13 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. I don’t think what the Union guy said really stands up to scrutiny. I mean, If he’s interested in ****ing the camera man in the ***, wouldn’t that make him the ******? That’s just sense.
    Scratch a Leftist, find a violent misogynist. (Stolen from I can’t remember who.)

  2. We should compile a list of “Scratch a leftist…” quips. I’m sure we could make a book as there would be enough examples. We could donate the proceeds to a conservative cause of some kind.

  3. Mamba- I watched the outburst on Fox, and had the same thought. His threat seemed to indicate he was the fa**ot, not the cameraman. Of course, he could be an ex-con. The act has a slightly different significance in prison. In there they just do it to see the look on your face.

  4. That guy doesn’t know what the word homophobe means. He is of the “Deliverance” brand of sodomy. Squeal like a pig indeed.

  5. Unions and thugs go together pumpkin pie and ice cream. Speaking of which…time for night lunch.

  6. otoh, could it be the homophobe is a right wing union busting plant from outside?
    it has happened before you know. just sayin’….
    my views of rogue union action happened *after* the last big postal strike in the 90s when unionboy and gang barricaded a post office box repository somewhere on Hamilton Mountain district in an attempt to drag things out and make more demands. seems they weren’t happy with the settlement. unionboy rules apparently apply to everyone but unionboy.
    I called up the CUPW headquarters and told them if they ever tried something like that with me I would *literally* break some arms.
    goddamm thugs.

  7. Lefties generally seem to be a pretty freaky bunch. I mean, look at the trolls we get here.
    On the Lefty blogs I’ve long noticed any kind of comment not in 110% support of the thread proposition is met with all manner of slurs featuring mostly homosexuality. I don’t bother even talking to them any more, its impossible to pierce the force field of filth.
    Then there’s the unforgivable stuff they say to the girl bloggers. Guaranteed beat-down in any bar in Ontario, but there they are frothing away like its all just fine. Gotta be pretty twisted up in the ol’ cranial cavity there to even invent some of that, much less say it to somebody.
    But I LOVE IT when these clowns have a Tourettes moment like that out where everybody can see them. I think this entire Wisconsin/Rhode Island/Idaho thing is like a big, beautiful rip-off-the-sheets moment in history when the whole of Western Civilization can get a good hard look at what the unions have become, and for the first time in 60 years make a truly -informed- decision about them.
