Reader Tips

Kinda interesting:

A Sequence of Lines Consecutively Traced by Five Hundred Individuals is an online drawing tool that lets users do just one thing – trace a line. Each new user only sees the latest line drawn, and can therefore only trace this latest imperfect copy. As the line is reproduced over and over, it changes and evolves – kinks, trembling motions and errors are exaggerated through the process.

Watch it here.
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37 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Robert Stacy McCain posts a video showing angry union/Leftist pointing her finger at a man and hollering “I will say this right now: you are a bad Jew”.
    “This is a woman utterly convinced that she is on the side of Good and Right, and that anyone on the other side must therefore be an agent of Evil and Wrong, which is why she does not hesitate to condemn the FreedomWorks supporter (as) a bad Jew. And the fact that she has worked herself up into this paroxysm of fury on behalf of the AFL-CIO . . . How do you even begin to talk sense to such a person?”

  2. infinity from the War Graves Commission
    “In this particular case, the Commission is taking care to choose a grave where such information does not exist, and received Canada’s assurance that it would not seek to identify nor assist anyone attempting to identify the unknown soldier.”

  3. Speedy – thanks for that (really, I’m not be sarcastic). I am not suggesting that graves should be dug up, they found remains (not in a grave) and now they are giving them a burial.

  4. You don’t need 500 individuals; you just need a Brownie Pack. Assemble said pack in Powwow and do whisper game. Brown Owl whispers into the ear of the person to her right; person (Tawnie Owl, Brownie, etc.) whispers what she has heard into the ear of the person on HER right. Guaranteed, by the time the whisper goes around the circle, Brown Owl will not recognize the message.

  5. Globe and Mail, Wednesday, Feb. 23. North Koreans stage rare protest.
    “Scores of North Koreans have staged a rare public protest against power cuts and food shortages, a South Korean newspaper reported. ‘We can’t live! Give us light! Give us rice!’ the protesters shouted, according to the newspaper, which quoted a North Korean source. Residents were angry because the regime had diverted already infrequent electricity supplies to Pyongyang to light up the night to mark leader Kim Jong-il’s birthday.”
    Globe and Mail, Thursday, Feb. 24. N. Korea food stocks likely to run out.
    “Severe food shortages are forcing some North Koreans to forage for wild grasses and herbs and causing alarming malnutrtition among children, US-based aid groups who recently visited the reclusive country reported Wednesday. North Korean authorities estimate that food stocks will be exhausted by mid-June, they said. North Korea has reportedly asked the United States and other nations to consider resuming food aid.”
    If there’s a moral of this story, in addition to all the news from Libya and other places in the Middle East, it is that human beings NEVER want to live under totalitarianism. We can safely assume that all people living under dictatorshp would like to be free from it. And we are entitled to take action if possible.
    I propose a trade: North Korea gets a couple of months’ food aid and 50 autographed Michael Jordan basketballs in exchange for abandoning “juche” and handing over the keys to the country to South Korea and/or the United States.
    (no links; these are short items, in full here)

  6. Globe and Mail, Thursday, Feb. 24. Male hairdressers in Gaza told to quit.
    “… or face arrest and a fine.”
    One victim of the policy had for several years tended to Yasser Arafat’s wife Suha.
    (no link; short item)

  7. Toronto Sun, Thursday, Feb. 24.
    “The federal government announced it would give $23,000 to a group of seniors in Cayuga, Ont., so they could put on some skits about … what it’s like to be a senior.”
    “[The New Horizons for Seniors Program] eats up about $15 million a year and is doled out in chunks to seniors groups across the country $25,000 at a time.”
    “In Denzil, Sask., where the MP is also a Conservative, seniors got $25,000 to form an exercise group.”
    “In Edmonton this month, a group got $25,000 to teach seniors to use Twitter and Facebook. Last month in Edmonton, another seniors group got $24,500 for tai chi and ballroom dancing.”
    Not to single out seniors, but this kind of “program spending” multiplied by millions is what needs to be severely reined to keep the debt and deficit under control. Let people pay for their own entertainment and recreation.
    Meanwhile the other parties, and almost certainly the Conservatives too, are always trying to dream up more “program spending”. Some of it may be helfpul to the recipients (like an exercise program), but all of it is about buying votes by bribing people with their own, or other people’s, money.

  8. Saudi charged in U.S. bomb plot, Bush possible target
    A 20-year-old Saudi student has been arrested in Texas in a bomb plot that may have targeted former President George W. Bush and nuclear plants, U.S. authorities said on Thursday.
    Muammar Gaddafi, a tireless promoter of Islam, defender of Allah, and the UN’s recent choice to chair its Human Rights Commission, also dabbles in massacring peaceful demonstrators with rocket and machine-gun fire.

  9. That’s your money in the stock market.
    Or your house prices.
    Or your government, taxes, and expenditures.
    It’s pretty obvious some people were deliberately playing “the game” incorrectly. It goes to show what one asshole can do to really screw up the world….
    especially if he’s President of the United States.

