47 Replies to “The New Civility”

  1. Organized Labour. or.gan.ized la.bour ôrg-nzd (adj) lā’bər(n)
    Too many people, doing too little work, for too much money, with too many benifits and too much time off and too little accountability.
    See also: Marxism, Democrat Party, NDP, Tommy Douglas.

  2. cross posted from the ‘Reader’s Tips’
    Will the ADULTS in the placePlease Stand-Up, Please Stand-Up?
    I swear, the Left literally act like a bunch of children. I’m embarrassed for them, and shudder to think what my kids think when they see this behaviour. I’m not lying, neither of my girls has ever acted like that, ever!

  3. Cute little uniforms. Arms out and up, all yelling in unison. By golly, I’ve seen this before.

  4. Well they got one thing right . . . they are a shameful bunch, ignoring democracy & the will of the people/
    Ans shame doesn’t even come close to describing the 14 runaway Senators.
    Put their mugs on Milk Cartoons “Have You Seen this Missing Child”.
    Because they are both missing and childish.

  5. While the Democrats are away, the Republicans should pass a bill that requires all sitting Democratic members of the Wisconsin legislature to wear T-shirts that state the percentage of campaign funds they receive from unions.
    Or, more simply, require that Democrats wear T-shirts that say ” PROPERTY OF THE AFL CIO ”
    What a disgraceful group – the Democrats lost the election in November on this reform issue, now they shut down the legislature. The Republicans should put the restrictions on collective bargaining in a non budgetary bill and pass it today – that would not require 20 member quorum in their Senate.
    A larger question is, do Walker’s reforms go far enough. Andrew McCarthy at NRO makes a strong case that they are far to weak, and they should get rid of collective bargaining in total for all public employees. FDR forbade all Federal employees from organizing, in his day.

  6. Indiana, socialism is literally the philosophy of infantilisation (big govt takes care of me, tells me how to live, what to think, etc) so why be astounded that socialists behave like spoiled children. They’ve had their way for so long, a bit of parental discipline sends them apesh*t. Anyone who’s ever seen a spoiled brat act out when it doesn’t get the toy or treat it wants knows what a socialist is. And like insecure kids, they want to fit in with their peer group, hence the groupthink… you find the same thing in every clique in every middle and high school.
    I for one am delighted to see the greedy, blood-sucking, corrupt public service unions reined in. Next step, take away their right to unionize, period. As a side-effect, that would really put a dent in leftist politicians’ election chances – imagine no longer having a captive, corruptable bloc voting to help themselves to more bananas

  7. “The debate in the Assembly appeared to be a few hours away from ending when Speaker Pro Tem Bill Kramer interrupted their speeches and called the vote. It was gaveled in with lightning speed, less than the standard 15 seconds — it was so fast that 28 members did not even vote on it, some out of protest but some failing to reach their buzzers.”
    If that’s true then perhaps it’s justifiable that the democratic assemblymen would be a bit upset. I can’t help but feel that those assemblymen either didn’t attend enough college protests or attended too many. To that old and balding guy: Dude, if that color ever worked for you those days are long gone.

  8. How will they react when the Republicans bring in a voter identification bill? I hope that’s still on the table in WI.
    Will they discover that thousands of voters have disappeared?
    anyways, orange, it’s the new purple.

  9. Perhaps WI should have taken advantage of the situation and added a bill to require that anyone running for President must provide Bona Fide proof that they are eligible.
    Imagine in 2012 if there were 40 states with such a law. Would Obama really try re-election just in California, New York, Vermont etc. Would there not be questions as to why he is not on the ballot in all those other states?
    Certainly not from the MSM

  10. What is it with leftists and the colour orange. These idiots look just like NDPers on the campaign trail.

  11. This is a demonstration of the desparation of a losing philsophy.
    During the last presidential election, there were many in the NDP South (I know, I was in Seattle that night) who knew exactly how they had bamboozled the US electorate.
    Now that much of the US demonstrated buyers’ remourse in the November mid-terms, the true colours come out.
    Juvenile, chanting, robotic … the union is our friend and our friend well help fleece the taxpayer.
    Is if just me, or have you noticed that their fallback argument is “the middle class against the rich’ in nearly every TV interview you see.
    They just cannot fantom that it’s the middle class private sector taxpayer who’s footing the bill.
    Desperate and childish.

  12. They’re entitled to their righteous outrage because they spent last night in a Holiday Inn.

  13. I used to think people were just speaking colourfully when they said liberalism was a mental illness. Recent events are beginning to make me think it could be an accurate diagnosis.

  14. Notice how the demoncrats are all wearing orange shirts.
    Doesn’t that remind you of the orange revolution in the Ukraine way back in late 2004 and early 2005?

  15. OT
    Here’s an excerpt from an email where I’m musing to John Gormley about the near future and Sask politics:
    If I follow your logic(JG), and current events, it appears the Left is setting-up Saskatchewan to be the “Wisconsin of the North”. I think it’s very possible that the upcoming Saskatchewan labour debate(fiasco) may likely set the tone for similar debates across the country. If you consider the history of Saskatchewan and Wisconsin, they are very similar from a Unionized support perspective. Both are considered somewhat ‘holy ground’ for the labour movements.
    Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama’s sycophants Iffy (or Rae) chooses to weigh-in on the provincial debate and make it a federal issue. After all, the Canadian Left is like Hollywood, without one original idea.

