Canadian Leftist Blindness on Display

This video from Michael Coren’s show, courteously uploaded by Matt from Mississauga, is focused on recent happenings in America. Carefully listen to Toronto Newstalk 1010’s Britt Aharoni and you will hear a deep seated antipathy, if not hatred, for U.S. conservatives and libertarians, that rivals another Big Smoke “journalist” named Heather Mallick. Ms. Aharoni is completely blind to anything untoward that might possibly come out of the mouths of someone on the Left side of the political spectrum.
Do you think Bob Rae’s recent comment about Jihadists working in PM Harper’s office offended her? Unlikely. Do you think Mass. Representative Mike Capuano’s recent calls for violence against Tea Party members gave her pause for thought? Unlikely. Do you think that the campaign of vilification against Jews raged by the man to her right, the despicable Sid Ryan, has kept her awake at night? Unlikely.
Ms. Aharoni is typical of the vast majority of members of Canada’s Mainstream Media who deem themselves to be “liberals”. In their newsrooms, cocktail parties, and other bubble chambers they repeatedly tell each other how righteous and free thinking and unbiased they are. The reality is far, far afield from such group think delusions. This is a huge reason why an ever increasing number of Canadians feel alienated from them and no longer take them seriously.
As 2011 unfolds and a possible federal election campaign transpires, keep very clear in your mind that Britt Aharoni and other close-minded clones like her are the ones filtering the “news” you’ll be getting from Canada’s MSM. The Truth Is Out There but it sure ain’t comin’ from them!

73 Replies to “Canadian Leftist Blindness on Display”

  1. Who In Canada really cares about the TEA Party? Who really?
    Its an american political movement Not Canadian so do i care No!
    Only ones that are worried are the likes of Syd Ryan & Mallick & Now this reporter Aharoni.
    Good Gawd, If you asked most american’s where Canada is they would’nt even know, You can ask someone 1hr’s drive south of Detroit about Canada they think we are all French & dont spk english for Gawds sake.
    So why would an idiot reporter & union exec care about an american political movement, Only Because it’s of the right. But again frankly who care’s? And for that matter who care’s about Obama he’s American, Iam Canadian! Not American.

  2. “You can ask someone 1hr’s drive south of Detroit about Canada they think we are all French & dont spk english for Gawds sake.”
    Gee bryanr, You’re a beacon of light and a font of wisdom in these dark days. Can you expand on this? You really need a good publisher. I’d hate to see the thoughts of one such as you mislaid on an obscure blog.

  3. Watching CTV completely spin the latest Elections Canada boondoggle is gob smacking, basically they’ve charged several Con MPs for breaking a policy that the courts ruled they did not break. The snivel services completely negates rule of law via the courts as they commence yet another witch-hunt against the conservative party. Of course Liberal MSM plays old videos where elections Canada raided the Cons office, making it appear that it happened this week, they don’t mention the court ruling and provide a platform for the libs to smear the Cons without rebut. I hate CTV, CBC the Gob and Spew and I will not watch these blatant biased mediums.

  4. brianr would be the fat one in the Tshirt, screaming(Watch the video).
    Hey brianr, do you care that Canada’s livelihood depends on 80% export to the Americans or haven’t you reached the grade of high school that teaches that yet?

  5. iam basicaly saying is only the left nuts like that reporter & ryan are criitcal of a political movement that has nothing to do with canada & they take it so serious about the TEA (taxed enough america) to the point that they label them as Rt Wing racist. And really what have they got to do with canada Nothing so who cares? Only wing nuts care & Like i basicaly said most Americans dont give a rats ass about us & dont even know where we are.
    Vancouver Olympics telecast by the American broadcasters was a good example of that.
    as for the south of Detroit thats true i have had that question when iam down that way on trips.

