POTUS: Priorities Of The United States

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Real Clear Politics, February 23rd“This is a scheduling issue. The president will meet with Secretary of State Clinton this afternoon [re Libya]. We will have something to say out of that meeting. If possible, the President will speak this afternoon or tomorrow,”
Politico, February 23rdSoon after Emanuel was projected the winner of the race with more than 55 percent of the vote, Obama also released this statement: “I want to extend my congratulations to Rahm Emanuel on a well-deserved victory tonight. As a Chicagoan and a friend, I couldn’t be prouder. Rahm will be a terrific mayor for all the people of Chicago.”

38 Replies to “POTUS: Priorities Of The United States”

  1. It isn’t like he’s going to have anything awesome to say about Libya anyway Kate. We could probably write that speech between us right now.
    Still, it is nice to know the President of the USA has his priorities prioritized.

  2. It Should read:
    “I want to extend my congratulations to Rahm Emanuel on a well-deserved expensively bought victory tonight. As a Chicagoan lae twister and a friend, I couldn’t be prouder. Rahm will be a terrific mayor for all the Mafia of Chicago.”

  3. Maybe now he can find time to call all those Cabinet Members he hasn’t spoken to for the last two years.
    Or maybe he needs to ask Trumka for permission.

  4. What exactly does Obama even need to talk to his cabinet about? He has no foreign policy at all and seems incapable of/interested in developing one. His entire domestic agenda wholly consisted of shutting down guantanamo, putting in health care and introducing carbon regulation. The first two are stalled and the last one is being done by fiat via the EPA. Organizer in chief indeed.
    I would be rather offended if Obama didn’t interject himself and blather inanely and stupidly on issues that don’t concern the potus because he clearly has nothing better to do.

  5. Oh no! Obama prefers to think things out before commenting on them. He even considers the opinions of his advisers, cabinet, and other informed people! I sure miss Bush.

  6. “President Dumbass doesn’t even know where Libya is or how to pronounce it, let alone understand what’s going on, so we’re going to have to delay until someone can enlighten the Zero. Unfortunately, that’ll be Hillary, so don’t expect much.”

  7. It would appear that batman there is missing the point. Since when does Obama speak with his cabinet?
    I don’t mind trolls. It’s the bloody wankers I can’t stand.

  8. Gaddafi is a living example of what you get when you cross Communist revolutionary with fundamentalist Muslim (although the two ideologies are completely opposed, Colonel Daffy Duck somehow found a way to combine them).
    So Obama has to think seriously about what he’s going to say — he doesn’t want to diss a fellow revolutionary, whose “heroism” includes financing the massacre of civilians in the Lockerbie bombing. Plus, a number Western leaders have had their lips firmly planted on Daffy’s ass ever since he paid billions in reparations for the crime and promised not to be a bad boy anymore.
    On the other hand, Muslims should have the right to protest their dictators once every 40 years or so, and replace them with better ones — “We want despots who know how to do tyranny the right way!”
    It’s a tough call for Obama, ’cause Colonel Daffy embodies it all — he’s the Middle East tyrant of the future as well as the past.
    Democracy? — what’s that anyway? Must be something from the bourgeoisie infidel West.

  9. Gaddafi is a living example of what you get when you cross Communist revolutionary with fundamentalist Muslim
    … and add syphilis.

  10. Being mayor of Chicago is akin to being the leader of the Khymer Rouge.
    I wouldn’t brag about it.

  11. buttman said: “I sure miss Bush!”
    Me too. Bush scared Qadaffi so bad the guy coughed up a nuke. Barry doesn’t seem to be scaring ol’ Moo Moo that much, you ask me.

  12. Obama must find it difficult to comment on the demise of one of his role models.
    Obama is a much worse liar than the usual run of the mill liberal politician. He lies about shit he doesn’t even need to lie about.

