35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Blaine Hoshizaki, director of the Neurotrauma Impact Science Laboratory at the University of Ottawa, told the Post’s Sarah Boesveld why he’s calling for a total redesign of the standardized hockey helmet and for a few key rule changes.”
    Umm, table tennis, anyone?
    “The behaviours that create high risk can be removed from the game, like when you come down on the ice and you’re cutting a player off. That’s using your body to create impact. It’s a challenge for the leagues to change the rules, and I appreciate this.”
    (emph. mine)

  2. “Organizers of the Mexican Open Tennis Tournament in Acapulpo have assured the players that, even in the wake of the murder of 12 taxi drivers or their passengers, the event will be safe. Participants have been sent emails cautioning them about staying close to their hotels, arrive as late as possible, and leave once eliminated from the Open; however, the warnings do little to calm fears.”
    “Five cab drivers were found dead in the area on Friday. Saturday, three more were killed, one beheaded. Another driver and his passengers were also found murdered and on Sunday, near the tourist zone where the matches are to be held, a man’s body was found hacked into pieces.”

  3. Excerpt from Jonah Goldberg’s “Public Sector Unions Must Go” in the L.A. Times:
    “Private sector unions fight with management over an equitable distribution of profits. Government unions negotiate with politicians over taxpayer money, putting the public interest at odds with union interests and, as we’ve seen in states such as California and Wisconsin, exploding the cost of government. The labor-politician negotiations can’t be fair when the unions can put so much money into campaign spending. Victor Gotbaum, a leader in the New York City chapter of AFSCME, summed up the problem in 1975 when he boasted, ‘We have the ability, in a sense, to elect our own boss.'”
    The whole thing here.

  4. On-squirrely-irrely-irrely-oh!
    Ontario power companies fined to the tune of $18 million by the Supreme Court of Canada for usurious late payment charges. Where to get the money?
    “No problem”, says the Ontario Energy Board – “just collect the fine from across all your customers.”

  5. Read jonah’s column above earlier today. EDB’s snip sums it up perfectly – private unions negotiate higher wages at the risk of putting their host employer out of business that hasn’t been the dynamic in the public sector where other people’s earnings read:taxes are used to pay for the increase.
    Until now. Now states and provinces could well and truly go bankrupt feeding the PSE union maw.

  6. http://tinyurl.com/46asyg3
    Senators routinely participate in committee meetings by phone and are allowed to debate, offer amendments and vote on measures. But Lazich said she wasn’t allowing Erpenbach to vote because he had an invalid reason for being absent.
    “I won’t extend courtesies for unethical behavior,” Lazich told Erpenbach.
    “Do you want the headline to be, ‘Republicans won’t let Democrats vote,’ even though we’ve allowed that many, many times?” he said.
    Erpenbach’s name was not called as the clerk took the roll, but he repeatedly yelled “No!” over the speakerphone.
    BWAAAA-HAHAHAHA-HAAAAA…..snort, choke, guffaw.
    *wipes tears from eyes*

  7. EBD – I don’t think I’ve heard that song for at least 20 years.
    Interesting that obama chose today to comment on Libya, yet said nothing about the rockets fired on Israel. CTV did report it with a headline that read “Israeli tanks strike Gaza after mortar attack” CBC had no reports as of this afternoon.
    For those of you looking for a private browser search engine as an alternative to google, you may want to try yippy.com. I have been using it for the last couple of days and so far so good. States it is 100% private and does not track nor store copies of anything including email. They have an about yippy description under the “more” tab on the homepage that describes the privacy policy. I don’t know how long its been around, just found out about it through a comment on a story about google that was posted on drudge last week.

  8. Ralph Reiland at the New American:
    “The current $14 trillion federal debt averages out to $45,957 per American — $183,828 for a family of four. With only half of U.S. households paying federal income taxes, double that $183,828 for the half that’s picking up the tab and the debt equals $367,656 per taxpaying household. Double again to account for the $12 trillion to $14 trillion in Obama’s projected new federal debt over the next decade and the cost climbs to an average of $735,312 per household paying federal income taxes. Increase the Chinese interest rate on that growing stack of debt and double the price of Saudi oil…”

  9. EBD: Return spending to pre-obama levels move the Social security age to 70 and charge premiums for madicare and medicaid and the numbers go the other way. IOW the problem is largely internal and it can be fixed.
    If the politcal will is there. That will largely be determined within the next 12 months.

