26 Replies to “Take ‘Em Down”

  1. Yet the polls say the moochers have 61% of the American publics approval?
    Something is a miss.

  2. Revnant
    Consider that “every” phase of a poll can be manipulated. I’ve long ago become very cynical about the validity of polls.

    Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili
    Same with polls………

  4. Those comments in the post you linked to make me want to go to Ace of Spades and write about pudding.

  5. Regarding the T-shirts.
    I especially loved the picture of the person carrying a club with a nail sticking out of the hitting end. Also the battering ram being carried by the others.
    This is truly violent imagery and it is perfection in how it demonstrates the hypocrisy of Obama and his cadre.
    A new tone indeed.
    You would think these groveling fools were fighting to get the ten year olds out of the coal mine. They are teachers and therefore cannot be expected understand the math behind this bill. It is simple to the rest of us. We either cut back the strangle of the public sector union entitlements or we all go over the cliff.
    It would seem the the left has yet another thing in common with the jihadists, they will blow each other up (lose their jobs) rather than deal in reality and do the right thing by the tax payers.

  6. when the boss comes callin’
    … they’ll put us down
    … gotta stand your ground
    … don’t believe their lies
    when the boss comes callin’
    … his take his toll
    … don’t you sell your soul
    … callin’ we gotta organize
    let em know, we gotta take the bastards down
    let them know, we gotta smash them to the ground
    let em know, we gotta take the bastards down
    Can’t you just feel the love.
    I’d like to know who this “boss” is.
    Whoever they are they must be up against it.
    It’d be much easier to be working for the government.
    Guaranteed pay and healthcare.
    Can’t imagine anyone brave enough to put their hand up to be “boss”.
    Although, every organisation must have ’em including unions.
    Hell, isn’t the POTUS a boss too?
    That’s right he’s the Commander in Chief.
    These lyrics could be tantamount to sedition.
    Shhh. Don’t tell home security about this.

  7. Dammit! I like the Dropkick Murphys. Oh well, I don’t have to agree with their politics to enjoy their music.
    I believe, in spirit, a lot of supporters still associate these union members with the downtrodden coal miners and factory workers of centuries past. They feel that an attack on public unions is an attack on the hard working unions that fought for safe and dignified work conditions. Unfortunately, public unions aren’t even a shadow of those old unions.

  8. Thanks for the heads up on the dropkickmurphys ….
    Another bunch of miserable pasty faced pukes … (I’m sure Kinsella has the album already)

  9. That’s an interesting bunch on comments there. People do not seem to be buying the hype.
    Wonder what Barrys next move will be? Strafing?

  10. Aaron is right. That is a typical Soviet style poster. It is not surprising that the SEIU would use something like this after all this is the type of government they want. The joke is on them though, as when the Soviets take over the country they also take over the unions which become a branch of the government. Voila, no more collective bargaining.

  11. Phantom: I believe it’s supposed to be something called “a whiff of grapeshot”. Keep the proles in their place, or something.

  12. I left a comment.
    “I don’t understand. What do you mean “fight for your rights”? According to one study, 66% of Wisconsin students cannot read properly despite the state’s increase of funding per student. If I were being $70, 000 USD plus benefits (which the private sector does not have, I might add), I’d make sure my students could read fluidly and with great inflection.
    If the teachers of Wisconsin care about “the children”, then perhaps they should remain where they are and make sure their students can read instead of demanding what the state can no longer give them.
    Not that they deserve it.”

  13. *
    “abe says… I especially loved the picture of the person carrying a club
    with a nail sticking out of the hitting end. Also the battering ram
    being carried by the others.”

    c’mon… never mind all that… everybody bow your heads… “our barack,
    who art in heaven…”


  14. “Dammit! I like the Dropkick Murphys. Oh well, I don’t have to agree with their politics to enjoy their music.”
    Exactly coach.
    The group I consider most influential on my youth differs quite a bit from my political view. That doesn’t change the positive experience listening to them has had on my life. I still admire this artist although I vehemently disagree with him now. Without the incite in to such an opposite POV, I doubt my convictions in my own views would be so strong.
    I don’t know the band in question, but I wouldn’t change my listening tastes over a political view.

