58 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. Too true. I sure noticed the feminization of our school system when my sons were younger. As the Captian says, our time will come again but it sure isn’t gonna be pretty…lacy curtains aside.

  2. “Besides, if nobody is going to listen, then imagining I’m on the wild west frontier in Red Dead Redemption is much more fun than yelling into a hurricane.”
    RDR really is a heck of a fine way to tune in and drop out.
    John Marston is the man, oh yeah.
    I haven’t had much time to play it lately since I got a new puppy.
    ISAIAH Chapter 3
    12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and WOMEN rule over them.
    O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

  3. The photos of G.W.Bush and R.Reagan cutting brush with chain saws are good too… oh, and S.Harper with the Porter Cable air nailer… 0

  4. Like I said to my wife when she left and told me she wanted a divorce; “Be careful what you wish for ’cause when you get it, it may not be exactly what you thought it would be and by the time you realise it, it will be to late.”

  5. A lot could be achieved by two simple steps: 1) give the family bread-winner the same deductions for dependent spouse and offspring as were available in the 1950’s and early 60’s; and, give the ‘non-working’ spouse the credit due him/her for working long hours doing the non-fun bits and doing the family volunteer hours without credit.

  6. Unfortunately the die is cast and we will have to live with the results, until something not pretty comes along.

  7. its what I think of Victoria BC shopping ,
    “ending the recession one doily at a time”.
    actually right now Im in the shadow of the Burj Kalifa and just spent a half day in the Dubai mall. very strange , a little bit of America transplanted into the middle of nowhere.lots of people walking the mall but very few buying , lots of staff, mostly asian transplants that dont display the usual gusto of the souks .
    still formulating my opinion of the place,
    Vegas East without the gambling?
    ps , in another generation we may have won, there is a whole next generation of robed late teens walking around in Raiders and Packers hats.and the black robed young girls have fancy trim on their outfits. whole stores full of Burkas with gold embroidary, its a start.

  8. Mark Steyn uses the term the pansification of Western Civilization as to why it’s existence is imperiled.
    In Europe, “liberated” women choosing to have less than the replacement number of children have consigned it to turning into Eurabia with sharia law in a generation and a half.
    When Arnold S. uses the term “girly men” people think he’s trying to be funny. It’s satire, a dark humour, sad but true.

  9. After seeing Obama with the curtains. It occurred to me , you really don’t know what people truly yearn for. Obama may just have wanted to be a Ballerina in Swan Lake.
    Instead he’s become a political cartoon .Roadrunner comes to mind, & he ain’t the bird.
    Fred Astaire – Puttin’ On the Ritz
    Just substitute Obamas name.

  10. Women rule best rocking the cradle.
    I know that’s a cliche, but there’s usually a lot of truth in cliches.
    Recognizing, increasingly, that there’s no one home and because of that, we’re bringing up generation after generation of little outta-my-way-barbarians with attitude, I was thinking the end of that thought was going to be, “we need to encourage moms to bring up their own kids.
    When women mother their own children, they have a very high incentive to instill respect and responsibility into them. If we’re left alone to do it, one thing that women are good at is preparing their children for the real world.
    As it is, too many of women are working for the man and leaving their children’s futures in the hands of total strangers. We can see where that’s taking us.

  11. I have always said that if it weren’t for the need to attract a mate, most men would live by the river with a gun on the wall of the hut, and be quite happy. I think that Aristotle Onassis said the same thing, in so many words.