  6. Ya i watched the video terry, When a teacher goes on strike here in Ont. & acts like that then i will care. Then it will effect me & my kids. And btw did you notice Ryan said they were not teachers probaly janitors! How the hell does he know? No typical Left.
    And as for your smart ass comment as to what grade Its assholes like you that give conservatives a bad name in this country Or is it that you use that name to pretend your conservative when in truth your liberal. Thats no different then that reporter Labeling the TEA party as racist.
    BTW in my business here(which is none of your business but iam going to tell you) most of the products sold here are imported from the USA & are manufactured in China. And who do we have to thank for that, Former Liberal PM’s thats who. Whens the lastime you shopped in a Walmart or Zellers soon to be Target.
    And The remaining factories in our small city are US based with the exception of 1.

  7. The narrow-minded girl attacks Tea Party rallies based on what she’s seen on TV and then goes on to attack the whole gay pride parade because she actually attended and witnessed some anti-semites using the gay movement for cover.
    She sat there like a stump for most of the segment and only opened her mouth to demonstrate that she’s uninformed and prejudiced – who is the dumbstick that hires people like her to work in a news organization?

  8. Far be it for me to warn someone with a figurative noose around his or her neck but people like Britt Aharoni are not doing themselves any favours by standing against the Tea Party or supporting the wags in Wisconsin (don’t get me started on the Islamofascist love). Financially and morally bankrupting a country should be self-evidently bad that not even crayons could fail to impress the point on one.
    Sid Ryan is out to lunch. That’s the nicest thing I can say.

  9. Brian, I’ve been reading SDA for a number of years now. I have read your comments and you have revealed your community in previous postings.
    Unless of course, you have moved.
    You appear rather rebarbaric today. Not like your usual self. 🙂

  10. atric your good, quite a memory
    I actualy am not myself not to go into detail my very best friend has just recently been diagnosed with a serious ailment & we are waiting word as to treatment & operation. So between the hours i put in at work & other things on my mind Iam just not myself these days & not thinking straight.
    Thanks for noticeing, My apologies & Ya you too terry sorry to call you an ass.
    thanks again

  11. Further to who cares about the TEA PARTY ..
    What happens in the USA happens in Canada. It is very important that the Tea Party folks succeed in tossing out the big spenders who are destroying western economies.
    Obama created the Tea Party and thank heavens there are still enough Americans living in the real world to perhaps stop this insanity in it’s tracks.
    We should all be supporting the Tea Party. They may be the our only salvation unless you prefer something akin to being assimilated by the Borg rendering us all tax drones under the tyrants of the left including the Greens and the Unions and the Michelle – you will eat what I tell you – Obama, the Black Panthers, Obama’s palace guard, the mainstream media and so on.

  12. I admire Coren’s segue. A story about a fat white cow yelling at a black guy leads to a story about a fat black cow named Oprah.

  13. Sorry to hear Brian.
    At the risk of being off-topic, I lived in Owen Sound in the early ’60’s and have nothing but fond memories. Mile Drive, Sauble, dances at OSCVI and Westhill.
    Good memories, all.

  14. Loved listening to the circular logic of Sid.
    You cannot smear all labour strikers based on a few.
    Less than 30 seconds later he accuses ALL tea party protesters based on “info” from the N.A.A.C.P.
    Must really bother him to know he is on the losing side of this debate.

  15. As a talk radio fan who lives in southern Ontario, I have to say that I am disappoointed at what has happened to CFRB. I wonder if there has been a change of management at some level. All the good guy’s are on 640 AM now. I really like John Oakley and Mike Stafford. Years ago Oakley was on CFRB. Now, CFRB has John Moore in the morning. I can’t stand him. They have John Tory in the afternoon who is a conservative,but of the “progressive” sort. I can at least listen to him without blood pressure medication. They have a lot of sports stuff on, but they do have some really good hosts on 640. If you are not familiar with them, give them a listen.

