71 Replies to “BC’s New Premier to be Decided”

  1. Time to raise up a Conservative Party with a very strong libertarian backbone and the province could get going. The leader would have to possess a really thick skin to take all the leftist commie attacks.
    TJ, what does having a university degree have to do with being a good leader? Is there some kind of magic potion that they get when they attend classes, because I fail to see the logic or need for such qualifications. I take it you have been there, therefore the comments. Kind of an “I have a university degree, so should everyone else who is important” attitude, which is really condescending and loathsome. Aren’t universities stacked with leftists and socialist as the instructors and shapers of the young minds who have jumped through the hoops to get a piece of paper that says that they attended classes and wrote exams and got some letters behind their names? But those papers have no way of stating whether a person has any moral character or what kind of value system that person operates with, which are the things of true value when considering a person to lead a province during these tumultuous times.

  2. It is confirm that Christy Clark is the winner.
    In the interests of keeping the socialist hordes at bay, please disregard my earlier (4th) comment. I now support Clark as the NDP alternative would be disastrous.
    We will need to learn to mark an X with one hand over the nose.

  3. I agree with Rick @ 1:27am. In terms of parties, the choices for BC voters will be:
    1. Vote Centre-Left.
    2. Vote Far-Left.
    Though I don’t like Christy Clark personally, what real choice do I have?
    Please don’t anyone suggest the BC Conservative Party. They’re a disorganized joke right now. Perhaps an opportunity will open up for them but only with a Danielle Smith like charismatic leader will they have any chance in the election after this next one.

  4. glacierman you are an idiot. Might I remind you that this is the year 2011. If Canada wants to be competitive we will need to be able to do better than make university dropouts the premier of a province. One expects that sort of banana-republic approach from the NDP.
    As others have said, the gap between the NDP and the Liberals has now narrowed, and in my view this will favour the NDP in the next election.
    By the way glacierman, I found your post condescending and loathsome, to use your words. Who do you think invented the Internet that you are using to post your messages, a university dropout? Who do you think invented the transistors on the ICs inside the computer you are using, a university dropout? Who do you think invented the Linux operating system, which I am happily using, a university dropout? What is Harper, a university dropout? Who do you think put men on the moon, university dropouts? Who do think invented all the clever medical equipment that will keep you alive when you are an old grumpy fool, university dropouts?
    Yes, what a terrible thing it is to get a university eduction, the world would be better off without those snotty educated classes, wouldn’t it?

  5. Hmm without getting into the issue the photo struck me with the impression of
    1. Anally retentive librarian
    2. Elmer Fud Pucker
    3. A 35 year old male living in his mother’s basement.
    4. A used car salesman
    If this seemed insulting and trite well remember they are politicians and therefore fair game….

  6. BC Conservatives. Still your only conservative voice in BC. Herr Rupprecht, you should check us out – http://www.conservativesbc.com
    And no, CO2, the BC Conservatives shouldn’t be trying to recruit Kevin Falcon, Kavin Falcon should be trying to consider why he stayed with the Liberals so long if he’s really that conservative. Polak, Coleman, Falcon – they’ve all been trying to give me their conservative bone fides. If that’s so, why continue with a Liberal party? Why institute a carbon tax and RUN AGAIN TO INCREASE IT?
    Sorry Robert W. but if you’ve got some evidence about the ‘disorganized joke’, I’d love to hear it. The right people are involved, the timing’s just not there yet. There’s another leadership contest to go first. You’ll see. In the meantime you can always message if you’re curious.
    Anyhoo, congrats to Mark Marissen’s Ex! May she continue the tradition of neo-liberalism in BC.

  7. Rally round the party, doesn’t matter who leads it.
    There is no other viable option in BC – the local”conservative party’ are two nutters in a phone booth in Langley – just a vote slitting option that allows the commie greenie socialist hordes form the BC Fed to run the province back into the ground.
    Keep the coalition going . . . keep the NDP out of power.

  8. The problem is the coalition looks like NDP lite!
    Carbon tax, increased regulation, raising minimum wage, tax and spend, tax and spend.
    The only difference at this point is the Libs don’t prefer unions, and the NDP does.
    Its a big difference, but the end result isn’t much different, know what I mean? That and a blabbermouth ‘sizzle no steak’ leader!
    Again, we’re screwed in BC unless the Conservatives can get a relevant, namebrand, effective leader, not a retread

  9. Ugh. Cknw is one of the presets in my vehicle. I turned her off every time. I could not listen to her blather. The ndp and their fast ferries will never get my vote. It is going to be another hold your nose election in BC.