  12. It is funny this article comes up and is being mentioned , I have recently (over the last year or so) herd and spoken to women at my work place who voluntarily admit they want to be kept women. They are wishing they could reject the “equality crap” as they realize a mans job is far more difficult than they thought and don’t like getting up and leaving the house to go to work every single day and yes even weekends sometimes.
    This is not a small portion of women folks i ma starting to here more and more women admit this in other places to.
    I will pose the question so what would you rather do go to university get a degree and work you whole life or find a man and stay at home and raise a family with an over whelming majority saying. If i could find a good man i would love to , i say the same thing to men and they say the same thing if i could find a woman i could trust i would love to have “the griswalds family thing” . More and more i am hereing men and women wanting to leave the lawyers table and start sitting together at the kitchen table …but you see as long as the lefties have any say about it jobs is key and divorce lawyers and all of that whole industry depends on failed marriges . We will see what the future holds.
    I have a good christian women and before we even got engaged i posed the questions to here to see here reaction and to test here integrity , i said baby what if i got drunk and beat the pi!ss out of you one night , she said well you would be in alot of trouble mister but if your trying to figure out if i wouldl eave you i would never do such a terrible thing , she went on to quote jesus in scripture saying “a man leaves his mother and father to be with his wife and they become one in the flesh” . in other words for me to abuse my wife is like abusing myself or the lord iti s wrong but can be forgiven .
    It now theh ealing time folks we need to start to reconcile and if i had myway marrige counceling pre marital councelling all of that would be free paid for by the govornment and all the rest would be out of poket like divorce and so on .
    It is to easy now we need to change the laws here in canada to fault divorce , not no fault divorce essentially you are nulifying the whole meaning of marrige and in canada i want to see that change .

  13. Paul: “they want to be kept women.”?
    No problem. It’s nothing new.
    “a wandering stranger who urges the women of Thebes to renounce civic order as the equivalent of unbearable tyranny and to desert their city for the sake of orgiastic Amazonism in the surrounding countryside.”
    “The Bacchae.”
    “In the twilight of the polis-phase of Greek existence, in the aftermath of the catastrophic wars between Athens and Sparta, and under the looming shadow of Macedonian hegemony, Euripides draws a picture of a state in precipitous dissolution, gripped by a combination of religious mania and petulant rebellion against the limitations of civic life. The source of the crisis is the siren-call of a wandering stranger who urges the women of Thebes to renounce civic order as the equivalent of unbearable tyranny and to desert their city for the sake of orgiastic Amazonism in the surrounding countryside. In the scene that has piqued Schwartz’s imagination and which forecasts his argument, Agave, daughter of Cadmus and mother of Pentheus, the reigning king, has just murdered her son under the mad delusion that he was a lion, and she is displaying the trophy of her kill, a severed head, for her sire to see.
    Cadmus, founder of Thebes and its first king, replies in an upwelling of anguish: “Fair is the victim thou hast offered to the gods, inviting me and my Thebans to the feast. Ah, woe is me first for thy sorrows, then for mine.” Yet Cadmus himself is not guiltless in the enormity, for he too has felt the allure of the antinomian cult, donning the goatskin to dance with the women in the Bacchanals. Even Pentheus, seeking to restore order, had yielded to prurient curiosity; he let himself be persuaded to spy on the mountainside orgies and thereby fell into the Bacchants’ homicidal clutches.”
    “Society Against Itself: Howard Schwartz On The Suicide Of Western Civilization”

  14. It seems I have spent my life more or less as a reflective observer….with mixed results….conn artists get the best of us……..
    Most travellors have noticed the female border officials are the most abusive….actually they are the product of that culture…they are all a$$holes on a power trip regardless their gender. It’s just that our chauvanism is more offended when it’s a chick.
    Yeah chauvanism…..however you distill it, the effects of nurture are present….
    Back in the day….some female USAF colonel anticipated friction and had an arabic speaking officer on duty on the arming apron. This is the area where ordinance is hung on the aircraft and armed. The ordinance is hung by guys and the arming is generally done by female specialists.
    Enter Achmad the aweful….his sensibilities disturbed by females garbed as guys doing guy stuff.
    2 incidents the first….Achmad got interdicted by a formidable male chief….Achmad went away mad…..but didn’t learn anything….
    The second, he hauled off to back-hand a female specialist and got floored. I helped him up and said “Now ya see what we have to put up with.”
    Achamad was not angry but very intent on sympathizing me in what he perceived was my cross to bear.
    I succeeded in diplomatically defusing the situation…my job. But Achmad left the gals alone after that….
    BTW…the reason the female armourers(armorers) were doing that was because they were the best….and they really were.
    Like I say nature or nuture are both givens to be accomodated not overcome….
    Tain’t right…tain’t wrong…it just is….