  16. thks atric, Iam just not focusing lac of sleep too i guess.
    after reading Abe’s i fully agree & should have come to that conclusion That yes there is a movement abound & yes the TEA party is standing up to them. They(tea) fully know too that they will be under attack and under attack in a very harsh way.
    For they are the beginning of something new, Standing up & saying NO More to the public service unions & beaurocrats & if you dont like it tough Too bad we are not paying anymore. And the left are very afraid of this, Much to say the same in a mild manner Rob Ford & Toronto, They were so so afraid of losing their gravy train Well that train has hit the station & Ford has a tough battle ahead he will be under constant attack Even more then he was before as a counciler & Much like the tea party.
    Anyways i gotta bail much to do.
    May not be on much in future But will always follow to keep informed.
    best of luck all & have a grt weekend too.

  17. Oh forgot Off Topic but for those in Ontario.
    Hydro One is at it again, Because of cost overruns at the Niagra Falls tunnel project Hydro One is going to recoup this loss by adding it to your Hydro Bill. So not only are we going to be paying for the $18mill. fine, now this.
    That should piss even more people off and Dont you resign Dalton, dont you dare. We want the pleasure of kicking your ass down the rd come this October.
    thats it take care all

  18. Could not watch the whole thing the first time but after reading the comments, had to go back and suffer. Never was a fan of Sid Ryan, so his comments didn’t surprise me but Aharoni is a real piece of work. Hard to believe that the station that once broadcast the likes of Gordon Sinclair and started Carol Taylor has fallen to this. No wonder the Liberals have had Toronto sown up so long when this permeates the airwaves.

  19. Minuteman, you’re quite correct that CFRB is not what it used to be, although Jerry Agar was a nice addition. And yes, there was a change of ownership a couple of years back. CFRB was acquired by ASTRAL Media. ’nuff said.

  20. The Tea Party is on the march and the left is on the run.
    The failed ideologies of the left was never going to rule, it was only a matter of time before the conservative strait thinking peoples of western countries started paying attention to these lunatics pretending to engineer humanity into some sort of delusional control state.
    Regardless of the “right” stepping up to the plate, the entire non-western world would have stamped out these useful idiots once their own special interest objectives were achieved.
    The left never had a chance in the real world to accomplish the claimed utopian society, but they have caused allot of damage to the most prosperous and free societies of individuals that mankind has ever known. The great conservative minds within our countries need to step up and right the cancerous wrongs of the last 40 years. The alternative of course is to let the non-western world step up and clean us all out of the new global system.

  21. Minuteman , and ATRIC … I second that . I have stopped listening to CFRB . They have been infested with informationally challenged lefties like the gal on Coren’s show.
    I know that Coren tries to provide a balanced show , but the lefties he has on refuse to debate sensibly with facts , and only spout there vision of reality.
    This gal is so far off-base with facts it is hard to believe she is in the media business.
    The leftist rallies in the US are most often violent and generally cause a big mess of trash to be cleaned up by the taxpayers, the Tea Party was quiet and they actually cleaned up before they left.

  22. After watching this clip I felt I should take a blood pressure pill. Marxist Sid Ryan and this Britt airhead would only very grudgingly admit to any left-wing indiscretions but did their best to paint the whole Tea Party movement as racist bigots.
    In my opinion we need a Tea Party, think Wildrose,here in Canada as I am sick and tired of the continual slide toward a total socialist form of government. Even the so-called conservatives when elected, think John Tory and Red Eddy from Alberta, Joe Who, et al continue the slide even if a little slower. Meanwhile every family member in most families has to work out,even grandma on OAS, just to keep paying the bloody taxes that are going toward ever bigger social programs that fill the pockets of more and more bureaucrats who dream even more crap.
    Feel better already.

  23. Cal @ 2.07 – You might be surprised. I was in NYC last fall, street vendor asked where we were from, was surprised that we spoke *American*.
    Likewise, had a wrong number call from Michigan – when I told him I was in Ottawa, Canada’s Capital, he wanted to know how come I spoke English. He thought everyone here spoke French only.