  15. Osu
    Your comment has inspired me, and I’ve got the solution that solves all…
    Pay them minimum wage (like a salesperson) and motivate them with commission pay checks. Establish a criteria of difficult goals to meet, then pay them “spiffs” when they meet goals. THAT… would literally fix things for everyone. Genius!

  16. Indiana, do you really want Miss Teacher’s income based on how well Johnny does with his math exam?
    Piece-work is great for a factory, its not worth a fiddler’s flying donut in a hospital. In a school it could be… bad.

  17. Phantom
    I don’t care what the particular metrics are, but I’m positive they can be established. There’s a big misconception out there that the public is concerned about our kids marks. This is BS! ‘Marks’ in themselves are subjective, and can be manipulated to meet whatever standard you wish. THIS is why kids are graduating illiterate, because the ‘marks’ have been manipulated to say what teachers think the parents want the marks to say.
    Metrics need to be established as to what ‘success’ actually is. As far as your question goes, I’d envision it more like a hockey team where the teacher(coach) is responsible to the GM(principle) who is responsible to the owner(tax payer) and so on. It would be the principles prerogative how the pie was divided amongst staff, and his job security would contingent on the success of his school and so on. Schools could compete for the best teachers and would. This is a very basic breakdown of a system that would work. It would create better teachers, pay those that perform a better wage and so on.
    As far as I’m concerned, they can throw ‘marks’ out the window. I’m personally looking for ‘outcomes’ regardless of what the teacher puts down on the report card.JMO
    btw “In a school it could be… bad.”
    It’s as bad as it can get right now Phantom. I’ve been fighting this fight for 9 years now, and things need to change fast. We really have nothing to lose at this time. We are quite literally getting the most pathetic value for our education $$ that is imaginable.

  18. “We are quite literally getting the most pathetic value for our education $$ that is imaginable.”
    Sadly, no. It could be worse. Ask the kids in Toronto who have to be escorted from one class to another because the halls aren’t safe. Ask the kids in Detroit where the -teachers- get escorted in the halls. By cops.
    Home schooling is sometimes the best alternative, depending on your kid and if you’ve got mum or dad to stay home with them. Or Grandma even. If you have a gifted kid they are going to suffer no matter what the school does, there is zippo being done for gifted kids in public schools. The focus and the money is all on taking care of the seriously crippled/retarded ones. “The nail which sticks up is hammered down” pretty much covers the gifted kid.
    Sometimes the best thing to do is pick up your marbles and walk away.
    I’d very much like to see education budgets per pupil cut back to whatever it was when I was a kid, adjusted for inflation obviously. Most of the cost we pay is non-instructional overburden anyway, that could be handled with -vouchers-.

  19. Indiana, I see your point (not about the minimum wage thing). I tried to explain this Alex a few posts ago but it predictably fell on deaf ears. Educational standards have been lowered. Practically anyone can be a teacher, no student can be kept behind and some parents see school as a baby-minding service.
    There is so much work to be done. Either raise the standards all around or deal with what we’ve got now.
    Just my thoughts.

  20. Taxpayer Strike!
    Did you know that the protests against mandatory schooling were greater than the Obamacare protests?
    (The average college senior today could not pass 8th grade standards of 1895.)
    That poor black schools consistently outperformed
    preppy white ruling class schools until the Wilson
    era radical Dewey’s plan to educate an “aristocratic elite”?
    And that the great infrastructure projects before and after WWII were built- and WWII fought- by 8th graders?
    (The average American had only an 8th grade degree. Higher ed, including high school, was attended by 5-20%. The civilian commies glommed on to the GI Bill real quick.)

  21. woopsie- meant “mandatory (public) schooling
    government schooling is based on the 1853 Prussian plan by Kaiser Bismark-
    he unified Germany; his plan was to create a militarized society of super soldiers and citizens, the scientific Master Race
    Karl Marx was his political advisor- Marx
    watched the temperance movement in the US and copied it’s themes (apocalypse then utopia) and denominations (unions)
    Onward Labor’s Soldiers
    From the ashes of man’s sin a New World shall arise!