  15. I’m at the stage where I just want the best candidate hired.
    The Feds have ‘Woman’s Day’ where anyone can go and listen to topics that affect women. At first I thought it was a pretty good thing. They learned about retirement planning etc. and had value.
    I think it was the second year where all the women went and chortled about the guys being at work. They felt we should resent that. I replied it was quiet, we got a lot of work done because we got the instruments when we needed them and no speed bumps.
    Year three they figured out most stayed until after the free lunch then buggered off for the rest of the day. After that it was limited to the number that could go from each section. I think it was because the men were happy.

  16. SEE!
    Blacks can be slave owners too!
    What did O get paid to do that job? It’s not in his job description.

  17. Go to any Canadian hospital and watch the armies of women rushing about. Then ponder the results being generated by this army.
    An ever increasing percentage of the new physician cohort every year is women. Men are presently less than half, will soon be less than a quarter.
    How’s that working out for us?

  18. batb, well said @ 6:27
    Phantom, it is not working out that well. In Saskatchewan we are having trouble keeping physicians in the small town areas. One of the stats that came up in a local discussion about fixing the problem was that women doctors do not put in as much time as men do due to having other interests. Consequently, this translates in them seeing fewer patients and therefore the physician shortage is exacerbated.

  19. Hmmm. Interesting ideas but I don’t buy it. Guys, if you yielded the field so easily, you’re girly guys. You figure the deck is stacked against you (and in family court matters, I agree) organize and fight back. Or is “teaming up” an “unguy” thing to do? You’ll find many women willing to back you if you need support. I have seen many examples of the opposite–the guy willing to be supported so he could booze and hang out with the guys or party. They were drones and happy to be so.
    As far as nurturing and mothering and not raising your own kids…I don’t see why this can’t be a shared enterprize. The family is better off if both parents pitch in and raise the kids. However you divide up the jobs, working outside the home, chores, child-rearing, it should be a family decision. One could go farther back in history than the nostalgia tinged “man is the breadwinner and master in his house” when the entire family unit was involved in making a living: the family farm, a family business. In those days, neither parent went “out” to work. Is that the ideal then? A sort of clan society. Perhaps. But no matter what sort of society you have, it tends to work for some and not for others.
    The feminization of schools–again I agree. Initially (I’m going back to my aunt’s time) it was one of the few careers available to women. It wasn’t particularly well-paid then, but women saw it as an opportunity to escape their own bonds of poverty and dependence. It’s only in the last couple of decades that they began to dominate both in numbers and in power–again, men yielded the ground partly because there were far more attractive and lucrative opportunities open to them. Men moved on, and women created their own little fiefdoms. Now to be acceptable in schools, you have to be a woman, or neutered. This needs to be addressed and changed. There are eloquent writers, Barbara Kay being one, who argue this.
    I agree that men are now discriminated against in just many aspects of society, and I think it is causing all sorts of social strain. But it’s not something that can be solved by brandishing a stick, sulking, shouting and blaming the feminists. Organize. Run for office. Don’t let yourselves be crowded out of politics and academia. Where is the power now? Go for it.

  20. I agree with Captain, and I’ve been saying so for like ever.
    I’ve also said that if you listen closely to rap music that you can understand my generation’s and those that followed relationship with women. It’s the only venue I’m aware of that men have had the opportunity to speak their minds about this issue. Listen to rap, it’s the unfiltered truth of the perspective of the black man since the 80’s. And the fact is, that the experience’s of black men are very similar to that of all other men, and is why the music crosses racial barriers.
    I’d also like to add, that I think there’s something to be said about the “it’s North American Women who suck”. I’ve joked in the past(with my wife) that if I’m ever in the market, I’d strongly consider “mail order”. Also, black men tend to look for white girls when the “get on” because of the abuse they see their dads take from black women. It’s the same concept.Quite frankly, boys & men cannot trust women today, and it’s nothing personal, it’s self preservation. The deck is stacked so much against boys/men that you put too much at risk trusting a woman implicitly; no matter how great the dame is. This is why I’ve often said, and have no qualms about it, that I’m “thankful I have girls”. I would not look forward to raising a boy in the current circumstances, but I do hope my girls find great ones.
    Even myself, as much as I love my wife, and she loves me (I hope), I still am at grave risk of having my life swept from under me at my wife’s whim; at least until my kids are grown. With one phone call, the wheels of destruction can start rolling beyond the control of any man. For me, this is a risk that I’ve chosen and accepted as worth it.