  24. The msm subverts the national interest to that of the elite it considers itself an integral and leading part of.
    The greater good is tantamount.
    That is the whackademic version of the truth pounded for four years into their non-logical cranial cavities. And after all, they chose the field to make a difference. “I am a global healer, i am relevant, i am the bringer of light and truth!” What other delusion could be more powerful?
    Walter Duranty’s clone army, marching in lock step, driving us off a cliff.
    And all us peasants should be unquestioning and happy tax-producing drones, feeding the elite overlord and their various enablers.

  25. These kind of confrontations can be ugly, and we risk making it worse by letting ourselves get involved.
    I recall coming out of Mass (Catholic) and being confronted by a crowd of Natives (headed up by a defrocked Anglican rabble-rouser) calling us “murderers and pedophiles” I shouted back “yada, yada, yada” at them and had a white female radical dressed by Value Village, screaming in my face and asking me if I had any children. (I don’t) and told her to f**k off. Not very tactful, but then, as I told her, I was a Catholic, not a Puritan. Meanwhile a native guy broke through the crowd and spit in my face, then escaped back into the crowd before I could get my hands on him. That alone could have been fatal, and was certainly an assault, but the police, who were present, did nothing about it. This was B.C.. not Ontario! The Vancouver police and the RCMP are as useless and politically correct as the OPP, believe me.

  26. We had a dairy herd of ayrshire (red & white)
    cattle. As a white person, is it racist to name one of my cows Lucille(Ball)?
    I also had a large black dog that I named Angus – as in the beef breed, black Angus. Which animal should have been insulted and offended the most?
    Would this be a case for the HRC or the ARC?

  27. Biased coverage only bothers me when (a) I’m forced to pay for it and (b) when there is no alternative MSM viewpoint available. I guess this describes the Canadian situation.

  28. While the Wisconsin story will echo around the corners of the US over the next month or so, the signal benefit to come out of the Wisconsin debacle is the jingoistic antithesis of the Tea Party: The Flee-party! The running Dems have been clearly and forever labelled Flee-baggers! and will no doubt wear the title proudly and often. The name is apt, as was the event – cognitively dissonant, intellectually blind, deaf and dumb, Both the actions and the name capture all that it means to be a liberal. The democrats are dead, long live the democrats!

  29. He he, we kept a pig for the freezer as a kid growing up, was I an anti-semite for naming it “Menachem Bacon” one year?
    Stupid people’s opinions make the airwaves, a lot.

  30. Dear all-wise media leftist bloviators: What should I do? I have a black and white cat whom I have named after one of my favourite distilled malt beverages. Does that make me a racist? Should the distillery over in Scotland be insulted? Should I turn myself in to the CHRC? Signed: Feeling Guilty and Anxious.

  31. Nice to see Claire Hoy again, haven’t seen or heard of him for years. Like myself he appears to be getting less tolerant of silly young women of the left, and a little more curmugeonly in his attitude.

  32. bryanr:
    I feel for you. I am in the process of watching by beloved wife dying slowly and painfully in front of me as a result of MS.
    I have spent numerous thousands of dollars in private clinics here in Canada, to obtain what she should have received from the public health care system that we have paid for.
    Next month I take her to California, for, with another $20K, we will discover whether there is any hope.
    I do not necesarily agree with your views, but I wish you the best in life.

  33. After reading the first post, which is by ‘bryanr’ I couldn’t help but think that the last time I was an hour south of Detroit, in Leamington Ontario, they all seemed pretty well informed about this country. As for not caring about the U.S.A. a certain illustration using an elephant and a mouse comes to mind. As they go (economics, polices, etc.) so we inevitably follow. As for the lefts media biases, I keep thinking Canadians are smart enough to see through, but there are days I have my doubts.

  34. i’m a mick messlef but i tell you..that sid ryan is a nasty little shit of a man…he’s a hooer plain and simple….and must be a proddy dog into the bargain….there’s NO other explanation for such ignorance…he’s a hooer to his membership.