  13. Lickmuffin: My interpretation was that Kate was suggesting that Obama has his priorities mixed up (look at the title) because he was quick to congratulate his friend but was slow to respond to the situation in Libya. I was suggesting that isn’t a fair comparison because Libya is a complicated situation that requires a lot of thought, whereas Rahm’s win does not. I don’t think Kate’s point was, as you thought, that Obama does not normally discuss things with his cabinet (although I’m sure she does believe that).
    I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll spell it out next time.

  14. Obama forced Harper to pay $5.5 because we are Canadian
    I am sure during all G20 or G200 country
    Obama must ask those Arab dictor for more money because they are arab Libyan
    and Obama is almost American some bribe
    such as $5000.50 for entry to US
    Harper said OK
    and those are Arab said NO
    Obama siad we are in recision of trillion
    and ask for give him free oil to work
    and pay their debt
    then when they said NO
    they start made up revolutionary
    using name of Muslim
    or it can not be true story
    other story and above was not true
    real revolution happend who is behind this
    or it can not be true story
    when Shah of Iran is gone 32 years ago
    Mr. Nixon came to RUSSIA and
    planed to get rid of all 2500 kingdom cermoney of shah of Iran
    and plan of chnage all kingdom get delay for 32 years because Sadam and other Egypt and Saudi did resist for change
    One thing i know
    Khomeini was grow up in Iraq not in Iran
    and most of his life was in Iraq
    Khomaini way of harrass people of nobody has right to say a word against him
    was similar like Sadam rejim
    that anybody said a word agains Sadam was sent to jail or they did execute him
    Khomeini sorry his charcter was not real Iraninan culture
    his culture was Iraqi rejim of sadam culture
    we noticed
    3 men brought Sadam in Iran
    Gotbzadeh who he got against of Khomeini 3 years later and excuted by his hand
    Bani Sadr and later he escaped to France exile
    and third was Dr. Yazdi from american citizen who used to be Iraninan
    he is not in jail in Iran since 2011
    after so many arrest since 2007
    and finally son of Khomeini who also died mysteriously after death of his father people said inside people kill him or not save his life
    Could you please leave Middle east alone
    for bs of relvotion and oil and otehr power pull
    and kingdom and bs started for century
    get dig your own ethical oil and leave middle east alone
    those people in street can not simple bring happiness to Libay so as Khoemini did not brought happaniness in Iran and not freedom tehre
    whoever were Muslim in Iran still are Muslim
    whoever was not muslim also are not stil act Muslim in IRan nothing change
    IRan never was essence for revlotion and nobody elect new president when shah gone in Iran
    and nobody will elect replace Libay kingdom or similare name
    years of lack of freedom of speech do not allow easy people today grow and born in Libya can run country better than Qazafi as we see Sadam is gone still so many violance seen in Iraq
    all is BS for oil and money nobody give freedom in Libya not yet at least

  15. Is it me, or is ‘new’ getting a little old?
    The real political consequences for BO are coming with the $5/gal gas prices. The price for being “in charge” will be steep; especially when Obama realizes that “who’s butt to kick” is his own derriere. And justifiably so, considering the snooze fest that’s been the Obama administration’s economic recovery policy. Instead of being on it’s third year of economic recovery, positioning Americans to better to cope with the inevitable rise in gas prices; America is further in debt and less able to cope when those roosters coming home.
    Regarding the Juxtapose, Obama’s inexperience in all things executive is showing clearly. Strong executives will always have a firm grip on ‘time management’ and ‘perception’. Regardless of the point that batman(3:54) is trying to make, he must recognize that the perception created by Obama leaves much to be desired politically.
    Also, considering events in the Middle East, and the trajectory of oil prices; Sarah Palin is looking like a stronger candidate daily, considering she IS an expert in foreign policy matters related to energy.

