58 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. “But it does require political action and activism to change things.”
    It shouldn’t. People fought and died for civil rights. It’s not that hard to do the right thing and insist that people respect civil rights. William F Buckley had a great term for making changes without having to bring in the PC Police. Ambient santions. If women want to “do the right thing” they should speak up everytime someone badmouths white males. They have fathers, brothers, uncles etc. Do they not realize that when they run down white males that they are running down their own family or allowing other people to run down their families?

  2. Rita, yes. PT = physiotherapy.
    “Lone voices, and complaints do not effect change. But organized voices do.”
    Yep. Welcome to the place of organized voices. Keep votin’ CPC.

  3. Firstly, I have no idea why rita has gotten so much flak on this thread for her comment @10:30, since nothing she said was particularly outrageous (to a conservative, I mean).
    Saith rita (initially quoting someone): “(The bottom line is, feminism IS the largest culprit for the societal and economic woes of our time.) I would compare this society with those where women are kept properly in their place like…perhaps Libya or the Sudan. I don’t see their societies or economies thriving all that much.”
    Indeed. We have a lot of problems but… let me put it this way; in the hierarchy of Political Correctness, are women at the top? Nowhere near.
    While it’s true that women in groups are absolutely appallingly bad at getting anything accomplished, that doesn’t mean that all women are idiots, and this “submitting” and “ruling” stuff is quite creepy. At the same time I emphatically do agree that our culture and legal (and “educational”) systems are entirely too feminized and anti-male.
    The sex war is as old as time, and there’s no justice in the pendulum swinging too far in either direction.
    Oh, Indy, if you’re still reading, I hope you won’t be offended (she said girlishly) if I say one typically girly thing in a typically girly way: It seems to me that you’ve taken lately – and I mean lately – to really attacking someone the second you disagree with him (or her). “undereducated class” is hardly how I’d describe rita. Consider that I wouldn’t mention it if I thought of you as just some random jerk.
    Sorry if this isn’t pithy – I usually aim for pith – as this isn’t a subject that lends itself to pithiness for me. Oh well, nobody’s reading this thread anymore anyway.

  4. The Phantom,I do what I can. I have supported colleagues who were being “swarmed” (that is, picked on because they didn’t toe the PC line). I vote, sometimes holding my nose, when the choice is between one smarmy politician and another. And I write letters to them to hold them to account–real letters. Not emails. I write other letters and comments here and there. I have several times commented on the feminization of our schools and how this is not only unfair, but also deprives society of the talents and contributions of an entire sector. These are minor efforts in the great scheme of things, but I work on the assumption that it is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness. It takes one person to say it, a few to say they agree and a few more to start thinking with a more open mind.
    All the best to you and your colleagues. I have had to depend on your help several times in my life.

  5. Black Mamba, as far as the pendulum swing, it seems to be the nature of things, that we veer towards one version of society or another. Certain movements such as feminism gather momentum that propels them beyond what is just and beneficial. Then all sorts of entrenchment occurs to protect the territory gained and they keep hacking away to gain more. Regardless, no matter what system we’re discussing, there are entire cohorts who plot to remake society into some version of their own ideals. Some would turn dogs into vegetarians. That sort of thing. And they have so much invested in believing in a particular way, they are not capable of modulation or nuance.