  10. Class warriors prepare to ambush private schools
    That, too, is a shame. Logic would suggest that once the state has used taxpayers’ money to provide acceptable minimum standards of education to every child, it should then actively encourage parents to lavish as much of their own money on their child’s education as they can. But this most basic logic eludes the cheerleaders of public education entirely, most particularly the teachers unions. Many of them actually want to punish parents who spend their own money (over and above their taxes) on their child’s education.

  11. welcome to the conservatist party of canuckistan, a party of CROOKS:

  12. oh, and from the link:
    JP P 8 days ago
    I gotta say that the first copier really set things crooked from the start. I would’ve given him one retry. At the speed he drew the line it seems he didn’t really try.
    Tim McCaughey 7 days ago
    That first guy to trace sucked big time.
    so eb, this being the case, what exactly is your useless point?

  13. Looks like beagle doesn’t read.
    I beat you to it,puppy.(10:56 p.m.)
    Of course the fact that Elections Canada lost the legal battle on this issue they still want to try to smear the CPC.
    Yawn, again.

  14. Re: Akin slamming of $ for seniors project across the country:
    Each project seems to be getting about $20,000 average. That’s equivalent to one employees hired to spend extra time with seniors in various seniors complexes, for a year or less. If these agencies or seniors home were not provided the extra funding to hire on low payed support workers, would Akin or anyone else like to volunteer the year to teach seniors some computer skills, or do some art.
    Nursing homes, and seniors complexes are overloaded and the staff are overworked.
    Money well spent IMHO.

  15. That had to be a government project.
    Trying to better understand the plight of the line tracers in our society.

  16. why fundamentalist xians are like the machinations of communist party leaders of the stalin/mao era:
    3w dot cnn dot com/2011/CRIME/02/24/texas.polygamist.jeffs/index.html?eref=rss_mostpopular

  17. PET Cemetery Report.
    Of Liberal Ad$Cam MartinJr and Liberal Iggy’s Liberal Party.
    “Gaddafi no terrorist to Paul Martin
    by Judi McLeod,
    December 20, 2004
    For all of those lamenting the minority status of the scandal-plagued Paul Martin Liberal Government, consider yourselves “lucky”.
    That comes from Col. Muammar Gaddafi, the man President Ronald Reagan called the “Mad Dog of the Middle East”.
    Canadians are “lucky” to have “His Excellency, the Prime Minister” as their leader,” Gaddafi said.”
    Mug shot:
    “Canada must cut structural deficit to compete globally: Paul Martin”
    REGINA — Canada cannot compete with emerging market economies, like China and India, if it continues running structural deficits and cutting social programs, former prime minister Paul Martin said here Thursday. “The gutting of Canada’s social …”

  18. Look, Iggy Liberal. It’s the economy, stoopid.
    Ottawa = Conservative PM Harper and Minister Flaherty.
    CTV/MSM will not use those words.
    “Ottawa on track to beat $45.5 billion deficit projection”
    “Scotiabank economist Mary Webb, who tracks government budgets, said the difference this year has been that the economy has performed better than Finance Minister Jim Flaherty counted on in his budget last March.
    With jobs recovering faster than projected, Ottawa has taken in more tax revenues than anticipated.
    Friday’s report shows that revenues from personal, corporate and sales taxes were up across the board — $12 billion more than for the first nine months of last year.
    Meanwhile, program expenses were down $1 billion. ”
    “Federal deficit shrinks further in December
    Canada 9-month budget deficit shrinks from year-ago Reuters Canada”

  19. A Disjointed Presentation by the Tommy Douglas Memorial Society, “a taxpayer funded NGO”, with its HQ in PET Cemetery.
    More cuts to Liberal Iggy’s arts.
    “Tasha Kheiriddin: Douglas prescribes financial gluttony for ‘starving’ healthcare
    National Post (blog) – ‎44 minutes ago‎
    Alright, you have to feel sorry for anyone who is ill and in pain, but that doesn’t give her carte blanche to spout nonsense. Which is exactly what Shirley Douglas did in a speech at the annual meeting of the Toronto chapter of ACTRA, when she accused …
    PM starving health care, declares Shirley Douglas Toronto Star
    Shirley Douglas takes aim at movie industry”

