18 Replies to “But Glenn Beck Is The Crazy One”

  1. What are they working on?
    Probably digging deeper and faster.
    I’ve prognosticated that I think “smart money is on Obama” in 2012. I’m starting to reconsider my view because of what I perceive as BO’s linier view of upcoming events. It appears to me more and more that BO’s short sightedness along with his political opportunism will be his down fall. Take the Tucson incident for example. BO swoops in with what is perceived as a great speech and enjoys the bump in the polls as a result. Very opportunistic. Today, events in Wisconsin have all but eliminated BO’s gains as a ‘uniter’ as his base is now blatantly engaging in the very uncivil discourse that a) the Left has accused the Right of doing; and b) BO has participated in and is propagating. All of this is happening under the spotlight that is BO’s Tucson speech. This ‘linear’ thinking only considers the benefit of the action at hand, and doesn’t consider moves further down the road. I guess it’s akin to the table game “Snooker” where you are always concerned about position a few moves down the road and not necessarily the straight shot you’re looking at now.
    Without some good luck down the road, I think that BO will continue to snooker himself and hurting his electoral chances in 2012. While BO is playing state politics in Wisconsin, the price of gasoline is about to spike to the high levels of a few years back(my prediction). Did BO consider this, or what’s happening in Libya, Bahrain, Tunisia when addressing the Egypt file? I’m also in the camp that sees another large market correction in the next short while. What’s BO going to do? Blame Bush? Check that; I know what he’ll do, he’ll blame ‘Wall Street’ and advocate for more regulations. I don’t think that BO will have anything straight shots available to him if things go the way I foresee. He has truly snookered himself by ignoring the wishes of the Americans for the first three(now) years of his administration, by ignoring the economy in a push for imbedded socialist Democrat infrastructure.
    I’m wondering now if it isn’t in BO’s best interest to have the Supreme Court decide on the Healthcare debate before the wheels fall completely off?

  2. “What is the WH even working with the AFL-CIO on?”
    ~Glenn Beck
    They’re working on Obastard’s re-election bid.

  3. In case some need to be brought up to speed, the current President of the US is:
    -An anti-American (Church of Rev Wright for 20 years)
    -Alleged usurper POTUS (It is known he studied the Constitution thoroughly)
    -Alleged illegal immigrant (Undocumented, unknown to this day if he reclaimed American citizenship when he came back with his mom when living in Indonesia, assuming he was born in Hawaii in the first place, assuming he had not become a British subject because of his father’s status, assuming his father was truly B.H.O senior and not Frank Marshall Davis, the American born devout communist, pornographer, pervert, molester.
    -Potentially a criminal(Several social security #’s have been found including a recent one from Connecticut where he never lived)
    -Most mysterious of all Presidents (Background erased or blocked from access or fiction: His biographies apparently loaded with lies or inconsistencies)
    -Studied and surrounded himself with marxists, communists and revolutionaries including Frank Marshall Davies, Bill Ayers)
    -Socialist (“Need to spread the wealth” type statements on record abound)
    -Globalist AKA New World Order (Close to UN, George Soros)
    -Seems non spiritual but seem to affiliate more with Islam/Muslim religion (Has worked for a family member in Kenya to push for sharia law)
    -Racist (“Policeman acted stupidly/beer summit” was a fabrication to intimidate and an attempt to rekindle whitey remorse syndrome: Like a true community organizer would)
    -Vindictive? Angry? or just totally devoid of any class? : When he returned the valuable antique Churchill bust gift from England back: Biggest slap imaginable to your closest ally.
    -Has a personality with definite Narcissistic treads that could border on derangement.
    -Has an angry, racist wife.
    Now, someone explain how this guy managed to win the most powerful seat in the (alleged) free world?
    Without strings, smoke and mirrors from behind the curtain?
    Just lucky?
    I know one thing, Joseph McCarthy has not stop spinning in his grave since 2008.

  4. America under Obama is now a certified thugocracy.
    The only difference between Obama and KaDaffy is that Kadaffy has stopped lying.

  5. “What are they working on?”
    Wisconsin astroturf, obviously. The unions are the power behind the Obama throne. We knew this.
    Given Obama’s meeting with the head geeks of the US computer biz lately, I’m considering an investment in packet radio and maybe a Wimax router.
    Be interesting if the whole world-wide Internet went dark in 2012, eh?

  6. Americans elected god knows who from god knows where, whose bills have been paid by god knows who throughout his life, and they are now surprised they’ve been betrayed?
    No, folks, you’ve betrayed yourself when you allowed this creature to rule your country for so long.

  7. The lie list is very long too, Indy…
    I didn’t add the scary fact of how the MSM has almost overnight, went from bias to outright controlled since this guy came to power.
    Just take the fact that an unknown rookie senator would write not one but two books about himself with obviously no chance of return on investment let alone turning a profit is very bizarre to the point of plausible fabrication for a storyline being every legal document is unnacessible or does not exist.
    It seems we need to take him at his word, according to the MSM, including Bill O’Reilley.

  8. Tom Waits
    Mule Variations (1999)
    What’s He Building?
    What’s He Building In There?
    What The Hell Is He Building
    In There?
    He Has Subscriptions To Those
    Magazines… He Never
    Waves When He Goes By
    He’s Hiding Something From
    The Rest Of Us… He’s All
    To Himself… I Think I Know
    Why… He Took Down The
    Tire Swing From The Peppertree
    He Has No Children Of His
    Own You See… He Has No Dog
    And He Has No Friends And
    His Lawn Is Dying… And
    What About All Those Packages
    He Sends. What’s He Building In There?
    With That Hook Light
    On The Stairs. What’s He Building
    In There… I’ll Tell You One Thing
    He’s Not Building A Playhouse For
    The Children What’s He Building
    In There?
    Now What’s That Sound From Under The Door?
    He’s Pounding Nails Into A
    Hardwood Floor… And I
    Swear To God I Heard Someone
    Moaning Low… And I Keep
    Seeing The Blue Light Of A
    T.V. Show…
    He Has A Router
    And A Table Saw… And You
    Won’t Believe What Mr. Sticha Saw
    There’s Poison Underneath The Sink
    Of Course… But There’s Also
    Enough Formaldehyde To Choke
    A Horse… What’s He Building
    In There. What The Hell Is He
    Building In There? I Heard He
    Has An Ex-Wife In Some Place
    Called Mayors Income, Tennessee
    And He Used To Have A
    Consulting Business In Indonesia…
    But What Is He Building In There?
    What The Hell Is Building In There?
    He Has No Friends
    But He Gets A Lot Of Mail
    I’ll Bet He Spent A Little
    Time In Jail…
    I Heard He Was Up On The
    Roof Last Night
    Signaling With A Flashlight
    And What’s That Tune He’s
    Always Whistling…
    What’s He Building In There?
    What’s He Building In There?
    We Have A Right To Know..

  9. RHTT
    My naive trust in the American electorate was greatly shaken after 2008. I can only hope that extenuating circumstances (1st black President) make this mistake and anomaly because I fear there are many firsts’ America has yet to have in the Oval Office.

  10. There was another president who famously had a very small group of advisors and ignored or misused (that’s a polite term for what he did) many of his cabinet ministers:
    Richard Milhous Nixon
    Of course the dems and the media were all over RMN for running the executive that way. And they probably Wouldn’t like someone like Beck dredging up the comparison. (and I’m pretty sure RMN talked to his cabinet members one on one at least a couple of times a year)