  10. Australian PM Gillard pulls a Dalton McGuinty and announces the introduction of a carbon tax, after specifically denying she would during the last election campaign. Check Andrew Bolt for his usual commentary from down under (Andrew Bolt and Charles Adler should do a tag-team radio show just for the fun of it).

  11. Adolf Gheddafi’s “final solution*”.
    Ghedaffi’s “final solution*”:
    “Before I found the final solution, I had to meditate long and hard on the history of humanity, on the conflicts of the past and on those of the present”.”
    Adolf’s “final solution*”:
    “*The History Place – Holocaust Timeline: The Wannsee Conference **
    Approximately 11 million Jews will be involved in the final solution of the European Jewish question, distributed as follows among the individual countries:”
    “Gheddafi Told Oriana “You Massacre Us”
    Hitler and Mussolini exploited the masses. I just appeal for the people to govern themselves
    We publish a summary of Oriana Fallaci’s interview with Colonel Gheddafi, which appeared in the Corriere della Sera on 2 December 1979. The text comes from the second part of their conversation, in which the Libyan leader talks about his policies and replies to charges of supporting terrorism that were being levelled at him. The first part of the interview dealt with the hostage crisis involving Americans being held prisoner by the Iranians in the US embassy in Tehran. At the time, the Colonel had offered to mediate. Using her notes from the same meeting with Colonel Gheddafi, Ms Fallaci published another interview in the Corriere della Sera on 20 April 1986, just after the Americans had bombed Tripoli.
    Colonel, I get the impression that your hatred for America and the Jews is actually a hatred of the West. Just like with Khomeini. Do you realise that this turns the clock back a thousand years, starting over again with Saladin and the Crusades?
    “Yes and the fault is yours, the Americans’ and the West’s. Back then it was your – the West’s – fault, too. It’s always you who massacre us. Yesterday, as it is today”.
    But who is massacring you today, where?
    “Did Libya invade Italy or was it Italy that invaded Libya? You attack us now as you did then. In other ways, with other systems, by supporting Israel, opposing Arab unity and our revolutions, frowning on Islam and calling us fanatics. We’ve been too patient with you. We’ve put up with your provocation for too long. If we hadn’t been so wise, we would have gone to war with you a thousand times. We didn’t because we think the use of force is a last resort for survival and because we have always been on the side of civilisation. After all, during the Middle Ages we civilised you. You were poor barbarians, primitive, savage creatures”.
    … and we were crying out for the light of your civilisation.
    “Yes, the light of our civilisation. The science you enjoy now is the science we taught you. The medicine you treat yourselves with is the medicine we gave you. It’s the same with the astronomy you know, the mathematics, the literature, the art…”.
    “Yes, even your religion comes from the East. Christ wasn’t a Roman”.
    He was a Jew. That’s a clanger. Colonel, what do you think about the Red Brigades?”
    Adolf’s “final solution”:

  12. Neo-AGW Progress Report.
    “Moscow Shivering In “Coldest Winter In 100 Years”
    By P Gosselin on 21. February 2011
    Minus 30°C for days…13°C below normal…homeless people dying…hands and feet are freezing…
    That’s what we are hearing from a few media outlets in Europe, those who have dared to mention the “cold-snap” word and to write about reality. It’s been cold in Scandinavia, much of Europe, North America and Russia too. Where’s all the warming? Heck, even the oceans are below normal.”
    “New Hampshire smacks down cap and trade”
    “The New Hampshire House of Representatives today voted overwhelmingly — 246 to 104 — for New Hampshire to become the first state to repeal an up-and-running global warming cap-and-trade energy tax system. The state senate is expected to follow suit with a similarly veto-proof repeal. The move has major implications both in the region and nationally.
    Since 2008, New Hampshire has been one of the 10 members of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a power plant-only cap-and-trade system that holds quarterly auctions requiring electric utilities to buy carbon dioxide permits. The cost of those permits is buried in the rate base and passed on to customers in the form of higher electricity prices. The tab is $28.2 million so far and rising — the state budget estimate for the next year jumped to $70 million in hidden energy taxes under the RGGI cap-and-trade program. Moreover, the program has become a honey pot for corrupt special interest giveaways to corporations, as a recent report from Grant Bosse of the Josiah Bartlett Center showed.

