9 Replies to “Elections Manitoba”

  1. I hope every Canadian learns a lesson from the financial trouble of liberal candidates: not only are they bad about keeping a budget and spending within their means, but their response when the debts come due is to put off the problem for another day.

  2. Well Liberals are entitled to their entitlements . . . because they don’t have to or want to pay for them.
    Liberals want other Canadians to pay for their swag, bag & other fun stuff.

  3. Corrupt Liberal crooks. Election shenanigans and millions of dollars stolen – no consequences. Too many agencies of government are infused with crooked Liberals. Fire them all.

  4. *sigh* The Manitoba NDP are the most criminal government in Canada, yet I’d bet they win another majority in the upcoming election. As a Manitoban, it makes me sick to my stomach, but the NDP just buy votes by giving the unions whatever they want, and bribing native communities with other people’s money.

  5. Liberals, NDP are all a pack of low life fraudsters, and elections Canada is a complete joke, worthy of some kind of third world dictatorship. An investigation into EC would be helpful, but isn’t going to happen, a serious house cleaning is in order, but as usual this will all be covered up… nothing to see here folks, move along… Liberals, NDP and the culture of corruption seem to go hand in hand. Pathetic.

  6. Nothing will change in Manitoba as long as the transfer payments keep coming. And nobody is getting elected in Manitoba on a platform of public sector bloodletting.

  7. speaking of criminal, I am in the process of ratting out the local CHP candidate to elections canuckistan for trying to pull a fast one; for one thing he attempted to disguise a political rally for a religious ‘revival’ (oh gawd, it’s DEAD DEAD DEAD !!! Stop trying to revive it !!!).
    but mainly he brazenly attempted to genrate publicity by diverting contributions to the riding coffers thence to various charities with the promise of bigger tax deduction. or something. I pd my 20 bucks so I would have grounds for an official complaint of breech of the elections act and/or taxation laws.
    CHP of course is ‘xian heritage party’ which has less chance of putting a member in than the Greens.