  20. Re: Liberal Ad$Cam MartinJr’s “lucky” Mohammedan, aka “mad dog*” Gadaffi.
    H/T Our mole in Liberal Iggy’s Liberal party.
    32. Arkroyal
    Intel from inside Libya from a very reliable friend:
    Mr. Schwanner,
    I run a manufacturing business in Harvey, LA which builds oilfeld equipment. We have sales agents in several foreign countries, including Libya. This morning I received two emails from my agent in Tripoli. This gentleman has a PhD in Engineering, and has been representing U.S. and European companies in North Africa for many years. He was introduced to me two years ago by a member of the U.S. Commercial Service team from New Orleans. He was part of a Libyan trade delegation to the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston sponsored by the U.S. Commercial Service. I have every reason to believe that his observations are as accurate as can be expected under the circumstances he finds himself in. Here is the text of his two emails:
    Received at 2:25 AMCST
    I do appreciate your concern. My family is not in Libya. They are safe. I am barricaded in an apartment with enough food and water for about two weeks. I am fine. We do have electricity and water supply, but the mad dog is threatening to shut them off. Cell phones are down most of the time. The Internet is very sporadic and extremely slow to prevent people from sending photos and videos. When my monthly internet subscription expires, I will have no way to renew it.
    It is very bad. African mercenaries are shooting heavy automatic weapons, killing, looting banks, and raping. Mercenary Gunships & Choppers are shooting rockets and using paid snipers to hunt defenseless protestors. The mad dog is threatening violence has not started yet. Young protestors use pebbles to fight back, and are putting up barricades on streets to delay the mercenaries. I hope we don’t see Mustard gas being used against the civilian population. We have no functioning army or police, only mercenaries. The mad dog has never trusted the Libyan military, so the deserted military have very little weapons. Practically all the dead military have been shot for disloyalty by the mad dog and his family not by protestors. The mad dog has more than enough billions to pay the mercenaries.
    Surprisingly, there are no reports of Libyan gangs roaming the streets. The Libyans are united against the mad dog and there is not going to be a civil war, only mercenary war against peaceful protestors. To get the support of the west, the mad dog is claiming the protests and the uprising are arranged and controlled by Muslim extremists. Nothing can be further from the truth.
    Please urge the UN to arrange for Arab armies to go into Libya and to impose a no-fly zone.
    Take care.
    Received at 4:12 AMCST
    We now have mercenaries from dozens of counties from several continents. Ukrainians are flying the choppers and manning the sniper positions. Serbs are flying the fighter jets, and hundreds of killers from eastern & western Europe, the middle east and the Indian subcontinent. Loads of planes continue to arrive.
    We hear mercenaries are rewarded $10K to $30K a day and generous bonuses for every protestor they kill. Libyan oil money is being used to kill Libyans.
    High level Defections from the regime is now rampant. Very soon the mad dog will be alone with mercenaries.
    Take care
    If you need to contact me for verification my cell is 504-xxx-xxx. Please help get the word out about the dire situation in Tripoli.”
    *Ronald Reagan

  21. Will the ADULTS in the placePlease Stand-Up, Please Stand-Up?
    I swear, the Left literally act like a bunch of children. I’m embarrassed for them, and shudder to think what my kids think when they see this behaviour. I’m not lying, neither of my girls has ever acted like that, ever!

  22. Mamba
    “The last funy sitcom, and get offa my lawn you kids.”
    Surely you don’t mean this. I can point you out to many funny current shows, I recommend “Flight of the Concords”, and obviously “Curb Your Enthusiasm”.
    Think about the Epileptic Dogs, “not all the puppies are born so lucky”.
    This is my favorite episode:)

  23. btw, yesterday’s episode of 30 Rock was about feminism and it was classic. Very very funny.

  24. Update: Liberal Iggy’s O’Harvard buddy: O’narcissist*.
    “*Devoid of empathy. Is unable or unwilling to identify with, acknowledge, or accept the feelings, needs, preferences, priorities, and choices of others;”.
    “And last night, while the Dolores remained stranded, the president enjoyed a White House pop concert in celebration of Black History month.”
    “Farce and Tragedy”
    “Maybe the feared government spending cuts have started already. US citizens arriving on a ferry from Libya may have been stuck in Tripoli because the State Department chartered too small a ship to safely put to sea. At 68 meters in length, the US-charted Dolores is less than half of the length of a Burke Class destroyer (154 meters) and a Russian tycoon’s private yacht (164 m).
    President Obama has been under intense criticism for his muted response to the bloodshed in Libya, with speculation that Colonel Gaddafi had intimidated the White House into silence by blocking the evacuation of U.S. citizens.
    And last night, while the Dolores remained stranded, the president enjoyed a White House pop concert in celebration of Black History month.
    Tony Munoz Editor of shipping magazine The Maritime Executive said: ‘I don’t understand why this vessel didn’t leave earlier – The Maria Dolores is a new vessel built for Mediterranean seas.
    ‘I can only imagine the captain was refusing to sail because he felt the vessel was not capable enough of taking the sea on.
    Speaking to MailOnline, Mr Munoz said that there was no comparison between the 68 metre Dolores and the 204 metre Hellenic Spirit, used by the Greek government to evacuate its citizens from Benghazi.
    ‘The U.S. needed to charter a bigger boat like the Greeks’ he said.
    The administration may have taken a low profile out of concern for a potential hostage taking situation, but now with the official Americans safe in Malta they are now swinging into action. They are considering sanctions.”
