward
    Pension $0.00
    Teacher Contribution from Net Salary toward
    Health Care (Medical) $0.00
    Present number of open jobs as a
    Teacher in Milwaukee 0

  17. Let me cite a stat that will bring home the folly of the current entitlement environment that uses fixed Age thresholds to start payments (IOW age 65 or in these teacher’s case apparently age 52).
    A newborn baby today, according to the actuarial people i talk to on occasion (i’m an insurance broker), has an AVERAGE life expectancy of 106.
    (If the brian Mallard who posted above is the same brian mallard I know, he might be able to vouch for this stat)
    If a newborn was to become a teacher at age 22, retire at 52 he would spend almost two times the number of years he worked in retirement. Unless he is making massive contributions to his pension and somehow banking massive healthcare funds, there is no possible way that such an arrangement can be self-financed – someone else outside of the teaching profession (pension benefits are grouped) is going to have to pay a significant part of the cost.
    That is unfair.
    That is wrong.

  18. The song in the above featured video “the Battle Hymn of the Republic” is ironic given that the Democrats(represented by the Copperheads) were for the pro-slavery Confederate side against the anti-slavery Republic Union side of the American Civil War.
    (the Union of the Republic of the United States being represented by Republican President Abraham Lincoln)

  19. The Democrats have now created the narrative for the coming showdown by attempting to shut down the govt in Wisconsin.

  20. Title of the clip: “This is why half the schools in Detroit are being closed.”

  21. I don’t know about average life expectancy being 106. From US Census data a beby born in 2010 has a life expectanct of about 80. I can tell you that an annuity placed on a joint and last survivor basis to a couple each age 52, has a better than 90% probability of paying the benefit to one of them past the age of 90. Should the life expectany probability be realized, the present value of the annuity is $1,800,000 assuming a 2% inflation rate and a 5% discount rate. In the WI pension situation, remember the employee makes no contribution ever to offset this cost.

  22. MSM black out?…
    I was courageous and sat through ABC’s Good Morning America this AM looking for development on this issue and…Nothing!…Total blackout…We all suspect why; but it is totally unacceptable and for that The TEA Party needs to mobilize at the White House and stay there until the rogue regime within is ousted…Take your country back America because it makes no sense that a minority of citizens can hold down a majority citizens from doing the right things to secure their country’s future.
    It is obvious Obama has ordered the medias under his control to black out this exploding story which is bound to spread to other States in the immediate future…Will it be all blacked out?
    Impeach and remove.

  23. Brian: the age of 80 is the average life expectancy of the entire current population. Newborns are a very small segment of that total.

  24. The elites like their forty to one pension plan, what’s not to like the peasants pay forty percent and they pay one percent like good elites they are entitled to their entitlements. The peasants should take to the streets and tell the robber barons to FO.

  25. the Democrats(represented by the Copperheads) were for the pro-slavery Confederate side against the anti-slavery Republic Union side of the American Civil War.
    (the Union of the Republic of the United States being represented by Republican President Abraham Lincoln)
    Posted by: Oz at February 22, 2011 12:46 AM”
    maybe so oz, but in a far more recent development, it was the DEMOCRAT Kennedy who brought in the civil rights legislation and the DEMOCRAT L B J who implemented it.
    you should go back to private college and brush up on 20th century history.

  26. “it was the DEMOCRAT Kennedy who brought in the civil rights legislation and the DEMOCRAT L B J who implemented it.”
    …And then the bleeding hearts, knowing they had lots of whiteys on apology mode carried on and created a new industry of leeches and programs: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, affirmative action, ACORN, community organising, Barry Soetoro AKA Barrack Hussein Obama etc…
    Like anything else created out of the tormented sixties: Big Union, Big Government nannism, feminism etc…it has all gone overboard and needs to be reign in.

  27. I have to question the IQ level that would make privileged public servants strike at a time most of those paying their lush saleries are suffering the fallout of an extended recession (depression?).
    I think it’s time the state reassess Teacher pay scales an start there. Seems they’re paying an exhorbitant wage for the dullest knives in the drawer.

  28. I loved the protester (48 seconds)with the sign that said “Madison teachers would rather be teaching”.
    Of course, I had to wonder ‘well…why aren’t you then?’

  29. Enkidu ;;
    You know what alway shocks me is when teachers used to strike, saying was because of too full of classes.
    The same people who support abortion behind parents backs . People who’s job is to teach kids have a culture of death sup[porting the Killing of 40 million future students in America. 4 Million in Canada.
    Its like the Police killing every criminal till they weren’t needed anymore.
    None of them see the Irony of the education systems culture. Which of course is Marxist.
