38 Replies to “Marketing Campaigns Of The Apocalypse”

  1. Since my wife breastfed both our kids who turned out great, I have nothing bad to say about mother nature’s best but to commercialize it seems a bit tacky. And yeah, I’ve tried it and is different but then I wouldn’t think of a commercial use for it. It is almost heading towards the harvesting of human organs for profit but not quite. Then again, we do sell our blood…
    put me down as undecided, I guess.

  2. “Then again, we do sell our blood…”
    I can’t give mine away. Because of the Mad Cow Disease.

  3. “Marketing Campaigns of the Apocalypse” is no exageration. This is Satan himself giving God the finger.

  4. This actually DOES make sense.
    In times past the wealthier crowd used to employ the services of a wet-nurse to take care of that oh so mundane task of feeding their infants ’till weaning time…(as much as three to four years),so this news doesn’t tax the imagination all that much as in the modern Nanny State there are so many who have no desire to grow up and be responsible contributing citizens.
    Interesting tho’ how the line that clearly separated humans from other animals (livestock for one) continues to dwindle at an alarming rate.
    Its my guess that this will all tie in nicely with the eventual degradation of human life to the point of slavery and termination without the least compunction
    Darker times ahead!

  5. “Are you ready to order?”
    I’ll have the bratwurst smothered in pink snapper, a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti. And I’d like to see your dessert menu.

  6. If I recall the most expensive coffee on earth is made from coffee beans which have been recovered from some obscure monkey/cat feces—-after the critter had eaten the coffee beans in the wild.
    I cannot see the difference…..in principle….

  7. I don’t know what to say that has not been already said above other than things just seem to be becoming more pathetic or is it that due to today’s media capabilities we hear and see everything almost immediately.

  8. Well, at least it’s from ‘free range’ boobies.
    How do you know whether they wear bras or not?!

  9. It will go over big in muzzie land. Comes with a certificate of “I’m related to her, don’t kill me”

  10. What do you expect from a nation so used to being fed everything by the teat of government?
    Airstrip One.

  11. We discovered that our second son was lactose intolerant while being breast fed. He would throw up several times a week, until my wife found that by cutting out all dairy intake herself, he quit vomiting. Who knows what else might be transmitted into breast milk? I think best to steer clear.

  12. I take it the milk is scanned for umm, impurities. Meaning the doner isn’t high on cocaine or anything…

  13. Free-range breast milk. From free-range women … I’m guessing. How is that even possible in New Shariastan? I’ll have to ask the imam. While I’m there, I’ll also ask him what is the difference between a slimwa and a fatwa.

  14. Back on Grampa’s dairy farm there were Holsteins and Ayrshires, for milk and there were Jerseys and Guernseys for cream. Does it take a special breed of woman to produce special products?

  15. “Organic Breast Milk” would mean milk from boobs-without-silicone? And hand-milked, not machine-milked? 😉