  13. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    Message to Bob Rae* flom Beijing:
    Bob, Send $$$$$… Hully, Bob, hully …. Launder the $$$$$ through CIDA’s KAIROS.
    Uncle Mo*.
    (Note to Moi Canadian fliends: Mo Strong* is Canadian Liberal leader Bob Rae’s* Uncle Maurice* (Mo) Strong.)
    “Chinese official dismisses “Jasmine” protest calls
    BEIJING (Reuters) – China will not succumb to the kind of unrest rocking authoritarian governments across the Middle East, a senior official said, though a rash of detentions and censorship suggest Beijing remains nervous.
    The comments by Zhao Qizheng, former head of the government’s information office, were Beijing’s most senior public response so far to online messages urging “Jasmine Revolution” protests.
    So far, protests in China have been small and overwhelmed by swarms of police.
    “There won’t be any Jasmine Revolution in China,” Zhao said, according to a report on Thursday in the Wen Wei Po, a Hong Kong-based newspaper under mainland Chinese control.
    Protesters in Tunisia forced out long-time President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in mid-January in what supporters called a “Jasmine Revolution.” It was swiftly followed by the fall of long-serving Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, with anti-government protests spreading to other countries in the region.
    “The idea that a Jasmine Revolution could happen in China is extremely preposterous and unrealistic,” Zhao told a group of reporters on Wednesday, said the paper.”

  14. Can you say Golden Yoke/Choke?

    100 anti-government protesters will show up to be stoned in the streets.

    King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia announced financial support measures, worth an estimated
    SR135bn ($36bn), in a bid to avert the kind of popular unrest that has toppled leaders across the region and is now closing in on Libya’s Muammer Gaddafi.
    Also the cash-rich Saudi government has pledged to spend $400bn by the end of 2014 to improve education, infrastructure and healthcare. “The king is trying to create wider trickle- down of wealth in the shape of social welfare,’’ said John Sfakianakis, chief economist at Banque Saudi Fransi.
    The measures includes a 15 per cent salary rise for public employees to offset inflation, reprieves for imprisoned debtors, and financial aid for students and the unemployed.

    (Maybe if we gave the unions half of the Fort Knox gold they would let us live in peace?)

  15. (Someone mentioned “underwear”/”fish poop”?)
    O’s Unsafe Houses.
    O’s Flee Party: Democrats Flee from Democracy.
    Meanwhile, at the O’White House: Hello … hello … he….
    “It all feels very spylike,”.
    “Life on the Run For Democrats In Union Fights”
    CHICAGO — By now, Jon Erpenbach, one of 14 Democratic state senators on the run from Wisconsin, has switched hotels in this city three times, a necessity, he says, as word kept slipping out about where he was staying.
    At first it was unsettling: the essentials were forgotten — extra slacks, socks, even underwear — in a last-minute race to get south of the state line. But gradually the lawmakers restocked, thanks to packages delivered by family members and trips to discount stores.
    And while they seem to be adjusting to the rhythms of life on the lam, they are still trying to come to grips with being part of a sudden Democratic diaspora that everyone knows about but that the lawmakers themselves do not want to reveal. Speaking by telephone, many of them will say merely that they are staying “somewhere in northern Illinois,” in hotels or homes or something else, together or separately or both.
    “It all feels very spylike,” said Senator Chris Larson,”.

  16. This poll could use some help:
    It asks: “Would you be willing to pay a carbon tax to help fight climate change?
    The report was commissioned by the Public Policy Forum and Sustainable Prosperity, which are both headquartered in Ottawa. “…key finding is that twice as many Canadians as Americans support both a cap-and-trade system for industry and the idea of paying a carbon tax of up to $50 a month.”
    I read the actual report (as usual the wording of the questions is designed to produce the desired answers). What it actually asked was: of those who believed global warming was a problem, how much would they be willing to pay to help fight climate change. 28% of those respondents said they would pay up to $50 a year (not a month). Some deluded twits, who obviously don’t pay their own bills (7%) said they would be willing to pay $500 and more a year.

