58 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. I am not qualified to have an opinion on the HIV thing, and consequently don’t have one.
    Most young women I know prefer circumcised to non-circumcised, but it’s not a huge deal.
    Indy@ 10:20, from the same episode: starting @2:25“This is not a school play!… a sacred ancient ceremony symbolyzing the Covenant between G-d an Abraham, or something… I could have been a kosher butcher like my brother. The money’s good, he’s got a Union with benefits. And cows don’t have families. You make a mistake with a cow, you move on with your life.”
    The last funy sitcom, and get offa my lawn you kids.
    Anyone who equates female “circumcision” with snipping the sausage is just meshuggah. A little common sense? I can find you guys some seriously nasty links if you’re so inclined.

  2. batb: Reader’s Digest used to have a feature called Pardon, Your Slip Is Showing.
    You could have won $25. Good one! ;~D)

  3. Just find these guys an anatomy book, Mamba. This is one of those “water is wet” arguments you can solve with a look-up.
    As usual, the truth does not favor the SF gay community.
    I actually -am- qualified to give an opinion on the HIV thing, and I remind all and sundry that the entire world does not enjoy unfettered access to clean water and soap 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. HIV has a half life measured in minutes, -unless- it is in a warm wet environment. You can all say eeeew! now.
    Not everyone understands the Germ Theory of Disease either, and many such people graduate from Canadian high schools every year.

  4. So let me get this straight.
    Because a city wants to ban the savage practice of cutting off the tip of a baby’s penis, you are wishing an earthquake upon them? Wow.
    And you think you’re one of the good guys, eh?

  5. “Oh dwright, if you want to keep yours, do so; my parents decided to keep mine in place, (way too much info) but others may think otherwise because of religious reasons or just tradition.”
    Children aren’t your property. They’re citizens fully deserving of the full protection of the law. You have no right to decide to cut the tip of their penis off because of your stupid (that’s right, STUPID) religious beliefs. What if someone’s sky ghost tells them to kill their kid? Shouldn’t that be legal too?
    Look, if you grow up to believe in this retardation, and decide to take the knife to willy, knock yourself out. You can tattoo “God’s favourite dink” on it for all I care. But don’t do it to the wee ones.
    (I’m cut. And I bare my parents no ill-will, because that was just the way people thought back then. But it’s time we recognized this for what it is, a savage practice based on superstition)

  6. Oh good, a hysterical self-righteous angry belligerent atheist with absolutely no sense of humour or proportion.

  7. @Blackmamba
    So you’re down with cutting the tips off of baby penises? How’s about slicing up some baby vag? I mean hey… what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
    Again… if you decide that your particular imaginary friend in the sky tells you that he wants you to to slice the tip of your dink off to show you how much you love him when you’re 18, grab a knife and go nuts. But leave the wee ones out of it.
    It’s funny how you guys think I’m the crazy one. I’m not the one obsessing over baby dinks praying for earthquakes to fall upon those who think you should leave said dinks alone.

  8. Tenebris – @2:57 – “How about banning clitorectomies?”
    Surely they are banned everywhere civilized, and California too. Enforcing the law is another matter.
    Sometimes a difference in degree amounts to a difference in kind. This is one of those cases.
    “…decrease in sexual pleasure…” – really? I never heard that.
    John – I’d love to agree with you because you’re so obviously the voice of reason but my imaginary friend the Omnipotent Invisible Paraglyding Rigatoni Monster says he’d get mad.