  16. Them loverly Dem’s fighting for the ‘American Dream’ as articulated by the likes of O’Bummers Weather Underground friends and Trumka, SEIU and those ‘for the children’ collective bargaining thugs in the various teachers unions.
    Now is the time I wretch.

  17. See Barry does need “a million man civilian force as powerful and as well equipt as the military”.
    You thought he was pulling your leg.

  18. Bob Rae has just called operatives in the Prime Minister’s Office “25 year-old jihadis” (National Post, Feb. 25/11). ‘Talk about civil language and over the top rhetoric.
    The shameless hypocrisy of the left is utterly despicable. What else is new?

  19. No one should expect civility from the leftist, “ends justify the means” mobsters. If they could get away with it, they would line up their opposition and shoot them all. These are the same statists that want government to control every aspect of your lives at gunpoint. Looters and Thugs.

  20. If this type of antic were to be perpetrated by Republicans, it would be ALL OVER the MSM. The Democrats/Progressives/Socialists would be first to rail against this type of behaviour, yet they are the ones who exhibit it most frequently.
    Hypocrisy in the extreme.

  21. Well, I started this video with my daughter sitting next to me, she said “Daddy, its a carnival!” I had to tell her that she was correct in that there sure were a lot of clowns in video.

  22. What is WITH those freakin’ t-shirts? Are they trying to pretend teachers and DMV clerks are some kind of brave industrial workers, iron of thew and sweaty of brow?
    And we let these sorry sons of beaches jack out taxes and run us around for HOW long? Are you kidding me?

  23. dastardly @4:34 – “What is it with leftists and the colour orange. These idiots look just like NDPers on the campaign trail.”
    I think most U.S. federal prisoners would vote Democrat if they could (and God willing…)

  24. They’re civil servants, jess, not private workers. [Duh!] They’re not fighting the evil capitalist machine, they’re fighting taxpayers. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be one.

  25. I believe the Loyal Orange Lodge has a cause for civil action: A lefty group has (mis)appropriated their colours!

  26. When I was watching this video it reminded me of the Sparticus Movement in Germany during the 1918-1923 period.

  27. jess – do you consider your life a neverending suck-up to powerful politicians, union leaders and leftists in influential cultural position?
    Also, isn’t it past your bedtime? Or are you (*shudder*) one of those 65-year-old dudes who’s still FIGHTING THE SYSTEM!!!

  28. Get this: a site that helps union dues payers get a REFUND, on the portion of their dues that does not go directly towards upgrading their own benefits.
    In other words, money spent on POLITICS, can be refunded. And they have a court decision to go along with it. Amazing!

  29. this is a clip that might as well be entitled:
    “How To Shoot Yourself In The Foot”
    very instructional.

  30. Jess doesn’t convince other people to hire him. Jess doesn’t convince others to buy what he makes. Jess simply votes for the party that promises him an easy, superfluous job. When Jess wants a raise, he doesn’t demonstrate his efforts. He simply votes for power-hungry sycophants. Jess uses democracy for nefarious purposes.
    Jeff wears sweatpants to work most days. He drinks coffee, accumulates his sick days, punches his timecard at the 15-minute mark after 10 AM, and doesn’t replace toner in the fax machine because, gull-darn it, his union agreement doesn’t require him to.
    Jess didn’t study much in school. Jess’s parents told him as a child: “don’t worry sweety; you don’t have to study, work hard, or improve yourself. We’ll elect a democrat who will reward your laziness and mediocrity, and we’ll force ambitious people to pay you.”
    Jess is the reason that students have lower test scores and less perseverence. According to Jess, it’s okay not to try.

  31. They wouldn’t know real ashame if showed.
    What is truly disgusting was the pandering to Unions who can’t do math.

  32. lookout: “Bob Rae has just called operatives in the Prime Minister’s Office ’25 year-old jihadis’ (National Post, Feb. 25/11).”
    He’s just jealous because the LPC doesn’t have any smart, focused 25-year-olds in Iggy’s office.
    (‘Speaking of which, I saw John Duffy in a Toronto eating establishment last night. I restrained myself, but I would like to have told him how appropriate I found his tie colour (yellow) and what a boob I think he is.)

  33. Fact is, anyone who works for the government is, by definition, a freeloader. Full Stop. Jess sounds like it has extended this into full remora territory; what public sector union do you belong to, dear?
    Some functions should be done by government: the military, law enforcement, etc. As Friedman said, 99% of everything else could be done more cheaply and efficiently by the private sector.
    Public sector unions are a conflict of interest, a legal closed-shop monopoly, and should not be permitted. Even FDR, the patron saint of leftards, admitted as much.
    mhb23re at gmail d0t calm

  34. Perhaps not quite ‘on topic’ but I’m typing this while on holiday in LA. My wife and I are just back from enjoying a fabulous – no, make that an incredible, day – all thanks to a famous billionaire.
    We’ve just toured the amazing Getty Museum, built at a cost of $1.5 billion dollars with none of it from taxpayers. We viewed priceless antiquities, works of art and modern photography and even ate a very reasonably priced meal there. The cost? $15 for parking. There is no entry free, so if you can get someone to drop you off there is no charge whatsoever.
    Thanks to the generosity of this much reviled billionaire, it doesn’t matter whether you’re poor, middle class, or a person from Beverly Hills, you can enjoy treasures unlike anywhere on earth.
    But Jess would rather have it unionized and taxed.
