24 Replies to “I’d Walk A Mile To Kick Jon Stewart’s Ass”

  1. Stewart and Colbert can be especially cruel to humans — especially Christians like Sara Palin — but there’s no excuse for endangering an innocent animal just to make political satire.
    It’s especially unfortunate because Stewart’s point of view on Wisconsin vis a vis Egypt was a refreshing change from the status quo Left position.

  2. In fairness, the MSM, PETA, NPR and other “progressive” institutions would have given Fox News a pass if Fox had tormented an animal for the sake of making a cheap shot point for their right wing viewers. Not?

  3. RFC
    That could be the best comment I’ve ever read.ROGLMAO
    I enjoy JS’s show, although I rarely catch a minute of it. I think the concept of the camel in Wisconsin is quite funny; although I do take the concerns of some of the article’s commenter’s to heart. All of that said, I doubt anyone would seriously object to such a stunt beforehand except for the media whoring PETA. I think those people are getting a little too ‘high & mighty’ for my taste.
    BTW, I’ve seen much worse at the race track. By far.

  4. Stay tuned for next thanksgiving when they feed the hungry by dropping turkeys from a helicopter.

  5. From reading “The Seven Pillars of Wisdom” one knows that camels can take a lot of rough usage, including cold and snow. Ice I rather doubt.
    The real problem was the clueless handlers. I hope that if the camel recovers, and encounters them again, it gives them a good kick.

  6. “If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow.”
    Soon camels will be quite common in America,although I thought Washington not Wisconson would be the starting point of the new world order.

  7. We all need to hear:
    “Sabu visits the twin cities alone”
    from John Prine’s album “Bruised Orange”
    — Bad News

  8. Sry about the spelllin missstakes…
    johnbrooks…’I’d walk a mile for a camel’ is even ‘older’.

  9. The camels in Egypt had it worse. I saw this one guy on a camel just smokin’ through the masses headed for glory…
    Camel guy: lalalalalalalalalalalalala!!!!!!
    His Camel: Oh sh*t, horses.
    Next shot – Camel guy and camel just haulin’ camel booty back the other way….
    Camel guy: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    Camel: Oh sh*t, horses go fast.

  10. Camel was doing his impression of Obama stickhandling his way through an unscheduled interview…ouch!

  11. Came across the Daily SHow when I was switching channels last night and it was immediately clear Stewart was doing all he could to mock and embarrass Walker and make the protesters look good.
    Partisan “satirist” = propagandist.

  12. “it was immediately clear Stewart was doing all he could to mock and embarrass Walker and make the protesters look good.”
    Actually Walker does a great job of that himself. He won’t take calls from any of the Democratic senators, but he will take calls from prankster posing as a billionaire who spent millions to get him elected and has a stake in beating down unions.
    Unless any of you are extremely wealthy, you have unions to thank for the following:
    40 hour work weeks
    Overtime pay
    Workman’s comp
    Paid Vacation
    Maternity Leave
    Occupational health and safety
    The list goes on.
    Now I know people like Kate who own their own business will say “but I don’t get these things”
    The issue is that all of these rights which were fought and won by working people have done much to make our society what it is today. And while you might think society sucks… it’s because you have no fuggin clue how sh!tty life was back when Dad had to work 60+ hours per week for a lousy wage and then drank himself stupid to make it bearable, and then beat Mom and the kids. (That was life for much of the working class from the beginning of the industrial revolution until the time unions stepped up.
    I’d also like to remind you that unionism reached its peak when the Greatest Generation came home from the war and fought for their rights as citizens.
    Slam unions and you slam them. If you don’t like unions, move to China.

  13. Yes, John. The communist government in China will rake over its own people in a manner that would never occur here, with or without unions. Unions have assumed power over practically an entire workforce and have no one to answer to, not even the people who pay dues. Why should my hard-earned money go to a union that makes unilateral decisions and will not help me if I need it? Where is the impetus to work hard if one can never be fired no matter how badly one performs tasks?

  14. John, even if every word in your list were true – and in fact it’s not, because we’re a rich society (and that’s hardly thanks to unions undermining the profitability of businesses, which is simply a factual description of the results of what they do, otherwise why would business ever clash with them?) – but even if all that were so, what would that have to do with the teacher’s unions in Wisconsin in 2011? Especially since that union is operating not against a greedy evil business but against the taxpayer.
    Nobody’s denying that the unions have done good in the distant past. We’re not in the midst of the Industrial Revolution.

  15. I find it surprising people are still saying it was “the ice” that caused problems for the camel.
    Before they even started to move the camel , he got his left rear leg hooked through the metal gate section beside him.
    That was the problem, nothing more. Watch the video again.