  16. Kate; I dont mind trolls that can express themselves but this”new”guy cant spell and cant think.Off with his head.

  17. http://tinyurl.com/46asyg3
    (meanwhile in Wisconsin)
    Senators routinely participate in committee meetings by phone and are allowed to debate, offer amendments and vote on measures. But Lazich said she wasn’t allowing Erpenbach to vote because he had an invalid reason for being absent.
    “I won’t extend courtesies for unethical behavior,” Lazich told Erpenbach.
    “Do you want the headline to be, ‘Republicans won’t let Democrats vote,’ even though we’ve allowed that many, many times?” he said.
    Erpenbach’s name was not called as the clerk took the roll, but he repeatedly yelled “No!” over the speakerphone.
    BWAAAA-HAHAHAHA-HAAAAA…..snort, choke, guffaw.
    *wipes tears from eyes*

  18. Obama is isolating the US, his foreign policies or lack there of make him appear incompetant and frankly he’s scarying me.

  19. I thought Obama was wrong not to take a strong stand on Libya.
    Then someone pointed out that Obama’s primary responsibility in this situation is to get Americans out of the country.
    I expect he’ll have more to say once they’re all out safe. The freedom and safety of the people of Libya is, sadly, a secondary issue.

  20. OBOZO couldn’t wait to throw Mubarak under the bus, repeatedly, yet, Eqypt is probably one of the most modern of the Arab countries.
    Juxtapose that with Libya, The ZERO has been utterly silent regarding his ‘brother’ Daffy, until the last hour. Libya, an oppressive backward regime, nothing but silence.
    I get more disgusted with OBOZO by the day, just when you think he couldn’t be more stupid, he one ups himself!

  21. “Gaddafi is a living example of what you get when you cross Communist revolutionary with fundamentalist Muslim”
    That explains his son’s romantic involvement with Israeli Actress Orli Weinerman. You’ve probably all seen images of this fellow. He’s his father’s main spokesperson right now. He is also the heir apparent.
    Bit odd for a muslim fanatic, no?

  22. to be fair Obama’s minions could have written that congratulations to Rahm about six months ago – it’s not like it was ever in doubt.

  23. Here’s the text of that speech:
    “The American people stand with the Libyan people in their … excuse me, what’s that? … the American people recognize the need for stability of their oil supply and the need for balanced, nuanced exercise of power in Tripoli; Colonel Gaddhafi is neither a friend nor an enemy, he’s just changed hope into something else, much as I did here. This makes us brothers. Also I need a few flakes out there, makes me look better.”

  24. Spike 1
    Hate to be picky but “cant” is incorrect. It should be “can’t” which is short form for can not.

  25. Gateway Pundit links Obambam’s spiritual advisor, the Reverend Wright, to Quadaffy. It turns out Quadaffy’s a respected member of the global socialist network. Who knew?
    Poor Bammy, no wonder he can’t figure out how to react. Everything he is, to the core of his beliefs, tells him he must back Quadaffy.

  26. Wow, more and more coming out, it’s even bigger than that, the Obama-Kidaffy connection is huge. You ain’t gonna hear any of it in your newspaper or on TV, but the internet will do its thing. That’s one sick President.

  27. Barry Soetoero’s sole mission is to wreck the USA from the top down with socialism.
    A sharia compliant version of turd’oh.
    All his (in)actions then make sense.

  28. “The real political consequences for BO are coming with the $5/gal gas prices.”
    If that happens the Scumbag Speculaters will get a closeup of an AK47… The market is rigged.
    BYW In the tribal blood heritage of Obama, Gaddafi is Obama’s leader…look under the Hat

  29. I laughed out loud at the kitchen table when I read the headlines of our paper: “Emanuel running to clean up corruption in Chicago.”

  30. Today’s headline from Barry: “We are doing everything we can.”
    Anybody remember what America did when Saddam was nerve gassing the Kurds? They parked a freakin’ aircraft carrier off the coast and shot down everything bigger than a paper airplane.
    Right now, today, Qadaffi is doing open war on his own people with the -blessing- of the USA. The Americans have assets in the Med, they could have shot down those freakin’ antique Dassault pieces of 1960’s junk any time they wanted by PUSHING A BUTTON.
    So trolls, were us racist/bigot/homophobe rednecks all wrong about Barry? Or not so much?
    Enjoy your buck fifty a quart gas, you dumb w@nkers.