  21. Rita,
    Not to be insulting, but you live in a make-believe world. What man who would honestly state that his political platform is based on putting the power back to men and taking away the perceived legal “rights” (with respect to divorce and child custody) of women would even get a chance to get his name on a ballot? Imagine the attacks from the media, feminists and castrated males. The only way to “turn back the clock” on all this is if all the men in Canada (and the US) decided to break the laws that have been put in place over the last 40 years. Furthermore, imagine how long an elementary school would survive if its stated purpose was to teach boys to excel in academics–how quickly would funding be cut from a school such a this, not to mention the inability to find male and female teachers who haven’t bought into the pervasive “all boys have ADHD unless they act like girls” idea.
    I hope I am wrong, but the only way to “right this boat” is through means which are not conducive to a peaceful and law-abiding society. You can’t “unring a bell” unless you totally destroy the bell, the bell-tower and anybody who wants to make even a small bell. And even then somebody would still remember what the bell sounded like.

  22. “She was supposed to buy your Shorty Tyco wit’yo money
    She went to the doctor got Lipo wit’yo money
    She walk around looking like Michael wit’yo money
    Shoulda got that insured Geico wit’yo money”~Kanye West

  23. Rita
    In my view, today the majority of people (not white guys) have no interest in listening to what ‘white guys’ have to say. As men, we are resigned to let things play-out and let the naive demographic learn by letting history repeat itself. I’ve said before that if WGs were socialists, women and blacks would be voting for Stephen Harper in lock step. You Rita yourself are a victim of the Leftist indoctrination of women in the 60s,70s, & 80s although you will likely deny it. That’s what indoctrination does. Today, women my wife’s age and younger see through the victimhood nonsense you’re spewing. There are many “girly men” around, but “girly men” are not the reason the pendulum has swung so far into Femzoid Retardville. The reason is because women have an overwhelming amount of political power, and the women from the generations I mentioned before have been easily duped to giving-up their liberties and freedoms because of the large responsibility granted to an undereducated class. That being you!
    The bottom line is, feminism IS the largest culprit for the societal and economic woes of our time. Feminism has FORCED women out of the home to pay for the BULL$HIT women spent the last 50+ years voting for.
    This is nothing personal Rita, but you are constantly on the wrong side of an issue because you seem to allow your emotions dominate the conservative logical side of your personality. I’m willing to bet that you spent most of your life voting for Left-wing parties and social justice. I bet it’s only been recently (since Reform) that you’ve had your somewhat conservative enlightenment. Am I right? Besides your social conservative views, I can’t think of any conservative/libertarian thing you’ve stood for.JMO
    Please don’t take this the wrong way Rita. I know my comments often come-off harsh. I’m just trying to have an open dialog without having to fear being called names or being taken as angry.

  24. How come some of the most left-wing people I’ve ever met are men? I had the pleasure of a man who I’ve known my whole life tell me he thinks that we don’t pay enough taxes. I almost puked.
    Of course, maybe that’s because women don’t discuss politics – probably because they personalize EVERYTHING and would take a difference of opinion as a complete insult and never speak to you again. I agree that lots of women vote with their feelings without rational thought process but what are the men’s excuses for voting leftwing? PS I’ll try to refrain from painting all with one brush if you do.

