41 Replies to “Published This Month In The Journal Of The Blatantly Obvious

  1. He he, I always told my kids not to drink the water, because the fish poop in there.
    Nice to see the science world catch up.

  2. Not just balatantly obvious but once again sloopy science…..unless they think Marine animals Poley Bears, Whales, seals etc are fish.
    Just sayin’…..

  3. Well that does it! I’m gonna get me one of them poopin’ rascals right now – nice juicy laker about 6 pound will do – and reduce his poopy CO2 fin print by stuffing him in my belly – with rice and capers of course.
    Nothing lower than fish poop. Eat more fish.

  4. Fish reproduce as well Einstein.
    Next we’ll be told by science not to eat yellow snow because it contains signifigant amounts of urine.

  5. I thought you made up the subtitle in the headline:
    “Fish excrement found in seafloor sediment forces scientists to rethink the way they reconstruct earth’s climate history”
    Guess I’m a denier if we have to rethink earth’s climate history when we learn that there’s fish poop on the shallow sea floor.

  6. In other breaking news, bear doody found in woods.
    Here’s a great one Kate: “Study: ‘Sidewalk Rage’ Plagues New York City Streets”
    With additional anecdotal evidence! ~:D

  7. Let me make sure I have this straight: we’re mocking scientists here for doing research into the carbon cycle, rather than simply running with the “blatantly obvious.”
    Had we stuck with the “blatantly obvious”, we’d all still assume that the sun and stars revolve around the earth. Just look up at the sky: it’s obvious.

  8. LOL. It’s not just the sea floor. Ever been to the Bahamas? Last time I went I learned that all that lovely white sand on the beaches is composed of coral “recycled” through the innards of fish that graze on the reefs. Or as the tour guide put it: “You’re walking on fish poop!”

  9. I’m not sure I believe this. Frankly it sounds like a load of crap.
    (seriously though, I hope the scientists who figured this out didn’t pay too much for their degrees. Haven’t they ever read the children’s book “Everybody poops”?)

  10. I sure hope Grant money didn’t pay for this.
    The ‘blantanly obvious’? These Scientist never owned an aquarium !

  11. If one reads the article all the way through it becomes pretty clear that the actual conclusion of the study was not in fact all that obvious: the discovery is that in shallow water mineralized fish excrement hangs around long enough without being eaten or transformed by marine chemistry or uptaken by seafloor vegetation to become part of the permanent sedimentation that becomes the limestone seafloor bed.
    It’s like discovering that a sixth of the Cambrian Shield is actually made up of fossilized dinosaur crap.

  12. Not to put too fine a point on this but somebody tell me where I can submit an application for a grant to study what the buffalo, deer, and antelope did beside play on the prairies.

  13. I know the reason for the study. Don’t natives pretty much say wherever their ancestors took a crap is their land? Well if the whole sea floor is fish crap think of all the things you stop from happening if you were a progressive eco terrorist.

  14. Daniel, it’s the PreCambrian Shield, not that there were any dinosaurs in the Cambrian, either. True dinosaurs didn’t appear on the scene until the Triassic Period, IIRC.
    But look at limestone from almost any era under the microscope, and what will you see? Very often, there will be pellets. Fecal pellets from fish, and probably also from molluscs. In some rock, they are very abundant, and in others, none at all. If the limestone has been recrystallized, most of the original depositional features will have been destroyed.
    Seems to me that the scientists of this article are simply rediscovering something which was well-known and uncontroversial for many years.

  15. When Moby Dick took a dump.
    Did it bounce?

    Now I know why Great White Sharks start eating you ass first.

    Why do bottle nose dolphins have such weird looking snouts?
    Do they jam it up a Great White?
    Can’t continue-
    (my mind is starting to bottom dwell.)

  16. When Moby Dick took a dump.
    Did it bounce?

    Now I know why Great White Sharks start eating you ass first.

    Why do bottle nose dolphins have such weird looking snouts?
    Do they jam it up a Great White?
    Can’t continue-
    (my mind is starting to bottom dwell.)

  17. I once had the experience of hearing a table full of young grad students arguing – entirely seriously – about whether or not fish drank. After they’d gone on at length, someone asked me what I thought. I said, “They must. How could they avoid it?”

  18. Just think of the fish $hit as the site of future fossils….
    Bad alliteration I must confess furiously..