  17. Contradiction from leftist MSM.
    Firstly this:
    >>> “Election Will Herald a New Era in Ireland”.
    Then, this:
    >>> “But the hands of the next government will be tied by the European Union, whose multi-billion bailout gives it power over the nation’s fate.”
    Socialism at work.
    “Rage against the Political Machine”
    Election Will Herald a New Era in Ireland
    When the Irish vote in the country’s general election on Friday, they will be keen to punish those politicians they see as responsible for the country’s sorry state. But the hands of the next government will be tied by the European Union, whose multi-billion bailout gives it power over the nation’s fate.”

  18. Effih’ unionista idiots.
    “a bit that was designed to compare the union protests in Madison with the ones happening in Cairo.”
    Where are the banshee howls of outrage/protest from ASPCA/PETA?
    “Video: ‘Daily Show’ Camel Stunt Goes Awry Ecorazzi”
    “The Daily Show: Camel Stunt Turned Rescue Effort – What Were They Thinking? Gather.com”
    “Camel Eats It for Madison Daily Show Stunt Newser”
    “Dumb Daily Show Camel Stunt Goes Bad (VIDEO)
    Post Chronicle – Mitch Marconi – ‎7 hours ago‎
    During their coverage of the huge labor protests in Madison, Wisconsin, Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” thought it would be funny to add some camel humor to the proceedings. The TV show brought a camel to the Wisconsin Capitol on Monday for a bit … ”

  19. Mao Stlong’s nephew & Akin/MSM & Gaddlafy: clones, er clowns.
    “Bob Rae blasts Harper ‘jihadis’
    Toronto Sun – David Akin”
    “Gaddafi blames uprising on al-Qaeda”

  20. Liberal Iggy’s buddy, Liberal Bob Rae, is an enemy of Canada & Canadians.
    Down with Liberal Bob Rae & his Liberals.
    “Harper ‘jihadis’ forcing civil service to stick to Conservative script: Rae
    National Post – Mark Kennedy”
    “‘Jihad’ bomb plot trageting Bush busted in Texas”
    “Toronto Sun – James Vicini, Jeremy Pelofsky – ‎29 minutes ago‎
    A 20-year-old Saudi student has been arrested in Texas in a bomb plot that may have targeted former President George W. Bush, nuclear plants and dams, US authorities said Thursday.”
    “Video: Texas Student Arrested in Bombing Plot The Associated Press”
    “Saudi man charged with plotting terrorist attack Maximum Edge”

  21. “There are earthquakes and earthquakes. From such as hit Christchurch … quick recovery is possible. But from the one triggered by the Enlightenment idea, that man must take the place of God, the hecatombs are still piling.”

  22. Update: Liberal Iggy’s Bob Rae & Mohammedanism.
    Here are Liberal Bob Rae’s ‘jihadis’.
    Mohammedanism is “jihadis”.
    Down with Liberal Rae & his Liberals.
    “Norway: Muslim woman in burka runs amok with knife, stabs woman on street, attacks cars
    ‘A woman in a black burka went nuts on the streets of Norway. She attacked cars with an iron rod **and slashed a female pedestrian with a knife before police arrived on the scene and subdued her.
    ‘The victim suffered **cuts to the ear and face** [hmm – did the Muslim woman aim for the jugular – ‘strike at their necks’ – and miss? – dda}, and was transported to the emergency room in the city center.
    ‘Police responded to calls initially reporting that it was a male perpetrator wearing a burka but it did, indeed, turn out to be a woman. Police report that she is ‘unbalanced.’ – I’ll say! Report in Norwegian here”.
    “Spain rampage: (Muslim) Man stabs at least nine on Ibiza
    A man wielding a knife has wounded at least nine people at random on the Spanish holiday island of Ibiza.
    The stabbings began in a supermarket in the main town, Sant Antoni, then continued in nearby streets.
    The alleged attacker, a 41-year-old Moroccan man, is now in police custody.
    At least four of those stabbed were reported to be seriously wounded, including one man who was knifed in the neck. The victims’ identities are not yet known.
    (Excerpt) Read more at bbc.co.uk …

  23. Mike Ignatieff,yesterday.

    The Liberal leader would not discuss the budget with Prime Minister Stephen Harper. At least that’s Michael Ignatieff said yesterday during a visit to Montreal. “I’m not in politics to negotiate with Mr. Harper. I am in politics to replace him, “he said.

    Michael Ignatieff,he didn’t come back for you.