  25. I repeat what I said @ 12:51 am.
    favill has a point @11:18 am, it would be suicide for a prospective male politician to advocate a return to balance. Look what happens even to a female politician such as Sara Palin who favour a return to balance in the laws.
    Actually I think rita and Indiana are essentially saying the same thing, just expressing it differently.
    To expand on what Indiana talks about @ 11:15, I have noticed a considerable quantity of Eastern European ads while doing research on various history sites for women wanting western husbands. There are many reasons for this I suppose. There are actually a few men in our area of Saskatchewan who have acquired Russian wives.

  26. kg
    You have to separate the intellectual masters(guys like Bill Clinton) who know full well the ends to their destructive means, from those who follow these slick talkers and have drank the Kool-Aid. The Willy’s of the world benefit by being part of the elite class. The Kool-Aid drinking men were typically losers and anathema to women growing-up so they’ve neutered themselves, in an attempt to get-in on the “friend” level, with hopes of getting a little somethin somethin down the road. This is also why you’ll find the highest density of these homos working in woman dominated fields. Throw the other men working in the public sector and you sway the vote hard left with little hope of coming back.
    Today, young women are seeing the light which would swing things back into proper balance; and this is why you see the desperate push from the Leftists to fill the “Naive Voting Bloc” vacuum with undereducated foreigners and illegal aliens. It’s simple arithmetic.

  27. Rita. Not objecting to your optimism, but lemme lay it out for you.
    When I first applied to PT school in Canada, UofT had ~100 seats in first year. Six (6) of those seats were filled by men. Four of them were openly gay. UofT had just finished up being -successfully- sued by a man who was denied entrance to the PT program even though he had superior credentials and marks.
    At that time I met the women who were running the program, and without making any unsubstantiated claims let’s just say I understood the reason for the situation.
    They run the Ontario College of PT too. Kinda scary.
    So I -left the country-. Fled. Got my Masters degree and license in the good ol’ USA at a private college. Paid money, in other words. Worked as a PT, did just fine thanks. Until it was time to come home to Canaduh.
    The PT I personally go to in Ontario is a -man-. An Egyptian man as it happens, best PT I know and very successful he is too. I drive an hour to go to his clinic, a measure of the regard I have for his skilz, as it were.
    He tells me things. The money is crap, the taxes and fees are astronomical, and the niggling aggravation factor would try the patience of a saint.
    But the real killer is, he is one (1) complaint away from ruin. One single hypochondriac woman complains about him to the College in a determined fashion, and he’s done like dinner. It matters not if the complaint has merit or no, the process will kill his business deader than a mackerel.
    Bottom line, I can do that job with my eyes shut, but not in this regulatory environment where being male is two and a half strikes against you all by itself. You even breath funny and you’re getting the Ministry anal exam.
    This is not a situation I’m willing to put myself in. I’d have to be crazy. I’d sooner scrape paint.
    Therefore I go Galt. And so has pretty near every other guy who is a PT or even thought about being one. Think about that the next time some incompetent chick slaps a hot pack on your owie for five minutes, zaps you with 2 minutes of ultrasound, hands you a sheet of exercises and calls it done. And charges you $100 for it.

  28. Indiana, you may have something there when you say “young women are seeing the light which would swing things back into proper balance”. I recently saw on TV or read in media, can’t remember now, and it is actually a little disgusting (my wife agreed) in some ways to our modern sensibilities, but maybe expresses an underlying female need. Apparently young women are emailing, or whatever communication method they use, that they want to be so and so’s b*tch.
    This is sad, but the Naomi Klein’s are reaping what they sowed. But of course, they would not see it that way.

  29. Phantom, this is why so many guys are driving truck at Ft. McMurray rather than sitting in class at U of Something. It is not worth the hassle.

  30. Exactly Oz, nothing new under the sun.
    ISAIAH Chapter 3
    12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and WOMEN rule over them.
    O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

  31. Welding, Ken. Welding. Metalwork is the future for men in Canada these days, my young nephews are all into it.
    One major reason is because its a dirty, filthy, hard-ass profession and affirmative-action placed women students drop out 99% of the time. The 1% who stick at it usually turn out ok.
    University, unless you want to really be a no-kidding scholar or scientist (and make no money for life) is a complete waste of time. And I say that as a guy with 6 years in. Complete frickin’ waste.

