Scratch a Leftist

Find a violent racist.

Speaking of which, do you remember the middle-aged white man with the mustache who said that Justice Clarence Thomas should be put “back in the fields,” that Justice Samuel Alito “should go back to Sicily,” and that Fox News chief Roger Ailes “should be strung up and–but, ah, I don’t know. Kill the bastard”? Breitbart has now identified him as Don Wallace, a former president of a public-sector union, the United Firefighters of Los Angeles.

Related – “You are a bad Jew!”

13 Replies to “Scratch a Leftist”

  1. Awesome, isn’t it? I LOVE IT!!!! Rage on, you Lefty freaks and maniacs! Tell us what you -really- think!
    The really sad part of all this is, these idiots think they’re winning. Obama’s not a bright new future boys. He’s the last dying wheeze of a busted antique past kept alive long after it should have taken out behind the barn.

  2. I have as yet to meet a unionized employee who, when they reach retirement years, are not bitter and angry and have a very negative opinion about anything relating to their job and are rarely able to recount the great things which they accomplished while they were employed.
    Just lots of smoke and vile, just like Comrade Wallace!

  3. Glacierman, that’s because union shops are usually hellish pits of despair. Slave ships, where the only real rule is “don’t row”.
    And people wonder why unions are dying everywhere except the public sector.

  4. Here’s another one, CBS naming Sarah Palin’s character after a famous white bomber…
    The CBS drama “The Good Wife” has raised a few eyebrows by naming Gary Cole’s character, a ballistics expert, Tea Party member, and Sarah Palin supporter, “Kurt McVeigh,” a not so subtle comparison to Timothy McVeigh, the man behind the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings.
    Read more:

  5. johnbrooks- HBO has a new series called “Boardwalk Empire”. It’s based on real events in 1920 Atlantic City, and one of the main themes is organized crime’s support for the Republican Party. There’s nothing subtle about it. It’s an excellent show, and I watch it occasionally, but the political overtones are very annoying.
    HBO has a habit of slanting every show in that way. They insert a very few shows, such as Dennis Miller specials, just to maintain the appearance of balance.

  6. coach
    I agree
    I recommend you read the book before you watch THIS in April, which is inevitable for all HBO fans.
    This show will blow Boardwalk out of the water IMO.

  7. Funnily enough in the private sector the unions that have the largest growth rates are the unions that have adopted a right of centre philosophy. Here in Alberta the trades unions that are actively seeking new jobs and new opportunities for their members are growing while those unions that are stuck in the old ‘worker good/manager bad’ mentality are losing memberships and places to work. My son works union construction trades and found a difference in two branches of the same union. The Calgary branch was old school and the workers were often out of work for extended periods of time. My son transferred to the Edmonton branch and has been happily employed ever since. Calgary’s business manager had the old union chip on his shoulder and the workers paid for it. The Edmonton business manager had a “I’ve got to find work for my boys” attitude and the workers benefited.

  8. From the video clip, I can’t be certain if he’s a “bad Jew” or not.
    That said, I’m surprised the money grubbing union workers didn’t try and rob him of his Jew Gold.

  9. The more I see of such morons, the more I’m convinced that their whole weltanschauung consists of using projection as a primary defense mechanism. These are people who are uncomfortable with the feelings they have and attribute them to other people. People who accuse others of being “racist”, are far more likely to engage in racial discrimination than those they label with the pejorative term.
    Projection is a primitive defense mechanism and most of the people who self-identify themselves as leftists just haven’t grown up and are stuck in childhood. They resent people who have progressed to a more mature mental state. I first became aware of this during my years of fighting hoplophobes in a great article by Dr. Sarah Thompson Raging against self defense: A psychiatrist examines the anti-gun mentality which can be found at:
    On a sadder note, I just found out that JPFO founder Aaron Zelman died on 21/12/2010 and the fight for 2nd Amendment rights in the US has lost a powerful warrior.

  10. Throughout history the left has always been racist. It’s mind numbing to listen to the left trying to project their own racist views on their opponents. They drag race into every issue. It truly is exhausting listening to these jerks stand before a mountain of evidence and deny it exists.