  10. Take the last train from Clarksville
    Don’t linger at the station.
    Take a long vacation and screw this silly nation
    Oh ya ya ya … Oh ya ya ya ya ….
    Get ready for pretzel logic and everything family .. whatever that means. The business of running the province? … she can leave that to the men … or the NDP in the next election.
    Unless it’s someone like Maggie Thatcher or Sarah Palin … women should stay home … parliament is no place for anymore for big Liberal thinking. That’s what got our ship a sinking.

  11. My question about ,How many Premiers and PM’s have appeared on a ballot for people to vote on? was meant to illustrate an important point.
    Canada’s political leaders are undemocratically appointed by a foreign plutocrat after a closed sect of elitists decide who to present to the Queen for her choice and for her to excercise her perogative.
    This is almost as far away from the democratic process as you can get. The national parties, NDP, Liberal and PC, are closed private clubs that are open to membership only after paying dues, and then filling out an application that is vetted by party insiders for political purity. Membership is not guaranteed. Any member can be expelled for any reason.
    Fact is that the lowly plebes in Canada on election day are only allowed to elect an MP, and MPP and maybe a mayor and a school board trustee. None of these positions is an executive position and are only middling lower positions.
    Where are the calls for an open primary process? Where are the calls for the Canadian people to openly and democratically elect (and recall) their own leaders? Don’t you want that power?

  12. I’ve started to plan my move back to Alta, BC is going down the drain. Besides missing my old friends, I actually prefer snow to freezing rain, and (sarc) global warming means colder winters to come.

  13. TJ, the high value that we place on a piece of paper from a university is over-rated and for the most part a huge cash cow for those at the top. Steve Jobs (Mr. Apple computers) dropped out of college and took one semester of university, do you discount his brilliance or ability to lead and direct a mega-corporation? How did him not getting this hallowed piece of paper drop him in his value in your eyes? (crickets)
    Can you explain to me how a university education is necessary for the new leader of the Liberal Party of British Columbia and the new Premier to lead? It wouldn’t harm, I will state, but what kind of degree is required? A well rounded education is essential, but to have somebody with a degree in something like Feminist Studies is going to need some ‘splainin’!
    To bring up PMSH is a great example. He is an economist, but I am sure that he is not cut from the same cloth as the leader south of the border. He has far more Austrian economic strategies than he does Keynesian, but he is walking the political tightrope of a minority government and has to feed the socialists their bones in order to keep the hounds at bay.
    Our universities are bastions of socialist and left-leaning idealists, and the economic models are Keynesian, with little but footnotes of the Austrian model. How come these models don’t get taught in our schools and places of higher learning on an equal footing and then let the students vet and make their own decisions as to what is viable and economically sound? What would our cities, provinces and country look like if we had run under an Austrian / Free Market model instead of this tax-and-spend socialist model?
    Welcome to 2011! Enjoy your economic collapse!

  14. KPD:
    If you don’t like a parliamentary system operating under a constitutional monarchy, there are plenty of countries with presidential systems that appear to be more to your liking. The USA, for instance.
    Why don’t you move to one of those, instead of complaining about ours? I think the last two elections fairly reflected the will of the people: about 40% of Canadians favour the Tories, while the rest want someone else. The resultant minority government keeps the Tories in check with the will of majority, while allowing the dominant faction to lead. How’s that working out in the US of A?

  15. Cons moan and cry about how freedom is slipping away and then urge people to vote for the ‘lesser’ evil. All your problems are self-inflicted.

  16. Kevin B, I hope you now see the error of your uninformed assumptions and can now formulate a deeper and more correct opinion on the very country you live in. If you want to live as a plebe and have absolutely no say-so over your country, all the while opining upon it (erroneously I might add), is your business.
    I was taught in school in Ontario about what a great democracy I lived in and what Canada was strong and free. Can you imagine my horror the first time I stood in a polling booth and the ballot had nobody of any consequence on it. I was lied to. I had no power. I felt imprisoned. I was born and raised in the Great White North and never once pledged fealty to a congenitaly retarded foreign monarch.
    So yes, I voted with my feet, moved to the greatest nation on Earth, the USA, became a citizen-sovereign, and now enjoy absolute plenary power over who represents me with the limited enumerated powers that I, as a citizen-sovereign confer upon them. I vote in primaries to decide who becomes the candidate. Everybody does. And I now vote directly on who is my President, Police Chief. Judge, Senator, Congressman, Real Estate Appraiser, whatever.
    I just would like the same for you and hope someday you get it, but if you remain ignorant and defensive your cause is hopeless.