  32. One poster mentioned about going into hospitals and see the legions of women in there, how about post secondary colleges?
    I was a token male there for a bit and butted heads with the female dept dean and her air head humanatics degreed friend they brought in to train teachers how to recognize colours in students. Meaning personalities.
    We did colour tests and all the budding girly men instructors were giggling in the seminars and group hug therapy’s we did.
    Needless to say my contract wasn’t renewed and the college is catering more to nurses and admin assistants than tech classes, even though they were always full 12+ students.

  33. As one who has on occasion been asked to give pre or post wedding counseling I stress the importance of the husband being the head of the house in those sessions. I tell the husband to gently, lovingly rule over his wife. I tell the wife to graciously and lovingly accept the rule of her husband. Of those who have attempted to follow my advice almost all are still happily married to the same spouse. Of those who rejected my counsel over 50% have at least one divorce on their record.

  34. One day I was flipping channels and stopped to watch some kind of “teachers convention”. They were all women and they spent all their time talking about how to empower girls in the classroom and to take time out to help the girls. Now I’ve seen first hand how they do this in real life. If a boy asks a question their isn’t enough time to answer as the class is moving too slow. If a girl asks a question the world stops so they can answer and explain the answer. Eventually the boys stop asking questions. The boys grades suffer and the girls get great grades.

  35. I couldnt agree more joe my wife knows and happily accepts her role in the house she works full time simply because we have not be lucky enough to have a child yet after 6 months of marrige but you are 100% correct she is very happy with me and my decision making abilities and if she disagrees i listen to her idea and yes sometimes she is right and we do it her way but most of the time 90% she goes with what i suggest she knows her role and won’t have it anytother way .

  36. johnbrooks, ever noticed there’s no shop class in high school anymore? Ever wonder why?
    No male teachers. That’s why.
    Community college, men teach the trades courses that I’ve been in. I’ll admit a couple of them looked like they bat for the other team.

  37. “that they want to be so and so’s b*tch.”
    I’m not certain of the context, but in my world the word “biatch” doesn’t necessarily have a negative connotation. Men and women are commonly referred to as “niggas and b**ches”. Nobody in the ‘know’ is offended. Here are a couple of links to proove my point. The song “Me and my B**ch” was my ex-girlfriends favourite rap song and our theme song. Dirty language aside, Biggie loves his “b**ch”.
    Also, here’s a bit from Chris Rock(remixed) about women who loveHip Hop

  38. A happy old couple were celbrating their 60th wedding anniversary.
    The local paper (the New Serepta Tire and Girdle) of course interviewed the charming pair.
    The reporter asked what was the secret to their success, and to what they credited the longevity of their blessed union.
    “I’ll take that!” said the old boy leaning forward and raising a hand.
    “When we first started, I told her I will make all the important decisions” he said proudly.
    A loaded silence followed, during which the female reported glanced over at the old boys wife.
    She just smiled.
    The young reporter quickly tried to gather her thoughts, since she had not expected, nor ever encountered such non pc compliant speech before.
    Stalling for time she threw out “And how did that work out for you?”
    “Well,” the old boy continued with a impish grin, “real well actually.”
    “Turns out so far there have not been any important ones…”

  39. Jim – The main reason so many woman managers fizzle is because they have never been trained – the same reason male managers so frequently fail.
    I have sisters who have worked for female managers, and they both say they prefer to work for male managers, and are quite vehement in that opinion.
    Anyone who feels uncomfortable in any of the roles required of professional, ethical, management, should not be in management. A keen zest to ” lead “, or achieve a higher status position, or make more money, is nowhere close to sufficient qualification to be chosen to manage people.

