16 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. President Obama, in a major legal policy shift, has directed the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act.
    No problem.
    This is a new precedent set by the Precedent.
    (sort of, because he hasn’t been defending the southern border-but neither did the previous President-and Obastard has refused to prosecute the NBlack Panters who were intimidating voters at the polling station in Pennsylvania-but neither did the previous President prosecute them-)
    Now every future Republican President can use this tactic to “not defend” any piece of legislation that (s)he can’t rescind through a Democrat controlled Congress or Senate and the Democrats can just shut their pieholes and lump it.
    I’m thinking refusing to prosecute people who violate ObamaCare would be a good start if the Republicans win the WH but not the Senate.

  2. The NYT headline is completely misleading. That’s why I hate American journalists on the Left and I stopped reading Time and Newsweek decades ago — U.S. journalists often use triple and even cuadruple entendres in their writing, and sometimes triple negatives. I think it’s to project a phoney image of “intellectualism” by making the writing as ambiguous as possible — accessible only to their pseudo-intellectual elites. But there’s nothing intelligent about that sort of writing — it’s just plane shitty lazy prose disguised as “deep thinking”.
    Now back to what the NYT article is actually reporting:
    In other words Obama and Clinton lied about supporting traditional marriage.

  3. Maybe it’s a Harvard thang, some of it’s political graduates like to chase their tail in public.

  4. Just one more element in the 2012 Campaign of the Radical-in-Chief. All stops will be pulled as his collection of anti-democratic advisers, Czars and assorted union ‘officials in concert with socialist (‘progressives’ doesn’t work any more IMO)media lackeys are going to do anything to keep O’Bummer in the WH.
    Recall O’Bummer met with Google and other tech exec’s last week and it wasn’t to talk to about unrest in Egypt.

  5. “Recall O’Bummer met with Google and other tech exec’s last week and it wasn’t to talk to about unrest in Egypt.”
    Apparently, Google might be behind helping the uprise in the ME…George Soros is known to have grown his fortune by distabilizing entire nations politically. As a bonus, he hates jews which are now in huge trouble down the road.
    Obama and Soros are united in their ventures.

  6. Obama and Clinton stood up in the election campaign and stated succinctly that they did not support Gay marriage. Clinton stated that she might support an alternative legal remedy such as “Gay Unions”, but did not consider it to be the same as traditional marriage. Obviously they both lied.
    Reminds me of when Liberal P.M. Paul Martin stood up in Canadian Parliament and declared emphatically: “marriage is exclusively for one man and one woman”, only to make a back room deal a few months later under pressure from Gay lobbyists to recognize Gay marriage. Martin and the Libs also obviously lied.
    Rumour has it that the Gay lobbyists played on Martin’s Catholic guilt: the only reason Martin could come up with to oppose Gay marriage was because the Catholic Church said so. Paul Martin was a dolt — I can think of lots of sociological, biological, etc. reasons to oppose Gay marriage without recurring to religion. And I’m sure if Martin would have consulted with many of the excellent Catholic scholars we have in this country they could have provided him with some sound reasons as well…

  7. When the chief guy has nothing but contempt for the Law , let alone its Equality for all citizens.
    The rule of Law breaks down.
    It than every body for themselves. Hence more private police being hired.

  8. How can you tell when a Liberal or Democrat is lying? Their lips are moving.
    That reminds me, it almost impossible to see George Soros’s lips moving when Obama speaks. Borrowed this from John Chittick, just changed one of the names.

  9. Immigration is mentioned by VDH, but Mexicans in California aren’t immigrants at all, ‘undocumented’ or otherwise.
    Look around California, they put the Mexican flag all over everything, Mexican kids beat up the outnumbered American kids at school and Principals will admonish the American kids for provoking the Mexicans by displaying the US flag on their bicycles for example.
    Mexicans like all the free stuff the US is giving them, they’ll take that while it lasts, but when that runs out, and the cities and States lay off the cops at the same time, then Mexican societal norms will become pre-eminent in areas of the US where Mexican nationals number in the millions. Unfortunately that means a lot of violence.

  10. Apparently Obama is also instructing states to ignore the rulings of judges that declare Obamacare unconstitutional. This president is a law unto himself, seemingly.
    Having said that, I agree with the pundits who say this latest move is a desperate attempt at distraction. The US economy’s tanking, Iranian warships are on the move and the Mideast powder keg is about to blow up — but all these things will just have to wait, ’cause gays can’t get married in every state yet!