  35. John, I believe that is “whore”.
    Good Lord, now naming farm animals is racist. Is that Sid on drugs or what? Hopefully we never gets to name his pet pig the number one male baby name in Britain.
    p.s. It ain’t Porky.

  36. I guess I was the only person who detected the Elitism in the UNION (Sid Ryan) words.. “They where not Teachers, most likely janitors” (low life) Yes the true mark of a Marxist.. Members are useful idiots…
    The young lady reminds me of someone that has gone through a drug rehab…Her mind has a predetermined narrow focus (Survival mode)…If you yelled BOO she would shit her pants…Thin skinned idiot

  37. First things…..
    Lefties generally are not religious in the usual fashion….although atheistic they are emotionally invested in their politics….they are lefties first and citizens a distant second if at all.
    Projection…part of their hard belief system is that anyone who does not share their world view is as emotionally invested as they are….and without limit will project their evil(in lefty eyes) policies without any legal or moral restraint.
    Simple disagreement with a lefty is regarded by them as an assault….justifying a violent response.
    Then add the dilusion that because the current POTUS happens to fit under the lable “black”, any criticism of lefty policy IS RACIST.
    This Britt airhead, if intelligent at all, is deliberately deceiving or is just plain stupid.
    The emotional investment I referred to justifies her making up stuff from the whole cloth….ie racism, misogynism, etc of the TEA party.
    Most likely she is just a stupid lefty…shouting slogans.

  38. “Obama created the Tea Party”?
    Who said that?
    Liberal Iggy’s says, he’s my Boy. Moi & Moi went to Harvard.
    Stay away from O, rednecks.

  39. really?…it’s not spelled “hooer’ ?
    …the things one learns here…
    xly pardner i was giving the whird an irish spin…

  40. Speaking of O’hooer.
    This is not satire. Note the date.
    “A source confided to us that it was the first time the US President used harsh tone in conversation with his cousin.”
    “Libya & Kenya: Mama Sarah Obama visit to Gadhafi Palace in Tripoli has caused jittery in the family
    Jaluo Blog ^ | June 3, 2010 | Leo Odera Omolo
    The controversial trip recently made to Tripoli, Libya by Mama Sarah Obama, the step grand mother of US President Barack Obama Jnr has caused jittery and big split within the Obama family in Alego Kogelo Nyang’oma backyard in Kenya.
    Mama Sarah Obama, the 88 year old step grand mother who sprung into fame immediately soon after the election victory of her step grand son Barack Obama jnr as the President of the United States of America, the most powerful nation on earth has visited other countries including Saudi Arabia and Rwanda.
    The Obama family in Kenya is currently embroiled in serious dispute about where the Kenya government should build the Kshs 100 million Barack Hussein Obama Cultural Center in Nyang’oma village.
    Mama Sarah Obama visited Tripoli last month in the company of her youngest son Saidi Obama, a main and other person and were lavishly entertained by President Gadhafi in his Tripoli Palace.
    The motive of the visit to Tripoli by Mama Sarah Obama remained unclear, but other unconfirmed reports says President Obama got the wind of the visit and appeared to have been embarrassed as he is said to have phoned his cousin Saidi Obama expressing his disappointment at what was going on around his Kenyan ancestral home backyard.
    A source confided to us that it was the first time the US President used harsh tone in conversation with his cousin. Mr. Saidi Obama, however, could not be reached for his immediate comments.
    Visitors at the Obama rural home in Alego Kogelo at the weekend were shown a huge album of containing a series of photographs of Mama Sarah Obama, her host Gadhafi and her entourage. It is believed some niceties had changed hands during the visit.”

  41. sasquatch, you nailed it. To a lefty, any lie, no matter how blatant is truth as long as it advances the Marxist cause.
    It does not matter how you spell hooer, the point remains.