  40. (As men, we are resigned to let things play-out and let the naive demographic learn by letting history repeat itself.) I think that’s rather sad.
    (You Rita yourself are a victim of the Leftist indoctrination of women in the 60s,70s, & 80s although you will likely deny it.) You know nothing about me. You’re projecting your own bias.
    (The women from the generations I mentioned before have been easily duped to giving-up their liberties and freedoms because of the large responsibility granted to an undereducated class. That being you!) That made me laugh out loud. You know I was a teacher because I write about it and that leads you to make assumptions about my education.
    (The bottom line is, feminism IS the largest culprit for the societal and economic woes of our time.) I would compare this society with those where women are kept properly in their place like…perhaps Libya or the Sudan. I don’t see their societies or economies thriving all that much.
    (This is nothing personal Rita, but you are constantly on the wrong side of an issue because you seem to allow your emotions dominate the conservative logical side of your personality.) Ha ha ha. That HAD to be tongue-in-cheek. Nice try though.
    (I’m willing to bet that you spent most of your life voting for Left-wing parties and social justice.) Wrong again. Never voted CCF. Never voted NDP. To my shame, I did vote Liberal because Trudeau was such a hottie. Hormones of course. And my dominating emotions.
    (Besides your social conservative views, I can’t think of any conservative…) That’s because you don’t read my posts. You just like to pick arguments on your own preferred topics and you just ignore the rest.
    (I know my comments often come-off harsh. I’m just trying to have an open dialog without having to fear being called names or being taken as angry.) That’s just self-indulgence. But no, I don’t take offense.

  41. Gaddafi’s World: Dionysus cult, aka Mohammedanism, aka Islam.
    Gad’s Amazon Guard.
    “It is said Gadhafi himself personally picks the lady killers, which has led to whispers of sexual shenanigans under the big top Col. Clown takes with him everywhere.”
    This statement, “The Mad Dog of Libya is no doubt crazy.”, betrays a lack of knowledge re Mohammedanism. See MadDog in Iran, Mahdi, etc.
    It’s not madness, it’s Mohammedanism.
    “A look at the ladies who guard Gadhafi”
    “The Mad Dog of Libya is no doubt crazy.
    But crazy as a fox, perhaps — his crack squad of personal bodyguards is made up of nothing but dozens of virgin women.
    In what appears to be the dying days of his bloody regime, Col. Moammar Gadhafi is likely hunkered down somewhere in Tripoli surrounded by his 40 female minders — known as the Amazon Guard.
    Those hoping to overthrow the loony colonel are going to have to go through V-Troop to get to him.
    And these trained killers, in high heels and lipstick, don’t mess around.
    In 1998, one of them was killed and seven others wounded in an ambush by Islamic terrorists.
    The dead gal reportedly threw herself across Gadhafi’s body and took several bullets.
    In 2003, the Amazon Guard — dressed in form-fitting desert camouflage uniforms and blue berets — moved into action when the boss got into a screaming match with Saudis at an Arab summit. It ended with much pushing and shoving as the lovely ladies did their job to protect the Big Man. No word on hair pulling.
    Last June, the gals formed a human shield around Col. Crazy in Rome when 900 women started booing because he doesn’t allow wives to drive without their hubby’s permission.
    In the ’80s, MoMo employed East German male bodyguards. But he grew to believe women were more trustworthy.
    The women were brought onboard in the 1990s as part of his plan to elevate female status in the Arab world.”
    (Pic of Gad’s crack squad included. Free.)

  42. Phantom, is PT referring to physiotherapy or some other medical training?
    I have brothers and nephews and many male students who encountered (and still encounter) exactly the situation you describe and it is wrong.
    And you are indeed vulnerable in the way you describe. Male teachers, especially in elementary schools, are similarly vulnerable. One hint or innuendo of improper behavior and you are toast.
    I did not mean to make light of the problems facing men today. But women and other groups won their advantage through political and social activism. It seems to be the way of it. Is it some sort of stoicism, stiff upper lip quality, that prevents guys from doing the same? It is so undignified to organize? (Actually it is. To look at any group of people shouting and waving banners and making fists and faces at TV cameras–it’s undignified.)
    But it does require political action and activism to change things.
    That was my initial point. There are definite wrongs. The pendulum has swung too far. It’s damaging to everyone. Lone voices, and complaints do not effect change. But organized voices do.
